11x20 - Kakashi, My Eternal Rival!

Episode transcripts for the T.V. show, "Naruto: Shippuden". Aired: October 2009 to March 2017.*
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11x20 - Kakashi, My Eternal Rival!

Post by bunniefuu »

Kakashi⦠The Kazekage suggested that you be appointed a troop commander.

Why me?

You took part in the battle of Kannabi Bridge during the Third Great Ninja w*r.

There aren't many veterans left from that w*r in any village.

This is also a direct order from me.

Then I guess I can't refuse.

However, I have one request.

One man can't wage a w*r.

I need a shinobi as my right-hand man to assist me.

Is there someone that you trust implicitly?

That man is presently on a mission escorting Naruto.

That would be⦠Turtle, turtle!

This is⦠Guy's ninja tortoise that he only uses in an emergency!

At last!

It's calmed down!

Are you all right now?

Not to worry.

These waves are nothing.

He's been seasick during this whole journey.

And he's still acting tough.

Well, since we're all here⦠We'll be entering the seas off of the Land of Lightning after we make a final stop to replenish our supplies on this isolated island in the Land of Water.

So we've turned the last corner.

Complacency is our greatest enemy.

The enemy will seek any opportunity to attack.

But⦠Since we're this close, we can call for backup from the Allied Shinobi Forces if anything happens.

But those reinforcements could be transformed enemies.



Even if it's people we know well, like Lady Tsunade or Kakashi, we mustn't let our guard down.

N-No way!

If we jonin can't even distinguish their chakra, what good are we?

I've heard a rumor that there's a Transformation Jutsu that can copy and transform chakra.





My eternal rival, Kakashi!

Oh, knock on wood⦠knock on wood!

And⦠let me emphasize that Naruto must not learn the real purpose of this mission.

I'm talking to you, Guy.

I know!

This S-rank mission is just a cover!

We are here to protect Naruto.

Gotta hurry!



Hey, what're you all doing together this late at night?


Well, I'm getting a massage.

A massage?

We totally weren't leaving you out of a secretâ!

Hey, you wouldn't be⦠hiding something delicious from me?


Are you?

Are you?


If we had something delicious, we'd let you know.

Good night.

We were just discussing the remaining schedule.

Guy, please take care of the rest.


You can count on me to stand watch!

Something funny is going on here.

Kakashi, My Eternal Rival!

I can keep watch by myself.

Why don't you get some sleep?

I've had nothing to do except sleep during the day.

So I can't fall asleep now.

I wonder what everyone in the village is up to?

I haven't seen Kakashi Sensei in quite a while.

Kakashi, huh.

People call him Might Guy's eternal rival!

This is a good opportunity to tell you about our younger days.

You don't really have to⦠Our rivalry began right around the time we first became genin.

You don't really have to tell me.

Move, you're in my light.

People call me Might Guy, the Leaf's Blue Beast!

Aren't you one of the super elite?

You're the White Fang of the Leaf, Sakumo's son, right?

What about it?

I have a bad habit.

Whenever I see a guy with innate talent, I get the urge to challenge him!


How about we lay our youth on the line for a hot-blooded battle?

I don't like doing things I don't have to do.

You were born an elite, whereas I am elite through sheer effort!

I think we could have an amazing rivalry.

Your humor leaves me speechless.


What about my challenge?

I refuse!

That makes me even more determined!

I never back down once I make up my mind.

That's my own rule!

Let's fight!

Let's fight!

It's like an acorn.

Fight me, Kakashi!

I don't want to!

Fight me!

Kakashi finally succumbed to the intensity of my passionate, youthful determination and accepted my challenge.

I feel bad for Kakashi Sensei.

And that's how we forged our bond of rivalry.

Yeah, but I wonder about the kind of fights you had.

What are you saying?


We gave it our all with honest, serious battles.

Although I must admit, I'm hesitant to describe some of them.

Bow and arrow, sickle and chain, shuriken.

I beat you in all of them.


Not yet!

I challenge you to a sparring match!

If it's taijutsu, I won't lose to you!

It seems you have enough to brag about.

A prodigy indeed, with skills inherited from the White Fang of the Leaf!

He is so quick to run away!

Leaf Hurricane!

You're mine!

Maybe I overdid it a little!

A substitution ?


Have you had enough now?

From now on, just know your place.

Let go, you scum!


I'm not finished challenging you yet.

Don't run away.

I'm not scum.

I've beaten you in every challenge.

What did you have in mind next?

Here I go!

'Rock, paper, scissors!

'Rock, paper, scissors!









I won't say anything about challenges like that one.

I think I'll go to sleep, after all.

Hey, the good part is just beginning.

Man⦠I'm starting to get sleepy too.




Did someone just call my name?

Over here!

Over here!

Oh, it's you, Kakashi!


Why are you out on the water?


It's not a dream.

They can disguise themselves as someone we know very well, like Kakashi, and even copy his chakra with a Transformation Jutsu.

Could this be the Transformation Jutsu that Yamato spoke of?

I won't be fooled.

I cannot allow the enemy to get near Naruto.

What nerve to disguise himself as my eternal rival!

I'll strip his fake hide with my very own hands!

Yeah, be right there.

Hey, how are things?

What happened?

So, that's his line.

He's making it sound like we sent a signal for help.

But I won't be fooled so easily.

What do you mean, "What happened?

" Well, you sent an SOS, didn't you?

What a fool.

Telling such a bold-faced lie.

But attacking him out of the blue is too childish.

I'll wait until I have irrefutable proof that he's a fake.

But how can I�

Is there anything between Kakashi and me that an enemy couldn't possibly know?

I know!


There's that!

Oh, by the way⦠How do we stand on our rivalry battle?

What's our win-loss record?


This isn't the time to discuss that.

I knew it!

He may look identical, but he couldn't have delved that deeply into our private affairs.

I see, so you don't know.

Well sure, I remember but⦠What?

You know?

Of course.

I'm winning, 51-50.



He finally gave himself away!

But never mind that.

What was the reason for the SOS?

There's danger right before my eyes.

Severe Leaf Hurricanes!

What's the big idea?

As expected.

You didn't just take on Kakashi's appearance, but his speed too!


You can't escape my taijutsu, no matter how much you run.

You didn't call me just to continue our rivalry, did you?

You're a fine imitation.

If you're real, then copy my taijutsu!

Just like "Copy Ninja" Kakashi would!

Are you really Guy?

What did you say?

The real Guy knows that my Sharingan can't copy everything!

Just like an imposter to accuse me of being the fake!

What's all the commotion?

It's Guy!

I thought I didn't see him around.

That doesn't sound like something trivial.

Let's go!


What can I say to make you believe me?

Are you going to keep denying it?


Oh, you're just in time!

Well, if it isn't Kakashi!

Hey, how've you been?

Hey, don't let him fool you so easily!

He's a fake posing as Kakashi!


No matter how you look at it, he seems like the real Kakashi.


You're Kakashi, right?


But he won't let me off the hook.

Don't be fooled, Yamato!

It's just as you said.

He even transformed his chakra exactly into Kakashi's!

And I have lots of proof!

Now, the three of us should⦠Hey, you guys!

Did you ever consider that you might be trapped in the enemy's genjutsu?

Or maybe, you're still not feeling well from being seasick for days on end.


He's not normal, is he?

So you'd rather side with the impostor than listen to me?

I see!

I get it!

You're all fakes!

He really is acting strange.

I'll use my Wood Style to hold down his movements.

As if I'd let you!

Eight Inner Gates!

Sixth Gate of Joy, open!

This is bad!

He's serious!

Dive into the sea as deep as you can!


Just what proof do you have that I'm an impostor?

I'll tell you!

It has to do with our battles as eternal rivals!

There is no way you would get the win-loss record of our battles wrong!

It's 51-50 in my favor, there's no mistake.

Or maybe, you're just bitter that I took the lead after our last match.


So you were watching that battle from somewhere?


How should I put it, I'm the real one.

You fake!

That match tied us!

You and I are 50-50!


No, you're wrong.

There was the sushi-eating contest after that.

Where I won right?

I can't eat another bite.

I forgot about that!


You must've been watching that from afar too!

Will you cut it out?

You almost k*lled us!

Then do you want me to reveal your secret, the one that only I would know?

That's interesting.

If you know of such a secret, I'd like to know too!


Guy has such a fine physique, but it's the size of an acorn?

That small?

Maybe we should call him the "Little Beast.

" It's not like that anymore!

That was back when I was a kid!

Kakashi, I really thought the enemy had infiltrated us.

What are you doing here anyway?

I already told you!

You sent your Ninja Tortoise SOS to us.

So I rushed on over.

So back then, when something whizzed past us⦠Guy was sending his Ninja Tortoise out?

That time?




Help me.



Hey, didn't something just fly past us?

Yeah, something did.

I'm sorry.

So you caused this, Guy.

How are things back at the village?

He just changed the subject.

Well, things have gotten a bit complicated.

I'll contact you again once it's all decided.

Oh, okay.

By the way, are you going see Naruto before you go?

No, he has you with him.

Oh, you're right.


If anything should happen to me, you'll rush over right?

Damn right, I will.

Don't you worry about that.

I thought I heard Kakashi Sensei's voice.


Hey, are you excluding me again?

You are hiding something delicious, after all.


Then why're you three huddled together suspiciously?

We're observing the heavens!

We're observing acorns⦠Stars sure are small!


Why are the Stone and the Mist fighting here?

That's what I want to ask!

They just att*cked us out of the blue!

Move it, Leaf!

If you're going to interfere, I'll k*ll you too!

Please stop, Ganryu!

This violates Lady Mizukage's will.

Per my orders⦠I'll have to make you stop!

Next time on Naruto Shippuden: "Naruto's Vow" If there's something I can do⦠Tune in again!
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