03x32 - For a Friend

Episode transcripts for the T.V. show, "Naruto". Aired: October 3, 2002 - February 8, 2007.*
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Anime series follows the adventures of Naruto Uzumaki, a young ninja of the Hidden Leaf Village, searching for recognitions and wishing to become the ninja by the rest of the village.
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03x32 - For a Friend

Post by bunniefuu »

Hey boys, listen up!

Humans aren't such a big deal

Who needs tomorrow anyway,

so don't hide your fists

You're not old enough

to sell your dreams away to uncertainty

Hey boys, you're the only ones

who can pull the trigger in your heart

All the kids said

We're living in this senseless, ridiculous,

awesome world right at this moment,

All the kids said

Don't forget every truth or lie

All the kids said

We're way too young to die

In this empty town lined with empty faces

All the kids took off

into this windless night

Because they want to change something

For a Friend!

What did you say?!

You mean to say that only rookies
went after Sasuke?!

It really couldn't be helped...

the situation in
the Village being how it is...

And anyway...

I've taken the minimally
required measures.

Hey, hey!

Your mission has already
been assigned!

Uh, I'm gonna go do an errand
and will be back shortly...

Don't worry.


Kakashi Sensei!

Kakashi Sensei!

It's already been two days
since Sasuke left the village...

And Naruto and the others who went in
pursuit haven't come back either.

And neither has Lee...

I know. I've more or less
heard the whole story.

I... believe in Naruto!

I believe him, but if something were
to happen to Naruto and Sasuke...

Sakura, you don't need to
worry about anything.

Leave this to me.

Summoning Jutsu!

First of all, I want you guys to
fan out in all directions

in pursuit of Naruto
and Sasuke's scent.

Naruto and Sasuke you said?

Did something happen
to the two of them?

I'll explain later...
Right now, time is of essence.


As soon as you confirm that
you've detected the scent,

call me and I'll be there immediately.

All right! Scatter!

Well, I guess since she saw them
fight before her very eyes...

it's useless to tell her
not to worry.



I can't stop...

Sasuke... Stop with revenge.


Even if you were successful
in carrying out your revenge,

all that will come out of it
is a sense of emptiness.

Shut up!

What do you know?!

Don't say that so knowingly!

Well...calm down.

Neither you nor I could
call ourselves lucky.

Of that much I'm certain.

But it could be worse.

Both you and I have found
precious comrades, right?

We understand that all the more
because we've lost them once.

I taught you Chidori

because you now have
precious people.

That power isn't something to be used
against your comrades or for revenge.

You know what that power
should be used for.

I'm gonna win no matter what!

Don't get so carried away!

I was too naïve...

Watching them, they might actually
be intent on k*lling each other...

Kakashi Sensei...

Please let me get there
in time!

I already said this earlier but...

In truth, you were waiting
for this too, weren't you?

Neither Kakashi nor Sakura
are present right now.

So there's nobody here to stop us
like that time before.


This time around we're gonna
settle this for real!

I will take you down!


You idiot...

Same here!
I'm gonna clobber you...

and take you back home even
if I have to drag you!

Shadow Clone Jutsu!


It wasn't meaningless...

To me, you became
my closest friend.

Sasuke actually came out
and said that...to me...

And that's exactly the reason why
I wanted to verify it using this Rasengan.


Damn you!


He was able to counter

my full power of Chidori
to that extent...

That jutsu...


Naruto, to what extent...!

That loser...


Well, your limit is two blows...
that's about it.

And if I try to use more than that...

what will happen?

The third blow won't initiate.

Remember that well.

If you try to initiate
the Jutsu forcibly...

not only will the Art not
initiate properly,

but your Chakra will become zero...

In the worst case scenario
it will cost you your life!

Damn... I can't waste a blow...

It wouldn't serve any purpose
if we cancel each other like earlier.

There's...no longer
any mistake about this.

You...really intended...

You really intended to...


I will use numerous speedy techniques
and Jutsu to create an opening.

And then...I will make
a hit with Chidori.


Did you know, Naruto...

Top class Ninja should be
able to read each other's hearts

simply by an exchange of fists.

Even without saying anything...

You're naïve, Naruto.

How about it?

Were you really able
to read inside...

this heart of mine?

Fire Style.
Phoenix Flower Jutsu!

Sasuke... I knew that you
were always alone.

At first, I was relieved
when I found out

that there was
a guy similar to myself.

And it also made me happy...

To tell the truth, I really wanted
to approach you right away.

But...I wasn't able to approach you...

- Awesome...
- You're incredible...

You were always able
to do everything.

And moreover, you were always
being praised by everyone.

Because you and I
were so different...

Because I didn't want to admit it,
I decided to call you my rival.

I didn't want to lose to you...

and I felt that even more strongly...

because I was called a loser.

Even when we were
in the Squad Seven,

I continued to feel
the same way the whole time.

I'm stubborn...

And wasn't able to express
what I really felt...

What I really wanted was
to become like you.

You were what I aspired to...so...

You are one of the ones
I want to fight.

I was really happy when
you said that!

Those were your first words...
acknowledging me...

You and I both knew,

without us even having to
have an exchange of fists!

From that time on...

Even without saying anything...

The fact that...

we are friends!

It's not without meaning...

To me you're...

my closest friend.

However...you're trying to
take me down for real.

Right now, I don't really know

whether you really meant
what you said earlier or not.

Thinking that we were friends...

That might have been...

That might have been just me...

It's too late now!


If that's the case...I'm...

really lame, am I not...



It can't be helped, can it?

I don't know why but...

I don't know why...

But I...


don't want you...

you to be taken away
by someone like Orochimaru!

You managed to divert it
with your left hand,

but it was meaningless.

You won't be able to use
any hand sign

or that Jutsu earlier anymore.

This is the end!


that red Chakra...?

Where does he get that
kind of power from?!

W-What the heck...is this?!

His shoulder injury is healing...

That's unbelievable!

Sasuke! I'm not gonna let
Orochimaru take you away!

I will stop you,

even if I have to break every bone
in your arms and legs!

When I recalled the parts one by one,

I felt as though
I had understood everything

Faded words which I kept so close to me

Speechless nights, a hint of warmth,

and this distant yearning for you

I live, simply repeating this cycle

Held in my two hands
A droplet of time

Softly clutching forgotten memories
Lost words

I'll keep these thoughts...

Don't you talk stupid like that!

I don't care what
you're thinking anymore!

I won't let you go to Orochimaru's
place no matter what!

I'm taking you back to the village
even if I have to drag you there!

Sasuke! You're my...
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