01x57 - He Flies! He Jumps! He Lurks! Chief Toad Appears!

Episode transcripts for the T.V. show, "Naruto". Aired: October 3, 2002 - February 8, 2007.*
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Anime series follows the adventures of Naruto Uzumaki, a young ninja of the Hidden Leaf Village, searching for recognitions and wishing to become the ninja by the rest of the village.
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01x57 - He Flies! He Jumps! He Lurks! Chief Toad Appears!

Post by bunniefuu »

Yeah, turn your sadness into kindness,
your uniqueness into strength

Even if you get lost, let's start walking

One more time

Are you really happy

when you're always meeting
to someone's expectations?

Even if you change to
who you really wanna be

Will you always have a great smile?

Dreaming of only "the beginning,"
I wake up

and someday, I'll live on my own.

Yes, precious things are never in shape

You never know what it is
when you get it or lose it

Yeah, turn your sadness into kindness,
your uniqueness into strength

Even if you get lost,
let's start walking

One more time

Where am I?!

I've been saved.


Awesome... He's pretty darn big...

Oh yeah...

This is a... frog... isn't it...?


Let's see now...

No tail!

This is...!

Not like this one.

Or that one.

It's really...

A real...


He Flies! He Jumps! He Lurks!
Chief Toad Appears!

Looks like he extracted the
Chakra of the Nine Tailed Fox

all on his own this time.

But still, one certainly can't
say he's stable yet...

He overused the large Charka...

To think that of all the frogs
he summoned that one...

I did it...

Hey, you little brat!


Huh? Huh? Huh?!

You little brat...

On whose head do you think
you're raising a ruckus!

This is the top of Gamabunta,
the Chief Toad's head! You idiot!

Quiet down...


W-What the heck is this guy?!

He seems pretty awesome, but...

Gimme a break!

Just when I'm breathing the air of
the free world after a long time,

some weird kid is raising
a ruckus on top of my head.

Hey! Jiraiya! Where are you?!

What the heck do
you think you're doing?!

Hmm... This doesn't look good...

'Cause even I can't handle
that Gamabunta...

Jiraiya! Hurry up and
show yourself, you idiot!

Hmmm... It would be troublesome if
that Gama found me out...

I better get my ass out of here
without any further delay.

Hey, little brat!


Where's Jiraiya?

Huh? Jiraiya?

Who's that...?

I'm talking about that lecher who
calls himself Toad Sage or something!

Where's Jiraiya? Huh?!


If you just follow my orders,

I wouldn't mind making you
my henchman!

Hurry up and answer me!

Okay! If you're talking about
the Pervy Sage

he's on the cliff up there,
Chief Toad.

Up there, huh...?

Um... Can I ask you one question?

What is it?

What business do you have
with that Pervy Sage?

That's the question I want
to ask that pervert!

What the heck does he want
summoning me to a place like this?!


What is it?

I'm the one who summoned
you, Chief Toad...

I fell off the cliff...

and thought maybe you
could come to my aid...



What does a kid like you think
he's saying out of the blue.

There's no way a little squirt like
you could summon a guy like me.

It's... it's true...
I really truly summoned you...

Believe it!

You jerk frog!


You've been condescending to me

and saying whatever you
please since earlier on!

Since I summoned you,
I'm your master!

Huh? What was that?

Hey, who do you think
you're talking to?!

A little squirt like you,

who isn't even able to exchange cups
of sake as a pledge of friendship,

is saying to Lord Gamabunta,
that you're his master?

I could k*ll you for that! Hey!



It looks like he emerged on top,
that Gamabunta...


I hate to tell you this, little brat,

but even if I were to concede
a hundred steps to you...

No, concede a thousand steps to you,

and even if it really was true that
it was you who summoned me...

If you're the kind of guy who
falls off my back that easily,

there's no way I could
admit you as my master...

Huh?! Huh?!

Now then... I'm here in the
free world after a long time...

If Jiraiya doesn't have
any business with me,

I think I'll kick back for a while.

Hey! Wait!

Why don't you just go home
and sleep or something?

'Cause it looks like you're incapable
of serving even as my henchman.

Darn it!

W-What the heck do you think
you're doing, you little brat?

If my making you recognize that
I summoned you

depends on my not falling
off your back, then...!

Then I won't get off your back
the entire day today no matter what!


And by my doing that I'll make
you recognize me as your master!

You little brat! Don't get all carried away
thinking I'll go easy on you!



Chakra adhesion!

There's not enough Chakra!

Listen carefully, Chief Toad!

My name is Naruto Uzumaki!

I'm a man who will become Hokage
in the future. Don't forget that!

Who cares!

This is getting pretty interesting.


Oh my gosh!

Sorry Naruto,
but I've gotta get back to work!

Research... research...

Bust off!


I'm gonna eat my fill.

Huh... Those guys are
eathing barbecue again, huh?

A reward for having trained
earnestly... maybe?

I thought you were told not to
let Gaara out of your sight...

Don't worry...
even somebody like him...

wouldn't dare to do anything
in broad daylight.

More importantly,
that guy Shikamaru or whatever,

he's the first guy
you're fighting, right?

Shouldn't you be formulating
a battle plan?

Humph... There's no way I would
lose to a guy of that level...


You botched it, didn't you?


If you had taken the exam
one year earlier,

you would have made
the Chunin easily...

Don't say it...

What was that?!

The upcoming Chunin Exam...

I'll have the three of you from
our Sand Village take the exam...

But the reason for doing that
is not to pass the Chunin Exam!

It is to use the opportunity
of the Chunin Exam...

to crush Leaf Village!

But why? Don't we have
a treaty with Leaf Village?!

That treaty is the problem.


What do you mean?

You Genin are not aware of
the detail but...

At the time the treaty was concluded,

that idiot feudal lord of Land of Wind
not only aggressively scaled down

the arsenal of
the Hidden Sand Village...

he delegated to the Leaf Village

matters that should have been handled
by our country, and moreover,

significantly cut our country's budget
and slashed the number of Shinobi.

When we have an idiot leader,

we, the arms and legs
of the country, suffer.

The only choice we had left
was to improve the quality

of each and every Shinobi in order
to maintain our country's military power...

That's why Shinobi like
you were created...


The Land of Wind's security is
in extreme danger right now!

But the aides
of that idiot feudal lord...

don't have a clue!

Lord Kazekage

who detected the weakening in the military
strength of the Hidden Sand Village,

joined hands with
the Hidden Sound Village

and decided to take down
the Hidden Leaf Village...

In addition to restoring Sand
Village authority...

this needs to be done in order
to make that idiot feudal lord

aware of the importance of
crisis preparedness...

If any more time passes,
our Sand Village will totally lose

its military capabilities
against the Leaf Village...

Now is the only chance...

The success of that mission...
Gaara... depends on your work...


If the strategy is carried out,

it will certainly lead to w*r
with the Leaf Village.

We'll be at w*r again...?

The cost to human life in implementing
the treaty was very great...

and if it is broken... then again...
many people will die...

H-Hey... Temari...

This is the will of Lord Kazekage.

Of Lord Kazekage?

After all, Shinobi are simply
tools for fighting

The treaty did nothing more than
jeopardize our very existence.

This is a super A rank mission.

See it through with great care!



A day sure is long when
one's not doing anything.

I guess...

Darn... What an obstinate little squirt.

Goodness... that Naruto seems
like he's in agony...

He must have exhausted
most of his Chakra

when he summoned Gamabunta...

Look, look, isn't that pretty...

The rainbow...


Yeah, yeah, absolutely gorgeous, isn't it.

Good work, Baki.

Lord Kazekage, I successfully
moved all three pawns

to the real battle as planned.

The agreement with the Sound Village side
has been progressing with no problem too.

Yes, sir.

This is...

A decisive action plan from
the Sound Village

You still have something you want?


What is it? Come out with it.

Yes, sir... I was wondering if you
could position some soldiers

near the border on the pretext of
undertaking a tactical exercise.

With only the four of us...

The Leaf Village aren't idiots either.

Their Anbu black ops
are moving about.

If we do that, they will see right through
what we're contemplating.

But with only our current
military capability...

That's why I sent Gaara and
the others out there.

The restoration of the authority of
the Hidden Sand Village is resting on you.

Well... Go.

Yes, sir.

There's only a little more time remaining
until the sun sets completely...

and if I don't fall off...

I'll be the master!

What's that to me?!

You came up with this
whole thing unilaterally.

I'm not falling off, no matter what!

That Naruto...
he's already way past his limit...

I wouldn't be surprised if
he fell off any minute now...

I could simply ignore what
a brat like him says...

but taking a lick really irritates me.

I'm gonna bring this
to an end once and for all...

Hey, brat... what's your name?


It's Naruto Uzumaki!

Naruto Uzumaki... Naruto!

Don't hold it against me if you die!


That Gamabunta!

Now it's a matter of pride for him, too!


This won't do!

No! This is the sizzling young ladies'
entertainment spot!

I'm not falling off when
I'm so close to succeeding!




That Naruto...

He's squeezing out yet more Chakra
from that condition he's in.

I'm falling...

How do you like that, Gamabunta?
I'm still on your back!

It's my victory!

Oh no! If he falls like that he'll die!

Too bad for you... You almost made it.

To think that he could hold out like that
against a tough opponent like Gamabunta...


That, Jiraiya, meddling in...

I am fully aware of the fact that...

this guy here summoned
me all on his own.

I mean, it's the first time since
the Fourth Hokage

that somebody climbed on my head.

As might be expected,
he must be totally drained.

I don't mind dispensing some
of my power to him but...

Taking him to that place would be best.

Huh? What!

One! First, Tyson jumps and slamdunks

Two! He kisses and hugs everyone
randomly and says "I LOVE YOU"

Three! Masala masters Yoga
but hates curry

Four! Sanchez is a lousy bullfighter. Ole!

All over the world, the sky's smiling,
so look up and smile too

Oh yeah! Oh yeah! Oh yeah!
Fight! Fight! Fight!

One! Bodimahattaya san devotes
his time for digging black ships

Two! Peking Duck, Action Scene,
Chen Lee speeds around on his bike

Three! Popo loves to polish his Coteka

Four! Japanese people,
now lend me you hand!

All over the world, the sky's smiling,
so look up and smile too

Oh yeah! Oh yeah! Oh yeah!
Fight! Fight! Fight!

All over the world, the sky's smiling,
so look up and smile too

Oh yeah! Oh yeah! Oh yeah!
Fight! Fight! Fight!

The hospital room
where there is no one.

The uninvited visitors...

The childhood phantasms
are repeated in the daydream.

The moment when
the forbidden door is opened...

That guy appears.

Who is the next victim?!
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