11x05 - Baby Kate and the Imaginary Mystery/Strangers on a Train

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Arthur". Aired: October 7, 1996 - February 2022.*
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Arthur demonstrates to kids how to deal with challenges as homework, teachers and bullies.
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11x05 - Baby Kate and the Imaginary Mystery/Strangers on a Train

Post by bunniefuu »

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♪ Every day, when you're
walking down the street ♪

♪ Everybody that you meet
has an original point of view ♪


♪ And I say, hey ♪

♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen to
your heart, listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ Open up your eyes,
open up your ears ♪

♪ Get together and make things
better by working together ♪

♪ It's a simple message,
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪
♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪
♪ Place to start ♪

♪ And I say, hey ♪

♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn to work
and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ What a wonderful kind
of day. ♪


ARTHUR (over TV):
Hey, D.W.!


(loud thud)

(letters shattering)

(theme from Masterpiece Theatre

Oh, hello.

I'm Baby Kate,
your host of this week's

"Mashed Peas Theater."

A cat, a dog,

an imaginary friend.

What do these three
creatures have in common?

(with British accent):
Hair! They all have lots
of hair.

Am I right?

Pal, I was asking them.

Oh, them.

Why were you asking them?

They never say anything,
even when Arthur talks to them.

It was a rhetorical question.

That's when you
ask a question,

but you already know the answer.

Why on earth would you do that?

I'll never
understand humans.


Now where was I?

You were asking what
the handsome dog,

the hideous cat
and the imagin...

Oh, wait.

That was one of those
questions, wasn't it?


I'll just tell you what
they have in common.

They are all part of
the thrilling, spine-tingling,

most amazing adventure ever!

And I'm in it?

You're the star.

Do I get top billing?

We'll talk about that later.




Don't you just
love gardening?

That hole's big enough.

Now we just have
to put something in it

that we want to grow.

We'll make
a wallet tree!

Capital idea!


Something's in the bushes.

Stay here, Kate.

Ruff! Ruff!

Come out this instant!

You're trespassing
on Read property now.

Ah! A giant green bee in a hat!

Relax, Pal,

it's just Treenie,

Vicita's imaginary friend.

Hello, we've never met.

I'm Kate.

This is Pal.

Necesito tu ayuda...

She needs your help.

She was supposed
to have tea with Nadine,

D.W.'s imaginary friend,

but she hasn't
seen her for three days.

She's worried that
something has happened.

D.W. did look
upset this morning.

Come to think of it,

I haven't seen Nadine
for a while.

She could just be hiding.

We better check
the house first.

(Baby Kate cries)







You missed it,
Timmy, my turn.

I checked everywhere.

No sign.

She's not in here either.

Maybe Treenie was right

and something did
happen to Nadine.

I bet those Tibbles took her.

They're always
taking things from D.W.

You might be right.

Look at her.


She's hysterical with grief.

Those heartless ruffians.

How could she not be?

D.W. and Nadine have always
done everything together.

Brush their teeth...

play hide-and-seek...

Eight, nine, ten.

Ready or not, here I come.


And Nadine always takes D.W.'s
side in an argument.

You're a meanie!


Don't worry, Kate.
I'll find her.

Let's see, the Tibbles
are probably

keeping her at their house.

Aha! I'll stow away in there.

It's dark in here.

This backpack
is really heavy.

No, it isn't.
You're just weak.

No, I'm not. Look!

Stop! S-stop!

I'm getting p-pack sick.

Okay, you're not weak.

But you are slow.




What kind of creature

puts a half-eaten banana
in his backpack?


Mmm. It's not bad.

Well, well, well.

Did the Reads
finally give you away?

How wise.

Nemo! What are
you doing here?

Following a fly.

I'm on a mission.

You'd better stay out of my way.

A mission? Ooh.

Are you looking
for garbage to eat

or roll in?
That's it!

Put up your paws,
Kitty Litter Breath!

Need a step ladder, Poochums?

(someone humming)

It's Grandma Tibble!

(Grandma humming)


I'm trapped!
Serves you right.

Good luck finding your fly.

I already found him.

We had lunch.

Oh, cats!

Wait! Don't leave me here!

There are
Tibbles around!

What is it we're
looking for exactly?

We are not looking
for anything.

I, however, have to find Nadine.

We believe she's being held
c*ptive by the Tibbles.

What would the Tibbles
want with D.W.'s

imaginary friend?

I'm not sure.

Maybe they're trying to get her

to spill D.W.'s
most precious secrets.

Come on, Nadine!

What does the "D"

and the "W" stand for?

Fess up!

No, I'll never
tell you!


If you don't want to tell us,

you can tell
our imaginary friend...

Uncle Wormy!



Their bedroom!

That's probably
where they're keeping her.

I'm not going
up there.

Suit yourself.

I always wondered where the term
"scaredy-cat" came from.


Feeble-minded hair-ball!

There must be an open window
here somewhere.



(Nemo panting)

This mission
is too dangerous

for one pet,
so I've decided

to help you.

You can pay me back later.

Just don't get underfoot.

Come on.

The coast is clear.


This glittery powder
could be a clue.

Nadine often appears
in a burst of colored sparkles.

Right, right. A clue.

Better go sniff it out.

A mouse!


Ugh, it's fake!

What a rotten trick!


(door shuts)

Any sign of Pal or Nadine yet?


Los puedes ver?


These Tibbles--
I have not met them.

Are they dangerous?

They can be.

Look what they did

to that goose
earlier today.


Don't worry,

I'm sure Pal has everything
under control

and will be back with Nadine
any minute now.

I hope.

Nemo! Quick!

Pretend you're one of
the stuffed animals!

Hey, I don't remember
this one.

Is it yours,

It looks really goofy.

Maybe it's D.W.'s.

Yeah! Let's take out
its stuffing.


What if it's one of
Grandma's stuffed animals?

Oh, yeah.

We better put it
in the doll room.


Oh, I thought was done for!

That's it!

I've had enough
of this horrible place!

Nemo, don't
be a fool.

We're too
high up.

I'll take my chances.

This looks like the perfect
place for an imaginary friend.

Yoo-hoo... anyone here?



It's me, Stanley.

Up here!

How's Arthur?

Is he sleeping through
the night without me?

Oh, yes, he's fine.

But he does miss you
from time to time.


I have reason to believe the
Tibbles have kidnapped Nadine!

Do you know where they
might be hiding her?

I don't think she's here.

Have you heard anything,

Sorry, Pal.

Jumbo would know.

He can hear everything.

Even when a gnat sneezes.



But if the Tibbles
don't have her, then...

who does?

And how am I going
to get out of here?

(owl hooting)

That's it.

I can't wait any longer.

I have to go save Pal.


You're back!

I was so worried.

Ooh, you stink!

I know.

I hid in the Tibbles'
garbage can

and was taken out
with the trash.

It was the only way
I could think of escaping.

What about Nadine?

Did you find her?

I'm afraid this time
we've let D.W. down, Kate.

Poor Nadine.


You're all right!

Why wouldn't I
be all right?

You were gone
for so long.

And when you didn't show up
for tea with Treenie,

we thought you might be
in trouble.

Oh, I forgot about that tea.

I should have left a note.

I was on vacation.

Where did you go?

Fairy Land.

Look, I brought

That's me with
the Tooth Fairy...

and that's me
with Rumpelstiltskin

at the mud baths...

and those are some pixies
I met doing trust falls

at the orientation.

But... what about D.W.?

How could you leave her
for three whole days?


D.W. hasn't called
for me much lately.

Even though I'm
always there for her

when she needs me.

I think she might be starting
to get too old for me.

I hear it happens.

If that does happen,

you can be my imaginary friend.

Thanks, Kate.

Well, I better go tell
Treenie I'm back.

See you guys later.

I guess it'll
be the adventures

of Baby Kate and Nadine
from now on.


I probably should have
just stayed at the Tibbles'.

Don't be silly.

You know
I'll always love you best.

Ugh, even if you smell
like garbage.

No licking
till you've had a bath!

♪ You're in them ♪

♪ You sh**t them ♪

♪ You make them ♪

♪ It's postcards from you ♪

And now a video from you.

This postcard from you
was made by kids

a the Edmunds Academy
in Des Moines, Iowa.

(upbeat music playing)



Here pig, pig, pig.

Come here, pig,
pig, pig, pig, pig.

Come on.

Pig, pig, pig, pig.

Let's go, pig,
pig, pig, pig.

Pig, pig, pig,
come here.

I want to be a pig!

(kids screaming)

Our next postcard comes
from Dominic and Mia

in Des Moines, Iowa.



Foot fire,
foot fire!

Something that you always try
to do is pick one thing

that you should work on
each day.


I like to sh**t.

And we play one-on-one.

(sneakers squeaking)

Can you show us some
of your best moves?

I can't quite dunk it

like I used to, unfortunately.

We can.
You can?

Well, I'd like to see that.

To see more
"Postcards from You," visit:
Oh, Mom, it's so great.

A whole weekend
in Crown City.

The museums, the plays.

And don't forget,
we're traveling

on the Crown
City Star.

What a beautiful
train she is.

I haven't seen
her in years.

I can't wait.

I bet it'll be just like
in those old movies.

(train whistle blows)

Oh, Rick, isn't riding the
Trans-Iberian Express grand?

I'll say.

And now that we've recovered the
stolen diamonds, we can sit back

and enjoy
the view.


passeport, s'il vous plaît.


Rick, the diamonds!

They're gone!
(footsteps passing overhead)


(train whistle blows)

You'll never catch me,
Rick and Nola.


We'll see about that,
Guy Pelard,

a.k.a. Le Brain.

Careful, Rick.

Don't lose your head.


Tell that to him!


See, you'll never catch me.


Are you ready, honey?

Here it is.

The Crown City Star.


(slot machine bells ring)

Well, I'm sure
the inside

is much nicer.

Or not.

No offense, Mom,

but this train is
a bit of a, uh...

A dump?

They've really let her go.

Not quite as you
remembered, huh?

Oh, she used to
be a real beaut.

But, like a lot of us,

she's gotten a little older.

What about
the plush sleeper cars?

The elegant dining car?

The lounge car?

They're planning
to fix her up soon,

but for now,
this is it.

Ooh, there is
a snack car.

(loud rumbling)

Oh, pardon me.

That's okay.

Clumsy me, always
dropping something.

Rather lose my hat
than my head, eh?

I hope there's someone fun
to talk to on this train.

Let's sit here.

Want to go exploring?

We might find something fun.

Nah, I think
I'll just stay here.

Okay, suit yourself.

See you later.


Hello again,
fellow traveler.


have you been
on this train before?

Nope, first time.

Oh, very exciting.

Where are you off to?

Crown City.

Crown City.

You know, they have
some great museums there.

Yep, they sure do.

You know, the conductor
mentioned a snack car.

I think I'll go
check it out.


See you later,

There just have to be
some kids on this train.

Whoops! What's this?

Hmm, a diary.

"Private property
of Betsy Johnson, age eight."

Hey, that means there's
another girl on this train.

I bet she'd like this back.


Maybe she already got off
the train.

I wonder if there
are any clues inside.

"To travel is to experience

"the world firsthand

and breathe deep the air
of mystic lands."

First day out of St. Louis
on a Mississippi riverboat.

A man named Shoeless Jackson
taught me how to play cards.

By the end of the day,

I had won a necktie,
a bag of peanuts,

and the deed to a cabin
in the Blue Ridge Mountains.

Read 'em and weep, fellas.

(all gasp)

on my cross-country trip.

Here at Lake Louise,

I've discovered a whole new use
for taffy.


Nice bear.

Good bear.


Day .

Hollywood at last.

And I had a fortuitous accident

just outside
of Grauman's Chinese Theater.



Betsy sounds amazing.

I wonder if she could still be
on the train.

That's weird.

I wonder who put those here.

Maybe Mom can help me
figure this out.

"Gone to observation car.

"Be back soon.

Love, Mom."

Another note?

"Did you get my gift?

"I always carry taffy with me
when I travel.

Hope we can talk soon."

That writing.

It looks familiar.

They're the same.

Betsy is still on board.

I have to find her.

We'll have so much
to talk about.


I'm sorry.

I just don't understand it.

Where could she be?


Well, Betsy is definitely
not in here.

What are you
doing here?


I-It's you.

I-I just...
I-I just kind of fell

in here while I was
looking for, uh...

Looking for...?

Looking for a girl
my age on the train.

I've searched everywhere
but can't find her.

A girl, eh?

besides you,

there are no other
girls on this train.

But how could that be?

Unless you mean...


(train whistle blows)

The Ghost
of the Crown City Star.

A... A ghost?

Legend has it that a girl on
the very first Crown City Star

lost her ticket.

Having no money,
she wasn't allowed

to get off the train.

They say she's been wandering
the aisles all these years,

searching for another
girl to take her place.


(train whistle blows)

Of course, who believes
ghost stories, huh?


(laughs nervously)

A ghost.

That's the silliest thing
I've ever heard.

I mean, I have her diary.

Ghosts don't keep diaries.

"My first train trip."

"New for ."

New for ?

And today's entry.

"It's hard to believe,
but once again

"I'm on the Crown City Star.

"It's been a very long time.

Maybe I'll meet someone fun
this trip."

She is still on this train.

The candy.

The note.

The diary.

They're all Betsy.

Betsy's the ghost and she wants
me to ride on this train...


Legend has it that a girl

on the very first Crown City
Star lost her ticket.

Having no money, she wasn't
allowed to get off the train.


They say she's been wandering
the aisles all these years,

searching for another girl
to take her place.

To take her place...

Take her place...

(train whistle blows)

Will you be my friend?

(Sue Ellen screams)



That's wonderful.

Mom, Mom...!

Honey, what is it?

You look as if
you've seen a ghost.

I found this girl's diary
and I tried to find the girl,

but she's nowhere
because she's a ghost

and she left me
a note

and she wanders the aisles

and she wants me
to ride on this train


I'm sure there's

a logical explanation.

Is there a name on the diary?

Yeah, it belongs
to a girl named Betsy.

Really? That's funny.

I was just talking
to our fellow passenger here

and her name is Betsy.

She's traveled on this train
many times before.

Here, would you care
for a saltwater taffy?


I always carry
them with me.

You... You left me
the candy on the table.

And the note.

Oh, that was just me trying
to liven things up a bit.

You looked so bored.

So it's you.

You're Betsy.

You're the ghost.

Sue Ellen.


I may have a few years on you,
but I'm far from being a ghost.

But the diary-- it was written
by a little girl in the s.

How did it get here?

And what happened to her?

We were actually
talking about that
when you showed up.

Betsy's going
to be published.

You must be
so proud.

I am, actually.

It's not every lady who
gets her diaries published.

So this is your diary?


And thanks so much
for finding it.

I was writing in it
today, but then,

well, I didn't know
where it had gotten to.

Clumsy me.

I assume you
read some of it?

Well, I... You see...

Oh, it's quite
all right.

I would have done
the same thing.

I think we're very
alike, you and I.

You know, I never thought
I'd have so much in common

with someone so, uh...

Someone so old?

That's okay.

It's true.

But seeing as you know
about my travels,

I'd like to hear
about yours.

I love travel stories.

Me, too.

Let's see.

Oh, yeah.

Ever since I was a little girl,
I wanted to go

to Paris.

Ah, the City
of Lights.

And two years ago,
my dream came true.

Our taxi driver,
who spoke perfect English,

asked where we wanted to go

and I said,
"Take us to the Awful Tower."

(train whistle blowing,
all laughing)

It was terrible.

Mom and Dad
couldn't stop laughing.

Hi, I'm Marc Brown.

I get a lot of letters
from you kids

asking me what I do

when I'm not writing and
illustrating the Arthur books.

Well, come on, I'll show you.

The first thing I do every
morning is make my bed,

and then I go for a walk,

and after that I come home
and make my favorite breakfast:

oatmeal and bananas.

And sometimes I doodle.

It sort of reminds me
of Prunella.

♪ Every day when you're
walking down the street ♪

♪ And everybody that you meet ♪

♪ Has an original
point of view ♪

♪ And I say, hey ♪
♪ Hey! ♪

♪ What a wonderful kind
of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ Hey! ♪
♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ Hey! ♪
♪ What a wonderful kind
of day ♪

♪ Hey! ♪
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