14x08 - Arthur Unravels/All the Rage

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Arthur". Aired: October 7, 1996 - February 2022.*
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Arthur demonstrates to kids how to deal with challenges as homework, teachers and bullies.
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14x08 - Arthur Unravels/All the Rage

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Every day, when you're
walking down the street ♪

♪ Everybody that you meet
has an original point of view ♪


♪ And I say, hey ♪

♪ And I say, hey ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen to
your heart, listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ Open up your eyes,
open up your ears ♪

♪ Get together and make things
better by working together ♪

♪ It's a simple message,
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪
♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪
♪ Place to start ♪

♪ Place to start ♪

♪ And I say, hey ♪

♪ And I say, hey ♪



♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we can learn to work
and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind
of day ♪

♪ What a wonderful kind
of day ♪


Hey, D.W.!



(loud thud)

(loud thud)

(letters shattering)


Okay, according to this map,
we should be really close

to the ancient temple
of King Zoot-Hamano.

Don't all the legends say

that the temple is
guarded by evil spirits?

You guys don't really believe
all that legend stuff, do you?

Of course not.

We're scientists and explorers.

Those evil spirits
are just a myth.

(ground rumbling)

Who dares disturb the temple
of King Zoot-Hamano?!


What do we do?

We've got to get
across somehow!

If we had something
to throw

over that branch,
we could swing to safety.

If only we had a rope
or some long piece of fabric,

like a scarf.

Oh, if only we had a scarf,

we'd all be saved!

Yeah, too bad we don't
have a scarf.



Prince of Light,

the evil minions of Mordro
are behind you!

Take cover, Endengorn,

and throw me
the Sword of Phluug!

Oh no, the Winged Raithmorg...

(sound becomes choppy on TV)


Not again!

Not again!

That's the third time

the movie skipped back
to the beginning.

At least we managed to see a
little more of it that time.

I bet the disc is just dirty.

I don't get it.

How can you make clothes
out of a ball of string?

It's yarn,
not string.

And you have to knit the wool
together to make something.

This is going to be a sweater.

Is knitting hard?

Not really.

All you do is use a needle
to pull one loop

through another loop.

Want to try it?

I could set you up
with some yarn.


I'll make a poncho
for Nadine.

Her birthday's
coming up.

First, let me make

some fresh loops for you
to start with.

Does it matter
how many loops you make?

Yes. If you want your
knitting to be wide,

you make more loops.

For something skinnier,
fewer loops.

Put the needle into
the loop like this.

Wrap the yarn around it,
then pull the yarn through.

Then you push
that old loop off.

You've officially knit
your first stitch.

Look at me, Arthur,
I'm knitting!

You're looping the yarn
the wrong way.

I'll show you
what you're doing wrong.

Get your own

Arthur, how about I set you up
with your own needles and yarn?

Um, no, thanks.

No offense, but knitting's
kind of boring.


Did you know there
was a famous book

in which a woman
named Madame Defarge

used knitting as a code to
transmit secret messages?

How'd she do that?

Madame Defarge used
different combinations

of knit and purl stitches
to send messages,

kind of like Morse code.

"The spies are scheduled
to arrive at hours.

"They will hand off the
microfilm to their contact,

who will take it
to Zigzagania."

Agent Longears is standing
by for his instructions.

Locate spies...

pick up bologna.

"Remove microfilm
from bologna.

Don't draw any attention
to yourself."


That does sound kind of cool.

Okay, I'll try it.

Why are you
still in here?

It stopped raining
hours ago.

My goodness, you've been
knitting up a storm!

What are you making?

I'm not sure yet.

it's either a hat or a scarf.

Do you have any more
purple yarn?


But I know just where
we can get some.


Dr. Fugue!
What are you doing here?

My latest pupil
needs gloves.

His fingers keep cramping on
Bach's Invention in F major.

Have you been
wearing yours?


In fact, I was just going
home to practice now.

Is this the pink
you wanted, Grandma?

That's not pink;
it's fuchsia.

Pink is simple,
like a sea shanty;

fuchsia is an oboe concerto
with hints of atonality.

Find what you were
looking for?


I'll meet you

It's, um, kind of crowded
in here.



Since when do you need a live-in
dog walker/yoga instructor?

Oh, you never know.

Did you just buy something

at the Yarn Yurt?


Well, yes, but it's
for my grandma.

Here, dear.

You forgot the most
important part.

Your needles.


Is Grandma Arthurina knitting
himself a pretty dress?

For your information,
these are not knitting needles.

They're tools for making
secret codes.

Secret codes for what?

I'd tell you, but then you'd be
in grave danger.

Have you lost
your marbles?

She's speaking
in code.

Don't worry, Sparrow.

The marbles are safe.

Come on,
my little secret agents.

We'd better get back
to headquarters.

The coast is clear.

I still don't know
what the big deal is.

I just don't want any of
the others seeing us knit, okay?

But why?

Everyone would
make fun of us.

I think Binky already
suspects something.

Hey, that scarf is
really coming along.

I decided to knit some mittens
right onto the ends, too.

I think there's something wrong
with my sandwich cozy.

You dropped a stitch.

Try ripping out that row
and starting again.

(school bell rings)

Recess is over.

We better go back inside.

Just let me
finish this row.

In colonial times, one might
have been punished for things

we don't even consider
to be crimes today.

And being accused
of a crime was serious.

You could be
severely punished,

and shunned by
the entire community.

Just the suspicion
of acting strangely

could get one arrested.

People tried to hide even the
most innocent of activities.


Yes, Mr. Ratburn?

Just making sure
you're paying attention.

Great, I can knit
privately in here.



No... no! Let me go!

You standeth here accused,
Arthur Read,

of conjuring with
string and sticks

a most unspeakable garment!

I saw him with
mine own eyes

depart Ye Olde Yarn Yurt

with a pink woolen thread
most shameful!

(murmuring, crying)

It's not pink-- it's fuchsia!

(crowd gasps)

He's a knitter!


Knitter! Knitter!


No, no, I'm not a knitter! No!


Hey, Arthur,
how's the knitting...



I just want to finish my scarf
without anyone finding out.

And then I'm done
with knitting.

It's just too dangerous.

Arthur, I heard
about your new hobby

and I wanted to show you
what I've been working on.


I call it
"Tyrannosaurus Eggplant."

Thought it might inspire kids
to eat more veggies.

What have you been knitting?

I don't knit!

What made you think that?

Well, Thora said...

Me? A knitter?

(giggles nervously)

Did someone
lose their scarf?

It seems to be

And there are mittens
attached to the end.

Great idea.

If no one claims it,
I'll take it!

It's such a beautiful
shade of pink.

It's not pink-- it's fuchsia!

And it's mine.

I made it.

Well, fuchsia isn't
really your color.

You should stick to yellow.

May I have a bag for
my sandwich, please?

I'd like to eat outside today.

Well, if it isn't
the Little Seamstress.

(kids laughing)

BINKY (in a falsetto):
Look at me!

I knit a lovely scarf.

Did you really, Binky?

I never knew you were a knitter.

He isn't,
Dr. Fugue.

I am.

Excellent work, Arthur.

Precise yet playful,
like a Schubert concerto.

You should join
my knitting club.

You have a knitting club?

Every Wednesday evening,
chez moi.

There's not too many of us--
just Oliver Frensky,

Mrs. MacGrady,
and, of course, Rattles.

There are other
boys in the club?

Crafts aren't just
for girls or for boys.

Or for young or for old.

They're for everyone.

By the way, Binky,
loved your dancing

in Swan Lake the other night.


I figured I didn't want
another hat,

but what I really needed
was some leg warmers,

'cause my legs get really cold.

Does anyone else
get cold legs?

And now...

My name's George, that is Grace.

Today we're going to do
some knitting.

Let's get my mom
so we can go shopping.

We need yarn to make bracelets
and a hacky sack.

Well, it's kind of like a ball
like this, but smaller.

You really do want a yarn that's
going to last a long time.

This is a braided cotton,
pretty durable.

What if I wanted to make
a bracelet out of wool?

We do have a number
of multicolored yarns.

So for your bracelet,
that would be a fun choice.

It's not really like
you just take some yarn

and start knitting; you actually
need to follow a pattern.

This is the pattern
for the hacky sacks.

For example, like, "using MC,
cast on nine stitches":

"MC" means "main color."

Got it.

And you can see

I've started my hacky sack
with these nine stitches.

So now I have seven stitches.

We both started our projects,

but we're going to have to have
a little time to finish them.

You have to be steady,
you have to be patient

and it's fun because, like,
it makes you feel happy inside,

like tingly.

Kind of like going down
a roller coaster very fast.

George looks really
happy and relaxed

over there just knitting.

It kind of is exciting to see
how the patterns come out.

The bracelet is almost done.

My bracelet is done.

This is now shaped like a ball.

Now we're going to put the beans
into the hacky sack.

Knitting is fun because you feel
good-- like, really good--

because you made something

It makes you feel accomplished.

And it's homemade,
which makes it special.

And now...

Welcome to Muffy's House
of Fashion Horrors.

Here you will see the most
frightening fashions

the world has ever seen.

Behold this
gruesome sight!

Isn't it horrible?

What? It's what
I always wear.


The drab shirt,
the plain jeans--

horribly boring.

This way, please.

And now, behold the most fearful
fashion faux pas of the century!

Okay, what's wrong
with that?

I wore it for
my class photo.

That dress looks like
it has chicken pox.


The sight of it sends
chills up my spine.

What's that one
over there?

That one actually does
look kind of scary.

No! That's not supposed
to be part of the exhibit!

Don't go there!

(kids laughing)

That's the craziest
get-up I've ever seen!

It may not be scary,
but it sure is silly.

No! It's a mistake!

Don't look!


This is Candy Coho and
I'm here in Venice, Italy,

with Capri DeBaffita: fashion
icon, trendsetter, "it" girl.

Isn't Capri DeBaffita fantastic,

If by "fantastic" you mean
bizarre, strange and unreal,

then yes, Miss Muffy,
I wholeheartedly agree.

Tell us, Capri, what's
the latest fashion trend?

Oh, uh, huge sunglasses
are in fashion.

They're warm.

That's my latest catchphrase;
it means cool.

Everyone should say it.

Sunglasses are warm.

Being cool is warm.


Um, what's not
warm this season?

Anything that's, like,

not what me and Pixel have been
wearing lately.

That's not warm.


Oh, dear!

Plaid? Ugh!

So last January.

Capri wouldn't be caught dead
in this.


That's last February.

And what about
these horrible hats?

What would Capri think?

What was I thinking?

Hey, look at these duds.


Thanks a lot for
the donation, Muffy.

What is that?

That's a poodle skirt.

Don't see 'em
around anymore,

but in the s,
all the girls wore them.

Nifty, huh?

I guess. If you're a dog lover.

Check these out--
toe socks!

It was a huge fad
in the s.

What's a fad?

It's an activity or fashion
that catches on

and becomes hugely popular
for a while.

Then it just... fades away.

Who created these fads?

I don't know,

but whoever did changed the face
of fashion forever.

I'm here with
Muffy Crosswire,

who has created fads
that never go out of style.

So, Muffy,
what's the latest?

I don't know yet, Candy.

But all I have to do is
say the word

and it will be worn.

Okay! I'll wear it!

Warm, Candy.

Very warm.


I gotta go.
Thanks, Buzz.

Hey, Muffy.

Doing some shopping?

Here? Ha!

These fads are all
yesterday's news.

I was just dropping off
some clothes.

You're not getting rid
of this hat, are you?

It's beautiful.

Sue Ellen,
it's O-U-T, out!

Well, I like it.

Of course you like it.

Okay, my new fashion trend
has to be

something no one has ever seen

But once they see,
they can't do without it.

How about a piece of leather
that you wrap around your waist?

I believe it's called a belt,
Miss Muffy.

Oh, right.

Huh, this is harder
than I thought.

What about a brightly-colored
plastic shoe

with holes in the top?

With a catchy name...

Docks? Pocks?

Thanks, Bailey.

But that would never work,
so let's leave the ideas to me.


I've got it!

Take your places at the starting
line for the meters, please.

What are you wearing?

They're ankle pouches.

I made them myself.

They're going to be
the next big thing.

And they're
so convenient.

If you need some money,
you just...



Back to the drawing board.

Hey, everyone.

Well? What do you all think
of my new scarf?

Now, this is going to be big.

I guarantee it.

Why is it so sticky?

Because it's the Snack-O-Scarf,

a registered trademark
of Crosswire Enterprises.

It's made from gourmet
fruit rolls.

Wear it to keep warm.

Then, when the weather gets
nice, have a bite.


They currently come in
Sassy Saffron, Classy Cranberry

and Elegant Edamame.

How many do you want?

I'll take
a Classy Cranberry.

Mmm! That's the best tasting
scarf I've ever owned.

How about you two?

Soon they'll be selling
like hotcakes.

No, thanks.


What about... (gasps)

You're wearing that?

But I told you,
it's out of style.

So? I like the
way it looks.

"Like the way it looks"?

What does that
have to do with fashion?

You have to
admit, Muffy,

it's less dangerous
than your ankle purses.

But not as tasty as
the Snack-O-Scarf.

None of you know anything
about what's warm.

Shoo! Shoo!

You just wait.

You're all be begging to wear
the next thing I come up with.

Aha! Genius!

You've heard
of leggings...

Well, how about "armings"?



The monocle--
so old, it's new!

(loud clang)


So, Capri, how do you get your
ideas for the next big trend?

Lots of things
inspire me.

Like, I might look
at this tree

and think, you know,
is that tree warm?

Is it?

No, it's barky.

Actually, I get a lot
of ideas from Pixel.

Huh... nose cones.

Now, that could be warm.

You have to look around with,
like, you know, your eyes.

Hmm, designer antlers.

Why are you
drawing George?

Draw me!

What are you wearing?!

What, this?

Lots of kids
are wearing them.


I'm here with Sue Ellen,

creator of the ever-popular
earflap hat fad.

What's your secret to your
pitch-perfect fashion sense?

I just, like, you know,
wear what I like, like.


But... it's not fair.

Relax, you can get one
at Care To Wear.

But you better act quickly.

They're selling like hotcakes.

You're not supposed to be
the trendsetter.

I am!

Can't you just stick to being
a world-traveling do-gooder?

(doorbell rings)

There, now I have one, too.

But it's cashmere...

so it's better.

Muffy, you look terrible.

Come inside.

Do you want
a smoothie?

(blender whirring)

I don't think I've ever
seen you in sweats before.

I mean,
outside of gym class.

I've given up on fashion.


Because I'll never create
something really popular.

I just don't have... "it".

What's "it"?

You know, a unique style
everyone wants to copy.

No one ever copied me
when I wore that hat.

Well, you only wore it once.

I remember the day.

I think I even have
a picture of it.

"Muffy looking fabulous.

I should Muffy it up sometimes."

"Muffy it up"?

It's an expression
I made up.

It just means to make something
simple a little bit fancier.

You're not offended, are you?

Are you kidding?
I'm thrilled!

I may not have created a fad,
but I've become a verb.

That is so warm!



I feel % better.

And by the way, that blue looks
fabulous on you.

You should wear it
more often.

Dog biscuits are very warm.

But they should make them
in different flavors,

like... yellow.

Um, yellow isn't a
flavor, it's a color.

Are you u re?

'Cause this tastes really
yellow to me.

Okay, I don't care
how warm it is,

I am not eating
dog biscuits.

I applaud your decision,
Miss Muffy.

Ooh, love the touch
of red, Bailey.

Just trying to Muffy it up
a bit.

Good night.


To watch more Arthur

and play games with all
of the Elwood City friends,

You can find Arthur books

and lots of other books, too,

at your local library.

♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ Hey! What a wonderful kind
of day ♪

♪ Hey! ♪
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