14x07 - Around the World in 11 Minutes/Muffy and the Big Bad Blog

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Arthur". Aired: October 7, 1996 - February 2022.*
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Arthur demonstrates to kids how to deal with challenges as homework, teachers and bullies.
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14x07 - Around the World in 11 Minutes/Muffy and the Big Bad Blog

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Every day, when you're
walking down the street ♪

♪ Everybody that you meet
has an original point of view ♪


♪ And I say, hey ♪

♪ And I say, hey ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen to
your heart, listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ Open up your eyes,
open up your ears ♪

♪ Get together and make things
better by working together ♪

♪ It's a simple message,
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪
♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪
♪ Place to start ♪

♪ Place to start ♪

♪ And I say, hey ♪

♪ And I say, hey ♪



♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we can learn to work
and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind
of day ♪

♪ What a wonderful kind
of day ♪


Hey, D.W.!



(loud thud)

(loud thud)

(letters shattering)

Did you ever think about
how the things we use every day

come from all over the world?

No way!

You're exaggerating.

No, I'm not.

Like your mitt--

it was made in China.


So was the ball.

And that cheese sandwich
you're about to eat?

The cheese is
from Canada.

And look at the label of
that shirt you're wearing.

"Made in Malaysia."

See what I mean?

Even those pants you have on
come from...

Okay, okay, I get the picture.

It's a small world.

Just start the show already.

They're from Honduras.

(Binky yells)

Is that cumin I smell on those
lamb kebabs?

You're going Moroccan.

I'm not telling!

But after one bite, they will
proclaim Ramon Molina the winner

of this global cuisine cook-off.

Ha! Not after they try
my Singapore salmon.

That cloud looks just like
a poodle I once knew.

Her name was Giselle.


I see a sausage.

Hi, boys!

Say, do either of you know
what "global" means?

Everyone keeps saying
that word today.


It's probably just one of those
nonsense expressions people use,

like "be a good dog."

I think it has something to do
with the world.

Alberto said "globe" once
when he pointed to this.

That's the whole world?

It's so small!

This is just a toy.

The real world is
much, much bigger.

How big is it?

I don't know.

At least from here all the way
to the school.

Maybe bigger.

Well, someday, Kate and I
are going to travel

around the world!

My treat.

Ha, ha, ha!

You? Go around the world?

That's a laugh!

You can't even climb a tree.


Dogs are natural trailblazers.

With our keen sense of smell,
we can find a path to anywhere.

Well said!

Then how about a little bet?

If you and your friends can get
around the world

before the party ends,
I'll give you a lamb chop.

Oh, really?

Sweet Spaniel Lips!

I thought he was bluffing!

You're on.

Wait, my friend.

What happens if we don't make it
around the world

before the party ends?

Then Pal must wear this T-shirt
that says "I Love Cats"

for the rest of his life.


Don't do it, Pal!

You'll be the laughingstock
of the dog run.




It's so rare and meaty!


Quickly! To the car!



What a beautiful landscape!

Where are we?

I have no idea.


There's a house.

Maybe someone in there knows.

(cow moos in distance)

Ooh! Itchy!

Wait a minute.

I'd recognize that itch


Pal! My old friend!

How you been?

Never better.

We're traveling
around the world.

Speaking of which,
where exactly are we?

My homeland, Italia!

Sale will be so sorry
he missed you.

He's itch-hiking in Australia.


I make you some lunch!

Amigo, more pasta?

No, thanks.

So Pepe, what's the quickest
way around the world?

We're on a tight schedule.


You have a car, sì?

I would drive north,
through the Alps,

make a right at Austria, then...

(something crashes nearby)

(both gasp)

Look, there's a saw!

Someone did this to
our car on purpose.

Let's go after them!

But how?

Take my scooters.

You can bring them back when you
finish the trip.

(villain laughing wickedly)

(laughing wickedly)

Now what?

Let's use that boat.

We probably won't be able
to catch him,

but at least we can
continue our trip.



Look alive, ye scurvy swabs!

We're heading
into the open seas.

You do a very nice pirate.

Thank you.

It's even better
when I wear my patch.


Blow, winds,
and crack your cheeks!

Rage! Blow!

Careful, Pal!

Watch out for that wave.


Hold on!

(Kate screams)

Quite a storm, eh?

I'll say!

I'm starving.

How can you
be starving?

We just had a picnic
back in Italy.

I had two pieces of pasta
and a cherry tomato.

It might have been a lot
for Pepe,

but not for Amigo.

Wait right here.

I'll find us some food.


Good work, Mei Lin.

These dates
are delicious.

You can see a lot from up here.

In the distance
there are giant pyramids.


That means
we must be in Egypt!

Well, at least we're heading in
the right direction... I think.


I don't think we can
keep going much longer.

(Amigo panting)

Those pyramids don't seem to be
getting any closer.

Wait! I see something!

Climb in!

(air whooshing)


I've never been on a balloon
ride before!

That's the Great Wall of China.

Oh, we must be in China,
where I was born!

Let us down, Pal.

We're making good time.

I don't see why we can't
have a look-see.

(bicycle bell dings)

These clothes are so beautiful!

That one looks exactly

like my silk jacket.


¡Ay, caramba!

What was that?

(air whooshing)

Oh, no!

We'll never get home!

Keep a cool head.

There must be some way back.

Look! A plane!

Can you fly, Pal?

Well, it's been
a while.

Like never?

Details, details.

Nice one, Alberto.

I'm going to try

a loop-de-loop stunt flier.

That ocean down there
must be the Pacific.

And we're going
really fast.

I think we're going
to make it in time!

Look, Mei Lin.

I think that's Elwood City.

Ladies and Dogs,

we're about to start
our initial descent.

(loud clank)

(loud clank)


That's strange.

There seems to be something
wrong with the steering!

Hello, Flat-Face!

Thought I'd hitch a ride.

is this a scratching post?

It's Nemo!

And he's clawing up
the tail!

He must have been the one

who popped our balloon.

And destroyed our car!


Take the controls.

Back, I tell you!

Heel, you mangy cur!


(both gasp)


On my count!

One... two... three... jump!


Pal! Over here!

You can make it!


Ow! Oh!

(branches rustling)

Ooh, that hurt.

We did it, Pal.

We made it around
the world!

¡Bueno, mi amigo, bueno!


I suppose you want to claim your
lamb chop for winning the bet.

Well, you can't.

I ate it.

I expected no less.

Yet for me, the journey
was reward enough.

And I got to see China,
where I was born.

Yeah, yeah.

Well, the lamb chop was
pretty tasty, too.

Come on, Mei Lin.

Time to go.

Well, that was a splendid trip.

And do you know what
the best part is?

Coming home.

Let's see if there are any
leftovers by the grill.

Where should
we go next?

I've heard the moon is
very nice this time of year.

Capital idea!

And now...

This is first grade.

And our teacher is Ms. Corpas.

We're focusing on the world.

Most of us were born
in North America.

But our families,

they come from other continents
before they came here.

We're learning about continents.

What are we sitting on?

I know it's a rug.

A map.

This one is a map of the world.

The world is in outer space.

And a continent is just like
a big piece of land

and it's not a planet.

The continents are North
America, South America, Europe,

Africa, Asia, Australia
and Antarctica.

We're learning where everybody's
family is from.

Each continent has lots
of different countries.

And a lot of you know exactly
where your family comes from.

My family is from Denmark.

Denmark is in Europe.

My mom is from Puerto Rico.

Puerto Rico is in North America.

My dad is from Italy.

Italy is in Europe.

My father is from China.

China is in Asia.

And my mother came
from the United Kingdom.

The United Kingdom is in Europe.

I think it's kind of interesting
because you learn more

about that country or place.

A globe is a type of map.

It's a map
of the whole world.

My family is from Haiti.

Haiti is in North America.

Where's North America?

Where's North America?
Right there.

Right there.

Can you find that and put
a sticky right next to it?

My family's from South Korea.

Me, too.

And Korea is in Asia.

Oh, Korea.

Let's find Korea on the map.

We can actually learn stuff
from our classmates

if they're from
different places.

I am from China.

Where is China?

My friend Ben is from China and
we're also learning Chinese.

I can say goodbye in Chinese.


And now...

Have you ever been
with someone who...

Wait! Wait! Slow down.

"Arthur is saying, 'Have you
ever been with someone who...'"

Okay, you can keep going.


...someone who has to write down
everything that happens?

"Someone who has to write down
everything that happens."


I'm trying to play tennis!

"Arthur misses the shot."

Your backhand needs some work.

"Arthur grunts when he serves."


No, I don't.

"Now Arthur is losing his cool."

I am not losing my cool!

I just don't like you writing
down every single thing I do.


(ball crashes into fence)

Arthur, I think you
would do a lot better

if you would pay more
attention to the game.


Excuse me! Excuse me!

I have an announcement.

This holiday weekend I will
be going to Costa Rica.

If you want to learn more
about my exciting adventures,

you can visit my new blog.

Thank you,

I'll try to swing by.

Can I bring anything?

"Blog" is short for weblog.

When you blog, you write your
thoughts in a computer file

and post them on a website
for others to read.


I have to write this down.

As I was saying...

Even though none of you can
afford to come with me,

don't feel bad.

Just read "The Muffington Post."

(keyboard clicking,
Muffy's dad snoring)

(keyboard continues clicking)

Hey, I'm Trip!

Can I help you
find something?

USB port? Peripherals? MP s?

I'm looking to get
a new computer,

one that can connect me
to "The Internet."

Uh, they all do that.

What kind of connection
do you have now?

Uh, none, actually.

I do have a telephone.

A newcomer like you should start

with our most, uh,
user-friendly version.

It's pricey, but well
worth the expense.

(cash register bell dings)

All right, class, your next
project will involve research

on a favorite author.


I'm back!

I'm back!

How was Costa Rica?

Was it rainy?

Was it as great as you said
in your blog?

How did you get
to blog so much?

Now, now, I know you have lots
of questions about my trip

and I promise to answer them
all later, on my blog.

Did you need to learn
Costa Rican?

Binky, they speak Spanish there.

I think.

Anyway, just post your questions
on my blog,

even though I'll only have time
to respond to the best ones.

"The response to my blog
was overwhelming.

"Many of you commented
that my blog could change

the face of blogging."

Now she's blogging

about blogging?

Where are those instructions?

This is it?

But there's no writing on it.

Ah, I probably have to put it
in the computer.

But how do I turn
the computer on

without reading what's
on this silver disc?

It's a paradox.

And with the mySmartPhoney,

I can connect
to the Internet anywhere.


Can you get on
the Internet now?

I've been on since I got up.

In fact, I should write about
this right now in my blog.

What are
you writing?

You'll just have
to wait and see.


Hey, where'd they go?

Probably running home
to read my blog.


But-but... I was in
the middle of a post.

You can have this... calculator
back at the end of class.


This is indeed
a fascinating device,

but it's not allowed
in the classroom.

And you need to do other things
in life besides blogging.

That's true.

If I don't do other things,

I won't have anything
to blog about.


(keyboard clicking)

Can we please do something else?

Hold on!

I missed a lot of posts today
when Mr. Ratburn took my phone.

But I came over to your house
to do something together.


Let's read
my next post together.

I'd rather just talk to you.

Oh, Francine, talking
is so th century.


All right, booting up and...


I'm connected to the Internet!

You have new messages.

My, that was fast!

"Earn money from home
without doing any work?"

Now, there's an idea.

So? Has everyone read
my blog today?

(kids groan)

Why not?!

I wrote about
the colors I'm thinking of

for the new curtains
in my room.

Muffy, your blog is getting
a little... boring.


You can't just write that you
had a salad for lunch.

Who wants to read that?

A blog needs to have an angle--
something people care about.

"Jules Verne began his career
writing for opera."




I found an angle,
just like you said.

Are you at your computer?

Yeah, but...

Go to my blog.

It's important.


Muffington Post-dot-com.

"Your humble blogger
dissed by BFF.

"Take the poll.

"Was Francine right or wrong

"to refuse to read her best
friend's blog?

Vote now."


I can't believe her!

"Dear Muffy,

"You have no right
to take a poll

about whether I should
read your silly blog."

I don't think there was
anything wrong

with your e-mail
to Muffy last night,

no matter what
the polls say.

How do you know
what was in my e-mail?

Muffy posted it on her blog.

She what?!

Francine, that fight
we had was great!

It generated the most traffic
I've had in a week.

That was just
between you and me.

Can't anything be private?

That's a good topic
for discussion.

I'll post it!

My mom says, never put
anything in an e-mail

that you wouldn't want on the
front page of the newspaper.

Newspaper! That's it!

Taking The Frensky Star online

makes good business sense.

All set.

The online edition
is up and running.

"It has long been the policy
of The Frensky Star

"to speak out
against injustice.

"Therefore, we must condemn a
new bully of the blogosphere,

the Muffington Post!"

Aren't you supposed
to cover... news?

Our motto is "The latest in
Elwood City News and Opinion."

But that's all opinion.

Where's the news?

I've got it!

"Breaking news!

"The Frensky Star

is now online!

"Bully of the blogosphere"?!


"Some people aren't just bad
friends, they're also copycats.

"How much of a copycat do you
think Francine is:

"Copycattish, very copycattish,
or extremely copycattish?

Vote now."

The nerve!

"Just when we thought it
couldn't get any worse,

the Muffington Post
hits a new all-time low."

(phone rings)

(computer beeps)


(computer beeps)


"Dear N. Ratburn,

You have won a great deal
to buy swampland in Florida."




No, not more windows!

Close! Close!

Have you been following
Francine and Muffy's feud

on the Internet?

It's better than the time

that Bionic Bunny
battled Dark Bunny

in the seventh dimension.

Don't you feel bad that you're
enjoying their fight so much?

I felt bad for enjoying Bionic
Bunny's galactic exile,

but that didn't stop me
from watching it.

I did not!

You started it!

I was just blogging!

You wrote that I wasn't
your best friend anymore!

You wrote that
I betrayed your trust!

Well, you did!

Hey, guys, you've got to come
look on the library computers.

There's a whole website devoted
to Muffy and Francine's feud.




"And the funniest part is

"they're both doing
the same thing

"that they're accusing
the other one of.

Signed... Mr. Chatterblog."


He has no right to say
those things about us!

Who is this
Mr. Chatterblog, anyway?

So? Do you like my blog?




Hey, I call 'em
as I see 'em.

And I already got hits.

We don't need to take this,
do we, Francine?

No, we don't.

From now on, if I insult you,
it's going to be in private.


"Frensky Star and Muffington
Post Announce Merger"?

That's right.

We're pooling
our resources.

And we're starting
a new advice column

called "She Said/She Said."

You send in your problem and get
two opinions about what to do.


You were completely
ahead of the curve

on this Internet thing.

My new Boysenberry allows me to
post from just about anywhere!

You're writing a blog,
Mr. Ratburn?

It's called "The Rat's Nest."

It's mainly devoted
to correcting common solecisms

and grammatical errors.

You should post
your comments.

Uh... maybe later,
Mr. Ratburn.

Want to go to the park?

I thought you'd never ask!

There are also some
delightful puns on my blog.

And word problems, and photos
from my trip to Reykjavik...

To watch more Arthur

and play games with all
of the Elwood City friends,

You can find Arthur books

and lots of other books, too,

at your local library.

♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ Hey! What a wonderful kind
of day ♪

♪ Hey! ♪
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