12x07 - w*r of the Worms/I Owe You One

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Arthur". Aired: October 7, 1996 - February 2022.*
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Arthur demonstrates to kids how to deal with challenges as homework, teachers and bullies.
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12x07 - w*r of the Worms/I Owe You One

Post by bunniefuu »

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♪ Every day, when you're
walking down the street ♪

♪ Everybody that you meet
has an original point of view ♪


♪ And I say, hey ♪

♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen to
your heart, listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ Open up your eyes,
open up your ears ♪

♪ Get together and make things
better by working together ♪

♪ It's a simple message,
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪
♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪
♪ Place to start ♪

♪ And I say, hey ♪

♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn to work
and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ What a wonderful kind
of day ♪


Hey, D.W.!


(loud thud)

(letters shattering)

So, what happens next, Fern?

Yeah, does she make it
out alive?

Exhausted from her journey,

the intrepid explorer searches
desperately for water.


She spots a cool mountain

But suddenly...

Not so fast!


(birds caw)

(gorilla roars)

I'm going to eat you for lunch.



Wait a minute.

First of all, there's no such
thing as a giant gorilla.

Second, gorillas don't
eat people.

It's true.

I prefer leaves and fruit.

And finally, gorillas
don't talk.


You wrecked Fern's story!

You always do that.

Why, Brain? Why?


...and then Brain said
that it wasn't a good story

because a goat with
wings was unbelievable.

Well, he is right.

I mean, goats don't have wings.

Who cares if it's believable?

Stories are supposed to be fun.

I mean, can you imagine what
Brain's stories would be like?

Once upon a time there were
three little pigs.

They did not build houses

because pigs lack
opposable thumbs,

which is necessary
to hold tools.

Instead they lived in the woods
and fed on grasses,

leaves and roots.

They were not disturbed
by any wolves.

The end.

Just imagining it
makes me bored.

If Brain wants a
realistic story,

then that's what
I'll give him.

Now what should
it be about?

(school bell rings)

Now, class, who can
guess what's in this box?

A mummified platypus?

Designer shoes?


Very good.

Extra credit for you, Binky.

All right!

How did you know
it was worms?

I always guess worms.

I had to be right

This is a vermiculture box,

which means it has worms in it
for composting.

So, you put your kitchen
scraps in there,

the worms eat it and
change it into soil.

What happens when the
worms eat the scraps?

Do they get bigger
and bigger and bigger?

Well, yes, Fern, they do get
a little bigger.

And I guess they could
eventually turn into
giant worms, right?

And take over
Elwood City?


As the scientist
Carl Sagan once said:

"Extraordinary claims require
extraordinary evidence."

And I'm afraid there's no
evidence for giant worms.

(to herself):

Binky, how'd you
like to help me

with the greatest
hoax of all time?

Tell me again why we
just bought worms.

You heard Mr. Ratburn.

Extraordinary claims require
extraordinary evidence.

Well, this is part of our
extraordinary evidence.

This is going to be one
story that Brain believes--

hook, line
and sinker.

(laughing evilly)


What am I laughing at?

Just follow me.

Buster's tomatoes.

This is the spot.

Hi, guys.

Hey, Buster, did you bring
any fresh tomatoes

from your garden today?

This salad could use them.


I was going to, but
there were too many worms

around my plants
this morning.

Too many worms?


I'm used to seeing a few,

but this morning there
were hundreds.

It really creeped me out.

That's odd.

Sometimes there are more
worms around when it rains,

but it didn't rain last night.

You don't suppose...

What? That worms are starting
to take over Elwood City?


But you didn't see
them, Brain.

They were

You find worms in the dirt.

That's where they live.

End of story.

Fern, I got to
hand it to you--

when you plan to trick someone,
you go all the way.


Keep your voice down
and start digging.

Hey, guys,
look at this.

These holes are really weird.

Could these possibly be from...

Giant worms?



I agree they are weird.

There, all done.

What do you think
of the giant worm?


Wow, it's even better
than I thought.

How's the slime coming?

Pretty good.

But we could use a little
bit more mint jelly.

I must say, I was
surprised to receive your
phone call this morning.

Well, I need an
author's photo

as part of my
latest story,

so I thought,
"Brain is scientific.

He'll take the best
picture possible."

I am a pretty
good photographer.



I'll take one
of you now.

Right there.

Okay, here we go.

I think it's perfect.


what's that in
the background?

No, it just couldn't be.


Could that thing have
been a... a giant worm?

And what's all
this green slime?

There must be a
logical explanation.

Hey, we're right
by the library.

Maybe we can find
some answers in there.

Of course!
The library!

The computer said all
the worm books are located

right here.

Oh, no.

They can't all be gone!

Huh? What's this?

"From the National Secret
Anti-Worm Squad.

"Make sure to remove
all worm books

"from the local library
to keep people

"from discovering the truth
about the giant worm invasion

of Elwood City."




There are no giant worms.

There are
no giant worms.

There are no...

giant worms.




This invasion seems to have
started in an elementary school

in Elwood City.

But now... now they're

They're even in the studio!

No! No!


What's going on?




It's true, the worms are coming.

The worms are coming!

Binky, my friend,
that was sheer genius.

You should have seen
the look on his face.

(phone beeps)

Oh, hang on,
I have another call.


You're doing what?

(all talking at once):
Come on, let's show 'em!
Let's get those worms!

Thank you all for coming
so quickly.

As you all know, we have to stop
these giant worms,

and we have to do it now!


What have I done?

Aah! Giant worms!
We're doomed!

Binky, there are no
giant worms, remember?

You helped me
with the hoax.

So? Just because it's a hoax
doesn't mean it isn't true.

We're doomed!

Make the worms squirm!

Make the worms squirm!
Make the worms squirm!

This all started with those
worms in the school.

Let's get them first.


Ah! They've got him
in their wormy grip!

We'll save you, Mr. Ratburn.

(kids give battle cry)

What's the meaning of thi...

Alan, whatever
gave you the idea

there were giant worms?

There was

the worms
in the garden;

all those
worm holes;

the worm in
the photo;

and the National Secret
Anti-Worm Squad.

I mean, it was like...

some fantastic story
that Fern would make up.


uh, it was.

I, uh, made everything
up to show Brain

that I could tell a good story,
and it, uh,

got a little out of control.

And I helped.

I see.

Well, seeing as how that's
all straightened out,

would anyone like to see how
real worms help the environment?

I would.


Well, then,
let's get started.

Although it's perhaps not as
exciting as Fern's story,

the truth is, worms
are great recyclers.

Their amazing digestive system
makes soil out of scraps.

Wow, they're eating everything.

Let me put something in.

That's very interesting.

Yep, there are
banana peels,

apple cores and
used tea bags in there.

They can eat almost anything
that comes from a plant.

It's just one way we can all
help protect the planet.

♪ You're in them,
you make them, you sh**t them ♪

♪ It's "Postcards from You!" ♪

And now a video from you!

♪ It's "Postcards from You!" ♪

This postcard was made by kids
from the Mission Hill School

in Boston, Massachusetts.

Oh, yeah!

Hi, Buster!

Today we're planting trees.

You dig a hole and you put
the tree in the ground,

you cover it,
and you should water it.

But why should we plant trees?

Trees help us breathe.

When you cut down the trees,
animals lose their home.

Please recycle.

It will help save trees.

Please stop cutting down
the trees.

Trees are important.

Tell more people
to tell more people.

Our next postcard was made
by kids at City Sprouts

in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

My name is Shane.

I'm Moussa.

My name is Tia.

We're going to show you
how to make cider.

We're going to be using

fresh apples from
a Massachusetts orchard

and a grinder and a press.

The first step you have to do is

you have to put the apple in
the press and then you grind it.

And we take the ground-up
apples, put them in the press

and we press all the juice
out of them.

And then pour it out in a cup.

And now we're going to take it
to the compost bin.

This way we're going
to recycle the apples

and it will turn into good
compost for our garden.


To see more
"Postcards from You!"

visit pbskidsgo.org.

Welcome to Smart Accounting!

Starring Lakewood Elementary's
favorite financial advisor,

Muffy Crosswire!

Hi, everybody.

Ready to smarten up
on your accounts?

Let's go to the phones.

Hello. You're on the air.

BINKY (on phone):
Hi, Muffy.

I love your show.

Thank you.

I just earned $

Should I buy a new skateboard
or put it in the bank?

Duh! Put your money
in the bank

and save up for
something really good,

like designer pumps
with bows.

Next call.

Hi, Muffy.

I love your show!

Thank you.

So do I.

I just came back

from going to the movies
with my friend

and I had to borrow money.

I remember.

Do I just owe her
the six dollars,

or should I give her
more than that?

No, no, no, no, no!

Listen up, people.

When you borrow money
or ask someone a favor,

you are in their debt, which
is where you don't want to be.

It was only
six dollars.

What about the popcorn
she shared with you?

And the sips of smoothie?

Okay, okay,
so I owe you one.

Uh, uh, uh!

The four words
you should never say

are "I owe you one,"

because it never ends up
being only one.

Let me tell you a sad
and true story

about someone who
found out the hard way.

I only took one sip
of your smoothie.

Shh, Francine!

I'm about to tell
the story.


(blasting and beeping)


I'm going out
for the afternoon.

I want those leaves raked by
the time I get home at : .

(game blasting and beeping
in distance)

Buster, did you hear me?


All right!

I win again!

Another game?

Like you needed to ask.


: already?

No, that can't be right.

I've been playing since : .


Oh no!

I'll never get the raking done.

What am I going to do?

Um... okay, Buster,

I guess I could spare
half an hour.

I'll be there in a few minutes.


Oh, hey, Arthur.

There's a rake on the deck.

We've got to be done by : .

You know, I was in the middle
of reading Persimmony Glitchet,

The Bellicose Bathroom.

Ooh... Sorry, Arthur.

I really appreciate it.

I owe you one.

So what did you
guys do yesterday?



Watched the gardener rake.

Me too.

Our yard had four weeks'
worth of leaves

and I only had half an hour
to rake them all.

Good thing Arthur
came over to help me.

Lucky break.

So now what are
you going to do for him?

Do for him?

Uh... I don't know.

He didn't ask for anything.

He helped you without asking
for anything in return?


I mean, I said,
"I owe you one,"

but he never collects.

Yep, Arthur's
a really great guy.


Buster, how many favors
has he done for you?

Let's see, there was yesterday,
a couple the day before that,

that one on Monday,
about ten last week.

So that's , carry the one...

Uh, a lot.


Buster, have you
ever heard of interest?

Sure-- I have lots
of interests:

video games, aliens,

video games
about aliens...

Not that kind of interest.

I'll show you.

Let's say you've bought a bunch
of stuff with a credit card,

and this is how much money
you've spent.

We'll just call it
"a lot."

For however long you don't pay
that money back,

a little bit of money
is added to it,

which is called interest.

Then you owe money
on the interest.

Then you owe even more money.

And more and more
and more and more and more.

What are you saying exactly?

Owing favors is
like owing money,

and that's how many favors
you now owe Arthur.


One day he could
decide to collect
all of them.

What do you think
of that?


(phone rings)


It's Arthur.

Listen, I'm in a bind.

Could you
come help me out?

(eerie humming tone)

Thanks a bunch, Buster.

What's that sound?

Oh, nothing.

Come on in.

Buster, I'd like you to meet
my houseguests.


They came to Earth

to capture a human
and picked me,

but I really wanted to stay here
and finish this book.

Then I remembered
all those favors you owed me.

(loud clanking)

(Buster screams)


(sighs with relief)

(someone raking outside)

Buster, I already raked
the lawn this morning.

Good thing I showed up, then,
because you missed some.

Why are you doing this?

Just wanted to start returning
some of those favors I owe you

before there's
too much interest.


Is there anything else
you need done?

Buster, I'm really
into this book right now.

Let's talk about
this later, okay?

Well, when are you going
to start wanting me

to pay you back?

What are you doing?

Figuring out how many years
till I'm out of debt.

Hey, Binky, have you ever
owed favors to anybody?

Me? Owe something
to somebody?

Not if they know
what's good for them.

Yeah, that's what
I thought.

If you want to talk
to someone

about owing favors,
talk to Arthur.

I lent him
my hockey stick

after he broke his
last year.

He said, "I owe you one",

He hasn't paid you back?

Then there was the time
I baby-sat for D.W.

Six straight hours
of Mary Moo Cow.

I still haven't recovered.

Oh, it's no big deal,

What are friends for, right?

"What are friends for?"


(playing melody on clarinet)

(someone raking leaves outside)

What are you doing?

Paying you back.

For what?

You don't owe
me anything.

No, but Arthur does.

And I owe him
for a lot of things.

So if I pay you back,

then I'm really paying him back.

Get it?

Not really.

But hey, if you want to do stuff
for me, that's cool.

When do you want to start?

I started.

I raked your yard.

Oh no, my dad
always does that.

But I got other
chores for you.


You can start
by getting the gum
off this sneaker.

(phone rings)



Hey, Buster,
it's Arthur.

What are you doing
this afternoon?

(doorbell rings)

Hold on.

Hey, Buster,

Binky told me you're doing
all sorts of favors for him

to pay Arthur back.


You know, Arthur owed me
a favor or two as well.

Uh, yeah, Arthur.

Sorry, looks like I'm busy.

ARTHUR (disappointed):
Oh... okay.

See you later then,
I guess.



(doorbell rings)

(doorbell rings)

(doorbell rings)

(phone rings)
Excuse me a minute.



Hey, Buster,
it's Arthur.

Are you still busy?

It's been almost two weeks
since we've played together.

I got two hours.

Movie theater.

: -- see you.

This is so great!

I thought maybe you were
mad at me for saying...

(cell phone rings)

I gotta go.


(movie music starts playing)


Hey, Buster.

What's going on?

I'm paying you back.

So you are mad.

Listen, I'm sorry

I closed the door
on you the other day,

but it was
a really great book

and I wanted to...

No, I'm paying back
all the favors I owe you.

I've only got a hundred
and three to go.

A hundred and three?!

Because of all the interest,

and the interest
on the interest,

and... I don't
understand it totally.

I just know
it's a lot of leaves.

Well, how is running away
from me paying me back?

Because I'm doing favors

for all the people
that you owe fav...

(cell phone rings)




Are you okay?

Yeah, I'm just wet.

Here, take my jacket.

It's dry.

Oh, and look at your bike.

Here, why don't you
take my bike, too.


I'm finally paying you back!



(cell phone rings)

Listen, I'll borrow
your jacket and your bike,

but then we're even.

You don't owe me
any more favors.


Just please do
your chores on time

from now on, okay?

It's a deal.


Oh, wasn't that
a touching story?

Well, that's our show.

Until next time,

this is Smart Accounting
with Muffy!

Hey! What are you doing?

This is my show.

But you owe me
for that last time

you borrowed
"Confuse the Goose."

Says who?

Don't worry.
We're even now.

Hi, everyone.

It's me, Buster.

If you love all the pets
and animals in Elwood City,

you'll love all the different
animals I'm filming

on my travels with my dad.

Whether they live on farms
or in the wild,

they're so much fun.


And I'm sending them all
back to Arthur and the g*ng

on my very own
video postcards.

They're Postcards from Buster.

♪ Every day when you're
walking down the street ♪

♪ And everybody that you meet ♪

♪ Has an original
point of view ♪

♪ And I say, hey ♪
♪ Hey! ♪

♪ What a wonderful kind
of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ Hey! ♪
♪ What a wonderful kind
of day ♪

♪ Hey! ♪
♪ What a wonderful kind
of day ♪

♪ Hey! ♪
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