14x02 - The Agent of Change/D.W. Unties the Knot

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Arthur". Aired: October 7, 1996 - February 2022.*
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Arthur demonstrates to kids how to deal with challenges as homework, teachers and bullies.
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14x02 - The Agent of Change/D.W. Unties the Knot

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Every day, when you're
walking down the street ♪

♪ Everybody that you meet
has an original point of view ♪


♪ And I say, hey ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen to
your heart, listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ Open up your eyes,
open up your ears ♪

♪ Get together and make things
better by working together ♪

♪ It's a simple message,
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪

♪ Place to start ♪

♪ And I say, hey ♪



♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we can learn to work
and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind
of day ♪


Hey, D.W.!



(loud thud)

(letters shattering)

This is the final battle:
the Ton of Bricks Pull.

Winner takes all!

Who's it gonna be?

Long Haul?

Ice Cold?


Or Johnny Half-Ton?

You're goin' down, Half-Ton!

That's just
your trash talkin', Smelly!

We'll see who's got
"pull" around here.

Oh, I can't look!

Put your pedal to the metal,

(engines revving)

(horns honking)

So, want to go for a drive?


I can't believe I paid
money to see this movie.

I can't believe someone
spent money to make it.

Are there any kid movies
with decent girl characters?

(gong reverberating)

Hey! Did you guys
just see Trucks?

Wasn't it awesome?

No, it was not "awesome"!

There were only two girls
in the entire movie:

Johnny's mom and his airhead
girlfriend, Cindy Cupholder.

That's not true!

What about
Rita the meter maid?

She had one measly line and it
was less than ten words.

Yeah, but it was a good one--
"Park it, Cindy!"

Oh, that was funny.

Look at all these
movie posters.

Kung Fu Koala-- a boy.

Donny Droid-- another boy.

The Ram Pack--
all boys!

I rest my case.


So? Big deal, there are
a lot of movies for boys.

You girls have all those
princess movies.

Oh, please!

Even I get tired
of those.

Hey, Molly,

you liked Trucks,
didn't you?

I don't go to animated movies

The girls in them
are all total doofuses.

In fact, if I could, I'd give
those movie producers

a piece of my mind.

Well, lucky for you,
Crosswires have

I say we tell
the people in charge

just what we think
of their movies.

Couldn't hurt.

Beats just standing around
and complaining.

Good luck with that!

Don't be surprised when they
tell you to "Park it!"




In conclusion, over half the
people on earth are girls.

So please-- put it all in caps--

create some decent
girl characters.


The Group of Three.

Wait till Spike Mailer,

assistant vice-president of
public relations at Tough Films,

gets a load of that.

(computer pings)

Wow. That was fast.

"Thank you for your e-mail

about "Please create some
decent girl characters."

Your thoughts on "Please create
some decent girl characters"

are important to us.


And remember,
go see Trucks,

the movie about a boy
who follows his dreams.

But they didn't address
any of our complaints.

News flash,
Little Miss Muffet:

they didn't even read
your e-mail.

That's just an
a*t*matic response.

What do we do now?

Girls, we make our own
animated movie.

Meet Agent Double X.

That's amazing!

You drew that just now?

Actually, I've been doodling
Agent Double X for years.

But it's cool if we use her
for the movie.

Yeah, well,
"news flash," Picasso:

we can't just make
an animated movie.

Those things
cost millions.


Anyway, financing
isn't my department.

But if you girls want to create
something, look me up.

Peace out.

I hate that expression.

What does it even mean?

Maybe it isn't
such a far-fetched idea.

Think about it, Francine.

Our own animated movie...

"Agent Double X
in Double Dutch."

"She puts the 'Grrr!'
in 'Girl'!"

Phht! I'll pass.

Return of Agent Double X?

Revenge of Agent Double X?

Daughter of Agent Double X?

But these are girls' movies!

No one wants to watch these.

Oh, yeah?

(excited chatter)


Let's do it!

And then, once we've made
a couple of movies,

we'll branch out
into video games.

I have this really cool idea

for an Agent Double X
sports series.

Sports series?

Agent Double X doesn't
play sports!

Why not?

Because she's a glamorous spy.

She's not a spy.

She's a punk rocker who
occasionally saves the world.

Oh, fine.

But she wears couture.

I don't know
what that means,

but if you even think
of putting her in a dress...

She's right, Muffy.

You can't play soccer
in a dress.

Who said anything about soccer?

News flash: She rocks out

and saves humanity
from its stupidity.

If you say "news flash" one more
time, I'm leaving this table.

Ooh! You got chili on me!

I'm leaving!

And sending you
a dry cleaning bill.

Neither of you can leave
because I'm leaving first.

Not if I beat you to it!


How did your talk
with the movie producers go?

We decided to make
our own movie instead.

Oh, really?

Good luck with that.

If these two weren't on top of
me, Barnes, I'd pulverize you!

I guess our first creative
meeting didn't go so well.


But I don't care if Agent Double
X is a goalie who wears a tutu.

We have to do something.

Yeah, and we only
have a week.

Oh, didn't I tell you?

I already sent out invitations.

You can't make an
animated movie in a week.

Well, thanks for telling
me that now.

We don't have time
to argue.

Time's wasting.

I hope you two are
wearing running shoes.

You touch anything I don't tell
you to touch, you get hurt.

We don't have time
for a feature,

but we might be able to whip up
a cool short.

First we'll need
to storyboard everything.

Are you two listening?

Yeah, yeah.

Everything needs to be

No problem.

I said, "storyboard."

That's where we visualize
the story with pictures.

How about this for a beginning?

We see Agent Double X's
secret hideout,

which is an old caboose...

on an abandoned train track
in the middle of nowhere.

But it's not too far from Paris.


Agent Double X is just chilling,
listening to some Mutakrude...

On her speakers.

When, all of a sudden,
her cat...

...her cat butler...

...delivers her a CD.

Agent Double X, the world
desperately needs your help.

I represent a powerful
secret organization

called the Group of Three.

We are strong...


graceful individuals...

Well, most of us are.

It has come to our attention
that certain evil forces

are trying to take over
the planet.

We need you to find
these evil forces

and show them who's boss.

The task may take long...


And there will be
many obstacles.

(camera clicks)

(camera clicks)

(camera clicks)

(camera clicks)

(camera clicks)

(camera clicks)

(camera clicks)

(camera clicks)

(camera clicking)


But in the end,
we know you shall prevail.

It may only be one minute long,
but it's a movie.

Hey, we never gave it a name.

What should we call it?



That's all I got.

You title it.

We trust you.

See you at the big
premiere tomorrow.

Where's my gown, Bailey?

Heads up!

Hey, how's your girl movie

Come see for yourself.

The screening's this evening.

Oh, by the way,

you just threw that guy's paper
into the doghouse.



We're supposed to start
in five minutes! Where is she?


You think I'd miss
my own premiere?

I was getting a haircut.

You got the movie?

It's right... wait a minute.

I put it right here this
morning, I swear!

It didn't leave me
for a second.

Hey, there may not be
any girl heroes in movies,

but check out this great cartoon
I found on the sidewalk!

The Agent of Change?

Yeah, the title's not
so great, but...


k*ll the lights!

A Group of Three production.

Our story begins in a caboose,

in the middle of nowhere
outside of Paris.

(wind blows)

I'll get you,
Agent Double X!

You haven't heard the last
of Cranky Yarns!

Oh, really?
Good luck with that!


(audience cheers)




Now, that was a movie
I'd pay money to see.

I can't wait
to see the sequel.

I can't wait to make
the sequel!

And now...

This is the computer clubhouse

at the Museum of Science,

We're making our own movie.

Last week we got together
to brainstorm.

Should have, like, two girls
only think about theirself.

They should have
a big house.

Lanice and Marlin
are helping us.

The school bell rings...

Okay, write that down.

Does something happen
when the school bell rings?

They shove people going,
"Get out the way!"

The first thing we got
to do is write a script.

And we did a storyboard.

And it's right here.

And now we're making all
the pictures right now.

We're adding pictures
to the words.

Now we're going to record
our voices.

...kids at school.

Our title is
Manners Is the Way to Go.

After a long day at school...

(girls imitating a school bell)

Oh my gosh, that quiz
was way too easy

for us fourth graders.

Yeah, that quiz was easy,

but getting through these
hallways is the hard part.

Ow! Ow! Stop! Get away!

While at home eating some milk
and cookies,

the two friends talked
about their day.

Can you believe
those kids at school

didn't get out
of our way?

I'm sure they
seen us coming.

Excuse me.


Next time you should
say, "Excuse me."


The next day at school, the
girls put those words to use.

Excuse me.

Not only did they surprise
their schoolmates,

they surprised themselves
by the positive response.

Wow, that was easy.

Yeah, we should try this
more often because...

And now...

So, Bananamana...

mana... mano..

It's Bananomanoman!

Oh, whatever.

Will you come quietly?


Banana Peel... away!

Dark Bunny... hop! Olé!

Can children resist imitating

what they see on TV?

"Dark Bunny... hop!"


No, the kick has to come
a little sooner.

And make it bigger.

Try it again,
this time from the couch.

Hi, I'm D.W. Read.

Today's episode reveals how
Arthur can't help copying

what he sees on tele...

Wait, that's not what happens!

You'll see.

Just watch the show.


It's : !

It's my TV time!

I can't tell time,
but I know when shows are over

and mine isn't!

Oh, hi, Buster.


I'm coming back
in exactly one minute.

It's time again for
Big, Fancy Wedding.

(doorbell rings)

Mincey Poodlemeyer?

It's time for your...
Big, Fancy Wedding!


With a big, fancy wedding dress!



And... a big, fancy
wedding palace!


Stay tuned!

You won't want to miss a minute
of this Big, Fancy Wedding.

It's the party of your life,

where all your fantasies
come true!

Dad? Can I have a wedding?

Of course you can, Sweetie--
when you're older.

Hi, Emily!

Guess what?

I'm having a wedding.

Do your parents know about this?

My dad said I could have
a wedding when I'm older.

That was an hour ago,
and now I'm older.

I don't know...

It's the best party
of your life, Emily,

where all your
fantasies come true.

I saw it on TV.

Besides, you get to be
my bridesmaid.

What's that?

I'm not exactly sure,

but the party guy from the show
says I need one.

There's a whole list of stuff we
need, so we better get to work.

Okay, we'll need an onion.

When you get married,
you have to cry a lot.

The onion could come in handy.

And a big, fancy dress.


Marie-Hélène has a box
of fancy dresses

she was going to give away
in her room.

I'll go get them.

It's beautiful!


I'm so happy!

(in normal voice):
How was that?


I don't think you'll need
the onion.

We also need music, food...


And a guy in a suit
who tells you to say: "I do."

Why does he make you say that?

I don't know,
but it seemed to be

a big part of the whole
wedding thing for some reason.

Wow, we sure have
a lot of stuff to do.

And where are we going
to find a palace?


Wait, I have an idea!

It's not a palace,
but it is big.

Come on.

(grunts, crashes)

You want to use
the Crosswire Estate?

The house and the yard are
about , square feet.

Knock off ten percent
because you're friends,

and I'll rent it for this.


How much do you
have on you?

About a dollar.

Then you can have your
party inside this square.

I hope your guests
are small.

That's okay, D.W.

We'll find another place
to have the wedding.


You didn't say it was a wedding!

Who's getting married?


Dee-angel-ee-nora... Woo.


That's a mouthful.

Is that the first name
or the last name?

The first name is

but everyone just calls her Dee.

Dee Woo.

And she wants it to be just like
that Big, Fancy Wedding show.

Oh, I could do such a better job

than those tacky
wedding shows on TV.

Girls, you've just hired Elwood
City's premier wedding planner.

Come, step into my office.

Why did you lie?

I had to.

If she knew it was my wedding,

she'd tell Arthur and
he'd ruin everything.

He lost the ring
at my cousin's wedding.

This is going to be
the best party ever.

Now, every good wedding
has a theme.

What does Dee like?


It should be a big
unicorn wedding.

The Unicorn Queen
gets all dressed up.

Then, a unicorn appears
and takes the bride

and the bridesmaid away.

There's cake and presents,
and music and rainbows

and everything Dee...
er, Woo, ever dreamed of.

Hmm, a fantasy theme.

I like it!

But it sounds
like a big job.

I'll need some assistance.

Welcome to the go-go world of
professional wedding planners.

Here, take this
so I can reach you.

(into walkie-talkie):
Now go!



I'm having a big party where
all my fantasies will come true.

So, Timmy, you'll be
the guy in the suit

that makes D.W. say,
"I do."

Do you have a suit?

No way!

I didn't even wear a suit

when Grandma took us to see
Trucks: The Musical.

You'll get to throw rice

at all the wedding guests.


MUFFY (on walkie-talkie):
Emily! D.W.! Come in!


I need to know who the groom is
for the invitations.


The what?

The groom!

Let me see,
how do I explain this?

Who's the Unicorn Queen's
Unicorn King?



I totally forgot
about that part!


It should be someone who's good
at doing what I tell him.

Eh. He'll do.

(in walkie-talkie):
The groom is James...
uh, King James.

Roger! Over and out!

Not Roger, James.

Um, right. Over.


This is even better
than the TV show!

You better believe it.

And just look
at these invitations.

"Please join us for this magical
celebration of unicorn royalty.

Banquet and dancing
to follow."

I still think
it's a bit hoi polloi.

But it's not
what I want.

If Dee's happy, I'm happy.

Dee is very happy!

Good, nothing but the best

to celebrate the lifelong
union of Dee and James.

Say what now?

Don't you know what it means
to get married?

They're vowing to live together

and love each other
forever and ever.

It's so romantic!

Romantic? Live together?!

No one told me that part!

Oh sure, sometimes their
whole families live together.

Muffy, what if the, um, Queen
wanted to call it off?

It's too late for that!

The wedding's tomorrow.

Why, is Dee getting cold feet?

I don't know.

Uh, let's go
check them, D.W.

See you tomorrow!

: a.m. sharp!


James, who are
all these people?

That's my cousin Prudence,
my uncle Chester,

my step-aunt Myrtle,
my dog Bowser,

Molly, my second-cousin

Today on The Shy Channel:
The Shy Guy Awards...


I can't go through with it!

I just won't show up.

Morning, Sunshine!

How would you like to spend
the whole day with Daddy?

I'd love to!


I have a catering job today
and could use your help.

Some bizarre
unicorn wedding thing

at the Crosswires.

I'm going to
the kitchen.

Why don't you play
with some of the kids?

It looks like
your whole class is here.

There you are.

Come on, we better get
you in your dress.

How come you don't
have to wear a suit?

Why would I?

It's just a party.

But you're the Unicorn King.

D.W. is going
to marry you today.

What?! I'm outta here!

Quick, Tommy,
grab him!

Where did all these kids
come from?

And where's the bride? Over!


I'm right here.

I'm Dee Woo.

And I just want
all this to be over.


Happy wedding day!

You're not supposed
to throw cooked rice!

(playing wedding march)

Come on!

That music means we're
supposed to start

and the Unicorn King here
is getting all wiggly.

Just say "I do" already.

Let me go!

I... I... I...

I don't!


D.W.! The groom is escaping!

Hi, Mr. Read.

I believe it's customary
for the father of the bride

to pay for the wedding.

Don't worry, I subtracted
the catering.


Stay tuned for a very
special episode of...

Big, Fancy Wedding!

It's your TV time!

I'm glad you didn't get
married the other day.

It did turn into
a good party, though.


But there is one thing
I'll miss about being a bride.

What's that?

Having the world's
best bridesmaid.

Think you'll be available
in about years?

Visit us online at

You can find Arthur books,
and lots of other books, too,

at your local library.

♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ Hey! ♪

♪ What a wonderful kind
of day ♪

♪ Hey! ♪
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