01x54 - The Summoning Jutsu: Wisdom of the Pervy Sage!

Episode transcripts for the T.V. show, "Naruto". Aired: October 3, 2002 - February 8, 2007.*
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Anime series follows the adventures of Naruto Uzumaki, a young ninja of the Hidden Leaf Village, searching for recognitions and wishing to become the ninja by the rest of the village.
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01x54 - The Summoning Jutsu: Wisdom of the Pervy Sage!

Post by bunniefuu »

Yeah, turn your sadness into kindness,
your uniqueness into strength

Even if you get lost, let's start walking

One more time

Are you really happy

when you're always meeting
to someone's expectations?

Even if you change to
who you really wanna be

Will you always have a great smile?

Dreaming of only "the beginning,"
I wake up

and someday, I'll live on my own.

Yes, precious things are never in shape

You never know what it is
when you get it or lose it

Yeah, turn your sadness into kindness,
your uniqueness into strength

Even if you get lost,
let's start walking

One more time

Master Jiraiya... I believe in you.

The Summoning Jutsu.
Wisdom of the Toad Sage!

Well well...

You don't sleep at all?

What do you want?

I thought I'd crush you now.

If I do that,
there'd be the possibility for me,

after the first battle,
to be able to fight Sasuke.

I know your Sand attack.

I wonder which is faster,
yours or my Sound.

In the full moon...

in the full moon, his blood boils.

W-What the heck... are you?

Amazing... So that's his true form?

But... is it okay?
He's a Sound Ninja...

It's all right.
He's long since served his purpose.

I thought he was a guinea pig
in order to see...

the power of the boy
called Sasuke or something...

Why...is he with the Sand Ninja?

No, that's not necessary anymore...

Actually, I'd already been ordered
to seize Sasuke.

But I failed...

What did you say?

That's right.

...for the likes of you?

Are you looking to take me on?

You willful little brat...
Don't mess around with grown ups.

Don't be so arrogant.
The situation is in my favor.

It's also been found out that
I'm a minion of the Sound.

Then... if they find out that you're
having a secret meeting here with me...

the plan to destroy the Leaf Village
and everything will be for naught!

I heard...
that you're Orochimaru's right hand man.

Being revealed to them and coming
nonchalantly to meet with me...

You must be a fool.

Well... to be exact, my true identity
wasn't found out...

I let them find out.

I wanted to see how far
the Leaf Village would go...

Even after that it wouldn't
be too late to seize Sasuke.

If you guys are going to fail,
we'll back off immediately...

It's a plan that was originally
posed by the Sound, so.

The Sand is invisible until
the last moment.

This is the will of the Kazekage.

Holy smokes...

That's fine.

This is the carry out plan from Sound.


And please... tell them about
this plan soon.


I know.

Okay, I'll be going.

To think our allied nation,
the Village Hidden in the Sand,

has been already associated
with the Sound...?!

I must tell Lord Hokage about this quick.

Oh, by the way...

I'll take care of the clean up.

No, I'll do it...

As the member of Sand Village
of the Land of Wind,

I must do what I can for my allies...

Besides... it's just one mouse.

It'll be easy.

Well well, it's Mr. Proctor.

What in the world are you
doing here alone?

It seems I have no choice,
but to fight.

Leaf Style...

Crescent Moon Dance!

I can't pull it out.

This technique is...
the Leaf Style Crescent Moon Dance.

Being able to manage it
at such a young age.

As expected,
this village is full of talented Ninja.

Your talent with a sword is superb.

But, a real sword with substance
can be stopped.

However... a Wind sword can't
be stopped by anyone.

Take that!

That does it!

Nice, nice.


This is paradise.

Hey, I said.

Isn't it time for you to turn
this way already?

If you join my training,
I'll give you lots of "service."


So you finally came out...
I was waiting for you.


Are you making fun of me?

Right back at you.

I'm hungry.

Let's get back to the inn.

Owww, darn it!

Okay... I'll teach you a technique.

Do you really mean that?

Do you remember what I told you
yesterday about the two types of Chakra?

Huh? Yesterday's talk?

You know, what you said about blue
and red Chakra or something.

Oh... What about it?

You said that when a great power
came out, you felt red Chakra.

Yeah, it was like that.

Try building up that red Chakra right now.

Hmm. Even you say so...

I'll give it a try, but...

How about it?

Hmm, it's not right.

It's the same Chakra as always.

Jeez, you have no talent.

Don't be talking all high and mighty!

In the first place,

I really don't understand those
two types of Chakra myself!

Just keep trying.

Humph... So he doesn't understand it...
himself, eh.

It seems Naruto himself still hasn't
realized that

the red Chakra is
the Nine Tailed Fox's Chakra.

Well, guessing from his story...

it seems the excitement of danger
and heightened emotion

are the key to summon
the Nine Tailed Fox Chakra.

No good, not good,

Only the usual Chakra's coming out.

Say, Pervy Sage...

What the heck does the red Chakra and
the technique you're going to teach me

have to do with each other?

Listen, boy.

For the technique
I'm about to teach you,

the Chakra you've had until now
is not nearly enough.

Therefore, you'll have to able to
pull out and use the "other" Chakra

that has been dormant within
you at any time you need.

But how do you know that
I have such a Chakra?

Oh, just what I wanted to hear.


it's because I'm a sage.

Jeez... that's no answer.

Anyway, the special Chakra
that only you have

will become your greatest w*apon.

Greatest w*apon?

Not using that is like wasting treasure.

There's no need to forcedly do
the same training as everyone else.

Everyone has what they're good at
and poor at.

You have your own style.

Your training until now, maintaining
and releasing a set amount of Chakra,

was in other words,

training to control the suppression of
Chakra so that you wouldn't get exhausted.

But you who have a lot of stamina

should be about power rather
than a cheap trick.

You, who has two types of Chakra
and doesn't exhaust easily,

should release the largest amount
of Chakra you can

and train to increase the absolute amount
of Chakra that you can use.

Then there are tons of Jutsu
and techniques you can use.

What, for example?

For example... summoning jutsu
that I'm going to teach you now.



It's a type of spatio temporal technique

where you sign a contract in blood
with all kinds of living creatures

and summon whenever you like
with Ninjutsu.

Oh! That sounds awesome.
Teach me quick!

Before that...

first, it's necessary to
use up all of your usual Chakra.


Leave it to me.

Well... So you can use the
Shadow Clone Jutsu.

I have a good idea how to get rid
of my Chakra quickly.

Well, you've multiplied quite a bit.

Listen up. We're going to have
a battle royal now.

The last one left will be
the strongest me...

We're going to determine
the me among me!

- Yeah!
- Yeah!

I see.
Good thinking considering he's stupid.

Okay, let's go!

My, this is a sexually unattractive scene.

The finale is near at last.

Well done.

Sure enough, I'm the strongest me.

It looks like you've finally used up
almost all of your Chakra.

Now, at last I'll teach you
the technique.

Oh, I've been waiting!

First, I'll show you.

Watch carefully.

Summoning Jutsu!

Ooh, so cool.

Open that scroll.

It's a contract with the
summoning toads

that I've taken over from generations.

Sign your name in your own blood

and stamp the fingerprints of one hand
in blood under that.

Then build up Chakra in the place
you want to summon

and set down the hand you contracted.

The Sign is


Okay... This is fine, right?

It's easier for you to release
red Chakra right now.

So give it a try.

I already am.

Boar, Dog, Bird, Monkey, Sheep.

Ninja Art! Summoning jutsu.

A tadpole...

This kid...has no talent, after all.

Hayate... what in the world happened?

One! First, Tyson jumps and slamdunks

Two! He kisses and hugs everyone
randomly and says "I LOVE YOU"

Three! Masala masters Yoga
but hates curry

Four! Sanchez is a lousy bullfighter. Ole!

All over the world, the sky's smiling,
so look up and smile too

Oh yeah! Oh yeah! Oh yeah!
Fight! Fight! Fight!

One! Bodimahattaya san devotes
his time for digging black ships

Two! Peking Duck, Action Scene,
Chen Lee speeds around on his bike

Three! Popo loves to polish his Coteka

Four! Japanese people,
now lend me you hand!

All over the world, the sky's smiling,
so look up and smile too

Oh yeah! Oh yeah! Oh yeah!
Fight! Fight! Fight!

All over the world, the sky's smiling,
so look up and smile too

Oh yeah! Oh yeah! Oh yeah!
Fight! Fight! Fight!

Ino! When I was going to visit
Sasuke at the hospital by myself...

why are you coming along?

Besides, what is that flower all about?

A "rose for love"?
That's so lame.

I chose this daffodil for him,
hoping Sasuke will get better soon.

Cha! This is it!
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