03x12 - Squad Mutiny: Everything Falls Apart!

Episode transcripts for the T.V. show, "Naruto". Aired: October 3, 2002 - February 8, 2007.*
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Anime series follows the adventures of Naruto Uzumaki, a young ninja of the Hidden Leaf Village, searching for recognitions and wishing to become the ninja by the rest of the village.
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03x12 - Squad Mutiny: Everything Falls Apart!

Post by bunniefuu »

Connecting old words
that have been used up

I just want to convey
my simple thoughts

That day's faint wind blows away

at the castle ruins of yesterday

I'll laugh with you
and live for the moment

Still that incident
will continue to trouble you, right?

That's why it must be good bye

Leaving nothing behind,
let us share what is left

In time, we'll realize
that it was everything

And sadness will touch our cheeks,
creating a river of tears

Trembling thoughts swept into a vortex
and melting away



All right! All right!
I'll drag Sasuke back without fail!

Naruto! Hate to tell you this,

but I'm gonna demonstrate
my new Jutsu right here!

Me, too!

Don't be so hasty.

As soon as preparations have been made
to implement my strategy...

we'll make direct contact
with the target!

It looks like they haven't
noticed us yet.

Huh? Sasuke isn't there.

It appears that...

he's inside that "coffin."

What's this?

I poked the bush for kicks

and out comes not even a snake,
but just two bugs.

Hey, wait a minute! Wait!

We didn't come here to fight.

We just came here to negotiate!

Huh, then...

What are they?!

There's no point
to that Smoke b*mb.

You can't run away from me.

It's string that's thinner and stronger
than wire that you can hardly see.

My string is placed all over this place.


Those two types of wires
on the trap were on purpose...

It was actually a triple trap.


Didn't think they had one
with such ability in the group...

You will be...!

What's going on...? My body...

Nice! Kiba, Shikamaru!

Shadow Possession Jutsu succeeded!

But... There is one with
ability like this, too.

Thanks for getting caught so nicely
in my strategy.

Darn... But...

I have this kind of ability, too.

Where did it come from?

Earth Style Barrier!

Earth Dome Prison!

Squad Mutiny. Everything Falls Apart!


Where is this?

Inside of that big guy's barrier.


These guys are mine.
I want to recover as much as possible.

Once you're done eating,
catch up with us,

we're going ahead.

Come quickly.

Let us out! You!

Be quiet, Naruto!

From the looks of it,
it just looks like a dirt wall...

It's their Jutsu,
there must be some kind of trap.

I don't know what it's made of,

but we're just going to
have to tear this wall down!

Even though
it's dangerous to be careless,

actually it's more dangerous
to remain silent here.

Tunneling Fang!

The wall is restoring itself...


I saw that.

Let us out!

It's not just a dirt wall, after all.


Th-This is...

What is it? What's happening?

This is bad.
Chakra's getting sucked up...

Darn... I didn't expect that
they would just keep us in the barrier,

but I didn't predict that
they would suck our Chakra either.

Man. How dare they!
Let us out of here already!

I've had a good amount of Chakra.
Thank you for the meal.

I feel like my body energy
is being sucked out.

It won't be good if
we stay like this here, Shikamaru.

It was careless to get caught

before we even figured out
our enemy's powers.

On top of all that...inside here.

Darn! I'm going to make an air hole
before all my Chakra is gone!


The Food Pills!

Human Mimicry Ninja Art!

And for me,
Beast Mimicry Ninja Art!

Fang Over Fang

All right! Good going, Kiba.

It's useless...

Darn! It starts to restore
the moment it's hit.

Same with the ground.

At this rate, we won't be able to
keep up for another ten minutes.

We'll lose all our Chakra
and be totally annihilated...

I can't use the Rasengan that
requires extremely difficult Chakra control

especially in a place like this
that sucks the Chakra out of us.


Hey, I want you to listen to me!
I want to talk to your leader.

We won't go after Sasuke anymore,
so let us out of here!


Shikamaru, what are you saying?

Pleading for your life,
how interesting...

But you guys are my prey,
I can't let you out.

Then... just let me out on my own.

This battle...

is such a pain.

You! Do you know
what you're saying?

Shut up, Kiba, be quiet...


A split in the group, huh?

Seems like you're the leader, but...

I didn't think you would be
the only one begging for your life!

You really see a human's true nature
when one is pushed to the edge of death.

You're such a low life creature,

you're not qualified to be responsible
for the lives of your platoon members.

I've saved the most
important thing for last...

To abandon Sasuke and
to even sell out on your own platoon...

Is that what it means
to be a Chunin of the Leaf?

Sasuke is a Shinobi of
the Village Hidden in the Leaves.

He is a comrade!

Therefore, I will put my life on the line
to help him!

That's the way of the Leaf Village.

Someone like you deserves to die...
I won't let you out.

Shikamaru! I believed in you,
but now I've lost confidence in you!

Let's take this outside!

Hey, we can't get out!
You fool!

That's why we're in this situation!

What do you mean by "fool"?

I'm just speaking the truth, fool!

Oh! You said "fool" again!

Everybody, be quiet for a second!


Now he's squatting down.
What is he thinking?

Hey! Why are you eating snacks
all of a sudden?!

Choji binge eats when he gets upset...

Geez, another useless guy.

It can't be helped!
In this case, Shadow Clone...!

Stop it.

The enemy's Chakra is placed
all over that wall.

Even if you are able to scratch it,
the wall will restore itself right away.

In other words, it's useless
unless we can attack it

with a Taijutsu that has enough power
to destroy this wall with one blow.

Somebody that has a Taijutsu
with greater destructive power than mine

would be Choji, but...

At this rate...

Darn, what do we do!

Neji... I'm sorry, but can you use
the rest of the Chakra you have

to observe the wall behind you
and the wall behind Choji?

I got it.

Shikamaru! You be quiet!


You still don't understand?!

Remember what Shikamaru said
when he gathered everyone!

Even I can't just sit back
and be a sluggard.

Because I'm responsible
for your lives.

Choji, don't raise your voice
too much from here.

Kiba, dent that wall
behind Neji and Choji again!


Huh! I don't fully understand
what's going on,

but I'll go wild one more time!

Tunneling Fang!

Huh! No matter how hard you try,
it's useless!

Huh, I see...

It's over there.


Mark that spot with the Kunai Knife.

Choji, are you ready?!

Okay! Any time!

All right, let's do this.

What's happening?!

Like I said earlier,
the wall's surface is planted with Chakra.

But even this tough wall could have
an area that have a thin layer of Chakra.

That is what Shikamaru speculated.

How... How did you get all of that?

Think about what happened earlier.

Because he noticed that
there were areas that restored quickly

and others that didn't so quickly

when Kiba and Akamaru att*cked
the wall surface.

In other words, he guessed that
those areas that didn't restore quickly

probably has a thin layer
of Chakra.

On top of all that,
by cleverly talking to the enemy,

he figured out the position
of the enemy outside of the wall.

He guessed that
the wall furthest from the enemy

probably had the thinnest point
of Chakra,

so that's what he wanted to confirm.

That's what it is, correct?

I see, in order to trick the enemy,
you must trick your friends first.

I didn't see that there was
such a plan behind that conversation.

Then, Choji realized the plan

and the reason why he was eating
was to replenish his Chakra.

These two...

They haven't been working together
as a team all these years for nothing.

I'm depending on you, Choji.


Expansion Jutsu!

All right, let's go!

Human Boulder!


Choji... You are awesome, after all!

Once in a long while, once in a while

The remnants of a person
broken by dreams

Look like a mountain

Clinging to the Divine,
clinging to Buddha

The remnants of a person crying

Look like a mountain

Rendezvous with a happy dance circle

This is my victory pose, round and around
(round around)

Shake shake shake
Let's look

With a bye bye rhythm that never ends

Look like a mountain

Look like a mountain

Look like a mountain

Look like a mountain

Huh? What are you saying
all of a sudden, Choji!

There's no way that's possible!

But, Choji is right.

If we keep lagging, we won't be able
to catch up with Sasuke.

But still...

Don't worry. I have an idea.

Choji, are you possibly thinking...

Do you have a plan or something?


Hey! Choji!

That's right!
I have that secret w*apon of mine!

I'm the one who will defeat that guy!
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