01x51 - A Shadow in Darkness: Danger Approaches Sasuke

Episode transcripts for the T.V. show, "Naruto". Aired: October 3, 2002 - February 8, 2007.*
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Anime series follows the adventures of Naruto Uzumaki, a young ninja of the Hidden Leaf Village, searching for recognitions and wishing to become the ninja by the rest of the village.
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01x51 - A Shadow in Darkness: Danger Approaches Sasuke

Post by bunniefuu »

Press down hard on the gas

That's right, there's no compromise

We'll slip through the night

At the final moment push hard

That's right, all the way to zero,

Until we wipe away the days

Gently open your heart

If you pull it close to you

It will reach you, without a doubt

It will come, closer


We're speeding through life,
squeezing it for all of its worth

Our feet are tied

But we still keep going farther

Even if I take it back, and grasp it

If you're not the one

There will be no meaning

And so we'll go far off into the distance.

Now, let the tenth round begin.

Do your best!


Damn it!

Those two better watch out!

I'll end this match quickly and
turn you into mincemeat!

Then let's not play around...

I'll finish you off quickly, Mr. Fatso.

You bandaged cucumber roll!

I know his Achilles heel all too well
from my last battle with him.

Those holes in his arm emit
a pulsing sound, so...

Ninja Art!

Expansion Jutsu!

Followed by the
Hidden Leaf-style Taijutsu!

All I have to do is to prevent him
from aiming at my ears!

Human Boulder Jutsu!

Hooray for Big-Boned!


Squash him, Choji!

This guy can attack sonically without
even touching the opponent...

But that's only when ears are showing!

With Choji's whole head buried,
it's like he's wearing ear plugs.

How does anyone make a sonic attack
on a meat ball,

let alone one that's rolling?

The way you are...
you can barely move, can you?

That's where I attack!

It's no use, I'm wearing ear plugs.

No, this is the end!


The human body is made up of 70% water,
and water is able to transmit sound waves.

In other words, your whole body is like
one big ear.

And the winner is, Kinuta Dosu!

Lord Orochimaru...no, Orochimaru!

I'll have you know that...
I'm more than a mere guinea pig.

Are you all right?

I-I want to eat meat...

Oh man...
And the guy went easy on him, too.

Although he lost, the least we can
do for him is take him for some BBQ beef.

It's finally over.

At long last, the Final Round...

With this, the preliminaries for
the third exam is completed.

A Shadow in Darkness:
Danger Approaches Sasuke

I wonder what's happened to Naruto?

Let's go outside now.

Iruka Sensei hasn't been alert recently,
so now's our chance.



You intend to sneak out again, do you?

I-I need to go to the bathroom!


To everyone who has advanced to
the Final Round

of the third test of the Chunin Exams,

there's one person who's missing,
but, congratulations.



I have a question.

About Sasuke?

Well, I'm sorry, but I don't know much.

But don't worry too much.

From here on, it's up to Sasuke.

Sakura, I have to step out
for a moment.

Please inquire about the
details of the Final Round!


Here, in our house,
including Sasuke who's not here,

we have five Leaf,

three Sand,

and one Sound.

Well, I will begin the explanation
of the Final Round.


The preliminary battles have
ended without incident.

It seems they're now entering
the Final Round.

This land really has become
peaceful, hasn't it?

This peaceful time has put
this country in slumber...

while all the other lands are busy racing
to expand their military.

Would it be possible for us
to take it now?

Humph, I suppose.

Though, I don't know how much fun
it would be to take out that old man.

Is that so?

To me, it looks like you are still having
a hesitation about it.

From now on, the power of
each Hidden Village will clash

with one another in a long
and violent manner.

The Sound village is also one of them...

You intend to be the trigger
for all of that...

And use him for a b*llet.

Our Sasuke... right?

You guess well.

So well that it's a bit creepy.

Not in the slightest.

I still had no idea about
Dosu, Zaku or Kin.

In gathering information on Sasuke,

I desired to learn their skills

and carried out tactless things like
deliberately subjecting myself to an attack.

You overestimated me.

It seems that you...

you don't trust me completely... yet.

Was it necessary to tell you,
my right hand man,

about the likes of those three?

You see, therein lies
the very proof of my trust.

And because I do...

I would like to leave Sasuke
in your hands.

The Curse Mark that was given to him...

appears to have been sealed by Kakashi.

Though, that won't matter much.

While there is still some
darkness left in his heart...

I want you to abduct him.

That's an uncharacteristically
hasty request, is it not?

There's a little something troubling me...

Is it Naruto Uzumaki?

You're quite a sharp one,
aren't you?

Sasuke has lived for revenge
against his older brother Itachi,

and will not rest until he
has achieved that aim.

Nevertheless, in battle with me,

he was aware that there were things
beyond his power and

faced death without fear.

I didn't think he'd be the type of
person who would be in a hurry to die.

According to your information,

contact with that Nine Tailed kid has
altered Sasuke's heart and mind.

So much so, that he possesses
some influence over Sasuke.

The best thing to do is to get Sasuke
away from him immediately...

And quickly turn him in my color.

Well, then...



If you wish to stop me...

You have no choice
but to k*ll young Sasuke, now.

You can't possibly k*ll me...

Though you are strong, you're only
in the same league as Kakashi.

Just kidding...

Now, run along

I trust you.

That face...

I wonder what could possibly
be going on in his head?

The Final Round is where
each one of you

will show off your battle skills
in front of everyone.

I want you to satisfactorily demonstrate
and show off your ability

as representative battle forces
of your respective lands.

Accordingly, the Final Round will
commence one month from now.

W-We're not going to
do it here, right now?

This is so that there's
a suitable period of preparation.

What do you mean?

That is to say...

Along with the announcement of
the conclusion

of the preliminary match to each
country's Daimyo and Shinobi leaders,

readying the summons for
Final Round requires preparation time...

not to mention the time it takes
for you examinees to prepare.

This old man always has such
a roundabout way of saying things.

I don't quite get what
you're trying to say.

What do you mean?

In other words,
in order to know your adversary,

in order to prepare yourself,
time is necessary.

Time to analyze what you learned about
the adversaries in the preliminaries...

time to take stock of your successes.

The battles until now were
like actual battles

it presupposed situations in which
you can't know your adversary.

That's for sure...

I never dreamed that this guy
could make sand into a w*apon.

However, this is not the case
in the Final Round.

Some of you might have already
revealed everything in front of your rivals...

In the spirit of fairness and equality,

you will have a month to
train yourself to further your skills.

Now, I can't be thinking of this

as some sort of month long
holiday and do nothing! Believe it!

Seriously! Seriously!

It might not be good idea to
excel too much, is it?

We failed to stay out of Orochimaru's
watchful eye,

and it was unfortunate for us both.

Under this gentle exterior,
a seed of evil took root -

and it was this seed that was exploited...

Some day, through that Ninjutsu...

this child will as well...


Who knows?

Perhaps he really will k*ll Sasuke.

I have to give it you, Kakashi...

Stopping my attack from your blind spot...

But, you'd better ready at least
10 of your men next time.

The Anbu that I prepared were
taken out without difficulty...

You're not an ordinary Genin are you?

You caught a whiff of me and immediately
readied your w*apon...

you're quite impressive.

No, I'm not all that.

What do you want with Sasuke?

Depending on circumstances,
I'll haul you off to questioning.

I wonder if that's possible
for the likes of you...

Are you looking to take me on?

You are the son of the chief of the
Leaf medical corps, aren't you?

Your name, was it, Kabuto Yakushi?

Are you affiliated with Orochimaru?

If you arrest me here now,

you might never be able to prove
my connection to Orochimaru.

Shut up and confine your answers
to my questions.

What if I say "No"?

I'm the one asking the
questions around here.

Now give me some answers.

You'll find out before long anyway
if you let me go,

so can you make an exception
just this once?

You, willful little brat...

Don't mess around with grown-ups.

Don't be so arrogant.

The circumstances are in my favor...

I should have known.

A shadow clone!

Darn... I've let him escape.


As I suspected...

This is the Dead Soul Jutsu,

where one temporarily animates
and controls the heart of a dead body.

Meticulously transforming even the face...

and also stopping his heartbeats
and eliminating all traces of his body odor...

in order to prepare an escape by
impersonating a m*rder*d Anbu...

He wasn't raised as the adopted son of
the chief of the medical corps for nothing.

If someone this good is working
for Orochimaru...

I can't stay as I am now...

Now that that's done...

I'd like to let you take your leave...

But first, for the Final Round,

there is one more important
matter to take care of.

Let's get on with it,
so we can get to training

Now, now. I want you all to
calmly take one slip of paper

from the box that Anko is holding.

I'm going to go around in order...
take only one.

Good, everyone has taken
a number.

Then, from left to right, tell me
the number on your slip of paper.

I'm eight.

I'm one.







In other words, he has number four.

Uh huh.

Very well, I will tell you

about how the Final Round
tournament will work!


Is that what these
drawing lots were for?

Ibiki, bring forth the pairings.

Yes, sir.

He's so far away.

Is that all the Final Round is,
a tournament?

sh**t! I have one extra round.

Vendetta for Choji?
Give me a break!

I'm so relieved to know that
I won't be in the same section as Gaara.

Sasuke Uchiha...


Hyuga Neji, right off the bat?

This couldn't be better!
Believe it!

Sasuke has to go up against him...?

Could I ask a question?

Go ahead.

Does this mean that there will
only be one winner of the tournament?

That only one of us will be
able to become a Chunin?

No, on the contrary.

The judges of the Final Round,
of which I am one,

will be made up of the Kazekage,

the Daimyo from various countries
who will assign you your missions,

and the Shinobi Leaders.

Through this tournament,

these judges will be able to make
a thorough evaluation,

and come to a decision as to
whether each one of you

possesses the qualities incumbent
of a Chunin.

Even if someone loses the first round,
they can still become a Chunin.

So there's a chance that all
of us will become Chunin?

Correct, but conversely,
there's also a chance that none of you will.

To "advance" in the tournament,

means maximizing chances
to appeal yourselves to the judges.

Understood, Shikamaru?

This is all a real pain in my...

Thank you for your patience.

We will adjourn until next month.

The second round will either be
No Eyebrows from Sand or Sasuke, huh?

That guy is so strong he kicked
Bushy Brow's butt.

Sand Coffin!

I want to fight you, too.

Now that it's come to this,
I've got to see Kakashi Sensei.

Umm, where's the room
that Sasuke's in?

I'm sorry. Mr. Sasuke
is not allowed visitors.

What?! Hey, hey!
What's up with that?!

I'm sorry, those are the rules.

Why, Sis, tell me why?

Naruto, this is a hospital.
Keep it down.

Kakashi Sensei!

Say! Say!

I've got a favor to ask!

You don't need to say it all.

Well, I thought it would
come to this so...

I searched for someone
to watch your training.

Why?! I want you to, Kakashi Sensei!

I have some matters to take care of.

I don't have the time to trouble
myself with you.

Oh! Aha...!

You're going to train
Sasuke, aren't you!

Well, don't say that.

I found a sensei who's
more reliable than I am!

Well... who is it?

It's me!



The Closet Perv!

Such insolence!

Hey, can you hear it?

The clear, blue sky goes on and on

The ocean spans limitlessly

Please keep that smile on your face forever

Or else I'll cry

You won't have to search around you

It's all ok now.

Everyone is inside
this hand

when you want to cry,
and you want to run away

When you forget what happiness is

Just sing.

Light is born, and darkness was born

The two are one

Harmonia, feel the telepathy

Hey, can you hear it?

Damn! I'm not satisfied with this!

I don't care if you're elite tutor
or whatever,

but there's no way
I'm not going to get stronger

if I'm to learn from the Closet Perve
weaker than me!

I have to get strong by any
means necessary, no matter what!

If you're really a strong ninja,

just try to convince me
with your sheer strength!

I'm gonna win this time around, too!
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