13x04 - MacFrensky/The Good, the Bad, and the Binky

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Arthur". Aired: October 7, 1996 - February 2022.*
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Arthur demonstrates to kids how to deal with challenges as homework, teachers and bullies.
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13x04 - MacFrensky/The Good, the Bad, and the Binky

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Every day, when you're
walking down the street ♪

♪ Everybody that you meet
has an original point of view ♪


♪ And I say, hey ♪

♪ And I say, hey ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen to
your heart, listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ Open up your eyes,
open up your ears ♪

♪ Get together and make things
better by working together ♪

♪ It's a simple message,
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪
♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪
♪ Place to start ♪

♪ Place to start ♪

♪ And I say, hey ♪

♪ And I say, hey ♪



♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn to work
and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind
of day ♪

♪ What a wonderful kind
of day ♪


ARTHUR (over TV):
Hey, D.W.!



(loud thud)

(loud thud)

(letters shattering)

Oh, Francine,

let's have our
fortunes told.

Come in.

Come in, have your fortune told.

Okay, me first!

I see...

I see something...



That sounds

An untimely meeting
with a stranger.

I don't know
any strangers.

I see...


I see lunch
with a stranger.

Hey, guys,

mind if we hang out and
have our lunch with you?

Lunch with a stranger,

just like you

Buster's not
a stranger.

That's true.

But he is stranger
than anyone I know.


As you can see,

our Student of the Month
competition is almost complete.

Francine is in the lead.

And I thought you were
wasting your time

coaching the second
graders in softball.

It was fun.

And they're
going to be...

Whispering to friends, however,
is one way to lose points.

Now remember,

the Student of the Month will
be awarded a special prize:

lunch with local weatherman
Thunder MacDuff.

He's so dreamy!

And the winner can choose
one friend to bring along.

(class cheering)

Prunella's prediction!

This is it--

lunch with a stranger.


Alan, you're late.

Your tardiness will cost you
five points.

Sorry. I saw Ms. Lemon
in the parking lot

and she needed help
changing a tire.

Then I found a wallet
with lots of money in it,

so I turned it in
at the office.

Very responsible
of you, Alan.

Here's my science project.

I know it's not
due for ten days.

It's a miniature ecosystem.

It shows how even
the plainest object

can be indispensable
to countless living things.

Flat tire,
returned lost property,

intellectual curiosity,
moral wisdom--


It's not fair.

That lunch with
Thunder MacDuff was mine.

Lost wallet?

Flat tire?


I mean, who doesn't have
roadside service these days?

I think the fix is in.


Well, there's nothing
I can do now.

Take me to your leader.

Wow! The eyes must
be phosphor LEDs

controlled by an integrated
micro circuit.

Surrender, earthling.

Brain sure seems to like
that toy, doesn't he?

Yeah, so?

Well, what if it
were to disappear

and it turned out that
Brain had taken it?

Then he'd lose points
for Student of the Month!

Surrender, earthlings.

But Brain would never do that.

Not on his own, no.

But if someone put it
in his backpack...

But that's stealing.

Buster will get it back.

It's more like... moving.

What do you say?


But we make sure
Buster gets
his toy back.

is futile!

to your new king!

I'll distract them.

Then, when the crowd clears,
you grab the alien.

Wait, wait,

It just doesn't
feel right.


Is it right that Brain sneaks
in at the last minute

to get your prize?


All right.

Better hurry
up, Brain.

Mr. Ratburn might subtract

Student of the Month points
if you're late.

Come on,
we got to go.

Unhand me,


Class, I want you all
to take out

your world history books
and turn to page .

Now, what do we
remember about...


Resistance is futile!

That sounds
like my alien.


I am your
new king.

You took my alien!

Uh, I... I...

You may retrieve it
after school, Buster.

And Alan, that will be minus
ten points for disrupting class,

and another for taking
another student's possession.

And since this is the
last day of the month,

our Student of the Month
will be Francine.


(class cheering)

We have to start
thinking about

how we're going to dress
for lunch with Thunder.

We shouldn't have
done this.


All we did was
move a toy.

But we got Brain
in trouble.

And besides,
what if we get caught?

Will you relax?

We're not going
to get caught.

How do you know?

You can't see
the future.

Okay, I can't see the future.

But I know someone who can.

I see it clearly.

You will remain

Student of the Month


the moon...

until the moon is...

is... is blotted out
in a single swallow!

What does
that mean?

It means it's never
going to happen,

right, Prunella?

Look, no one can
swallow the moon.

It's enormous!

So relax,
you're safe.

(bicycle bell chimes)


Do you think you
could help us out?

We were

You're a great
Student of the Month,

but what happened to Brain
yesterday didn't seem fair.

We don't think he would
steal someone else's toy.

We want to find out
what really happened.

Do you want
to help?

Tell them what you did,

Is that an alien
I see before me?

Or are you just an invader

of my mind?

Are you okay?

Oh, uh, sorry.

I'm just kind of
tired, I guess.

Got to go.

Arthur and
Buster know!

Francine, you're
just worrying again.

Remember what
Prunella said.

They don't believe
Brain took the toy.

They want
to investigate.

Gosh, if they find out what
you did, you're in big trouble.

No, Muffy,
we're both in big trouble!

We need to do


I have an idea.

We have to make
Arthur and Buster

look like they
can't be trusted.

That way, if they
accuse you of anything,

no one will
believe them.

Us, Muffy.

We did this together!

Shhh! We're supposed
to be asleep.

Now, there's a spelling
test on Monday.

What if it looked like Arthur
and Buster were cheating?

Oh, I don't know.

This is getting
out of control.

Francine, we can't
turn back now.

This will be the
last time, I promise.

We can tape cheat sheets
to the inside of their desks.


It's that ink from the alien.

It won't come off!

Out, darned spot, I say!

That ink will never come out,

It's not of this world.

But it's so gross!


No! No!

Wake up, Francine!
Wake up!

You were washing your
hands in your sleep

and shouting.

I think I'm feeling
guilty about doing this

to Buster and Arthur.

I don't like this
any more than you do,

but it has to be done.

(school bell rings)

Remember, we have a spelling
test after lunch.

Now's your chance.

What if I get caught?

Remember what Prunella said.

You're not going to get caught.

I wonder if my toy

could have climbed into Brain's
bag using his suction-cup feet.

Or maybe someone
put it there.

Hiya, fellas.


do you think someone put my toy
in Brain's bag on purpose?

What? Of course not!

Who would do something
so cold and cruel?

Mmm, my favorite.

What is that?

It's a moon cake,

the best dessert known
to this galaxy.

A moon cake?

Careful, Buster.

You could choke.

PRUNELLA (hazily):
...until the moon

is blotted out
in a single swallow.

The moon...

a single swallow...

Buster, no!


Next time I'll save you a piece.

Where's Francine?

I need to find Francine!



It was a riddle,

what Prunella said about
the moon being swallowed up.

Muffy, slow down.

Prunella meant
Buster's moon cake.

He swallowed it in one gulp.


we're going to get caught!

(gasps, lunch tray crashes)

Maybe there's still time to
take back those cheat sheets.

(school bell rings)

The next word is "criminal."


A criminal is someone
who breaks the law.


what's this under
your desk?


I mean,
I don't know.

Is this a cheat sheet?


Confess, earthling!


Buster, cheating is
a very serious thing.

Mr. Ratburn,

I need to talk to you.

Well, truth will out,
as the Bard says.

It's good you girls
came forward.

So, Brain will just be named
Student of the Month

and we won't get
any punishment?

Oh, I never
said that.

Technically, enforced
community service

is an infringement
on my rights.

But I thought a court battle
would be drawn-out

and expensive.

Hey, Muffy,
it's time to go.

Can I just
quickly wash up?

I can't let Thunder MacDuff
see me all dirty like this.

Thanks for inviting
her, Brain.

Sure you don't
want to come?

Nah. I think I'll help
the second graders

with softball practice when
I'm finished with this.


You won't get any points for it;
the contest is over.

Points, shmoints.

I'm just doing it
because it's fun.

And now:

In Mr. Ratburn's class,

they get points for helping
their community.

And in our class, we help also,
but we don't care

about the points;
we care about helping others.

We are doing Pennies for Peace.

We're trying to give money
to Afghanistan and Pakistan

to help kids in schools.

Six, seven...

, , , , .

A hundred pennies
equals a dollar.

, , ...

So, how much do we have so far?

We have , pennies.

That's $ .

Another group of kids are going
to go to the Goodwill Store

to help over there.

Good morning.
How are we doing today?

Well, kids, this is Morgan
Memorial Goodwill Industries.

So what we do in our
distribution center here

is we collect all the donations

that people provide us
through our donation centers.

We're going to sort through
some clothes that were donated,

some books that were donated.

That sound like fun?


We ready to get
to work today?


All right, let's go.

Stuff that people don't use,

they give it to Goodwill.

Then they sell it in stores.

When people need it,
those people will buy it.

The money that Goodwill gets

is to help people
to train for jobs.

This group is sorting clothes
on hangers.

We're sorting the clothes
by men's and women's.

Some people like to use
their time to help people.

I like helping people.

My group is putting books
into groups.

We're going to have a
bin of softcover books

and a bin of hardcover books.

You should help your community
because there's a reason.

It's a good thing.

This group is taking clothes
off the hangers

and putting them into the bins.

These racks are clothes
that didn't sell.

I'm doing this for the people
that need it.

I'm doing this to help
the community.

My class definitely cares
about the community.

Good job today.

High fives.
All right,
high fives.

Thank you.

And now:

One pepperoni slice,

one egg salad sandwich
with extra pickles

and a Mount Olympus salad,

Look, it's Yamada Taro!

He holds the world record
for pizza-eating.


slices in ten minutes!

He's my role model.

What's a role model?

Someone you look up to
and want to be like.

That's who you want
to be like?

He probably got sick
to his stomach.

Great achievements require
great sacrifices.

Well, my role model
is smart, nice

and does a lot more
than eat pizza.

And I'm related to him.

You mean... wow.

Thanks, D.W.

Why are you thanking me?

I was talking about Dad.


(D.W. laughs)

Arthur? A role model?

Wait till I tell Emily.

I think Arthur

could be a role model
for someone.

Anyone could.

Hey, you got something
on your shirt.

Ha! Made you look.

That's going to cost you
one pepperoni.

Mmm... (burps)


Well... maybe not anyone.

(doorbell rings)

Are you here to pay me back
for my pizza?

Uh... no.

I'm here to offer you
some delicious treats.

Only a dollar apiece.

Sugar packets?

I can get those free
at the Sugar Bowl.

Yeah, but I'm delivering
them to you.

With a smile.


Isn't there a chore
I can do for you?

I really need some money.


The World of Wrestling
Spring Smackdown

is coming to Elwood City.

Uncle Slam might be there.

But it costs bucks.

Sorry. Wish I could help.


I heard that Emily's mom
was looking for a baby-sitter

while her nanny is away.

Baby-sitting, huh?

I can do that.

I look after my little sister
all the time.



We'll be next door
at the neighbors'.

Emily's dinner is in the fridge.

Bedtime is : .



Ready to have some fun?

What do you want to play first?

It's : .

Marie-Hélène always
gives me dinner at : .

Then dinner it is.

Marie-Hélène usually folds
the napkins into a shape,

like a swan.



Here! I made a rock instead.


The Binky Barnes
Blue Plate Special.

How are those noodles?


But Marie-Hélène usually makes
my pasta al dente.

Al who?

Actually, I'm not that hungry.

Let's go to my room and play.

Now you're talking.

Let the games begin!

EMILY (with French accent):
And then, Princess Penny
got her paws

all muddy in the mud puddle.

(voice slowing down):
Isn't that terrible, Sir Binky?


Oh, yeah.


Would you be so kind as to pour
me some tea, Sir Binky?

(cries out)





"Ban Newett,


Bonne Nuit, René.

It's French for
"Good Night, René."

It's my favorite book.

(clears his throat)

"Bow Newt, Raymi."

Bonne nuit, René.

"Bon no-weeee"...





I don't think I want
a bedtime story tonight.

I'm really tired.

Good night.

And Uncle Slam has the Crush
Meister in a headlock!

But the Meister breaks free
and throws Slam into the ropes!

Uncle Slam is down!

I can't sleep.

What are you watching?


Uncle Slam's got to beat
the Crush Meister

or he won't make it
to the Spring Smackdown.

Get up, Uncle Slam!

Uncle Slam is
on his feet.

And he has the Meister
by the big toe!

Oh. They're hurting
each other.


Oh, no, it's all fake.

They plan out everything
ahead of time.

It's like a dance.


Like Princess Penny's
Mice on Ice Show?

I really want
to see that.

Yes! He did it!

Yes! He did it!
(bell dings)

(bell dings)

Uncle Slam pinned
the Crush Meister!

What happens now?

Now Uncle Slam takes on...
Tiny Tornado.

He's small, but tough.

When he does his Spinning Storm
Strike, watch out.

(crowd gasping in amazement)


I know.
Isn't he graceful?


(bell dings)

(bell dings)
And it's over, folks.

And it's over, folks.

Uncle Slam is victorious
once again!

(latch rattling)

It's your parents!

You're supposed
to be in bed.

Ten dollars?!


(to himself):
Only more to go.




How's the money-
raising going, Binky?


I'm baby-sitting Emily
tomorrow afternoon

and that'll put me
over the top.

Smackdown, here I come!

I'll just be out back
staking the tomatoes

if you need me.

Let's watch wrestling!

And Uncle Slam is untying
himself using his teeth.


He throws himself
on top of Cowboy Kit.

Uncle Slam wins again!

(both whooping
and laughing)

Oh, I almost forgot,
I brought something for you.

It's my old Uncle Slam jacket
from when I was little.

It doesn't fit me anymore.

It's beautiful!


Now, to escape
from your opponent,

you go down on one arm
and roll away.

That's it.
You're getting
the hang of it.




Is that all you got?

You can do better
than that.

Listen to this.

(burps loudly)


(burps a little louder)




So then Tiny Tornado came
at Uncle Slam like this...


But Uncle Slam got Tiny Tornado
in a headlock.

Hey, Emily,

want to play Princess Penny?

You can be one of the Ice Mice.

Um, not now.

We're playing wrestling.

Pin him, Timmy.

Like this.


(burps loudly)

(both laugh)

Something is
definitely wrong.

And all she's
interested in
is wrestling.

It's like someone
traded the nice Emily

with a burpy,
shovey Emily.

Has she been
trailing any
green slime?

That's a dead giveaway if she's
been replaced by an alien.

Maybe she's upset
about something.

I could ask Binky.

He's been baby-sitting her.

He has?


That's it.

Binky's burpy and shovey.

She must be getting it from him.

Come on.

We have to talk
to him.

Wrestling moves?

Yeah, I taught her some stuff.

But she's a natural.


That was
a Lock-and-Spin Pretzel Roll.

Nice one, Em!

Well, you better un-teach her
all that stuff.


She's just having fun.

But she's not Emily-ish anymore.

I want my old friend back.

She also seems to be
getting in trouble.

Emily, you're playing
too rough.

I don't know what's
gotten into you.

Now apologize
to James.



You are a bad influence,
Binky Barnes.

I am?

I didn't mean to be.

(camera shutter clicks)

Prisoner number - - - ,
Binky Barnes.

Guilty of being a bad influence.

I know you can't have
any roommates,

so I thought you might like
my talking Bionic Bunny doll.


(burps loudly)

What did you do to him?!

Boy, you really are
a bad influence.


(door opens)

(door opens)

Um... I was wondering

if I could talk to Emily
about something?

Sure. Come right in.

Emily, you need to stop
being like me

and just... be yourself.

I am being myself.

Let's wrestle.

You're going down, Barnes!



No, Emily, you have to be
like your other self,

the one that likes dolls

and dainty shoes.

I do still like those things.


Hey, is that
Princess Patty?



That's Princess Penny.

Right, that's what I meant.

So, you still like her, huh?

Of course.

In fact, we're going to see

the Mice on Ice Show
on Saturday.

Want to come?


Uh, wait. Saturday?

That's when
the Spring Smackdown is,

and I finally have enough money.


Well, maybe you, me and Maman

could go to that instead.

Body slam!

Uh, come to think of it,
I'll give it a shot.


That's Rusker,
the Rat-Ogre,

Princess Penny's

(audience "oohs" and "ahhs")

That jump was amazing!

It was like something
Tiny Tornado would do.

That was nothing.

Wait till you see
the Kangaroo King.

More popcorn?

(both burp)




To watch more Arthur

and play games with all
of the Elwood City friends,

visit pbskidsgo.org.

You can find Arthur books

and lots of other books, too,

at your local library.

♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ Hey! What a wonderful kind
of day ♪

♪ Hey! ♪
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