11x03 - Buenas Noches, Vicita/Prunella Packs It In

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Arthur". Aired: October 7, 1996 - February 2022.*
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Arthur demonstrates to kids how to deal with challenges as homework, teachers and bullies.
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11x03 - Buenas Noches, Vicita/Prunella Packs It In

Post by bunniefuu »

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♪ Every day when you're
walking down the street ♪

♪ Everybody that you meet
has an original point of view ♪


♪ And I say hey ♪

♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen to
your heart, listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ Open up your eyes,
open up your ears ♪

♪ Get together and make things
better by working together ♪

♪ It's a simple message,
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Oh, believe in yourself ♪
♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪
♪ Place to start ♪

♪ And I say, hey ♪

♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn to work
and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ What a wonderful kind
of day. ♪


ARTHUR (over TV):
Hey, D.W.!


(loud thud)

(letters shattering)



Sometimes no matter what you do,

it's impossible to get to sleep.

Some people try counting sheep.


Trouble sleeping,
Miss Muffy?

(clears throat)

One long-haired
merino lamb.

Two long-haired
merino lambs.

Three long-haired
merino lambs.

Four long-haired
merino lambs.

Brain finds that
pi helps him go to sleep.

But not the kind you eat.

The ratio
of a circle's circumference

to its diameter

is . ...


There's one thing that never
fails to put Buster to sleep:



When I can't get to sleep,

I take a few deep breaths,

imagine a clear, blue lake,

(pounding on wall)

Quit talking
to yourself!

You're keeping me up!



Pata Sucia fue a la feria,

para comprar un par de medias.

Como medias no habían,

Pata Sucia se réia.

Ja Je Ji Jo Ju.

Pata Sucia eres tú.

Come on, Raulito.

Time for bed.

VICITA (in singsong):
Papa, I'm ready.

(door opens)

The Very Magic Mango Tree?

It isn't on the bookshelf?

All that's under here is

some dust and two pennies.


That's where they were.

What if I read you
another story?


but it probably
won't work.

"And the Mama Bear said,

"'Who's been sleeping
in my bed?'

"And then the baby bear

pointed to Goldilocks
and said..."

Why do these bears
sleep on beds?

How come
they eat porridge?

And if she had
brown hair,

would she be called Brownilocks?

So if I were Jack,

I would have put in an
escalator and saved some time.

Is a beanstalk
like spinach?


(loud snoring)


I'll catch you!

Come on,
it's not fair.

You're cheating.

Hey, Vicita,
want to play?

Maybe tomorrow.

What's wrong?

I'm tired.

I lost
my favorite book,

The Very Magic Mango Tree.

I can't sleep without it.

Come back here!

Did you try reading
a different one?

Last night, Papa read me
every book I have.



I think I know someone
who might be able to help.

As we can see in stage two
of the pie chart,

the polysomnographic readings

show both positive
and negative waves.

If that's a pie,

why isn't it on a plate?

And where's the ice cream?

It's a pie chart depicting

the sleep cycle.

"Sleep cycle"?

Is that a bicycle you
ride when you're asleep?

That sounds dangerous.

You're supposed to be

boring her to sleep,
not frightening her!


Understanding the circadian
rhythms of sleep
(door closes)

is not boring!

Can't sleep?

Just do what we do.

I jump on my bed,
while Timmy sings me a lullaby.

♪ Twinkle, twinkle, little bro ♪

♪ It's too bad
you'll never grow ♪

♪ An evil witch
has made you small ♪

♪ All your life
you'll have to crawl ♪

♪ Twinkle, twinkle,
little bro... ♪

Better run before the witch
comes back

and turns you into a slimy worm
with warts.

And then Timmy chases me
all over the house.

Lullabies are supposed
to make you fall asleep.

We do fall asleep.

When we run out of energy.

(Tibbles laughing)

You're getting sleepy.

Very sleepy.

No, I'm not.

You aren't?

I am.

Would you mind if I lay down?


I just wish I could
get my book back.

Are you sure you checked
everywhere for it?

(Buster snores)


What does it
look like?

Well, it has really
pretty pictures

of jungle animals and mangos

and it goes like this:

"Once upon a very long time ago,

"a young boy named Uaica
ran into the jungle

"to hide from the boys
who teased him.

Underneath the branches
of an enormous..."

Wait a minute!
You know the book by heart?

Of course.

I've heard it
at least a million times.

That's it!
Arthur, quick!

We need a pen and paper.

Okay, Vicita, tell me the story.

"Once upon a very long time ago,

a young boy named Uaica
ran into the jungle..."

♪ ♪

(no voice)

It might not be the exact

same book, but it has
all the same words.

You're a genius!

"Once upon a very
long time ago...

"a young boy named Uaica
ran into the jungle to hide

"from the boys who teased him.

"Underneath the branches

"of an enormous mango tree
he saw all the animals

"of the jungle eating
mangoes and yawning.

The monkey said..."

Good night, Macaw.

"And the monkey
fell sound asleep.

The macaw said..."

Good night, Caiman.

"And the caiman
fell sound asleep.

And then Uaica said..."
I want to eat

a mango and fall asleep, too.

I'm tired from running
from the boys

in the village
who tease me.

"And on the highest branch
of the mango tree,

Uaica saw a mango,
glowing like the sun."

"So Uaica climbed up the tree,
plucked the mango and ate it.

And then, he fell asleep."


"And when Uaica slept,

"he dreamt of Jaguar Man,

who taught him the ways
of jaguar."



"And when Uaica
finally woke up,

he was never teased again."

Wait, I'm still awake.

Why didn't it work?

It's because I remembered
the story wrong.

I left Uaica in the tree.

In the book,
he climbs back down

and falls asleep under the tree.

We can't leave him up there.

What if he falls?

Let's get Papa, Raulito.

(door creaks open)

I don't want to wake them up.

We'll just have
to figure out a way

to get Uaica down

from that tree by ourselves.

(animals calling)

Hey! Watch it!

You'll make me lose
my stuffing!

Now, where's that mango tree?

(speaking slowly):
Where are you folks headed?

What's that thing?!
Does it eat llamas?

Relax, it's just a sloth.

Excuse me, Señor Sloth,

we're looking
for a magic mango tree.

Which magic mango tree?

The one that makes you sleep,

or the one that
keeps you awake?

The sleeping one is over...

Come on,

come on!

Okay, thanks!


(lively music playing)

Vicita! Come have a mango!

This place is kid heaven!

No one ever sleeps here!


I need
the sleeping mango tree.

I have to get there before
Uaica falls and hurts himself.


I can take you there.

Hop on.

No, thanks.

I have a perfect flying record,

if that's what
you're worried about.

It's just, uh, llamas
don't like to fly.

Come on!

We're running out of time.

(Raulito yelps)

RAULITO (gasping):
Are we there yet?

The sleeping tree
is this way,

near where the river forks.

(Raulito yelling)

Thanks for the ride.


Ooh! Oh, I'm glad
that's over.


Whatever happens now,

at least it won't be
as bad as...


Hey! Come back

with my llama!

Help! Help!

A mango!

Forget about
the mango!

This guy thinks

I'm an empanada!




Hello down there!

Could someone help me?


We found you!

Get down here and
eat this mango!

If you don't, I may
never sleep again.

I can't!

I'm afraid of heights!

Then how did you get up there
in the first place?

I don't know!

I guess I didn't look down
when I was going up.

Listen, Uaica,

I'm afraid of
heights, too--

and all animals
that aren't stuffed--

but I just flew on a macaw
to find you!



So come down,

so I can get back
to the land

of air conditioning
and bug spray.

Just take it

one branch at a time.

I did it!

Now eat this,

so Jaguar Man will
teach you the ways

of the jaguar,

and you'll never have to worry

about being teased again.

I don't even really like mangos.

Do you have any magic papayas?

Eat the mango!



He's dreaming
of Jaguar Man.

We can go home now, Raulito.





What is it, Vicita?

I lost Raulito!

I bet we can find him.

Thank you, Papa.

Look what I found, Vicita!

We can read it tonight.

You don't have to.

It's all up here.

Right, Raulito?

♪ You're in them ♪

♪ You sh**t them ♪

♪ You make them ♪

♪ It's "Postcards from You." ♪

And now a video from you.

Here's a "Postcard from You"
from our friends at UNICEF.

This one comes from Josefin
in Finland.

(heart beating)

(alarm bell rings)

(heart beating)

(alarm bell rings)

(heart beating)

(heart beating)

♪ ♪

Our next postcard comes
from kids

at the Edmunds Academy
in Des Moines, Iowa.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

To see more
"Postcards from You,"

"Griselda the Fearless knew

"that the magic chalice lay
hidden nearby.

"But first,
she had to sneak past

"the dreaded Three-Headed Dog
of Doogenkirk.

"Luckily, it was asleep.

So all Griselda had to do was
tiptoe by in utter silence."


(metal clanging)




Lady of Dinesmore...
Lady of Dinesmore!

Let me in,

I beseech thee!


Your ladyship...

you must grant
me shelter!

The Three-Headed Dog of
Doogenkirk is right behind me!

I can't play right now.

I'm studying
for a test.

How could the threat
of a mere test compare

with being savaged
by the dreaded...

This isn't just a test,

It's the college exam.

And it's much, much scarier

than any
three-headed dog.

So keep it down.

Don't worry, boy.

I still think you're terrifying.

And I predict

that you will shortly see...

"Prunella Packs It In."

(shop bell ringing)

Hey, Brain.

One Magical Mystery
Sunday, please.

Do you want
to come over

and fight the Three-Headed
Dog of Doogenkirk with me?


I have tap class.

Besides, isn't that something
you do with Rubella?

She's too busy studying
for some silly test.

You mean the
college exam?

That is a big test!

It's what colleges
look at

when they decide whether or not
to take you.

There's a single exam
that gets you into college?

If there is,

Daddy must have gotten
an A-plus.

He went to Ivy University,

and that's the best college
there is.

The college exam isn't graded
with a letter, Muffy.

They're graded with numbers.


Then I guess he got a million.

But what if you don't do well
on exams?

Colleges also look
at your grades.

So, if you're a good student,

you shouldn't have anything
to worry about.

What if you're an...

okay student?

Don't worry, there are a zillion
colleges out there.

I'm sure there's at least one
that will take you.

Do you want

gummy-newts in that?

I've lost my appetite.

There are a zillion colleges
out there.

I'm sure there's at least one
that will take you.

One that will take you...

Prunella Deegan.

For successfully completing
four years

of pie throwing and pratfalls,

I, Dean Pickles of the
Whoopdeedo College for Clowns,

present you
this nonrefundable diploma.



(audience laughs)


You're not
checking out

all the Henry Screever books,
are you?

I've reserved
The Chalice of Malice.

These are textbooks.

Quantum physics, surrealist
poetry, the Crimean w*r...

Since when are you
interested in that stuff?

Since I decided I don't want
to go to Clown College.

Are you still worried
about that?

Look, there are
other ways to get in

besides good grades and tests.

They also want people
who are well-rounded.

But... I'm thin
as a rail!

No, silly.

"Well-rounded" means having

lots of fascinating interests
and activities.

Does being a Henry Screever
fan count?

Uh... no.

They have to be things
that make you seem exciting,

like playing the ukulele

or delivering
turkeys to orphans.

What do you do?

I folk-dance, play the ocarina,
and I come here every week

and read to little kids.

How do you have time
to do all that?!

When you really care
about stuff, Prunella,

you just
find the time.

"Chapter one.

"A funny face peered
at me through the gate.

It was none other
than my pet goat."

I don't think I'm going
to need these, Ms. Turner.

Ooh, this one sounds great.

"Kendo: The Ancient Art of
Japanese Sword Fighting."

You're only nine.

You don't have to worry
about college yet.

Easy for you to say.

You get straight A's.

Ooh! How about
"Artisanal Cheese-making"?

Do you think colleges
would like that?

But you don't even like cheese.

Yeah, but this is cheese
making not cheese eating.

What about "Assembling
Your Own V- Engine"?

I bet there are no other
nine-year-olds taking that.

I think they should at least be
things you actually want to do.


the Cultural Center

isn't offering any classes
in fortune-telling.

"How to Speak Useful Czech."

That sounds... useful.

Now all I have to do
is get my mom to sign me up.

This is going to be great!

Now breathe into your core.

(breathing deeply)

Feel the air.

Hold it.

And release.
(class exhaling)

Once again,
breathe in...
Excuse me.

I thought this was
Japanese sword fighting.

Where are the swords?

We don't get swords
till week five.

Until then, it's just breathing.

(students exhaling)

Hi, Bailey!

What are you
doing here?

Miss Muffy and I

are enrolled in
a puff pastry seminar.

Do you know where Room is?

I'm late for my "Useful
Czech" language class.

Straight down the hall
on the left.

(man speaking Czech)

"Our product is selling
very well in the U.S. market."

(student repeating Czech)

And the cheese-making
course made me nauseous,

so I had to quit
that, too.

But I'm not giving up.

I signed up for
three more classes.

Do you think colleges want
students who know how to yodel?

Beats me.

What about volunteer work?

If you're going to run around
doing things you don't like,

you might as well
be helping someone.

That's a great idea!

My dad helps out at the
Elwood City Wildlife Center.

I could ask if he
knows of anything.


I love animals!

So can we play some soccer now?

Can't. I'm late for scuba.

Call me!

Save the pied-billed grebe!

Donate now and get an "I Honk
For Grebes" bumper sticker.


Hey, Grebe!

That goes
in recycling!

Oh, sorry.

(chirping violently)

Get away! Get away!

Get away!



Olé! Ariba!

Cante Chico!

Ooh, sorry.

I thought I was in flamenco
class for a second.

I was wondering if you'd be
willing to help paint the set

of the school play.

You did such a wonderful
job last year.

That was so much fun!

We're doing Chekhov's
The Cherry Orchard,

and I'm thinking of creating
an entire forest as a backdrop.

Ooh! With tons of
cherry blossoms, and...

Oh, wait.

Would it take a lot of time?

Just an hour after school,

and maybe a few hours
on the weekend.

I don't think
I can do it, Mr. Ratburn.

I just don't have time.

You don't have to make
a decision right away.

Why don't you
think about it?




Okay, I have to be at
the Senior Center at :

to help with bingo,

but Amish quilt design was moved
to : , so that means...

I have a whole minutes
all to myself!


Must... get to...

next appointment.

You're not
breathing right.

Here's some
extra air.


(man speaking Czech)

No more!

I can't carry it all!

(chirping loudly)
Breathe! Breathe!

(Prunella screaming)

(men shouting)



Prunie, you're late
for the college exam.

This isn't
my bouzouki class?

Face it, you're no good
at all those other things.

You better just hope
you do well on this.

"Fish is to bicycle
as fusilli is to blank."

Don't worry.

We'll always have
a spot for you!


(alarm clock beeping)

: in the morning!

I slept through
all my appointments!


So I quit everything.



I guess I better get used
to the idea of Clown College.

Look at the bright side:

Now you have time to do
things you really like.

You're right.

From now on,
I'm just living for today.

Then we must not tarry,
O powerful wizard!

The Three-Headed
Dog of Doogenkirk

is still out there!

And Lord Moldywort
is growing more powerful!

To the castle!

Wait-- could we go
to the castle a little later?

There's something
I want to do first.

(Mr. Ratburn sighs)

These trees really give
the sense of wistfulness

that pervades
The Cherry Orchard.

Excellent work, Prunella.


Too bad painting sets
won't get me into college.

Why not?

Set design is a well-
respected profession.

There are entire schools
devoted to it.

Not that you should be
worrying about college now.

You're only
in fourth grade.

Ugh! I'm covered in paint!

You didn't tell me
this counts.

Counts for what?


Painting sets
is a fascinating activity

that makes me

No, it doesn't.

Does, too!

Hi, Muffin!

Bailey had some sort of
pastry class to go to,

so I'm your ride home today.

Daddy, tell Prunella that
painting is just a hobby

and would never
in a million years

get you into
Ivy University.

I wouldn't know.

I never went to college.


But you have that framed
diploma in your office.

Oh, that's just
an honorary degree.

They gave it to me when
I donated the library.

Beautiful set!

Well, come on, Pookums.

The car is outside.

Don't worry, Muffy.

There's a zillion
colleges out there.

I'm sure there must be at
least one that'll take you.

That tree could use
more blossoms, George.

Binky, put
a few clouds up there,

but use a sponge;
it's a softer effect.

Come on people, let's make
this forest come alive.

♪ ...And everybody
that you meet ♪

♪ Has an original
point of view ♪

♪ And I say hey ♪
♪ Hey! ♪

♪ What a wonderful kind
of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪
♪ Hey! ♪

♪ What a wonderful kind
of day ♪

♪ Hey! ♪
♪ What a wonderful kind
of day ♪

♪ Hey! ♪
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