01x18 - The Weapons Known as Shinobi

Episode transcripts for the T.V. show, "Naruto". Aired: October 3, 2002 - February 8, 2007.*
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Anime series follows the adventures of Naruto Uzumaki, a young ninja of the Hidden Leaf Village, searching for recognitions and wishing to become the ninja by the rest of the village.
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01x18 - The Weapons Known as Shinobi

Post by bunniefuu »


Running like a fugitive,

Being chased by something

Inside my heart is pounding

My throat dry like it's withering

For no single one,

To none does belong,

This time is ours, right now...

Unraveling the pain,

Unraveling our hearts,

Unraveling shadows

Stifling our breath,

Reaching for beyond,

Tearing through the dark

In fighting and in love

To the distant light above,

Yes, we are on the way

I wanna rock...

Rockin' my heart

Naruto and others are
out there fighting!

We should be too!

The w*apon Known
as Shinobi

Old man!

Old Man Giichi!

Please open up!

Let's go to the bridge!

If we all do it together,

we can beat Gatô and
his men this time!


I made up my mind not
to fight anymore.

Even your father...

The man we called a hero...

He's not with us anymore.

If we were to fight,
many lives would be lost.

I don't want lose something that's
special to me anymore.

No one wants to regret again.


I don't want to regret again, either.

That's why we must fight!

A man should live
his life without regrets.

I love Mommy and Grampa.

And you too, Old Man Giichi!

I love all the people here!

I finally realized...

Nothing is accomplished if
I just cry all the time!

I finally got it!

Inari... has grown into
a fine man.

Will you just let Inari go
there by himself?

Open up!


I'm asking you to fight with me!

Old man! Please listen to me!


Why won't anyone open
the door to me?

You are strong!



You were too full of yourself.

You're too ambitious for your own good.

You assassinated the Mizukage,
but failed to pull off a coup.

You left the service with
few men under you,

and became a Rogue Ninja.

Soon after, your name reached
our Hidden Leaf Village.

You needed to raise funds
to strike back.

And you needed to hide

from the Tracking Unit's
pursuit and retaliation.

Isn't that about the reason why

you hired yourself out
to scum like Gatô?


Do you really believe I've managed
to survive with just Sharingan?

Here's something I didn't copy,
a technique of my own...

to enlighten you!

Lightning Blade!

What the...?!

His hand is...
visibly overflowing with Chakra!

You are too dangerous.

Tazuna, the man you are trying
to assassinate,

is the symbol of courage
in this land!

The bridge he is building
is the hope of this land!

And your ambitions will
sacrifice countless lives.

That isn't how
a Shinobi is supposed to behave.

Who cares?

I have always fought for
my own ideals.

And that will never ever change!

I'll say it again.


Give up.

Your future is... death!


I want you to k*ll me.

Please, make it quick.

What are you hesitating for?

I just don't get it!

The only reason you are allowed
to live is because you stay strong?

There must be something other
than just fighting...

There must be some other way

for you to make
the others accept you!

Remember when we met at the forest?
Do you know what I thought?

That you and I are much alike.

I'm sure you can relate to me.

I apologize for dirtying
your hands with my blood.

Is that it?

Is there really no other way?


If only... we had met under
different circumstances,

we could've been friends.

Please...promise you will
grasp your dream.

He too...

Sasuke also had dreams of his own!

Thank you...
You will become stronger.


The super thick fog
has finally begun to clear.

There are two over there!

They are facing off each other.


I can't see well...

Which one is Kakashi Sensei...

One moved!


Forgive me, Naruto...

I cannot die yet!

Is this the end...?

What was that?


Did you say my future
was death?

You're off the mark again, Kakashi!


You're not to go to the bridge alone!

I went all over the town,
but no one wants to come.

I have no choice!


You're just a child!

I may be a child, but I already
know what it means to fight.

Because I'm my father's son!

My dear...

Wait a moment, Inari!

Where did he go...?

I didn't notice,
but the fog is starting to lift...

Huh? Is he over there?


What the heck is going on here?!

Isn't that the masked boy?

I didn't expect him to jump in
to save Zabuza...

The boy...is already dead.

You did great, Haku.

Kakashi Sensei!

He intends to slash me
along with the boy?!

That was really a great find I made!

Even in his final moment,

he gave me such
a perfect opportunity!

Haku, bad news.

I have to leave
Land of Water as of tonight.

However, I'll return
to this land someday.

I will rule over this land.

To do that,

what I need isn't consolation,
encouragement or empty words.

What I really need is...

I already know.

You have nothing to fear.

I am your w*apon, Zabuza.

Keep me by you as a mere tool
that heeds your every word.

You're a good boy!

Haku died and you were
able to move, huh?

I won't forgive you!


You just stay there and watch!

This is...

my battle!


It's good to see you!


Where's Sasuke?

Where is Sasuke?



You have no time to take
your eyes off me!

Why don't I go with you?

That way, you won't be going
against your Sensei's word.




He's cold.

This isn't Genjutsu, is it?

Don't mind me.

This isn't the time to
hold back your emotions...

I-I always got perfect scores
at the Ninja Academy...


I memorized all the
hundreds of Shinobi rules.

All the tests were a breeze.

Until one day,
this question came up...

State Rule # 25 of
the Ways of the Shinobi...

As always, I simply wrote down
the answer without batting an eye.

"A Shinobi must never
show his true feelings

under any circumstances,
no matter what...

The mission always comes first.

A Ninja must have the strength
of character never to shed any tears..."

Is this...how it must be for a Shinobi?

That is so unbearably painful...


Why can't I keep up?

Darn you!

Why you...!

You can't possibly defeat me
the way you are now.

What was that?

You still don't know...
What true strength means!

Let's see how things are going...

Goodbye, Demon!

Both your arms have
now been disabled.

You can't even weave a sign.


You really got it this time.

You disappoint me, Zabuza.

Huh?! You!

What the heck
are you doing?!

Don't you have anything
to say, Zabuza?!

He was your comrade, right?!

You were always,
always together, weren't you?

He really liked you, you know!

You really don't feel anything?!
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