03x03 - The Race is on! Trouble on the High Seas!

Episode transcripts for the T.V. show, "Naruto". Aired: October 3, 2002 - February 8, 2007.*
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Anime series follows the adventures of Naruto Uzumaki, a young ninja of the Hidden Leaf Village, searching for recognitions and wishing to become the ninja by the rest of the village.
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03x03 - The Race is on! Trouble on the High Seas!

Post by bunniefuu »

We are Fighting Dreamers aiming high

Fighting Dreamers
don't care what people think about them

Fighting Dreamers
follow what they believe

Oli Oli Oli Oh! Just go my way

Right here right now (Bang)
Hit it straight like a line drive!

Right here right now (Burn)

Down a difficult road
filled with endless struggles

Where do you think you are going
following someone else's map?

An insightful crow comes along
to tear up the map

Now open your eyes and
take a look at the truth (Yeah!)

There's nothing to lose,
so let's GO!!!

We are Fighting Dreamers aiming high

Fighting Dreamers
don't care what people think about them

Fighting Dreamers
follow what they believe

Oli Oli Oli Oh!
Just go my way

Right here right now (Bang)
Hit it straight like a line drive!

Right here right now (Burn)
We're gonna do it and do our best!

Right here right now (Bang)
Hit it straight like a line drive!

Right here right now (Burn)
We're gonna do it and do our best! BANG!

What should we do, Aoi?

I'll go with Fukusuke.

You go after Idate.

- Right!
- Right!

Hey, Idate!
The ocean is that way!

Where are you going!
Come back!

Hah! There's no way
I'm going back!

Let's go


What does that kid think
he's doing?

Looks like he's run away.

Idate's been like that
from long ago.

You know him?

Yes, kind of...

The Race is On!
Trouble on the High Seas!

I knew he'd run away,
that bastard Idate.

Knowing him this long
you must've figured this would happen.

It was a mistake to let him run!

You idiots!
Idate isn't that kind of kid!

- Boss!
- Boss...

I believe in Idate.

He must have a plan.


Chief Retainer!

How do you think
you're going to settle this?

You've turned this grand traditional
festival into a mere farce...

And worse,
in the presence of the lord!

Sir, the race has just begun.
Please watch it until the end.

Since you insist that much,
you had better win.

If you lose...

I'll ask for the dissolution
of your family!

Agreed! I'm a man of my word.

If Idate loses,
you may do anything you wish.

How like Wasabi's Jirocho.
Such confidence.

Don't let us down.

I'm counting on you, Idate.


Give me your money!

Just be still!

A starving thief, huh...

Sh-Shut up!

A kid trying to act tough!

With that little thing,

you can't even peel an apple,
can you?!


Take this.

Edged tools aren't
for hurting people.

You don't have anywhere to go,
do you?

I'm Jirocho of Wasabi
of Degarashi Port.

Wasabi... Jirocho?

How about it?
Why don't you come to my place?

I-I just tried to...

Anyone on the verge of starvation
will make such mistakes...

I don't hold it against you.

Ah... this...

I gave it to you.
Keep it.

Don't ever do stupid things
like stealing...


Make me your henchman!

No, I mean...
could you please, Boss!

What's your name?

My name is Idate Morino.

Shall we go then, Idate?

Boss, just trust in me!
I will win, no matter what!

We can catch up
to him in a bit!

But it's too late now!

He can't win if
he's this far from the port!

No, he may've planned to come
this way from the very beginning



How lucky!

Now, we can stop them here.

At any rate...

who would've thought
they'd be escorting him.

Double Lucky!
Now I can pay them back.

For what they did to us
during the Chunin Exams.

You two go ahead.
I'll keep them here.

All right!

Finally, we've caught up to you!

Hey, wait!

Geez! Why on earth
did you come this way?!

Shut up!
It's none of your business!

What kinda attitude is that?!

I said to shut up!

Watch out!

They aren't aware of it, are they?

Of Genjutsu?

Hey, I said wait up!

I've already been here?

Darn! Looks like
I've been tricked by Genjutsu.


If that's the case...




No! Don't go that way!

Huh? What's going on?

I'm out of it!

Just be still!

We'll get pulled up now!

That was close...

A double Genjutsu.

Pretty elaborate trick.

You idiot! It's your fault that
we're going through all this!

What did you say?!

Hey, stop! Stop, I said!

My Ninja tools!

That was an unnecessary help!

Did you say unnecessary?!

Hey bastard, can't you even
thank us for saving you?!

You saved me
because it's your duty!

No need to thank you!

What did you say?!

Stop, Naruto. He's right.

But if you don't want to die,
you should stay close to us.

Hey, where are you going?!

Aren't you going back
to Port Degarashi?

Stupid, I'm heading north from here!

North? Is it faster that way?


Who knows...
I really don't trust this guy!

This is why Ninja are no good.


At this time of year,

a strong seasonal wind blows
across this ocean...

At the starting point, I watched the clouds
and realized it...

That the wind was coming.

On top of that,
at the port to the north,

there's an ocean current
that flows straight to Nagi Island.

This part is different from you guys.
Right here!

Looks like it's getting a bit rough.

Hey, don't push it!

Head more towards the south!

But that'll take up quite some time.

Once we get on the land,
no one can run faster than I can.

My victory is already set!

All right...

I taste salt in the air.

It's the ocean!

What is it that far out on the ocean?

It's the halfway point
Nagi Island where Modoroki shrine is.

I can get there within an hour.
Wait for a sec.

Hey, old man, I'm here!
It's Idate from the Wasabi Family!

Ah, I've been waiting for you.

Looks like I was right.

I'll need you to lend me a boat.

I see. I have it ready.

Use that boat.

It's the fastest boat around here.

I'm grateful to you!

No problem. Boss Jirocho has done
so much for me.

So, don't lose to Wagarashi!

I'm fed up with how
they handle things.

Leave it to me!

I may be down on my luck now,

but I'm Idate, the number one
henchman of the Wasabi Family!

Rest easy and leave it all to me!

Yeah, right.

We should start seeing
Nagi Island's port soon.

I hope we can get there
before Fukusuke.

Hey, Naruto...
What do you think?

Hm? What about?

That Idate...

He's definitely not
an ordinary man.

He can run extraordinarily fast.

He could have received
special training...

What kind of training?

Like, maybe he'd been
in a hidden village.

A guy that stupid can't be a Ninja!

Who's talking here?!
You're as stupid as he is!


I made it to the final round
of the Chunin Exam!

You were in the final round
of the Chunin Exam?!

Yeah, that's right!

If I weren't interrupted
in the middle of it,

I could have won the tournament
and become a Chunin!


Then you must have had
a darn easy proctor.

Really, the level of
the Chunin Exam has dropped...


Idate, so you are...

I remember now!

Idate Morino.

Morino... That's right!

Wasn't the proctor
of the first test...?

Be quiet, you rotten runts!

Sorry to have kept you waiting.

I'm the proctor for
the first test of the Chunin Exam.

My name is Morino lbiki.

Morino... Ibiki...

What did you say?

Brother l-Ibiki is alive?!


Of course, he's alive!

He gave me a weird problem
on the 10th question...

Is that true?
He really is alive?!

Wh-What's this?!

An ambush!

How is it?

As you can see,
it's right in front of us.

Then, let's get started
on our plan!


Naruto and I will chase them away!

Sakura, take care of Idate!

Isn't it better to run...?

Too late for that!

I'll cover you. Remove the ropes!


Darn! I have to cut these!

Darn it! I lost them all that time!

Hey, lend me that thing


Just hand it to me, hurry!

Bastard, this is more important
than my life.

There's no way
I'll let you use it...

This is no time to be saying
stuff like that!

S-Stop you idiot!

Hurry up, you loser!

Heh, piece of cake!

Sakura! They are just clones!

Only the real one can attack you,
so don't worry!


Sakura, Naruto!

The real ones are hiding among
the clones! Be careful!

Sasuke! Guide us!

Idate, stay close to me!

Hah! I don't want a Ninja's help!

Are you still saying that
in this situation?!

Naruto! Behind you!


A clone?!

Oh, sh**t!

- Clone for clone!
- Clone for clone!

Damn, they got away.

Nice work! Naruto!

That Shadow Clone kid
is troublesome.

The next plan, Kagari!

We'll k*ll them all!

Water Style!
Black Rain Jutsu!

Sasuke! They've changed
into Water Clones!

I know!


No! This is oil!

How annoying!
I'll get rid of them all at once!

That's Tiger Seal!

Sasuke, no!



Humph, not really.

Fire attack?!


Go! Having you stay will be
a burden to me!




Sasuke, what can we do?!

If the fire is this strong...

We'll have to dive in
to the ocean!

From here, we can swim
to the port of Nagi Island!

Right! There's no other option left.

Idate, can you swim?


Hurry! I'll cover you, so go first!

This smoke should help you
escape unnoticed!


There's no way!


You are tricking me into
becoming a decoy!

What are you talking about?!

You're trying to get
the enemy's attention to me!

That's nonsense!

No! I don't trust Ninja!

What are you doing? Go!

Having you stay will be
a burden to us!

Go! Having you stay
is a burden!

Hurry up and go

There's no way we will
use you as a decoy!



Idate! Duck down!

Trust me Idate!
I promise I'll protect you!

Watch out!




Go on ahead...

We'll follow you right after!

A-All right...

Well, shall we withdraw now?


The most enjoyable part
is still left undone.

Darn, they are
unexpectedly tenacious.

Yeah. But we won't
let them get away.

I-I should be okay here...

Long time no see, Idate.

Y-You are...

I have taught you so many times
not to trust anyone.

Such a fool, you are...

I believe your promise,
its a true heart give me courage

Always I feel it
the precious time with you

On your still shoulder

I feel the wind that blows
towards tomorrow

The city lights are like pieces of stars

That hold us together

"Each one of us glows differently,"

you say laughingly

but you look most dazzling

Like a comet,

like the rainbow after the storm

You bring light into my heart

Being lost can be the answer

Let's promise we won't cheat

Uh...like a sh**ting star,
we do go ahead.

Fool or whatever...
It doesn't matter now how you used to be.

This race is not over yet!

You'll never know unless
you try'til the very end!

Boss Jirocho believes in you.

If you have time to stall and act cool,
why don't you show some guts?!
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