14x05 - Tales of Grotesquely Grim Bunny/Pet Projects

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Arthur". Aired: October 7, 1996 - February 2022.*
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Arthur demonstrates to kids how to deal with challenges as homework, teachers and bullies.
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14x05 - Tales of Grotesquely Grim Bunny/Pet Projects

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Every day, when you're
walking down the street ♪

♪ Everybody that you meet
has an original point of view ♪


♪ And I say, hey ♪

♪ And I say, hey ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen to
your heart, listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ Open up your eyes,
open up your ears ♪

♪ Get together and make things
better by working together ♪

♪ It's a simple message,
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪
♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪
♪ Place to start ♪

♪ Place to start ♪

♪ And I say, hey ♪

♪ And I say, hey ♪



♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we can learn to work
and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind
of day ♪

♪ What a wonderful kind
of day ♪


Hey, D.W.!



(loud thud)

(loud thud)

It's nice to feel grown up,

to know you can do things
on your own,

like the first time I picked up
a comic book by myself.

Hey, little dude.

You can read this?

Freddy K,

I'm not little, I'm big.

I can read... the pictures.

When I was six, I really got
to feel grown up.

For the first time, I paid for
a comic book with my own money.

I'm buying my very own comic.

Arachnid Ned, the boy
who can get spiders

to do anything he wants.

I saved up for it myself.

Uh, big dude?

You want your change?

Oh, uh...

Do I want my change?

And now I get to watch D.W.

pick out her
first very own comic book.

I bet she goes with a copy
of Mary Moo Calf.

One Mary Moo Calf.

Told you.

And Antfarm Annie.

Pippy-poo the Puppy.

Tummy Bunnies Hip-Hoppy
Happy Trail Tales.

Baba Billy, the Sheepboy.

Witty Winnie Wilson.

(all gasp)

(chicken squawks, Muffy screams)

I can't wait until next week.

Bionic Bunny Meets
Interplanetary Platypus

is coming out.

And the special eight-legged
edition of Arachnid Ned.

(Fern sighs)

Dense Detective
used to be my favorite,

but now I always figure out
the ending.

I mean, I know
he's dense and all,

but it's getting
kind of boring.

Hey, guys!

I want you to meet
my cousin Gerald.

Uh, Gerald? Gerald?

Huh? Oh. Hey.

So, what are you, like,
customers or something?

(Freddy K chuckles)

Gerald's got
an interesting sense of humor.

They're some
of my best customers.


He's a good kid.

You'll get used to him.

"Used to him"?

What do you mean?

Oh, Gerald's going
to take over.

I'm retiring.


But this is your store!

I thought you loved this place.

I do.

But it'll be good for this place

to have some new blood,
spice things up a little.

Right, Gerald?



He cracks me up.

I can't believe Freddy K

has left Meteor Comix.

I know.

The place isn't going to
be the same without him.

Looks the same.

(Gerald chuckling to himself)

Cool. Gory.

And ghastly.

Gruesome, too.




Oh-- customer-dudes.

Did you three, like,
just materialize

from a dark primordial ooze?

Actually, we came in
through the door.

Where are the Arachnid Ned
and Bionic Bunny comics?

I don't know.

Somewhere back there.

But have you checked out
the latest Fear of Dread?

It's sick!

Does that mean
it's good?

Psychotic Maniac Flesh-Eating
Panda is finally out!

Whoa! Sushi-Ahmi-Uni-Ogi:
Rise of Rawness!


Let me know if you find
a copy of Arachnid Ned.

Hey, this looks

New Dense Detective?

No. Something
way more challenging.

Grotesquely Grim Bunny:
Guardian of Doom?

It's the first issue.


It's amazing artwork.

I wonder if that's supposed
to be an alien.

There are aliens?

Ew! Creepy!

But kind of cool, too.

It's creepy-cool.

Check it out.


Come on in.

We've been waiting for you.

That's... something
else, all right.

I definitely want this.

Don't you?

Well, sure, but...

Oh, look!

It's three times
more expensive.

I don't have
enough money.

Too bad.

Instead of us each
buying one comic,

we could all chip in
and get this.

How about it?

Well, the aliens are
very creepy-cool.

What do you think?


And then Grotesquely Grim Bunny
has to protect

the horrible underground
City of Doom

from the even more horrible
Creepy Weasel Monkey Mole,

who lives in a warren
beneath a junkyard

in what's known as
The Under-Underground.

He's evolved from
the DNA of buried bones

and radioactive worm waste.

You can hear
the monster approaching,

you can feel
the monster approaching.

But by then, it's too late!


Are you okay?

You just shouted "No!"

I did?

Well, that's because I...

I didn't want Fern
to ruin the story.

I haven't read it yet.

Oh, that reminds me.

I finished it last night.

It's all yours now.

Cool! I call it next.

Interesting combination
of illustration styles.

And angry flying cats!


Don't want to spoil
any surprises.

Remember, I get it after you.

So, start reading.

It's just a silly comic book.

Just... words and pictures.

Okay, here I go.

(takes a deep breath)


And he's the good guy!


(growling and sniffing)


Cut that out, Pal.



You... you want me to go
into the City of Doom?

Uh, thanks, but
I think I'll pass.



Hey, Arthur.

Welcome to Doom-wood


(loud rumbling)

Do you feel what I feel?

The Creepy Weasel Monkey Mole!

Aren't you guys scared?







Oh, hey, Arthur.

Want to say hi to the
creepy-cool mutant alien?


Temper, Millicent.


Arthur Read...

Grotesquely Grim Bunny,
Guardian of Doom.

Grotesquely Grim,

Arthur Read.

(in Gerald's voice):

What up, Dude?

Dude, don't leave me hanging.

I think he's
a little afraid.

Of course I'm afraid!

I've just been chased
by a Creepy Weasel Monkey Mole.

What do you expect?


Like, that's not
such a good idea.

'Cause the Monkey Mole?

Well, it kind of feeds on fear.

Makes it stronger.

No one else
is afraid.

Why are you?

I don't know.

I just am!

I want to wake up!



(Pal growling)


I didn't want it to get damaged,
so I put it in a protective box.

I mean, it is the first issue.

I think you need a better
"protective box."

I don't know what happened.

I swear!


It smells like Pal.

Sorry, Binky, but I think
my dog ate the comic.

Well, you'd better
tell me what happens.

I've been waiting
since yesterday

and I'm not going
to wait anymore.

Um... there's this bunny.

And he's grim.

Really grim.

Grotesquely grim, even.

Oh! And there's
a Creepy Mole Monkey.

No, no, wait,
I mean Monkey Mole, and, uh...

And then he...

Okay, okay,
I didn't read it.

It was too scary.

Actually, I didn't
read it either.

I got scared by the first page.

It's definitely more
creepy than cool.


Gosh. I liked it.

Oh, well.

I guess it's not for everyone.

Want me to tell you the story?

Um, that's okay.

I'll just wait
for the movie to come out.


I really could use

a good old-fashioned
Bionic Bunny comic right now,

but I'm not going
near Meteor Comix.

I wish Freddy K
still ran it, too.

I went in there yesterday;
it's a mess.

We've always been
great customers there.

We should let Freddy
know how we feel.

You mean, like,
write him a letter?

What about something
a bit more colorful?

KIDS (chanting):
Hey, hey, ho, ho!

Gerald's nice,
but he's got to go!

Ho, ho, hey, hey!

We want Freddy K today!

Hey, hey, ho, ho!

Gerald's nice,
but he's got to go!

I think you're looking for the
section marked "Creepy Stuff."

Hey, it's the new
Arachnid Ned!

And finally, my Bionic Bunny
Meets Interplanetary Platypus.

Hey, guys!

Grotesquely Grim Bunny,
Guardian of Doom, Number .

And I'll just put it away

and wait till I get
home to read it.

Oh, hey, it's just me--

Arthur Timothy Read,
Guardian of Meteor Comix.

Hope I didn't scare you.

And now...

This is second grade.

And today we're talking to you
about our fears.

We made self-portraits.

Our self-portraits
are like a mask.

And then we lift it up
like that.

But you lift it...


You have the fear part.

And we just drew our fear.

So we put the fear
behind our face.

My name is Terrell, and I'm
afraid to fly on an airplane.

Fear means something that you
really don't like

and you're scared of.

I think it's kind of natural
to be scared of things.

My name is Tori, and I'm afraid
of cockroaches.

A cockroach is
a really gross bug.

I don't really like gross things
that much.

My name is Haroun,
and I'm afraid of thunder.

KIDS: Boom!

KIDS: Boom!



My name is Jessica,

and I'm afraid of
swimming in deep waters.

Because when I swim across,

I usually put my feet down
to rest for a minute,

and I can't do that when
I'm in deep waters.

My name's Liliana,
and I'm scared of rats.

My name is Fizza,
and I'm scared of rats.

My name is Jada,
and I'm afraid of rats.

A rat is a rodent that lives

and they live in the sewer.

I want to get over
my fear of rats,

and I need to start learning
about them more.

If someone is afraid of rats,

I think they should read
this book called Oh, Rats!

I think it might make them feel
better about rats.

What are you afraid of?

The boogie monster.

Well, is the boogie
monster real,

or is it in your imagination?

It's in my imagination.

You could just look
at the boogie monster

as something else,
like a regular old person.

I think that when we
talk about our fears,

it helps us get over it.

And now...


I'm Arthur Read and
I've made lots of movies.

Well, okay, I've only made
three movies.

But I started
when I was very young.

What a cute baby you are,


Give Dada back the camera,


But my second film
really rocked.


It's called Rock.

Very... artsy.

I accidentally
left the camera on.

For my third film, I decided
to try science fiction.

But my alien monster
wasn't very scary.

I bet you're dying to know what
my next film will be about.

Stay tuned to
The Arthur Movie Channel.


I'm Capri DeVapida

and welcome to The Perfect Pet.

Do you have a pet?

Well, if you do, make a movie
about it and send it to me.

Show your pet doing tricks,
looking cute and being...


Is that Italian?

I don't speak Italian.

(inaudible whispering)

Oh, affectionate.

The winner will have their film
on Perfect Pet.

Hey, we could actually win
that contest.

I've made movies before
and you're great at tricks.

Billions of fans have
lined up for the premiere

of Arthur and Pal's
latest hit movie,

Slum Dog and the Millionaire.

And here come the stars now.

(crowd cheering)

Pal, much has been said about
your minimalist portrayal

of the slum dog.

Any thoughts?


So true, Pal,
so true.

And Arthur, how do you account
for your sudden rise to fame?

It all started when we had our
film shown on The Perfect Pet.

Thanks, Capri and Pixel.

I just love Arthur's films.

They're so expired.


Oh, I meant inspired.

Ar-thur! Ar-thur! Ar-thur!

If we're gonna win,
I'm gonna need some help.

So, what's the movie about?

Is it aliens?

Sorry, it's about Pal.

Sorry, it's about Pal.


We could make Pal an alien!

All we need is a foil hat...

We did that already.

I want it to be about
the real Pal.

It's going to be called
Dog's Day and Afternoon.

It'll be really exciting.

I promise.

I've only been
here ten minutes

and you've already
broken your promise.

Come on, buddy,
wake up.

It's time for
your close-up.

Good boy.

We'll get some
great footage now.

Even Rock was
better than this.

Let's take him to the park.

Let's take him to the park.


That'll get him excited.

All right, Pal, ready?


And... action!




And... action!

(loud meowing)

And cut!

Great job, Nemo!

Don't tell me
you're entering

the Perfect Pet
film contest, too.

We're winning it.

My movie's called Filming Nemo.

We've got the tricks
part of the contest nailed.

Check out this
amazing action footage.

toilet drinker.

hairball hurler.

My movie's going to win,
you know.

What movie?

The one Arthur's making
about you.

Boy, are you slow!

You probably still think

the vacuum cleaner's
a scary monster.

I do not!

It's a scary robot.


When did Nemo learn
how to ride a skateboard?

And he's got tons
of other tricks.

We've got you licked.

Yeah, well, Pal can do lots
of amazing things, too.

I just don't know
what they are yet.



Pal, no!


I guess I was wrong.

He really can't do
anything amazing.

It's okay, Pal.

It's not your fault if
all you can do is look cute.

Hey, wait, that's the second
category of the contest--


Start filming him, quick.

Wow! He's a natural!

Try another pose.

That's it, boy,
work it.

Let me see that pout.

(playful whimpering)


No "aw"-ing.

He's the enemy.

Aw, the really
cute enemy.

I can't believe they're falling
for this blatant pandering.

I can't help it
if I'm adorable.

You're not adorable,


Must... be... strong.

Anyway, viewers don't care
about such frippery.

They want...

Come on, Nemo,
time to cuten you up.

(Nemo meowing)


(baby voice):
Hello! Hello!

Aw, the little
bonnet kitty is waving.

Hi, bonnet kitty.



Lies! All lies!

Now, now, there's no shame
in wearing a nice bonnet.

Mrs. Nemo!


But they dressed me up
while I was sleeping.

Oh, the shame.

The shame!

The shame!
(laughing hysterically)

(laughing hysterically)

Now Nemo does the best tricks
and is the cutest.

You don't stand
a chance.

She's right.

Not necessarily.

I have this really cool
video editing program.

What if we added
a few special effects?

Come on, I'll show you.



Whoa! Now that's a trick!

But do you think
it's cheating?

Why? The footage
is all real.

I just jazzed it up
a little.

I don't know...

If you want, I'll take out
the jetpack I put in.



(feline howling)


This had better be good.

You used the special
pet emergency call.

It's this blasted movie!

Arthur and Buster made me look

like I did something
I didn't do.

Wear a bonnet?

No, they made me look like I was
jumping through a flaming hoop.

Oh, lucky you.

But it's cheating.

And besides, does Arthur
really think

that I'm not exciting
enough just as I am?

Well, you can't blame him
for that.

You are very dull.

Anyway, what about me?

Francine thinks I'm... not cute.

Well, don't listen to her.

You're much cuter
than lots of creatures.

Like spiders and...


Thank you, I think.

We have to put an end
to those movies.

For their own sakes.

But how?

We'll eat the cameras.

It won't be pretty,
but it's the only way.

Or we could just stop doing
what they tell us to do.

That could work, too.

Probably less painful
than eating a camera.

Then it's settled.

If they're not going to be nice
to us, we won't be nice to them.

(laughing evilly)


(trying to laugh evilly)

Your evil laugh needs work.

Okay, we're down
to the last category.

All we need now
is footage of Nemo

being affectionate
with you.

No problem.

Nemo loves to curl up
in my lap and cuddle.

Good morning,

Come see Mama.

That is not his good side.

That's weird.

Come on, Nemo-wemo.


I think he's mad at me.

Pal, what's wrong?

Give me a hug.

I'm not feelin'
the love.

This is really weird.

He always licks my face
when I say that.

Come on, boy!

Plant one right here.

That's not nice.

really wrong.




Got something to...

Got something to...
We have to...

We have to...

You go first.

You win.

Or rather, I hope you win.

We're not entering
the contest.

Neither are we.

It's upsetting Pal.

Nemo, too.

It's like he's
angry at me.

Are you getting the rear
in the face treatment?

All morning.

Let's let some other pet
be The Perfect Pet.

I like mine
just the way he is.

Nice work, evil feline.

Same to you, dopey mutt.

So, like, I guess we had
a contest or something,

and our winning con...

con... con... um...


Contestant is...

Buster Baxter!

For his film
Paws of Darkness:

The Making Of Filming Nemo
and Dog's Day and Afternoon.

And it was all real.

I didn't change a thing.

Yay, Buster!

So, am I going to be
rich and famous

and get my own
TV show now?

No. You get this
autographed picture.

I'm glad you're
happy again, Pal.

More steak, boy?

How about
some catnip?

You can find Arthur books
and lots of other books, too,

at your local library.

♪ What a wonderful kind
of day ♪

♪ Hey! ♪

♪ Hey! ♪
♪ What a wonderful kind
of day ♪

♪ What a wonderful kind
of day ♪

♪ Hey! ♪
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