02x39 - Deadlock! Sannin Showdown!

Episode transcripts for the T.V. show, "Naruto". Aired: October 3, 2002 - February 8, 2007.*
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Anime series follows the adventures of Naruto Uzumaki, a young ninja of the Hidden Leaf Village, searching for recognitions and wishing to become the ninja by the rest of the village.
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02x39 - Deadlock! Sannin Showdown!

Post by bunniefuu »

We are Fighting Dreamers aiming high

Fighting Dreamers
don't care what people think about them

Fighting Dreamers
follow what they believe

Oli Oli Oli Oh! Just go my way

Right here right now (Bang)
Hit it straight like a line drive!

Right here right now (Burn)

Down a difficult road
filled with endless struggles

Where do you think you are going
following someone else's map?

An insightful crow comes along
to tear up the map

Now open your eyes and
take a look at the truth (Yeah!)

There's nothing to lose,
so let's GO!!!

We are Fighting Dreamers aiming high

Fighting Dreamers
don't care what people think about them

Fighting Dreamers
follow what they believe

Oli Oli Oli Oh!
Just go my way

Right here right now (Bang)
Hit it straight like a line drive!

Right here right now (Burn)
We're gonna do it and do our best!

Right here right now (Bang)
Hit it straight like a line drive!

Right here right now (Burn)
We're gonna do it and do our best! BANG!

Deadlock! Sannin Showdown!

Oh! Dad!

This isn't good!

Oh no, Gamatatsu!
Let's get out of here!

What? Why, why?

It doesn't matter, just hurry up!

Manda and Orochimaru,
Katsuyu and Tsunade...

They all bring back memories...

Shall we have a reunion
or something, Jiraiya?

Fool! I summon you after a long absence

and you make these boring jokes.

The time to conclude this long,
fateful confrontation has come.

I'm bringing Orochimaru down,
here and now!

Hey Orochimaru...

Why'd you have to summon me
to a place like this?!

You... I'm going to eat you up!

Don't say that, Lord Manda...

You will be duly rewarded.

Who said I'm talking to you?!

Don't be so flippant, brat!

Hey, Orochimaru...

I expect you to prepare
a sacrificial offering of 100 people later.

Though Lord Orochimaru is
Manda's master,

if Manda learns that Lord Orochimaru
can't use Jutsu,

Manda will no doubt
double cross him.

Despite the fact that he had
no other choice, in his condition,

it was too risky for Lord Orochimaru
to summon Manda.

Katsuyu... take that kid to Shizune!

Yes, ma'am.

All right! I can fight, too!

Shizune, please take care of this child.


Also, the battle is going to get
quite vicious from now.

Please go far away with my clone
and conceal yourself...

That's what Lady Tsunade wants.

Lady Tsunade...


I'll hang you out until you're dry!

I've been wanting a snakeskin wallet...

you've sunk too deeply into vice!

We are no longer comrades.


That word makes me shiver.

Today is the last day that
we are called Sannin!

Acid Slime!

I'll start with this one!


Lady Tsunade...

Here they come!

I know!

Tsunade! Stay away!

Bunta! Give me some oil!


Fire Style!

Toad Oil Flamethrower!

Humph... How's that?

Did it work?

No, that's...

Molten skin! He shed his skin!

Bunta! Under the earth!


It's the tail?!

Keep it shut!

They're Sannin, all right.

Dealing with two of them is rough.


Well now, I can k*ll you
by wringing your neck.

My Chakra...

At this rate...

Even though you say
you won't die in battle,

you won't have a choice if
I rip your neck off...

Right, Tsunade?

How many minutes...

How many seconds can I hold on...?

I have to put it on the line!


It's about time we put an end to this!


Not done yet!

Take this!

Darn it...!

Lady Tsunade... Not that...!

She's reached her limit...


This guy...

I've hurled him around that much,
yet he's still...

So this is as far as you can go.

Shut up!

Don't rest!

Keep beating him.

This is the battle...

where I put my life on the line!

Lord Orochimaru!

I won't let you go!

You will stay with me until the end!

Take this!

I hit him and hit him.
Something's different...

What is it?
This...strange sense of discomfort?

However, with this...!

It's over!

He took a direct hit!

That was it.


Lord Orochimaru...

Putting me in this position!

I want to eat you and k*ll you,

but I can't even chew you up
with this hole in my mouth...

Next time, if we meet again,
be prepared!


Even though you won't heal me,
I still have one way.

A way to resurrect these arms.

The Leaf Village...
I'll destroy it... without fail.

At that time, it would be nice
if we could meet again...

My comrades...
Tsunade and Jiraiya.

That face...?!

In some way or another,
he took someone else's body...?!

No wonder,
when we went at it a while ago,

I didn't get the same feeling
from him that I did in the past...

The true elixir of life.

That's my...

my immortality!

Some day, in the future...


The bones in my ribs and feet
are broken...

The side effects of the Jutsu
are starting...

My body is...already...

Tsunade, you haven't changed.
You're no good at wagers.

The Hokage is my dream!

I'll give you one week.

If you can master that Jutsu,

I'll acknowledge that you have
what it takes to become the Hokage...

and give you this necklace.

It's no joke!

If I have three days,
I'll master this Jutsu!

Men don't go back on their word!

I'm the grandson of the Hokage who
built the Village Hidden in Leaves, so...!

You said it.
Men don't go back on their word!

Right! I'll become just like Grandfather.
And the Hokage name will be mine!

Becoming the Hokage is my dream!

I love this village and my comrades.

So I want to protect them.

An existence that protects everyone.

Becoming the Hokage is my dream...

I'd like you... to take this.

Any time now, the side effects...

Lady Tsunade...


It's nothing... If I rest a bit, I'll return
to my young form.

I'll rest in town.

And when Naruto wakes up,
We'll return to the Leaf Village.


Starting now, don't call me Tsunade.
Call me...

The Fifth Hokage?!

Old Lady Tsunade is
the Fifth Hokage starting today...

What, you look disgruntled, Naruto.

After all, compared to the old man,
the Third Hokage

there's something...

rough natured and kind of selfish...

Ioose with money, catty and stupid...

Somehow, I'm going to worry
if she can do it properly.

Lady Tsunade, would you like
to order something...

Moreover, a 50 year old lady
transforming into a young lady...

Is it okay for the person who
will become Hokage

to lie to everyone, I wonder?

Go outside, brat!

It's just like before...

Despite how I look,
I'm going to be the Fifth Hokage.

I shouldn't take
this short brat of a foe seriously...

This one is enough...

Don't call me brat!

I may be like this now,
but I'll be Hokage some day!

Here I go!

Another brow flick?!

Become a fine man...

and, a fine Hokage.


Okay! Shall we go home?

To our hometown the Leaf Village!

What? I haven't eaten yet...!

Don't try to distract me by laughing

Nawaki... Dan...

the boy who will inherit your dreams,
my beloved ones,

is right here!

I believe your promise,
its a true heart give me courage

Always I feel it
the precious time with you

On your still shoulder

I feel the wind that blows
towards tomorrow

The city lights are like pieces of stars

That hold us together

"Each one of us glows differently,"

you say laughingly

but you look most dazzling

Like a comet,

like the rainbow after the storm

You bring light into my heart

Being lost can be the answer

Let's promise we won't cheat

Uh...like a sh**ting star,
we do go ahead.

Yahoo! Here we are
at a hot spring spot!

While Pervy Sage is gawking at women,
and Old Lady Tsunade is out somewhere,

I'm gonna relax and enjoy myself!

What?! Who worked over my room?!

I don't know who they are,

but I'm gonna find them
and kick their butts!
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