01x23 - Genin Takedown! All Nine Rookies Face Off!

Episode transcripts for the T.V. show, "Naruto". Aired: October 3, 2002 - February 8, 2007.*
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Anime series follows the adventures of Naruto Uzumaki, a young ninja of the Hidden Leaf Village, searching for recognitions and wishing to become the ninja by the rest of the village.
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01x23 - Genin Takedown! All Nine Rookies Face Off!

Post by bunniefuu »


Running like a fugitive,

Being chased by something

Inside my heart is pounding

My throat dry like it's withering

For no single one,

To none does belong,

This time is ours, right now...

Unraveling the pain,

Unraveling our hearts,

Unraveling shadows

Stifling our breath,

Reaching for beyond,

Tearing through the dark

In fighting and in love

To the distant light above,

Yes, we are on the way

I wanna rock...

Rockin' my heart

I see. Sakura, you've come, too.

Now you can formally register
for the Chunin Exam.

What do you mean?

Actually, from the start,

only three man squads could
apply and take the exams.

But Sensei, you said that the decision
to take the exams

was up to the individual.

Yes... I said that.

Were you lying?

Yes, I was...

If I said that,

Sasuke and Naruto would probably
forcefully convince you to take it.

Even if you didn't have
the will to apply,

if Sasuke asks you

you would attempt to take
the exams half heartedly.

For Sasuke's sake and,
well, Naruto's.

Then, if...

it had only been Sasuke and
Naruto who had come here?

I would've stopped the Exam here.

I wouldn't have felt like letting
them go beyond this point.

But... you guys came here
on your own will.



And, Sasuke!

I'm glad you came.

You're a team I'm proud of.

Now then, go on!

Okay! Let's go!

Genin Takedown!
All Nine Rookies Face Off!


W-What's with... this?

There are so many of them...

Could it be that they're all applicants?

They...all look...immensely strong...

Sasuke, you're late!

I thought I'd be able to see you
for the first time in awhile,

so I was waiting in excitement.

Get away from Sasuke!
Ino Pig!

Oh, my. It's Sakura.

Your Billboard Brow hasn't changed, eh...

What did you say?!

What's up with this?


Are you guys going to take
this bothersome Exam, too?

Oh, it's the idiot trio.

Quit calling us that!

Man, this is a freaking bother...

Shikamaru Nara.

Always complaining,
has no motivation.

He's a bellyaching idiot.

Choji Akimichi.

He's always eating something.

That's all he is, a fat idiot.

Sasuke... is mine. Bleah!

Ino Yamanaka.

She's always fighting with Sakura.
She's her rival.

A Sasuke crazy idiot.

Yahoo, I found you!

My my, everybody's here.



Hinata Hyuga.

She's a weird person who turns
her eyes away whenever I look at her!

She's a gloomy and shy girl, I guess.

Kiba Inuzuka and Akamaru.

They're louder than I am!

He always brings his dog and
always has a bossy look.

He really annoys me!

Shino Aburame.

As for this guy, I really don't get him!

He's a type I'm not good with.

What did you say?

You guys, too?!

Ha! I see.

This means all nine Genin rookies
are taking the Exam, eh...!

Now then...

How far can we go?

Eh... Sasuke?


You're mighty confident. Kiba.

We've trained a great deal, so...

We won't lose to you guys!

Shut up!

I don't know about Sasuke,
but I sure won't lose to the likes of you!

I'm sorry. Naruto...

Kiba didn't mean it like that...


Akamaru, you've become
tasty looking...


Don't step on it.


I said, don't step on it.

You're... gonna eat that?

Hey, you guys!

You should be a little quieter.

You guys are the "rookie nine"...
fresh out of the academy, right?

Carrying on like that
with cute faces... Man.

This isn't a field trip.

Who're you? Acting all haughty!

I'm Kabuto Yakushi.
Anyway, take a good look around you.

Behind you...
They're from the Rain Village.

They're hot tempered.

Everyone's tense before the Exam.

I thought I'd warn you guys
before you get your butts whipped...

I guess it can't be helped.

You're rookies who don't know
left from right...

You remind me of my old self.

You're Kabuto... right?


Then, is this your second time?


It's my seventh time.


This Exam is only held twice a year,
so it's now my fourth year.

Then that means you know
a lot about these exams?!

Kind of...

No kidding.
Kabuto, you're pretty awesome, huh?

But you haven't passed.

Yeah, well, that is the case, yes...

Is the Chunin Exam that high a hurdle?

Man, this is utterly bothersome...

Then, maybe I'll give a bit of
information to my cute juniors.

With these Ninja Info Cards.

Ninja Info Cards?

To put it simply,

they're cards that have information burned
into them and coded with Chakra.

I spent four whole years gathering
information for this Exam.

There are close to two hundred
of these cards.

They are pure white to the eye...

To open the data on these cards...

What're you doing?

The way it works is that
no one can see the info

without using my Chakra...

For example... Like this...

Whoa, awesome!
What information is this?

The number of test takers and
participating nations,

and the number of applicants
from each respective village

is individually displayed.

Why do you think that

the Chunin Exam is jointly
conducted in the first place?

It's said it's done to deepen
friendship among nations first

and to boost the Shinobi levels, second.

"It's said"?

That's right.

The real aim is in the checking of
Shinobi levels of neighboring nations

and keeping power balance equal.

Power... Equal?

Why such bothersome things?

If that's not done,

the weak nations will be invaded by
the strong nations in no time at all

and may end up being
controlled unilaterally.

There's a point to mutual supervision.


Of those cards,

are there ones with
detailed individual information?

Yes, there are...

Are there ones you're concerned about?

Yes, there are!

The information for the applicants
this time around is not perfect,

but is burned in and saved.

You guys included...

About those " ones you're
concerned about," who you know.

Anything's fine, tell me their information
and I'll retrieve it for you.

Gaara of the Sand Village,
and Rock Lee of the Leaf Village.

Oh, you even know names.

That makes it quick.

Here they are!

Please show me.

Here they are!

Please show me.

I don't really get what's going on,
but I'll pretend like I do.

Well then, first is Rock Lee.

He's one year older than you guys.

His mission experience,
twenty D-ranks and eleven C-ranks.

His squad leader is Guy...

In just this year, his Taijutsu
has drastically improved, but...

His other skills are not good at all.

Last year, he'd attracted attention as
a Genin rookie with his ability,

but didn't participate
in the Chunin Exam.

This is his first time taking the exams,
same as you guys...

Tenten and Neji Hyuga are on his team...

Huh? Hyuga?

Next... is Gaara of the Desert.

His mission experience,
eight C ranks. B ranks...

Wow, one B rank as a Genin, eh...

He's a Shinobi from a different land
and is a rookie,

so there is no further
detailed information.


It seems he has returned from
all of his missions uninjured.

B-rank as a Genin...
But uninjured?!

What is this guy?

Leaf, Sand, Rain, Grass,
Waterfall, Sound...

There are lots of exceptional Genins
from those villages

who have come to take
the Exam this year as well.

As far as the Village Hidden
in Sound goes,

it's a village of a small nation that
just sprang up in recent years,

so there isn't much information...

At any rate,

they're all Hidden Villages
with nothing but crackerjacks.

That kind of makes you lose
your confidence.

Why are you saying that now?

In other words...

all of the applicants who
have gathered here...

That's right!

Not just Lee and Gaara,

but they're all choice top elite
Genin from each nation.


This isn't going to be easy.

I can't go along with this!

They may be your subordinates now,

but they are children
who were my students.

If it's about them I know...

It's as you say, Iruka.

It's not going to be that easy.

You're too eager.

I postponed my team's test taking
for one year

and took care to build up
their skills.

Have them take the Exam after
they've enjoyed their life a little bit more.


They might be too easygoing.

But they will surpass
your guys in no time.

That's enough.

That's as far as
the rookie matter goes.

Now then, next...

I'll take recommendations for Genin
other than rookies.

Well! Don't pour cold water on this...

I said that, nevertheless...

I wonder if even the fearless ones
are frightened just this time around.

Stubborn as he is,

he's still consumed by this atmosphere
and number of people.

He's tense.

It can't be helped.

Even though everyone is a Genin,
we're the newest most inexperienced rookies.

I'm very, very uneasy.


It's kind of tough looking at
Naruto who's not himself.

Maybe I'll cheer him up a bit.

Say... Naruto! Don't be so scared.


My name's Naruto Uzumaki!

I won't lose to any of you!
Got it?!

Say! What's with him?!

That idiot would never
get depressed! Absurd!

It won't do any good to
provoke everyone!

Don't tell me!

If I don't tell it to you,
who do I tell it to?!

What did you say?!

Oh, I feel better.


Isn't that the guy from before...?

The dog's bark is
bigger than its bite.

Is he an idiot...?

He's mighty high-spirited.

He's hot-headed, eh.

Lee, maybe you did
not bully him enough.

Did you hear?

Sound Village is a minor
Hidden Village of a small nation.

That's offensive.

Maybe I'II... play with them a bit.

Yes, being referred to as something
like leftover Shinobis and all.

We'll add this to his data.

Those Sound Shinobis
are brutal in their own way.

I won't lose to any of you,
you say?

You said it...!

That idiot...

In no time at all, he's made enemies
of his surroundings.

What're you talking big for?! You!

But, I just said what was true, I say!

E-Everyone, that was a joke.

This guy's quite an idiot, you see...

After all, he says idiotic, spazzy,
scatterbrained things

and gets carried away,

so please don't concern
yourself with him.

Jeez, thanks to you, I got glared at!

I'm going to kick your butt!

Shall we do it?

Let's do it.

Learn how to read atmosphere
already, you!


These guys...are the Sound Village...

He dodged it!

I can see through that speed.

I see... It's that kind of attack, eh?

What's going on?

He was supposed to have evaded it.

Why'd that happen to his glasses?

Probably grazed the tip of his nose.

He's trying to act strong, so. That punk.


Oh! He puked?!




Hey, Kabuto!

Are you okay?!

Yeah... I'm okay.


Oh, so he's not so special.

Even though he's a veteran who's
been taking the exams for four whole years.

Write this on your card.

The three from Sound village...
Doubtless Chunin.

Kabuto should've totally read the attack...

But why did he vomit?

Lee. How about that technique just now?

I had no problem reading the speed.

There's some kind of trick...

Silence! Degenerates!

Sorry to keep you waiting... I

I'm Ibiki Morino, proctor for the
first test of the Chunin Exam.

It feels like the chance to show off
the fruits of our training has finally come.

Well, no matter what kind
of test it is,

it's gonna be a snap!

I'm picturing Sasuke and them
bowing to me and saying,

"Naruto, we're really no match for you."

Huh? Is this for real?!
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