03x11 - Sound vs. Leaf

Episode transcripts for the T.V. show, "Naruto". Aired: October 3, 2002 - February 8, 2007.*
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Anime series follows the adventures of Naruto Uzumaki, a young ninja of the Hidden Leaf Village, searching for recognitions and wishing to become the ninja by the rest of the village.
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03x11 - Sound vs. Leaf

Post by bunniefuu »

Connecting old words
that have been used up

I just want to convey
my simple thoughts

That day's faint wind blows away

at the castle ruins of yesterday

I'll laugh with you
and live for the moment

Still that incident
will continue to trouble you, right?

That's why it must be good bye

Leaving nothing behind,
let us share what is left

In time, we'll realize
that it was everything

And sadness will touch our cheeks,
creating a river of tears

Trembling thoughts swept into a vortex
and melting away


It will be necessary for you
to die once...

Die once, you said?

Mind Awakening Pill.

You will take these.

Mind Awakening Pill...?
What is that?

Your Curse Mark level is
at the first state...

These pills will forcibly stimulate

the power of the Curse Marks
to the second state.

However, if you move up
to the second state,

the Curse Mark's erosion
will accelerate drastically

and if things are left that way
you will die immediately!


In order to control
the power of the second state,

it is necessary to allow one's body
to get accustomed to it

over the course of several hours.

In doing so, you will...

attain power that is
equal to ours, however...

Once awake, you can't possibly
last more than a few minutes...

and will certainly die!

Sound vs. Leaf

Die... and what will happen after that?

You don't need to worry.

That's why we're here.

We will use Barrier Ninjutsu
to suppress the side effects.

We will mitigate that phase

to ease you from eternal death
to a state of half death.

You really think I can put my faith
in your Barrier Ninjutsu or whatever?

Master Sasuke...

We normally function
as Lord Orochimaru's bodyguards!

We know our stuff when it comes
to Barrier or Defense Ninjutsu,

Curse Marks and Sealing Jutsu!

I absolutely cannot die yet!

I'm counting on you.


We're gonna lose him
if you guys are slow!

Get into position!


- Four Black Mists Formation!
- Four Black Mists Formation!

Black Seal!

All right. We're done for now.

Man, I'm exhausted.

I didn't think this mission
would drag on this long.

I'll go check out the situation.
Let's go, Raido!


Darn. This has sure gotten troublesome.

There's one...

No, two of them.

Here they come!

You guys are Orochimaru's...

Judging from the direction
you came from,

it appears that you are on your way back
from the Village Hidden in the Leaves...

What's in that barrel?

Having two Jonin as opponents...

That's a tough one.

Every one of them
got the Curse Marks...

You refuse to answer?

This will be different from that time before
with your surprise attack.

Shut up, you scum!

Just drop dead!

Orochimaru's toys...

Don't you dare monkey around
with Leaf Shinobi!

Those two are really late, aren't they?

What should we do, Shizune?

Let's go see!



What's the matter?

There's a smell of blood nearby.

Wh-What's this?!

Raido! Genma!

This isn't good!

I can't believe these two
could have been taken down...!

The best I can do right now is
give him some stop gap treatment...


I'm gonna hunt those guys down!



W-Wait... Iwashi.

Th-The Jutsu that those guys have
is no longer that of mere Shinobi...

If you pursue them alone,
you'll only die.

Genma... don't talk anymore!

The smell of the other two impinged
on the five others including Sasuke...

But the five are moving away
from the smell of the blood!

What should we do?!

Just as I thought.
He has guides.

This has really turned into
a real pain in the neck.

Let's hurry up and pursue Sasuke!

Shut up, Naruto!

That's for Shikamaru to decide!
Don't play the boss!


The fact that there was
the smell of blood probably means

that a battle occurred somewhere.

If we go to that location we should
be able to gather some information...

We must be attentive
as we near the location,

so we would have to switch over to

a reconnaissance pattern
and approach walking slowly...

While all that's going on

Sasuke will cross over
the Land of Fire border!

What are we gonna do, Shikamaru?!

All right! Let's pursue Sasuke!

All right! That's what I was waiting for!


The fact that there was a battle
means they'll have their guard up.

They'll certainly be aware

of the fact that there might
be Ninja on their tail.

In other words,

the odds are high that
there will be traps or an ambush.

Listen carefully...

Hereafter, I want you to use your visual
and acoustic senses to the fullest!

We need to locate those guys before
we get caught in an ambush!

And if we come across
anything suspicious,

don't just dodge them,
interpret them!

All right!

When we find them,

I'm gonna use my new Jutsu
to clobber them!

That Naruto...

Each time I see him
he's added a new Jutsu to his arsenal.

Darn! Just when I thought
I had caught up with him...

Hey! The enemy's smell is everywhere!

Everybody! Stop!

Take a careful look above you.

Paper Bombs...

And in five other places too!

The figuration is that of
a Perimeter Barrier.

Perimeter Barrier?

It's one type of Booby Trap Ninjutsu!

Perimeter-type traps have a time lag
and are activated

when one enters the area that
has been marked by the enemy.

It's advanced Jutsu...

It was in one of the books that
my father made me read.

Darn! Our only choice
is to make a detour...

Lee... Do what you have to do!


It's too soon to be doing that!

Lady Fifth Hokage!

I already know that
you're a foolhardy guy.

But you've just had an operation.

You don't need to be rushing
into things.

I want to hurry up and
do even a little training.

I also want to... I want to...

Building your strength isn't
the only form of training

Don't you agree?

It is said that Ninja are those

who can forebear and
endure any hardship.

I understand how you feel but...

That means that this too
is one kind of training.


What if you were to do something foolhardy
and you got worse?

Wh-What's that?

It's medicine that I prepared.

First, drink this and get better!


Come, let's go...

Yes, ma'am.

Damn! Nothing but traps!

Yeah, but the enemy seems
pressed for time.

The traps have noticeable flaws.

Hey, hey, Naruto!
There's wire at your feet!

Don't trip on it!

I know that already!

Wait, Naruto!

Shadow Possession Jutsu...

M-Made it just in the nick of time.

Naruto! I told you to be careful!

I see... One of the wires is
readily visible because it reflects light.

The other wire has been coated
with a matte green.

So it's very difficult to see
with the naked eye.

It's a double trap, huh.

Despite the fact that
they're in a hurry,

that's certainly an elaborate trap.

Which means that...

That they're at rest.

Perhaps they got injured,
or that itself could be a trap...



All right! All right!
I'll drag Sasuke back without fail!

Naruto! Hate to tell you this,

but I'm gonna demonstrate
my new Jutsu right here!

Me too!

Don't be so hasty.

As soon as preparations have been made
to implement my strategy...

we'll make direct contact
with the target!

Darn! When we're in a hurry,
having to take a darn break...

It can't be helped.

When one fights at the second state,
one's body gets drained drastically.

More than that,

it's an ordeal not to be able
to use one's body for a while...

It can't be helped with
two Jonin class guys as the opponents.

If we act in moderation,
we'll be done in.


In that event,

don't mess up the timing
of the Smoke Bombs.

Got it!

Now then...

we'll split up into two teams.

- Right!
- Okay!

It looks like they haven't noticed us yet.

Hey, Sasuke's not around.

It appears that...

He's inside that "coffin."

Is he dead?!

That barrel is secured with Barriers.
I can't see through it.

I wouldn't think that the guys
who wanted Sasuke

would k*ll him that easily.

You might be right about that.

Once in a long while, once in a while

The remnants of a person
broken by dreams

Look like a mountain

Clinging to the Divine,
clinging to Buddha

The remnants of a person crying

Look like a mountain

Rendezvous with a happy dance circle

This is my victory pose, round and around
(round around)

Shake shake shake
Let's look

With a bye bye rhythm that never ends

Look like a mountain

Look like a mountain

Look like a mountain

Look like a mountain

Gimme a break, Shikamaru!
You're not reliable in the least!

And you still call yourself
a leader?!

But this situation sure
is a problem.

Leave this kind of thing to me.
It'll be a cinch.

- I sure hope it will be.
- What do you mean by that?!

It's too much of a hassle to explain.

- Shut up, Akamaru!
- Shut up, Akamaru!

What was that?!
Give'em some more, Akamaru!

Well, if things come to this,
I'll use that special w*apon, Rasengan!
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