10x01 - The Sixth Hokage Danzo

Episode transcripts for the T.V. show, "Naruto: Shippuden". Aired: October 2009 to March 2017.*
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10x01 - The Sixth Hokage Danzo

Post by bunniefuu »

There's no mistake.

It's a hideout that Orochimaru once used.

Leave it to Kabuto to take advantage of an old nest.

Hold it.

They're on our side.

Captain Mitarashi I'm here to relay an order from the village.

Sai is to return home and you are to continue tracking Kabuto.

We are here to assist you.

Yamato rushed back in the midst of a mission.

Did something happen?
The Akatsuki att*cked the Hidden Leaf Village.

The town has been destroyed, scores of citizens have been injured and Lady Tsunade is in a coma.

As a result, Lord Danzo has taken over as the Sixth Hokage.

I can't believe such a thing could happen so suddenly.

I will give you a more detailed account later, Captain.

Sai Sai and I spent a lot of time working together on this mission.

But he remained aloof up until the end.

Lord Danzo is the Hokage?
The essence of a ninja is to operate behind the scenes.

However, there are times when a man who works in the shadows must step out into the open.

For me, that time is now.

I hope I have your continued loyalty.

The Sixth Hokage Danzo What'll I do?
Well, the Hidden Leaf Village has tons of pretty women.

And what if all those women declared their love for me?
I was wondering what I'd do.

Oh yes, I see.

Well, why don't you go out with them?
With as many as you can get your hands on!
Butwhen the time comes to leave the Hidden Leaf and they say they can't bear to part with me, what'll I do?
I'd be so scared if they suggest something like a lover's su1c1de.

So are you happy or scared?
What are you trying to say?
We haven't even reached the Hidden Leaf Village yet.

Don't get so carried away!
It's creepy!
But maybe some handsome guy with a super-good looking face might come on to you too.

Why can't you just say handsome guy?
Although a rich, tall, famous ninja in addition to being super-handsome wouldn't be farfetched.

No, you're letting your imagination run wild.

No way that would happen!
Absolutely no way!
I didn't ask for your opinion!
What would we do if that stone hits a boulder and it crumbles and the falling rocks hit another bigger boulder that causes an even bigger rockslide that falls right over the Hidden Leaf Village and destroys it?
Who's over-imagining things now?
N-No way It can't be!
I didn't mean to do this!
I mean, how could a rock that size K-Karui, what have you done?
There's no way.

Anyway, let's look for someone.

Who are you three?
I'm Samui from the Hidden Cloud.

I am a messenger for the Raikage, the leader of the Hidden Cloud.

Lord Raikage?
Please pardon our run-in earlier.

We're all on edge lately.

There weren't any guards from the Leaf around and finding the village in such a state We were shocked and wondered what had happened.

- It was the work of the Akatsuki.

- Here's your stone - Precautionary measures - that destroyed the village.

are being taken immediately and security will be tightened.

- We would like an audience - That's got nothing to do with it!
with your Hokage.

I am here to deliver a letter from the Raikage to Lady Hokage.

Actually Is something the matter?
Don't tell me this lump on my head Enough!
Talk about bad timing.

A sealed tube never contains any good news.

It's a letter calling for an emergency Five Kage Summit Conference.

You see?
A Five Kage Summit Conference?
Lady Hokage is in a coma?
I am her aide, so I will accept the letter on her behalf.

If it's uncertain when she will regain consciousness, the interim Hokage will do.

Someone must read the letter and give me a reply!
The Raikage cannot wait.

But That woman is no longer the Hokage.

I am the new Sixth Hokage.

I will look at the letter.

Don't tell me that Danzo has What is it?
Doesn't Lord Raikage want a reply?
OFFICIAL TO THE HOKAGE FROM THE RAIKAGE Sasuke So it has come to this.

And your reply?
What's wrong, Kiba?
Now stay calm and listen!
Lady Tsunade has been relieved as the Hokage!
- What?
It seems someone named Danzo is the Sixth Hokage!
I don't know too much, but apparently he's been active behind the scenes!
Danzo is I have a bad feeling about this.

And that's not the only shocking thing!
The Sixth Hokage declared Sasuke as a Rogue Ninja, and has given the approval to hunt him down!
What the hell's going on?
Even I don't understand.

They couldn't wait until Lady Tsunade recovered.

It makes sense in a way.

Kakashi Sensei Sasuke is indeed a Rogue Ninja.

Normally, he would have been eliminated long ago.

It's only because of Lady Tsunade that he's been allowed to live.

I'm going to see this Danzo!
Wait, Sakura!
Storming into his office will solve nothing.

Lady Tsunade isn't even conscious yet!
How could they do this to her?
And what about Sasuke?
You can't expect me to keep quiet!
I'm coming with you.

Calm down, you two.

At a time like this, staying calm is crucial or things won't work out.

How can I stay calm?
I won't let them lay a hand on Sasuke!
I said wait!
Danzo has already figured out that this is how you'll react.

So you'll go see him, then what?
I won't do anything violent!
I just want to talk to him and ask him to change his mind about Sasuke!
I hardly think that he'll go along with whatever you have to say.

Danzo has been appointed by the Feudal Lord.

While he has yet to win a vote of confidence from the jonin, he is the Hokage.

If you make a wrong move, you'll be thrown into jail.

That's fine with me!
I'm going!
Me too!
H-Hey guys Naruto, you possess the Nine-Tails.

What about it?
Danzo would like nothing better than to confine you in this village.

Do you want to be locked up in jail?
That's exactly what he wants.

Then you won't be able to look for Sasuke.

Don't make a scene right now.

You wanted to see me?
Keep an eye on Naruto.

If you notice anything amiss, inform me immediately.

Yes sir.

Umm May I ask you a question?
What is it?
What do you plan to do with Naruto?
Do not worry.

Naruto is the village hero right now.

Everyone trusts him.

Even more than they trust me, the Sixth Hokage.

If I do anything to Naruto now, it will affect my appearance as the Hokage.

This is a crucial time, right before the vote of confidence.

Still, Naruto is a Jinchuriki.

As the Hokage, I must keep the Jinchuriki under surveillance.

I cannot be lax like Tsunade was.

I understand.

You're excused.

Should I be relieved?
We were just looking for you!
We need to talk to you.

Tell us what you know about Danzo.

That's impossible.

Don't tell me you're working for him again!
No It's nothing like that.

It's not possible for me to say a word about Lord Danzo.

Due to this.

What the hell is that?
Is it a Curse Mark?
Yes, it's a Curse Mark placed by Lord Danzo.

If I start to talk about Lord Danzo, my entire body will become numb and I won't be able to move or talk.

This is true of all who belong to the Foundation.

He's a cautious man.

Lord Danzo and the Foundation engage in espionage.

They've done a lot of dirty work behind the scenes in order to protect the village.

This cannot be revealed.

So even if one is captured, not a word will be uttered.

But what a thing to do Putting a Curse Mark on one's own subordinate?
I can't accept that.

It's what has protected Hidden Leaf Village from the bottom up.

Their methods may have been unscrupulous, but their love for the village is no different from yours.

Then why did he overturn Lady Tsunade's decision about Sasuke?
Isn't he planning to dispatch Tracking Ninja to go after Sasuke?
I-Is that so?
I haven't heard anything regarding Sasuke- You can tell us all about this Sasuke fellow!
You seem to be his friends!
Shadow Clone Jutsu.

Don't k*ll him!
I know that!
Are you all right, Sakura?
Judging from their headbands, they're ninja from the Hidden Cloud.

Why would they come here?
What the hell do you guys want?
You were just talking about Sasuke!
Tell us what you were saying!
It's got nothing to do with you Cloud Ninja!
It's got everything to do with us!
Sasuke Uchiha of the Hidden Leaf att*cked our village!
Your Rogue Ninja abducted our master!
We don't even know if our master is dead or alive, you idiots!
Th-That's a lie!
Why would Sasuke do such a thing?
Like we'd know what the Akatsuki's motives are!
The Akatsuki?
What do you mean?
Don't kid around!
Sasuke is a member of the Akatsuki!
You guys let your Rogue Ninja roam free, so Lord Raikage ordered us to come here.

And we've gotten your Hokage's permission to get rid of the Uchiha!
Sasuke abducted their master?
We'll get our revenge!
The Uchiha is ours!
Sasuke What'shappened to you?
Hey, Sasuke.

I suddenly sensed his chakra.

What's going on?
Aw man Bad timing.

How did you know where to find me?
Don't underestimate me.

I have considerable powers.

So what do you want with me now?
Taka left the Akatsuki.

We're done with you.

As it stands, you reneged on your promise to me.

What are you talking about?
I'm talking about hunting the Tailed Beast.

We already caught the Eight-Tails and delivered it to you.

That was just a substitution.

In other words, you guys failed.

The Eight-Tails pulled a fast one on you.

I saw it all with my Sharingan.

There's no way he had an opportunity to make a clone.

The only part of his body that I cut off!
Frankly, I'm disappointed in you all.

So what're you going to do?
It's none of our business now.


You will finish whatever work you started as members of the Akatsuki.

Having said that, you can forget about the Eight-Tails.

I've decided to give you a different task.

And if I refuse?
We'll fight it out right here.

And you won't be able to go to Hidden Leaf Village.

We'll force our way through!
It's a little too late to go to the Hidden Leaf.

I went right through him.

Just like before.

Is this his power?
Your purpose is fruitless.

Too bad.

What do you mean?
The Village Hidden in the Leaves is no more.

What are you saying?
I'll explain it to you.

Who is he?

He's my partner.

So, who is the new Hokage?
Someone named Danzo.

It's pretty much what we expected.

Danzois the Hokage?
Yes, one of the high-ranking elders of the Hidden Leaf who drove your elder brother into a corner.

He is the new Hokage.

What the hell happened in the Hidden Leaf Village?
My subordinate, Pain, destroyed the Hidden Leaf.

And because both you and Pain were a bit too overbearing, it seems the five Kage are going to take action.

The five Kage?
There will be a Five Kage Summit Conference.

I'll explain from here.

You will tell us everything you know about Sasuke.

Of course, his ninjutsu style and powers, but also any data you have gathered about the Akatsuki and Sasuke's partners, as well as their past actions.

No way!
It's a lie!
Sasuke wouldn't join the Akatsuki!
Are you sure about this?
The Uchiha family crest was verified!
And his facial composite matched the list.

That's That's not poss Why are you crying?
We're the ones who want to cry!
Your tears won't bring back Lord k*ller Bee or Lady Yugito!
If you have time to cry, then start talking about Sasuke!
Wait, guys.

When the authorization to terminate Sasuke was given, all Hidden Leaf data relating to him should have been passed on to you.

It's not necessary to press these two any further.

Oh, you're right!
Our captain is now waiting for it.

We were just trying to get whatever other information was available!
You can't expect us to stay still!
We don't even know how our master's doing!
I will avenge Pervy Sage!
I can't just sit around doing nothing!
You're not involved in this, so you wouldn't understand how we feel!
Is your master a Jinchuriki?
How did you know?
I'm a Jinchuriki too.

The Akatsuki is after the Jinchuriki.

So actually, I am involved.

The Akatsuki will always capture a Jinchuriki alive.

That means your master may not be dead.

Are you serious?
Never mind Sasuke.

You need to save your master first.

Are you really sure about this?
Really, really sure?
Didn't I tell you?
Our master wouldn't die so easily!
I'll help you rescue your master, and I'll give you whatever information we have on the Akatsuki.

Hey blondie, you're quick to understand!
Come with us and tell us about Sasuke!
Naruto Leave it to me, Sakura.

What's your name?
Naruto Uzumaki.

I can't do it.

I can't sell Sasuke out.

Quit playing around!
You can't take it back now, after all that's been done.

I know I'm being selfish.

But at this rate, the vicious cycle of an eye for an eye will start all over again!
Your Sasuke is the one who started it all!
So where do you suggest we take our hatred?
Next time on Naruto Shippuden: "Five Kage Summit's Eve" Naruto, why go this far for him?
Tune in again!
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