11x16 - Ah, My Hero Lady Tsunade!

Episode transcripts for the T.V. show, "Naruto: Shippuden". Aired: October 2009 to March 2017.*
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11x16 - Ah, My Hero Lady Tsunade!

Post by bunniefuu »

Here I come, Lee!

I'm ready!

Primary Lotus!

How's that?

It's heavier than what you can handle, right?



Come up, Lee!

That was nothing!


I used to dream about this when I was a little girl.

Her name is Lady Tsunade.

They say she's really strong!


That's Lady Tsunade, the legendary kunoichi!

I've decided!

I'm going to become Lady Tsunade!

From today, you are all genin.

I want to take this time to hear your goals.

I don't want to answer that.


I want to prove that even without mastering ninjutsu or genjutsu, one can become a great ninja!

That is what I live for!


What's so funny?


Listen, if you can't use ninjutsu or genjutsu, you can't be a ninja.


Are you stupid?


That's not necessarily true, if one has the passion.

If you spend your youth with a good rival, sparring together and honing your skills, there's no doubt you will become a fine ninja.

But you will need determination.


And you?

Oh, I want to become the legendary kunoichi, Lady Tsunade!

Ah, My Hero Lady Tsunade Youth!




LadyTsunade, huh.

Her taijutsu was simply amazing.

She has monster-like strength.

There are rumors that she almost k*lled her teammate Master Jiraiya, who along with her was one of the Legendary Sannin.

What must I do to become that strong?

Sheer determination!












'Eleven hundred and⦠'1125, 1126!

Okay, Lee!


I'm trying my best, but I'm not getting any stronger.

How long will it take to get to Lady Tsunade's level?

Lady Tsunade inherited the talents of the First Hokage.

So are you saying talent is more important than determination?

Oh no!

What I'm trying to say is that each shinobi is suited to different things.

No one can say whether you will develop superhuman strength or not, Tenten.

Stop right there!

Lady Tsunade has more than just monster strength, right?


She is a specialist in Medical Ninjutsu.

They say that there isn't an illness or injury that Lady Tsunade can't heal.

Please teach me Medical Ninjutsu!

Well, what I teach is a little different from Medical Ninjutsu.

How do you do it?

Please teach me too!

Yes, well⦠It's energy and guts!

Oh, that again.

Still, I think you have passion in wanting to learn Medical Ninjutsu!

That's the right spirit!

I will speak to the Medical Corps for you.


That ends the lecture on high-level Medical Ninjutsu.

We will now begin hands-on training.

All right.

As its name suggests, Medical Ninjutsu is ninjutsu used in healing by controlling chakra.

You use your own chakra to stimulate the chakra network of your patient⦠and revitalize the cells.

I think perhaps⦠I was told I wasn't suited for it!

Well, don't let it bother you.

There are many fine kunoichi who cannot perform Medical Ninjutsu.

But I want to become like the legendary Lady Tsunade.

Isn't there any other skill that makes Lady Tsunade legendary?

There is the Summoning Jutsu.

She can summon a giant slug.

That's why she was also called the Slug Princess.

The Summoning Jutsu?

Yes, that's right.

How do you do Summoning Jutsu?

Well, it's a type of Transportation Technique.

But first we have to see if you have the skill to use it.

All right, ready?

Try it.

Something appeared!


It seems you have the ability to do the Transportation Technique.

Now, you need to enter into a contract with the one you will summon.

Summoning Jutsu!

Guy, are these your students?

It spoke!

A ninja tortoise?

Way to go, Guy Sensei!


You don't have a slug?

Isn't a tortoise better than a slug?

What did you say, little girl?

Do you have something against me?

Well, you're just not legendary, I guess.

Such insolence!

Well, I refuse to enter into a contract with you!

Tenten, don't be so selfish!

It's not easy to find a partner for a summoning contract!


Is that so?

Anyway, keep training!


Is there anything else that Lady Tsunade is legendary for?

Well, her love of sake and gambling is legendary.

KURAKU SAKE However, you can't emulate that.

I mean, you're just a little girl.

It's impossible.


The drinking age is twenty.


Let me go!


I'm going to become just like the legendary kunoichi, Lady Tsunade!

Did you say Lady Tsunade?

Then come back when you're much bigger!

Lady Tsunade's big chest is legendary!

Legendaryâ¦big chest.

Today is the day!

I'm going to beat you, Neji!

What's the matter?

Something troubling your youthful heart?

Lee, you never learn, do you?

You can't beat him!

Neji's not like you.

He's a genius.


Come up!

You never give up, right?



Stop, Lee!

He's being controlled by the enemy!

Neji, find the user of the jutsu.

I'll stop Lee!

If you cannot use ninjutsu or genjutsu, you'll definitely be susceptible to an enemy's jutsu.

It makes me uneasy to be on the same team with someone like that.

No matter how hard I try, I keep thinking, "What if I don't get any stronger?

" It scares me so much that I can't take it!

If you don't have faith in yourself, it's not worth the effort!

"Even if I can't do ninjutsu or genjutsu," "I want to prove that I can become a fine shinobi.

" Isn't that your Ninja Way?

I think that's a wonderful goal!

If you intend to take on ninjutsu and genjutsu with only your taijutsu, you must perfect your taijutsu so that it can be superior to them.

I am going to have you open up to number five, the Gate of Closing, of the Eight Inner Gates.

The Eight Inner Gates.

Is that the Forbidden Jutsu that eats away at the body of the user?

I am prepared for this.

Please teach me the Forbidden Jutsu!

This is all for my dream!


Those are the rules!

It was decided that if I lose, I would walk around the village on my hands 500 times with you on top.

Oh boy.

Please don't get me involved with your silly made-up rules.

By the way, if you didn't win, my punishment for failing to train you properly was to hoist Neji up on top and do 800 laps!

It's amazing!

Even if you had a handicap, you made Guy Sensei lose!

I just did what I could.

Tenten, you are a Ninja Tool specialist.

I'll say!

Only Tenten can battle like that.

Ninja Tools?

I'm a Ninja Tool specialist!

Me⦠A Ninja Tool specialist?

Yeah right.

Next, please examine my student Lee!

This way, Lady Tsunade!

On that day, I saw the person I had admired ever since I was little for the first time.

And that person⦠Forget about being a shinobi.

Her words to Lee were like a death sentence to him.


No, no, absolutely not!

Something like this cannot happen!

Then does this mean that determination means nothing?

Does it mean that if you don't have talent⦠Tenten!

Don't take Lee's resolve lightly.

Nor your own resolve and passion up to now, and beyond.

The odds that the surgery will be successful are 50% at best.

If it fails, you will die.

But Lee, you underwent the surgery.

And immediately afterwards, you went to save our friend.

Guy Sensei!



Lee, my boy!

You've recovered!

You've bounced right back!



Guy Sensei, thank you so much!

Thank you!




You never give up, no matter what!

And because you always go for it, I tell myself not to lose to you and I'm able to give it my all too.

Don't give up, Lee!

Don't lose to something like this!




I was at my absolute limit.

So did it work?

No, it was no different from before.

In order to move up a level in the Eight Inner Gates, I need even more rigorous training.

I sure could use Guy Sensei's guidance right now, but that's impossible right now.

If you're okay with me, I'm happy to⦠'Oneâ¦twoâ¦threeâ¦four!

'help anytime.

'What are you doing?


Oh, don't mind me.

This is my own rule.

When intensive training doesn't work, I make myself do 10,000 push-ups.

'How long will that take?

'17â¦18â¦19⦠Just ignore me.

T-Tenten⦠Heavy, so heavy!


You're making it sound like I'm heavy!

You should say, "The metal doll you brought out is heavy, so heavy.

" Say it.

You're so rude.

I no longer wish to be like Lady Tsunade anymore.

But I haven't given up my dream to become a legendary kunoichi.

I was just taking a walk to see how things were going in the village.

Your argument reminds me of Naruto and Sakura.

Sakura's hit me like that before too.


Well, they're more like comrades than friends.

You're asking me what the difference between a comrade and friend is?

Next time on Naruto Shippuden: "Sai's Day Off" That's a difficult question.

Tune in again!
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