11x01 - Swept Away/Germophobia

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Arthur". Aired: October 7, 1996 - February 2022.*
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Arthur demonstrates to kids how to deal with challenges as homework, teachers and bullies.
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11x01 - Swept Away/Germophobia

Post by bunniefuu »

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♪ Every day, when you're
walking down the street ♪

♪ Everybody that you meet
has an original point of view ♪


♪ And I say, hey ♪

♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If you can learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen to
your heart, listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ Open up your eyes,
open up your ears ♪

♪ Get together and make things
better by working together ♪

♪ It's a simple message,
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪
♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪
♪ Place to start ♪

♪ And I say, hey ♪

♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If you can learn to work
and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ What a wonderful kind
of day. ♪


ARTHUR (over TV):
Hey, D.W.!


(loud thud)

(letters shattering)

Have you ever noticed
how different people

have different senses of time?

Like D.W.

Sometimes she thinks a minute
is like an hour.

Are we there yet?

D.W., that's the eighth
time you've asked.

You can't ask again for
at least ten minutes.



Are the ten minutes
up yet?


Then there's Buster time,

which is closely linked
to his stomach.

I'll have the Harry Mills
Meatball Experience.

Buster, it's only :
in the morning.

It's breakfast time.

I've already had breakfast.
This is lunch.

But if you have lunch now,

you'll be really hungry
by dinner.

Not if I have dinner at lunch.

And tonight,

I'll get a head start
on tomorrow's breakfast.

I'm just a meal
ahead of you.

Mmm, pickles.

Sometimes it seems like time
is going really fast.

Like when you go to an amusement
park with all your friends

and the day just flies by

and everything's over
before you know it.

You have ten minutes
to complete this test.

Sometimes it goes really slowly,

like when you take a test

and don't know the answers.

But there's one thing
that never changes about time.

You can't stop it.

Or can you?

Is it working?

I don't know how long I...






(whistle blowing)

Aw, red flag.

That means we can't swim
because the ocean's too rough.

I'm sure it'll change
in a little bit.

Well, anything yet?

No, she's just...
Wait a minute.

She's reaching
for something green.

Oh, false alarm.

It was just a

When is the flag
going to change?

You said it would be
a little bit.

It's been hours.

What if it's
like this forever

because of all the green
mouse gases in the atmosphere?

It's "greenhouse" gases, Buster.

Oh. Is that where
the green mice live?

This is a terrible

Why couldn't we go
to Paris, like Emily?

You know what I used to do
when I couldn't swim?

Build a sandcastle.

Once, we built one
as big as a bed.

It was even

in the newspaper.

Okay, but Arthur has to dig.

I don't like sand
under my nails.

Come on. Who knows?

We might find
some buried treasure.

Okay, we'll put
the princess' bedroom here,

and her swimming pool here.

Oh, and don't forget
the stables for the unicorns.

D.W., this is not
going to be a fairy
princess castle.

Yeah, it's Dark Bunny's
ice fortress.

But it's all sand.

It should be the Citadel
on Saturn from episode .

But that was destroyed
in episode .

Hey, let's do something
from episode .

You mean, "The Cave
of Crabman"?

No, no, "Dr. Origami's
Paper Palace."

Remember those
terrifying swans?

Fine, we can build
whatever you want.

Let's just start.









(whistle blows)

It's a green flag.

You can go in now.

Uh, let's just finish
this tower.


Here, I found
some more doors.

Come on, kids,
time to go.

Just a sec.

I've got to feed
the seahorse.

Sweet petunia!

That is one of the best
sandcastles I have ever seen.

What should
we call it?

Princess Misty's
Mermaid Mansion.


Hey, look!

We could call it the
Starfish Enterprise.

I can't even say that word.

You just said it.

Well, I don't like it.

I say we call it
Castle Starfish.

Okay, Castle Starfish it is.


(door creaks)


Uh! Yeah?

D.W., what are you
doing up?

It's the middle
of the night.

I couldn't sleep.

Grandma snores.

Well, here, you can
borrow my earplugs.

Now go to bed.

I've been thinking
of what we should add

to Castle Starfish.

Princess Misty needs a
guesthouse for the pony.

It's not a princess castle.

Anyway, it'll probably
be gone by tomorrow.


Because the tide will have
come in and washed it away.

What's a tide?

It's the movement
of the ocean.

At certain times of the day,

the water comes farther
up the beach.

Take my word for it.

That castle is just
a heap of sand now.

(seagulls calling)

Ha! See, Mr. Pessimister?

It's a miracle!

It's not
a miracle, Buster.

We must've built it right
above the high tide mark.

But I chose the spot.

And I didn't even know
what a tide was.

She's got a point.

See? Some people see the glass
as half full.

Other people just have glasses.

We should make
the moat bigger,

just in case
the tide comes
in farther.

Come on.
Let's get started.

There. When we get home,

we'll download it
onto the computer.

Well, time to wash up
for dinner.

We'll be right there.

There's something
I have to do first.

What are you doing?

Giving half of my lemonade
to the ocean, as an offering,

so it won't
destroy the castle.


And have a cookie!

D.W., that's littering.

I know a much better way
we can protect Castle Starfish.


There, now it's safe.

(cheering and applause)

Citizens of Castle Starfish,
as your king, I am pleased

to announce that construction
of our new moat is complete.


And as your other king,

I hereby reinstate
casual Fridays.

Snails may go to work
without wearing their shells!

(cheering, applause)


What's he saying?








I haven't a clue.

Fetch the seahorse whisperer.




Yeah, then what?

You don't say?

Okay, good job,
Sea Biscuit.

There's a tidal wave
headed this way.

Everybody, get to the shelters!

This is not a drill!

Quick! To the Control Tower!

It's getting closer!

What's taking
you guys so long?

It's stuck!

I see the problem.

D.W., I told you

not to litter.

We did it!

We're saved!

(villagers cheering)

(villagers chanting):
Arthur! Arthur!


Arthur. Arthur!

You better come quick.

It's almost all gone.

I knew I should have given
all my lemonade.

Oh, I'm so selfish.

We'll fix it.


But there's nothing left to fix.


We need something
taller than this.

And we'll need to dig
a deeper moat.

Come on!

We don't have much time.

We're going home today.

We can't leave
the castle like this.


It's no use, Arthur.

Too much water's
coming in.

We need something
big to block the waves.

Uh, I know!

We'll use our surfboards.

I don't want to leave
my board here.

But it's the only way
to save the castle.

It's not going
to save it forever.

It could protect it
for a day or two,

and then we could come
back with better tools

and reinforce
the walls, and...

The car is almost all packed up.

You kids ready to hit the road?

Can't we stay for one more day?

I don't think so, dear.

You'll build another
one next summer,

and it'll be
even better.

(waves crashing)

No, it won't.

(engine starts,
Arthur groans)

Judging from the picture,

Castle Starfish
would have been...

right here.

It wasn't this far from
the lifeguard chair.

It was that way.

No, it was here!

It's the back

of Princess Misty's

That could be any
old shell, D.W.

And it wasn't
a princess castle.

Maybe it was over there.

That sand kind of
looks familiar.

(Arthur groans)

(horn honking)

Come on, kids,
it's chilly!

I don't want any of you
starting school with a cold!

I guess we'll never
know exactly where it was.

At least we have
a record of it.


It was a pretty good
summer, wasn't it?

Good summer?!

Are you kidding?

It was the best summer.

♪ You're in them,
you sh**t them ♪

♪ You make them,
It's "Postcards From You" ♪

And now, a video from you.

♪ It's "Postcards From You." ♪

This "Postcard From You"
was made

by Kyler and Benjamin
in Atlanta, Georgia.

He's Benjamin Thomas.

He's Kyler Hart and we're
from Atlanta, Georgia.

And we're trying out for the
Drew Charter School golf team.

All we're doing today
is practicing golf.

Waiting to hit some good sh*ts,

and hope we have a good day.

First thing you do,
you put your hand

right here-- this is
an interlocking grip.

You put your pinkie right here
on your first finger

and then that's how
you hit this ball.

Ooh, tough shot.

When you miss, you keep trying
till you get it in the hole.

Don't get discouraged.

Just keep trying.

Our next postcard comes

from kids at the Edmunds Academy
in Des Moines, Iowa.

(steel drums playing
upbeat melody)

(train horn blaring,
crossing bell clanging)

The steel drums
are from Trinidad.

These drums are special to us

because the actual creator
made them

out of -gallon oil containers.

To see more
"Postcards From You," visit:
(flies buzzing)




Aw, don't worry, it's fine.

Five second rule.

I never eat anything

after it's been on the floor
more than five seconds.


Or is it the ten second rule?

I forget.


Do any of you have
a friend like this?

A friend who's just
a little... sloppy?

(toilet flushes)

See you in class.

One, two, three, four,

five, six, seven, eight, nine,

ten-- ready or not,

here I come.
(flies buzzing)


Buster, are you
taking your bath?

Just finishing, Mom!

What do you do?

Do you tell them?

Ah, ah, ah...

(sneezing, sputtering)



I mean, don't you
have to tell them?


Hey, Buster's
annual pool party

is this weekend--
are you going?


"Meeting after school
at the Sugar Bowl.

Don't tell Buster."

(door opens)
Sorry I'm late.

What's this all about?

Why wasn't I supposed
to tell Buster?

This is about Buster.

And since you're late, we'll
tell you what we've all decided.

You are going to tell Buster

that he's got
to clean up his act

and stop being so disgusting
all the time.


Just tell him to stop
eating food off the floor.

Wash his hands once in a while.

Cover his mouth when he sneezes.

Stop hiding in garbage cans.

Oh, well...

why don't you tell him?

Because you're his best friend.

He'll listen to you.

Just tell him

if he keeps it up,
he's going to get sick.

Tell him if he doesn't stop it,

I won't come to his pool party
this weekend.

Tell him...


Not you, Arthur.

Go out there and tell him.

Oh, wow, somebody threw away

a harmonica!
Buster, wait
a minute.

Hey, Buster, there's
something I, uh...

wanted to tell you.

Did Buster just take

a harmonica out of the garbage?

Shh, I think Arthur's
telling him.

(door opens)
Did you tell him?

What'd he say?
Is he going to do it?

I think so.

He smiled and said, "Uh-huh."

Whew! I'm glad
that's over with.

(harmonica playing)

Is that what I think it is?

Okay, Plan B.

(playing various notes)

Oh, hey, Arthur.

You know,

maybe I didn't
mention yesterday,

there's these things
called "germs."

Germs haven't
hurt me yet.

Well, haven't you
ever been sick?

You're staying home from
school today, Buster.


Okay, wrong question.


Well, you may not care
about germs,

but you're probably
passing them on to us.

What germs, Arthur?

I don't see them,
do you?

How do we know

they even exist?


(yell echoing)

Oh, don't worry
about it, Francine.

It's just
a little pudding.

It still works fine.

(blowing screechy note)

Any ideas for Plan C?

We can still say we won't
come to his pool party.

That's sure to work.

But that would
crush him.

There's one other
thing we can try.

Those are germs?

Yep, they're hardy
microscopic organisms

capable of carrying
tons of diseases.

Don't they look just like aliens
waiting to attack?

I don't know.

They look more like

No! Wild rice.

Good night, Mom.

Good night, wild rice.


Wild rice?

Oh, just germs.

Brain told me they're on
everything that isn't washed.

Well, they're not on my Buster
'cause he's clean as a whistle.



Hey, Buster, come on in.

How did this get in here?

(blowing screechy notes)

(sinister laughter
coming from green cloud)

(all screaming)

(sinister laughter





sinister laughter)


sinister laughter)

Mmm! You smell very clean
this morning, Buster.

Hi, Buster.

Hey, I've got something
to show you.

You do?

Yeah, I...

Are you wearing
hockey gloves?

Uh, yeah. I, um, my hands
get cold sometimes.

sinister laughter)



So, I got this really cool book
on botulism to show you.

sinister laugher)

Are you okay?

sinister laughter)

I'll meet you in class.


Oh, no! Now I have
to wash my whole mouth!

Buster, please take your seat.

Now, when we multiply fractions,
we multiply the two numerators,

then we multiply
the two denominators,

and then divide
those two products, like so.

Any questions?

Uh, Mr. Ratburn,

how many germs are there
in this school?


Well, that's not exactly
a math question.

But I suppose there could
be thousands

on that pencil

in your mouth.


See, Buster, it's not
so hard being clean.


sinister laughter)

Don't you feel better?

(startled shout)


You know, Buster,
you don't have to be that clean.

Well, are there germs
or aren't there?

Okay, then.

You know, Buster,

there are good germs
as well as bad.

We couldn't
digest our food

if we didn't have
bacteria inside us,
breaking it down.

They're already inside of me?!

Excuse me,
I got to go wash my hands.

Great, now you've turned
your best friend

into a nervous wreck.

Yeah, and you've
probably ruined

a perfectly good
pool party.


Are you sure we can't call
everybody and cancel?

Buster, we rented all this stuff
and sent out invitations.

I wish you'd tell me
what's got you so worried.

sinister laughter)

Uh, nothing.

(doorbell rings)


I'll get it.

Pool time!

Not yet.
Shower first.

Why do I have
to take a shower?

What's he talking about?


Aren't you going to come
outside and swim with us?

Just watching
everyone have fun
is enough for me.

(kids talking and laughing)

I'm starting
to miss that harmonica.

Something's got
to be done about this.

Don't look at me.

Fine. Girls?

Okay, Buster,

here's the deal.

We don't want you
to be slobby,

but we don't want you
to be a nervous wreck, either.

We just want you to be like us.

So come out here
and have some fun.


Don't touch me!

I am having fun.

I just don't want
to touch anything.


Germs! Germs!


(gasps) I'm okay.

I'm... okay.

See? We told you
you were being crazy.


I guess that was
kind of mean, huh?



We all pitched in and got
you something, Buster.

To say we were sorry.

We're real sorry.

Yeah, us, too.
That's right.

We don't care if you're slobby
or afraid of germs.

You can be what you want to be.

We just want to stay
friends with you.

Really? Aw, thanks.

I'm sorry, too.

I guess I got
a little carried away.

I was seeing germs everywhere.

They are everywhere, Buster.

But good hygiene does keep
the bad ones under control.


Open your present.

A new harmonica!

A clean one.


Uh, just to be safe.

(plays riff)

And now...

I thought you might like to see
how I draw Buster.

We'll start with a large...
almost a full circle.

We can put some lines on here
for his hair.

I'll put his eyes on.

And, of course, he's a rabbit,
so we add his ears.

Let's have this one be
a little bit floppy.

A little Y-shape here
for his nose,

U-shape for the top
of his mouth.

And we'll add his teeth here.

And, of course, he's smiling.

Buster always smiles.

♪ Every day when you're
walking down the street ♪

♪ And everybody that you meet ♪

♪ Has an original
point of view ♪

♪ And I say, hey ♪
♪ Hey! ♪

♪ What a wonderful kind
of day ♪

♪ If we can learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ Hey! ♪
♪ What a wonderful kind
of day ♪

♪ Hey! ♪
♪ What a wonderful kind
of day ♪

♪ Hey! ♪
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