15x09 - Fifteen

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Arthur". Aired: October 7, 1996 - February 2022.*
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Arthur demonstrates to kids how to deal with challenges as homework, teachers and bullies.
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15x09 - Fifteen

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Every day, when you're
walking down the street ♪

♪ Everybody that you meet
has an original point of view ♪


♪ And I say, hey ♪

♪ And I say, hey ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen to
your heart, listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ Open up your eyes,
open up your ears ♪

♪ Get together and make things
better by working together ♪

♪ It's a simple message,
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪
♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪
♪ Place to start ♪

♪ Place to start ♪

♪ And I say, hey ♪

♪ And I say, hey ♪



♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we can learn to work
and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind
of day ♪

♪ What a wonderful kind
of day ♪


Hey, D.W.!



(loud thud)

(loud thud)

(letters shattering)

Do you ever feel that
you're always in a rush?

Arthur, hurry up!

You're going to be
late for school!

Like you're constantly
running out of time?

Two minutes left.

Finish up.

Everyone's always racing around.

No one ever slows down.

(whistle blows)

The game's over?

Even when you're just relaxing,
you still feel...


You only have


I'm almost
at the next level.

No, not for the game.

The show has to start.


, ...

but I'm not done yet.

I still have
lots more to say.

, ten...

, ten...


You can't just
start a countdown

while I'm trying so say
something important

about the crazy pace
of life.

That's not fai...

That's not fai...



(loud feedback)

PRINCIPAL HANEY (over intercom):

Testing... is it on?

Oh. Good afternoon, students.

Tomorrow we shall have
a special assembly

during first period.

Our very own George Lungdrain...

(inaudible whispering)

Oh, yes, thank you,
Miss Tingley, that's right.


George Lundgren will be
appearing on a radio quiz show

called " Minutes of Fame."

He will be playing
for a grand prize of $ .

Which, if he wins, will be
donated to our school.

That will be all.

I always find those
announcements so exhausting.

Why can't we just
send an emai...

Oh! Whoops!

(loud feedback)

Congratulations, George.

How'd you get on the show?

I just sent my name
in on a postcard

and they picked me
out of a hat.

Remember, class:

your art history reports
are due tomorrow.

Do we still get merit points

if everyone turns
their report in on time?

Yes, if every single project
is handed in on time,

the class gets merit points.

And then we'll break
the mark.

And that means...

No homework day!

Goede morgen.
Hoe gaat het?

What does that mean?

It's "Good morning.
How are you?" in Dutch.

I learned it while
I was doing my report

on the Dutch painter
Pieter Bruegel.


Did you know that
his nickname was...

Did you know that
his nickname was...

What's wrong?

My report on Michelangelo.

I left it at home.

Well, go back and get it.

But I'll be late
for school.

If you don't hand it in,
we won't get No Homework Day.

Knowing Ratburn, he'll probably
turn it into Extra Homework Day.

Muffy, learn French by tomorrow.


Binky, write a novel.

And don't try
to hand in a novella.


If Arthur had only handed
his report in on time,

things would have been
very different.

I... I was in a hurry.

I said I was sorry.

You have time. Go!



Arthur left his report here.

He said if he didn't get
this report in today,

there would be big trouble.

Kate! Quick!
I need your help!

I'll drop off Arthur's report
at school

on the way
to my meeting.

Could you take out
the recycling on your way?

So stay tuned,

'cause " Minutes of Fame"
is coming up

with yours truly, Flip Wattles,

and a lucky kid from
Lakewood Elementary School.


There's some kind of thing
called a report

that Arthur
desperately needs.

What's a "report"?

I have no idea,
but Mr. Read said it twice.

And then the words
"big trouble,"

which, uh,
I understood.

Oh, dear!

And whatever it is,
I think it was on this table.

Mr. Read kept looking down
at it.

Well, is the report there?

I'm not sure.

I see lots of papers;
they can't be important.

I think this green stuff is
called money-- also useless.

Look! Crumbs...

Pal, focus!



What's this?

Hmm, I think
that's a key.

Is it edible?

No. But keys open things.

I have a big plastic one
that opens a big plastic box.

Not the most
amusing toy.

Maybe Mr. Read put
the report in something

and the key opens it.

The plot thickens.

What scientist discovered
radium in ?

Um... I forget.

Just tell me.

How would I know
if you don't know?

I'm a dummy, remember?



I'm going to the
quiz show soon

and I can't remember
who discovered radium.

What if they ask me that?

I think it was Marie Curie.

Of course! I knew that.

Could you just help me
with a few more questions?

I'm really,
really nervous.

Um, okay, but just
for one minute.


Ugh, cow lips.

Oh, Pal.

I think it's hopeless.

We'll never find out
where this key fits.

We mustn't
give up, Kate.


I say!

I think there's food
in that desk.

And look, there's
a key hole, too.

Now, how to get up there?

Okay, last one.

Then I really have to go.

If I don't get my report on
Michelangelo in, I'm toast.

You look more
like a bagel to me.


Let him ask
the question.

Who was the British king during
the American Revolution?

Even I know
this one.

Here's a hint:
It's your name.

King George III.

Good luck!

You'll do great!

Almost there, almost there.




Oh, no.

That's the
last one.

Are you sure
you want to do this?

Steady on, girl.


This is fun.

(tire squealing)

It fits!

Good show, old girl!


Oh, dear.

Don't worry, Kate,
I'll save you.

Where is it?

I could've sworn I left it here.


Kate, are you all right?

Let's do it again.

What's this?

Do you think it could be...
the report?

Thank you, furball
and smelly biped.

So nice to have others
do the grunt work for you.

Now, if you'll excuse me,
I need this.

Fie! Foiled by Nemo again!

That horrible
fish-breathed fiend!

Oh, I was right.

There was food in there.

How will we ever
help Arthur now?

It's not just Arthur
you have to help.

Don't you think we
should be practicing?

I'm too nervous.

He doesn't like to
toot his own horn,

but he's going to be
on a quiz show.

Oh, I'm so proud!

Oh, Buster!

Have you seen Arthur?

I have to give him
this report.

He left it at home.

You have the report?

Yes. Where's Arthur?

He's just... I'll make sure
he gets it.

Oh, thanks, Buster.

D.W.'s imaginary friend?

It's not just me...

This is Treenie,
Vicita's imaginary friend.


And Uncle Wormy.

He's from the Tibbles.


Kate, Pal, we need your help.

We believe Nemo is part of
a secret organization of cats

called the Red Claw.

The Red Claw has a plot

to eliminate imaginary friends

That way kids will spend more
time playing with cats.

Members of the Red Claw--
we have everything we need.

Soon the hearts and minds
of children will be ours.

(laughing evilly)

They are looking for
a secret formula,

which we believe
may be written

on the back of that card
you found, Pal.

If we don't get it back
in minutes,

all imaginary friends
may disappear forever.


We will do our best,

You have our...

There you are,

Ready for your nap,
little girl?

We're ready to start your
morning out with a b-b-bang!

that's the wrong button.

They must have moved it here.

Ah, hot coffee!

(cell phone ringing)

Buster? I can't find my report.

I have it.

Your dad just
dropped it off.


Buster? Hello?

We going to
the auditorium now.

If you get back here
in minutes,

you should make it back
before class starts.

(dial tone)

KATE (over the monitor):
Okay, Pal,

you know what to do.

Find Nemo!

George Lungdrain!


Right, great to meet you.

Sorry my hands are sticky--
spilled some coffee.

So, you ready to play
" Minutes of Fame"?

Uh, well...


Just follow me into
the soundproof room.

I'm afraid your
little dolly

will have to stay
outside, though.

It's against the rules.


Come on, George!

Your minutes of fame
are about to begin.

(clock ticking)

(clock ticking)


There's definitely cat
around here somewhere.

He's picked up a scent.

Good work, Pal.

Good morning, boys and girls!

(loud feedback)

Well, the quiz show
is just about to start.

Let's give a big cheer

for our very own
George Lund...




You can just sit right there
in that big, comfy chair.

So, Josh, you excited to play
" Minutes of Fame"?

It's George.

That is correct!

Hey, you're on a roll.

Okay, the first
question is for $

to be donated to your school
should you answer correctly.


What kind of wood is
traditionally used

to make a baseball bat?

That's the
first question?

Aren't they supposed

to start off with an easy one,

like what has four legs
and goes "meow"?

A cow with a sore throat?

What's that?

Arthur's art history report.

He went home to get it,

but his dad just
dropped it off.

Ooh, I wonder what historical
art he did his report on.

"Hors d'oeuvres list for
Takahashi-McMillan wedding"?

Hey, I didn't know you could
write about food.

I would've done my report
on burgers, not Bruegel.

Buster, this isn't
Arthur's report.

Well, George?

Um... um....

A giraffe doll?

It's a ventriloquist


And I'm top of the line, too!

Made from an ash tree,
just like baseball bats!

So, do you like me?

Did I strike out
or am I a home run?


Baseball bats are traditionally
made from ash.

Is that your confirmed answer?

Yes, that is my
confirmed answer.

George Lundgren...

that is correct!


It could be the entrance to
the secret lair of the Red Claw.

Agent Calico?

This is Tomcat.

I have the secret ingredients.

(cell phone ringing)

Buster? I'm on my way now!


No, wait-- bad!

I don't have
the report.

It's a list of
hors d'oeuvres

for the Takahashi-McMillan

Those meatballs
sound amazing.

So that means my report
is still at home?

I guess so.

Gotta go-- I don't want to miss
George's next questions.

It's so exciting!


Ready for your
next question?

For $ , what does
the Latin word "exeunt" mean?

Remember, you also have
one magic phone call

that you can use to call
a friend for help.

Do you want
to use that call now?


(attempting to sing
through glass of water)



Oh, that sounded terrible.

Next time I'm drinking the water
and you're singing.

George and Wally.

Now it's time
for the next performer.

If you two would
please exeunt...


No, Wally, "exeunt" is Latin
for "leave the stage."

Sorry, I only know Pig Latin.

omework-hay, ease-play!


I'm exeunting,
I'm exeunting!

"Exeunt" means
to exit the stage.

George Lundgren,
you've just won $ !

I smell cat very strongly.

He's very close by.

Closer than you think,


A pox upon you,

Come on, puppy!

The air is so
refreshing up here.

By all that is canine,

I swear you and the Red Claw
will never succeed.

The what?

The Red Claw.

That secret organization
you're a part of.

I've never heard
of the Red Claw.

Sounds like a seafood

Well, then, why did you steal
Arthur's report?

What? You mean this thing?

It amuses me.

She has whiskers.

Lutefisk is a delicacy
from Sweden and Norway

made of dried whitefish.

That is correct!


You're now up to $ !

Have you seen Arthur?

He's late.

Um... yes!

I did see him.

I saw him this morning.

That's my confirmed answer.

Did you just lie to Mr. Ratburn?

No, I really did see him
this morning.

But if Arthur doesn't
show up soon,

something tells me
I'm going to be in big trouble.

Before we go on, let's find out

a little bit more about you,

According to my notes here,

you have a younger brother
named Wally.

Not exactly.

Wally's a dummy.

Hey now!

That's not very nice...

Where are you, Michelangelo!?

Oh, please!

A woman with a mustache?
That's not art.

What would you know about art?

You eat out of the trash.

I beg you, give me that picture.

Come and get it,
biscuit breath.

Oh wait, you can't climb.

Actually, Nemo,
word on the street

is that you've
gotten very clumsy.

What?! Who told you that?

A little bird said
you couldn't climb a tree

unless you used both paws.


Watch this!

Ta da!

Now climb with
the other claw.


You tricked me!

Nothing to it.

Your head has gotten too big
for your claws.

He's done it!

He has the secret recipe.

Good job, Pal.


He says Pal can't hear you.

He's lost the monitor.



(Pal whimpering)



My Michelangelo report!

I think Arthur found it.

And the secret recipe
has been destroyed.


Mission accomplished!

Not quite sure how,
but there you have it.

The tallest animal
in the world is a giraffe.

That's right, too.

Okay, you got $ .

Now, here is your final
question, George Lundgren.

Are you ready?

What is Michelangelo's
full name?

Um... um....

Last one.

Then I really have to go.

If I don't get my report
on Michelangelo handed in,

I'm toast.

I'd like to use my
magic phone call.

I'd like to call my friend
Arthur Read.

He's listening in our
school assembly

at Lakewood Elementary.


I'm doomed.

(clock ticking)

All right, we're
calling the school.

Hello, this is Principal Haney
of Lakewood Elementary.

(loud feedback)

Please turn down your radio,
Principal Haney.

We're looking
for a student

named Arthur Read
to help out George.

Yes, Arthur's here.

One second.

(dial tone)

Well, seems like Principal Haney
can run an elementary school,

but he's not so good
with a telephone.

Where is he?

Okay, we're trying again.


It's me again.


The quiz show.

Oh, yes, of course.

We're finding Arthur Read now.

Arthur Read!

Has anybody seen Arthur?

He's not here.

He's over there!

Phone call
for you, Arthur.

For me?

Who... who is it?




What is Michelangelo's
full name?

Oh, Michelangelo di Lodovico
Buonarroti Simoni.

Michelangelo di Lodovico
Buonarroti Simoni.

I'm sorry,
George, but that is...


You and your school
have just won $ !


George Lundgren!

You've just had your
minutes of fame!

I knew you'd make it.

And I covered for you.

Mr. Ratburn didn't
suspect a thing.

I almost had to lie,
but then...

Excellent research,

I really look forward
to reading your report.

As well as the other report
you'll both be writing

explaining exactly what happened

and why you were
late this morning.

(both sigh)

Well, at least we saved
No Homework Day.


Even if it means
Extra Homework Day for us.
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