02x37 - Attack! Fury of the Rasengan!

Episode transcripts for the T.V. show, "Naruto". Aired: October 3, 2002 - February 8, 2007.*
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Anime series follows the adventures of Naruto Uzumaki, a young ninja of the Hidden Leaf Village, searching for recognitions and wishing to become the ninja by the rest of the village.
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02x37 - Attack! Fury of the Rasengan!

Post by bunniefuu »

We are Fighting Dreamers aiming high

Fighting Dreamers
don't care what people think about them

Fighting Dreamers
follow what they believe

Oli Oli Oli Oh! Just go my way

Right here right now (Bang)
Hit it straight like a line drive!

Right here right now (Burn)

Down a difficult road
filled with endless struggles

Where do you think you are going
following someone else's map?

An insightful crow comes along
to tear up the map

Now open your eyes and
take a look at the truth (Yeah!)

There's nothing to lose,
so let's GO!!!

We are Fighting Dreamers aiming high

Fighting Dreamers
don't care what people think about them

Fighting Dreamers
follow what they believe

Oli Oli Oli Oh!
Just go my way

Right here right now (Bang)
Hit it straight like a line drive!

Right here right now (Burn)
We're gonna do it and do our best!

Right here right now (Bang)
Hit it straight like a line drive!

Right here right now (Burn)
We're gonna do it and do our best! BANG!

My body movements
have finally returned...


Lady Tsunade!

Say! Say! What's happening?!

Why's Kabuto fighting
with Old Lady Tsunade?!

Take a good look at the headband!

He's Orochimaru's subordinate.

Attack! Fury of the Rasengan!

That man is Orochimaru...

Shizune, you take care of
the guy with the glasses...

I'll take care of Orochimaru.

Before that, I'd like to have Tsunade
do something about this body.

The effects of that drug
might still last for awhile...

There's nothing that
I can do about it.

What? Really?

Geez. I guess it can't be helped.

I have no choice
but to fight in this condition.

Tsunade... Rest your body
with Recovery Ninjutsu.

Then... What about me, me?

You guard Tsunade together
with that pig.

What?! I want to fight, too.
Even I can...

No, you won't!

Like that four-eyed kid said, right?

You're on a different level.

The opponent is a Sannin like myself,

and the man who k*lled
the Third Hokage

An eye for an eye...
I'm the only one who can fight him.

And that four-eyed guy possesses
the same level of power as Kakashi.


Then... Shadow Clo

Hold it!

Don't use the Shadow Clone Jutsu.
It'd be utterly pointless.


It wouldn't even become
much of a diversion...

It'd be a waste of Chakra...

with them as opponents.

Now then, let's get this thing started.

- Summoning Jutsu.
- Summoning Jutsu.


- Huh?!
- What is this?!

- Wha?!
- What the heck's going on?!

Long time no see.

On account of the drug,

Master Jiraiya still can't build up
Chakra very well.

It looks like your stupid
still hasn't healed, eh, Jiraiya.

That's too much even for you
with no ability.

It seems Tsunade got you
with something.

A sacrifice was necessary for that Jutsu,

so perhaps she was thinking ahead
and drugged him

with something that
would contain his power.

To think she'd make
a sacrifice of Jiraiya...

Well, it sounds just like Tsunade.

To think I'd already have
my handicap spotted.

You are such
a disgraceful guy as always...

Dang it. It kind of ticks me off
when the Pervy Sage is mocked.

Summoning... Jutsu!

The Nine Tailed Fox kid
from the Chunin Exam.

I wonder if I should've k*lled him then,
after all.

For the sake of the Akatsuki organization,

I acknowledged his achievement...
and let him slide by.

But the only ones who can break
a Five-Pronged Spell

are the Sannin members
and the Third Hokage.

Which means Jiraiya may have
already taught it to Naruto.


If he's able to control
the Nine Tailed Fox's power...


Th-This is...

It doesn't quite look to be so.

He isn't endowed with Shinobi ability
to begin with, so...


He's still got a long way to go,
sure enough.



Hey, Gamatatsu.
Why did you come out?

Oh, Brother Gamakichi.

It's the first time I've been Summoned.

I-I wonder if I can do my best?

Idiot. Get some snacks
or something and hide.

What? I can get snacks?
Goody goody.

Here I go.

I'll take Jiraiya.

I leave the rest to you.

It's unfortunate...

Here I also wanted to fight Lord Jiraiya,
one of the Sannin.


Your opponent is me.

Earth Style! Dark Swamp!

Dang it. I can't completely sink them
with such a puny swamp.

The drug is still working.

But... with this, the snakes can't move.

Ninja Art! Poison Fog!

I'll be up a creek if
I take even one breath.

My leg tendons...!

I won't be eaten twice...!
No way!

Here I go.

Ninja Art! Needle Jizo!

Dang it...The Jutsu isn't working well.

Even if we both have handicaps,
you won't one up me...

Give up now.

It's unfortunate...

Here I had respected you
as a fellow Medical Ninja.

Stop. Stay back!

Please hang on, Lady Tsunade...

The Sannin name, which Lord Orochimaru
is also called, will cry.

My body's heavy.

To think you who were
once called the village madness

would ferry around such a kid
and struggle tirelessly for the village.

You've really fallen, haven't you?

I have a keen eye to discern ability.

And that kid... is mediocrity in my eyes.

It's precisely for this reason...
that I don't need the Uchiha kid.

It's no fun raising a genius
who's good from the start.

So you can't leave him alone

because it's like you're looking
at your old self?

That kid can't beat Uchiha who inherited
the inherent Sharingan Shinobi skill.

And that's because Naruto
doesn't possess the Sharingan.

Shinobi ability is about whether

one can use and master
all the Jutsu of the world.

Ninja refers to one
who can use Ninjutsu.

Shinobi ability is no such thing.

You still don't get it?

A Ninja... is one who endures.

It's a difference of opinion, huh.

I'll teach you one thing.

What's most important for Shinobi ability...

isn't the number of Jutsu
one possesses.

What's important is...

The mettle...

not to give up.

Enough already... you jerk!

The mettle to never give up...

He possesses that.

Heh. I don't know what Jutsu you learned,

but you can't hit me with
such a large motion.

No good.

It won't easily hit with
a moving opponent.


And the Chakra isn't
completely held, yet...

It seems you got a cracked thigh bone
in your left leg

from the battle with the snake.

Well, you can still move if
it's just the bone.

But it's impossible now...

The lateral vastus muscle
in your right leg is totally cut off.

What should I do...?

That Jutsu of mine uses both hands.

If even one arm is taken out, it's over.

Are you scared of me?

Do you want to run away from here?

Naruto, as I recall,

you whooped it up like this
during the first Chunin Exam.

Don't mess with me. I won't run away!

"Don't mess with me. I won't run away."

"I'll take it. Even if I'm a Genin for life..."

"I'll become the Hokage at any cost,
so it's okay with me."

"I'm not scared."

Can you...
whoop it up in the same way now?

Unlike you...

I will be the heir to the Hokage name
no matter what!

- Hokage is my dream!
- Hokage is my dream!

You're not a kid anymore,
so you should stop whooping it up...

Depending on the situation,

when you want to give up and run away,
you should run away.

Oh my... What's with that look?

You'll die! If you die,
there are no dreams or anything...

Do you want to die?

You're still a Genin,
so you should run away on the b*ttlefield.

Don't tell a man to run away.

Kids think that everything is easy.

That's why they talk about foolish dreams
like nothing at all.

That's why they can't give up.

Jiraiya, was it you
who taught him that Rasengan?

Are you acting like a teacher by teaching
a Jutsu that can't be learned?

Don't give him false hopes.

That's why a moony kid starts joking
that he'll become the Hokage!

They chase after foolish dreams...
and then die.

If I have three days,
I'll master that Jutsu.

Then let's make a bet.


As for me... I stand by my words.

That's... my Way of Ninja!

A bet?

I'll give you one week.

If you can master that Jutsu,

I'll acknowledge that
you'll be able to become the Hokage...

and give you this necklace.

You should've just
stayed out of this...



Old Lady Tsunade...

You're still going to get up?

Just like our wager

I will definitely win
that unlucky necklace from you.

Shadow Clone Jutsu!

Shadow Clone won't do anything now.

Enough... Don't protect me, Naruto.
Stop it!

I told you that you'd die
if you were obstinate like that, right?

If you die, there will be no dreams,
no nothing.

Just get out of the way. Run away.

Humph... It's okay.


I absolutely will not die...

until I become the Hokage!

This way, I can hold on to you.
Here I go!

It's the same Chakra movement
as before.

No, this is...different.

I see.

In order to gain a hand
for suppressing Chakra,

the Shadow Clone...

Compress Chakra and...

hold it completely.


I-It can't be.


I believe your promise,
its a true heart give me courage

Always I feel it
the precious time with you

On your still shoulder

I feel the wind that blows
towards tomorrow

The city lights are like pieces of stars

That hold us together

"Each one of us glows differently,"

you say laughingly

but you look most dazzling

Like a comet,

like the rainbow after the storm

You bring light into my heart

Being lost can be the answer

Let's promise we won't cheat

Uh...like a sh**ting star,
we do go ahead.

I never forget my ideal...

to develop the Village Hidden in the Leaf
and protect its people.

The Hokages have sacrificed
their lives for that dream.

And now,
I also will put my life on the line.

From this moment,
I am the Fifth Hokage!
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