11x08 - Francine's Pilfered Paper/Buster Gets Real

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Arthur". Aired: October 7, 1996 - February 2022.*
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Arthur demonstrates to kids how to deal with challenges as homework, teachers and bullies.
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11x08 - Francine's Pilfered Paper/Buster Gets Real

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Every day, when you're
walking down the street ♪

♪ Everybody that you meet
has an original point of view ♪


♪ And I say, hey ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen to
your heart, listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ Open up your eyes,
open up your ears ♪

♪ Get together and make things
better by working together ♪

♪ It's a simple message,
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪

♪ Place to start ♪

♪ And I say, hey ♪



♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If you can learn to work
and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind
of day. ♪


ARTHUR (over TV):
Hey, D.W.!



(loud thud)

(letters shattering)

(pig grunting,
chicken squawking)

Thou hadst better hasten
thyself, good master Buster.

Schoolmaster Ratburn will be
most irate if thou art tardy.

He will punish thee roundly.

In a moment,
good neighbor Arthur.

I canst but help look
upon yon poor girl.

Nay, good master Buster,

look naught
upon the wretched thief,

lest it ruin the taste

of tomorrow's
Thanksgiving feast.

Wilst there be turkey,
good master Brain?

Aye, and onion-garlic stew.

I couldst live
without the stew,

but the thought of turkey
brightens my soul.

'Tis most sad

that our dear friend will
languish in yonder stockade

while we sup.

Couldst we not bring her
a crust of bread?

Nay, good children.

She hath committed the most
egregious crime known to student

and schoolmaster alike.

She must contemplate
the error of her ways.

But I didn't even know
it was wrong!

I'll never do it again!

Let me out! Let me out!

(Pal barks)




Because it's Thanksgiving
this Thursday,

I have a surprise for you all.

No homework?

Football tickets?

Pumpkin pie?

No, a five-page report
due Monday, one week from today.

(all groan)


That's a terrible surprise.

On the contrary.

I think it will help
you all appreciate

the many facets of this
historical holiday.

I have selected a unique
topic for each of you to explore

that I trust you will
find most illuminating.

"Pilgrim Fashion"?

What fashion?
They always wore black.

"Why do we celebrate

on the same day every year"?

Aw, I was hoping

for the sociopolitical

of the Arminius/Gomarus

It's your lucky day.
I'll trade you.

"Pilgrim cuisine"?

Great, five pages
about yams.

I'm doomed.

Five pages?

How will I ever write
five pages?

This must be what
college is like.

Except we still have to be
in bed by : and can't drive.

(all grunt)

Sorry, Francine.

Wow, you have more books
than even I take out.

Are you starting
your own library?

They're for that
Thanksgiving report.

I couldn't find
any one book

that had all
the information I need.

I think
I strained my back.

I probably won't be able
to play basketball all season.

I've got a better idea.
Come on.

You can probably get most
of the information you need

off the Internet by using
a search engine.

Just type in what
you're looking for.

Then hit "search."

You'll get more specific results
if you put quotation marks

around your search topic.

Here's a list of some links
that might be helpful.

Be careful, though.

Some stuff on the Internet
is inaccurate,

so it's best to check

your facts with other sources.


A large part of their diet
was comprised of corn

and wild deer,
which is called "venison."

This Web site has everything
I need!

Copy, cut, paste. Hmm.

"Food for Thought:
What the Pilgrims Ate"

by Francine Frensky.


I'm done. Phew!
That wasn't so bad.

Oh, wait.

Now I'm done.

Here's my report, Mr. Ratburn.

I finished early.

(all gasp)

Mmm, very nice.

You did all this
last night and it's typed?


yeah, I mean,
I was doing the research

and I thought I might as well
just finish it.

"Food for Thought."

I like it. I look forward
to reading it, Francine.


Why are you

I just didn't know
you could work so quickly.

You must have really
liked the topic.

It was okay, I guess.

Just seeing if
you're a robot.

I finished my report, Mom.

Want to look
it over?

I'd love to.

Buster, I don't think
it counts as five pages

if you make your letters so big.



(Pal whines)

Pal! Oh...!



My nail!


Tyrell should have passed
to Kaminsky.

He was totally open!

Hey, squirt, come here.

I was on-line

and found some stuff
you might want to use
for your paper.

Oh, thanks,
but I finished it already.

Hey, this is my paper.

You mean, you already used
some of this information?

I used the whole thing.

It was perfect
for the topic,

so I cut and pasted it
into a new document

and added a title.

Francine, you can't do that!

Why not?

Because that's plagiarism,
that's why.

No, it isn't. It's called
finishing your work early

so you can enjoy Thanksgiving.

What's plagiarism?

It's when you take
someone else's work

and claim it's your own.

It's basically stealing.

But I already
handed it in.

So you think
I can get an "F"?


You could
be suspended.


Kids, dinner's ready!

You have to tell

This apple-walnut stuffing
is delicious.

It should taste familiar.

I stole the recipe from Bubby.

It reminds me of when
I was a little girl.

I pinched an apple
from Boris the greengrocer.

I got in so much trouble.

And you know what?
It didn't even taste very good.

What's wrong, Frankie?

You're usually finished
and taking things

off my plate by now.

I never do that!
I'm not a thief!

I mean, I just don't feel
so well right now.

Can I be excused
to get some air?

I'll just tell him the truth.

I didn't know it was wrong.

He'll understand.

He has to!

Francine, I saw
you ride up.

(clears throat)

I think I know
why you're here.

You... you do?

Come in.

But it wasn't until
when Giovanni d'Arcoli

introduced goldleaf fillings,

that dentists began winning
the w*r on cavities...

The DVD of the Ben Kern
nine-hour History of Dentistry.

Fascinating stuff.

Let's see, your paper
was somewhere over here.

I was just about
to grade it.

Ah. Here it is.

I... I have to explain.

You see, I was reading
this article, and...

Here you go.
No doubt,

you'll be disappointed.


I couldn't give you an A.

There was some misinformation
on page two.

Yams were not introduced
until later.

Other than that,
it was excellent.

Uh... thanks.

Tell me, what was
your reference source?

A book called...

... secret... pilgrim...


Never heard of it.

Was there
something else

you wanted to talk
to me about?

Uh... I was just

dying to know how I did.

Happy Thanksgiving.

You feeling
better, kiddo?

We're just about
to start dessert.

I'll be right there.

Did you go
to Ratburn's?

Was he upset?

Did he give you an F?

Not exactly.

"Not exactly"?

What does that mean?

It means I took care
of it, okay?

So let's just forget
about the whole thing
and have some pie.

Since we got
Hoprah's endorsement,

sales have gone
through the roof.

Have you thought about
your next book yet?

I'm already working on it.

(in zombie-like voices):
Cut. Paste. Save.

Cut. Paste. Save.

Cut. Paste. Save.

Cut. Paste. Save.

Who should I make it out to?

The victim of
your heinous crime.

"To my dear victim
of my heinous..."


I knew I'd find you one day.

I am the author

of that article you
plagiarized off the Internet.


Why do you wear a mask?

Is it because rage and envy
have permanently d*sfigured you?

No, I just have
very sensitive skin.

But I am filled with rage!

And I've come for my revenge!


(all gasp)


the real truth.

Francine Frensky...

is a plagiarist!

No, please.

I didn't know it was wrong.

I swear.
I didn't know!

I came up
with the title,

but everything else
was from the Web site.

Word for word.

I see.

I swear I didn't know
it was wrong at the time

and I was going to confess,

I didn't notice and you thought
you might get away with it.

But even if you had
gotten away with it,

you still would have
paid a price.

I would?

When someone plagiarizes,
there are two crimes.

First, the author
is robbed of credit,

and then the person
who plagiarizes is robbed

of really
learning something.

Mr. Ratburn, before you
decide to fail or...

suspend me,
I just want you to know

I wrote another paper.

It's probably not
as good, but...

But it's yours.

And that's much more important

than whatever grade
you get.

See you in class.

Muffy, nice work.

Although your reference
to embroidery

as "Pilgrim bling"
felt inappropriate.

Binky, Arminius and
Gomarus were theologians,

not wrestlers.


Ah, Francine.

Not bad.

Very... original.



A "B"!

What's so great about a "B"?


But it's my "B."

All mine.

♪ You're in them, you sh**t
them, you make them ♪

♪ It's "Postcards from You" ♪

♪ It's "Postcards from You." ♪

This "Postcard from You"
was made by kids

at the Paseo Verde Library
in Henderson, Nevada.

Hello, my name is Jack Phelan,
and I'm here in Las Vegas.

I've heard many things
about this place,

including things like...

No schools.

Hi, I'm Nicki Sandusky,

and this is where
I go to school.

Wow, I thought anyone
in Las Vegas could gamble.


You have to be
or older.

Well, you were wrong.

It's fascinating.

Well, that's all I need
to know about Vegas.

I didn't know anything.

We're the kids of Vegas
who want to stay in Vegas.


Our next postcard
comes from Emma

in Half Moon Bay, California.

My name is Emma.

I live in Half Moon Bay,

There's a lot of fun things
to do here.

(violin music playing)

But my favorite thing of all

is to throw the ball
against the garage.

Bye, Buster.

To see more
"Postcards from You," visit:

(cash register whirring)

(scanner beeps)

♪ Yeah! ♪

(theme music plays)


Oh, no.

Not Top Supermarket Clerk.



But Buster recorded last week's
Bionic Bunny episode

and I want to be able
to talk about it

with him tomorrow.



But that show's

so boring.


Why does it seem like

your family never, ever likes
the same things you do?

Hey, Dad, look.

The Bionic Bunny Laser Show.

Here, take this.


Hey, Mom, look!

A Bionic Bunny rollercoaster.

Not today, Arthur.

But best friends are different.

Hey, look, Arthur.


That's why they're
your best friends.



Need some help, Dominic?


(over PA):
Calamity on checkstand .

Dominic messes up again.

Jeff is so obnoxious.

He's always trying
to distract me.

Who cares?

I know.


As always, one of you

must be eliminated
before the next round.

Please be Jeff. Please be Jeff.

And this time, the person
to "check out" is...

you, Benjamin.




Is it over?

Is that what I think it is?

No, it's Bionic Bunny.

Buster must have taped it
over one of his mom's tapes.

I think this is the episode
we missed last week.

Mom, come quick!

Arthur has last week's...


I told you.
Buster just...

(doorbell rings)

Hey, Arthur.

You gave me
the wrong tape.

Oh, I'm sorry.

Come on in, I'll get
you the right one.

Wait. This is the right tape.

It's last week's show.

Then why does it have
supermarket clerks in it?

Because it's Top
Supermarket Clerk.


You said you were going to tape

the Bionic Bunny three-parter.

Oh, no. When you said

I thought you meant
the three-part season opener

of Top Supermarket Clerk.

But what about Bionic Bunny?

Oh, I don't watch that show

You don't watch
Bionic Bunny anymore?!

Why not?

It's all made up.

It's not true-to-life.

You mean like
a supermarket?

But you hate shopping.

Look, there's a new
article about Lucie

on the Top Supermarket Clerk
Web site.

She's from Detroit
and has two kids and...

Wow, she doesn't like Jeff.

Me, neither.

Oh, and I'll show you
what's really neat:

the Top Supermarket Clerk

viewers' poll.

Cool, today's poll is on Jeff.

Buster hates Bionic Bunny.

Buster hates Bionic Bunny.

(doorbell ringing)

Yeah? Oh, hey, Arthur.

Bionic Bunny,
you've got to help me!

It's Buster-- he's not
watching your show anymore!

He's into some weird
"reality" show now.

My # fan?!

Quickly! Hop on!

Here we are!

Reality TV Headquarters.

We have to find out how
they've brainwashed Buster.

First, we have to get
past that guard.

We'll disguise ourselves
as TV executives.

(whistling tune)

Here we go,
Buster's file.

It seems they've
brainwashed him

with... food.

Of course,

it's a show
all about a supermarket.

That's why he likes it so much.

Can you un-brainwash him?

Sorry. If it doesn't involve
flying, battling monsters,

or lifting heavy objects,
I'm kind of at a loss.

Don't worry. I have an idea.

(alarm blaring)

Intruder alert.
Intruder alert.

Go save your friend.

I'll take care of him.

Hey, Lucie,
what's the matter?

Come down with
Dominicitis today?

(phone ringing)


Hey, Buster, want to go see
the Bionic Bunny marathon

on Saturday?

They're showing all five movies!

But we've seen them already.

How about if I buy you

all the candy and popcorn
you can eat?

Remember that scene, Buster?

It was always your favorite.

Yeah, but people
can't actually plug up
volcanoes with a comet.

It's not real.

It's not supposed
to be real.

It's Bionic Bunny.

(phone ringing)

Hey, I got a text message
from Muffy.

Buster, you're missing
the giant comet worms.

(gasps) Oh, my gosh.

Jeff got in an accident.

You want to go back home

and see if there's anything
on the Internet about it?

Would you mind?


No, go ahead.

Great. Thanks.


"'I didn't mean to run him over
with the shopping cart,'

Dominic claimed,
'It just got away from me.'"


That Dominic is a menace.

I know. I always thought
Jeff was mean to him,

but I'm starting to have
second thoughts.

Why aren't you eating
lunch with Buster?

Don't you two always
eat together?

Yeah, but he doesn't want to
talk about Bionic Bunny anymore.

Just that boring
supermarket show.

He says it's more real.

People write those
reality shows, you know.

They're not really real.

Brain says that
show isn't real.

People write it.


So you can stop watching that

and start watching
Bionic Bunny again, okay?

But I don't like it.

Are you mad about
me leaving the movie?

I'll pay you back for
the candy and popcorn.

I don't care about that stuff.

I just want us to like
the same things again!


Oh, um, hello, Mrs. Bunny.

Is Bionic Bunny home?

This brainwashing
is much deeper
than I thought.

If you want to save
your friendship,

you're going to have to go

Go undercover?

Watch the supermarket show
along with your friend, and...

What? What?

Let it brainwash you as well.

Then you can pull him
out of this.

This isn't something
you can help me with,

is it?

I know-- only flying,
battling monsters

and heavy lifting.

No, he's your best friend.

It's up to you!

Sure, Arthur, I'd love to watch

this week's Supermarket Clerk
at your house.

But I thought
you didn't like it.

No, I... really like it now.

I'll see you on Friday.

ay, let's start the lessons.

Andrea, Dominic, Benjamin, Lily.





Very bad.

(whistle blowing)

No, Jeff was bad.
Now he's good.

Dominic is the bad one.


Paper... plastic.

Paper, plastic,
paper, plastic...

Are you sure this
is necessary?

Okay, okay.

Plastic, paper...

Jeff, Lucie, Andrea, Dominic...

Lucie, Andrea, Dominic, Jeff...

Andrea, Jeff, Lucie,
Andrea, Dominic.

What was that for?

I just know you're going
to forget them.

Come on in.
I made popcorn and everything.

This is so great
that you like the show now.

Who's your favorite?

Uh... Lucie.

Ah, I kind of like
Jeff now myself.

Oh, right.

Jeff is good...

Dominic is bad.

Shh. It's starting.

Plastic or paper, ma'am?

Plastic, please.

And could you put
the eggs on top?

Of course, ma'am.

Did you forget
your club card?

That's okay. If you just

give your phone number

I can see if you're
in our system.

(all gasping)

What did I miss?!
What did I miss?!

The whole show.

I saw it all.

It was great.

Then who just got checked out?

Uh... Derek...

I mean... Demetri...


But it's okay, Arthur.

You don't have
to like this show.

Yes, I do.

If I don't like the show
and you don't like Bionic Bunny,

then what will we have
in common?

Wow, I never thought
of it like that.

Maybe we're not
best friends anymore.

Good-bye, Arthur.


Here's this Henry Skreever comic
I borrowed from you.


It was great.

Hey, wait.

We still have this in common.

That's true.

And what about The Sugar Bowl?

We both love The Sugar Bowl.

Yeah, and bike riding
and amusement parks

and the library.

And aliens.

Oh, wait,
that one's just me.

(both laughing)

So your friendship is saved?

Yeah. I just needed to learn
there's still things

we still like
doing together.

I see.

Well, then, if my job is done,

you won't mind if I... uh...

Bionic Bunny?!

It's not a bad show really.

And so true to life.

Oh, that Dominic.


♪ Every day when you're
walking down the street ♪

♪ And everybody that you meet ♪

♪ Has an original
point of view ♪

♪ And I say, hey ♪

♪ Hey! ♪

♪ What a wonderful kind
of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ Hey! ♪

♪ What a wonderful kind
of day ♪

♪ Hey! ♪

♪ What a wonderful kind
of day ♪

♪ Hey! ♪
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