10x09 - Do You Speak George?/World Girls

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Arthur". Aired: October 7, 1996 - February 2022.*
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Arthur demonstrates to kids how to deal with challenges as homework, teachers and bullies.
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10x09 - Do You Speak George?/World Girls

Post by bunniefuu »

# Every day you walk down the street Everybody that you meet

# Has an original point of view

- # And I say, hey!
- Hey!

# What a wonderful kind of day We can learn to work and play

# And get along with each other

# You gotta listen to your heart Listen to the beat

# Listen to the rhythm of the street Open your eyes! Open your ears!

# Get together, make things better By working together

# It's a simple message And it comes from the heart

# Believe in yourself For that's the place to start

- # And I say, hey!
- Hey!
- What a wonderful kind of day

# We can learn to work and play And get along with each other

# What a wonderful kind of day Hey!

# What a wonderful kind of day Hey!

Hey, DW!

- Hey!
- Woooah!

Buster, where'd you go?


Here, I am!

Is that my foot?

Wow, I'm really flexible.

Pull me up!

Thanks. Is everybody here?

Yep. Isn't it great when we do things as a group?

Like that huge snowball fight at the tree house.




'Or that time we climbed Moose Mountain.'

OK, hold it. Don't move.

I saw that!

'How about the time we went river rafting in that giant rubber duck?'

A giant rubber duck?

That never happened!

Oh, yeah, that was a dream.

But in it, we all had a great time.


Here we go again.

Wait! Wait up!

You left without me.


The trick is to use your thumb.

- You get more power.
- Would you sh**t?

The bell's going to ring. Oo-ah!


Hey, did you guys see a marble?


Hat-woolah Arble-moolah?

What did you say?

Sorry, I forgot. You don't speak Oolah.

What's Oolah?

Did I miss something in class? Will we have a test?

It's our secret language.

Catherine taught it to Francine, who taught it me.

Cool! Teach it to us.

I can't. If I taught it to you, it wouldn't be a secret language.


Who wants to learn a secret language?

Yeah. Especially one with a name like Oolah.

It sounds like baby talk. If we had a language, it would be much better.

It would, wouldn't it?

Hey, George.

I got your homework. Feeling better?

A little. I'll probably be back at school tomorrow.

- Si-that ti-grea.
- Huh?

It means, "That's great," in the language Buster and I invented.

I'll tell you the secret code,

but promise not to give it to Francine or Muffy, OK?

Take the last letter of a word and put it in front.

If you get two consonants together,

put an 'i' sound between.

So radio becomes oradi. Pretty easy, huh?

Yeah, I guess. Um...

Ank-thu? Wait, that's wrong.

Ke-t*nk-you. No, that's not right either.

Oh, I'm trying to say thank you.

That would be ki-than u-yo.

It would?

Don't worry, it's hard at first, but you get the hang of it.

See you soon.

Ki-than u-yo. Ki-than u-yo.

Ki-than u-yo.

w-ho e-ar u-yo y-toda?

Ki-than u-yo.

George! That's "thank you".

Buster said, "How are you today?"

You didn't understand, did you?


Have you practised?

Yes! For two straight days.

S-it o-to di-har ri-fo mi-hi.

Ri-poo E-georg.

What? What are you saying?!

Oh, um, it's nothing.

I don't wanna learn your language!

Can I join you? I was getting a headache

listening to Arthur and Buster.

They're talking that awful gibberish.

You should learn Oolah.

- It's like pig Latin...
- Top-soolah!

- What are you doing?
- Telling George...

- You almost contaminated Oolah.
- Remember Oolah Law?

No-one who's learnt Arthur and Buster's language can learn ours.

I didn't learn it. All I can say is thank you.

Sorry, but rules are rules. There's nothing I can do.

We'll let you off with a warning this time, but be careful!

I think you've all gone crackers!

Come on, Arthur!

Over here!

Hey, Binky? You wanna make up a language with me?

A language, huh? OK.

Guess what this means.


Urgh! "I want a breath mint"?

Close. It means, "Hand over the raisins."

He-hey! You're good at this.

Why aren't you in one of their groups?

Oolah is very simple and the Arthur dialect has too many irregularities.

Oh... Yeah, that's why I don't like them.

- They're not even real languages, just mixed up letters.
- Exactly.

We could invent something much more interesting.

- OK.
- Let's each come up with some ideas tonight,

then meet tomorrow at the ice-cream shop.

This is harder than I thought.

Everything is too complicated.

Hey, I know! Why don't you replace every word with "wally"?

Wally, wally, wally.

I have no idea what you just said.

Neither do I, but I like the way it sounds.

Maybe I'll think of something in the morning. I'm beat.

Why did we have to come all the way to the jungle?

The humidity makes me warp.

There's a secret language that's right for me somewhere in here.

I know it.

What are those?

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck

if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Dangerous tongue-twisting toads. I read about them in the guidebook.


Get your slimy tongue off my puppeteer!

She sells seashells by the seashore.

That was close!

I'll say. Watch out for the gobbledegook!

Wally! I think we've found it.

He has come. The great George has blessed us with his presence.

- ALL:
- Yeah!

The great George? What about the great Wally?

Hey, watch the wood, Shorty! I just had a polish.

We are the Georginis.

We'll teach you our language and you can bring it to your people.

OK. But I should warn you, I'm not so good with languages.

I have dyslexia, and, well, I get words confused sometimes.

Our language has no words. It is a language of gestures and sounds.



That all means, "We are happy you have come."

Sorry, Wally, I think I'm gonna need both hands.

Hey, no, wait! What are you...

There's a separate gesture or sound for every word,

so there's no spelling involved. Watch!


That means, "I like ice-cream."

It'll never work. Now, I've come up with a language based on math.

Each letter has a number, from one to ...

What do you mean it won't work?

You'd have to come up with thousands of sounds and gestures.

But you could build on top of ones you already have.

This is, "I like,"

but this is, "I like a lot."

It's dangerous!

What if you wanna talk while you're riding a bike?

How much talking do you do on your bike?

George, it just looks really silly!

Fine! I'll just find someone else to learn it.

Ah ha ha ha! Ah haha ha.



- R-ove e-her!
- Ee-foolah.



, , , .


Y-he, si-that y-m gi-ba.

Ive-goolah e-moolah y-moolah all-boolah!

- Ti-wha?
- At-woolah?

- Et-loolah o-goolah.
- Pi-sto!

E-Francin, y-la f-of.

- Ive-goolah ack-boolah ur-oolah all-boolah!
- Stooooop!

She just wants the ball!

Things were a lot more fun when everyone understood each other.

George, we've decided you're right.

Buster and I don't wanna learn Oolah

and they won't learn Arster-Buther.

Prunella told me you invented a language.

Maybe we could all learn that.

ALL: Aaaaah.

My language really is the world's best language,

because anyone can speak it - anyone at all.

Now no-one will ever feel left out a... Gain.

I have a better idea.

Why don't we all just go back to the way it was?

Oh, here's your marble.

I wondered where that went!

- Anybody up for a game?
- Yeah!
- Let's go.

Come on, George. What are you waiting for?

Er, nothing. Let's go!

Another day without being bought.

I must say, I am relieved!

How can you say that?

I long for the adventure of a new world!

What if those who purchase me are uncouth?

I shudder at the thought and would rather stay here!

I just want whatever girl who buys me

to really care about my beautiful culture and heritage.

It is my culture and heritage that has BECOME beauty!

Everybody knows that.

There could be more than one culture with beauty.

But none as ancient as mine.

No culture compares to ze French!

Not this argument again!

Besides, we can't control who buys us.

Either they will or won't care about our cultures and histories.

- That adds to the adventure.
- But...


I'm so glad you're into World Girl dolls too.

Francine doesn't care about them.

I didn't say "dolls", I said "doll".

I only have one World Girl - Pema from Tibet.

You'll die when you see what I've done with my closet.

- I made it into a true World Girl world. Ta-da!
- Ohhhh!

Ying Li is from China, pyramids are Egyptian.

You've arranged this all wrong.

World Girl isn't about right and wrong. It's about collecting

and what a collection it is!

This hula skirt isn't Greta's

and why's Cleopatra in a convertible?

Don't you read the World Girl books?

I have hundreds in humidity-controlled cases.

But do you READ them?

If you did, you might have respect for historical accuracy.

Are you just jealous because I have so many World Girl dolls

and you only have Puma?


How can I be jealous when you don't even know the point of World Girl?

Collecting. That is the point.

The point is connecting - connecting to cultures!

- Where's the fun in that?

Francine? Miss Muffy.

- 'Hello?'
- Are you watching TV?

Your World Girl thing is out of control.

There's a commercial for World Girl World...

World Girl World! Quick, Sue-Ellen, turn on the TV!

'It's ridiculous! A whole world devoted to dumb dolls?!'

With the World Girl World opening near you,

you won't need to shop by catalogue for dolls.

Imagine a place just for you and your World Girl,

where you can bring all her worldly splendours back to your own home.

Come to the grand opening in Elwood City!

That was amazing!

You're kidding, right?

We're going to opening day,

all of us. World Girl World this weekend!

I can't wait to visit Little Tibet.

I can get Pema's yak-weaving loom. I've saved up .

?! Sue-Ellen,

won't even pay for a miniature yak hairbrush.

See what I mean? It's all a giant rip-off.

No way am I going. Bye!

For the last time, you can count me out.

I don't play with dolls.

World Girl isn't about playing...

I know, it's about collecting.

I'd rather spend my time and money on real things.

I'll buy you a World Girl if you come.

- No, thanks.
- And after the grand opening,

we'll have a sleepover - you, me and Sue-Ellen -

and we'll do whatever you want.

A sleepover? OK, I'll go.

But only to prove it's a scam to sell useless stuff.


I'll go and tell Sue-Ellen.

There's no way I'm buying a doll. Never!

We had to take a second mortgage to come here.

It's worth it to see the girls so happy.

This place has duped even the parents!

Hurry, hurry! Lines are forming!

My goal is to complete my collection

of every doll and every accessory by the end of the day.

I'm gonna buy Little Tibet, you guys.

I got an advance on my allowance so I can buy the yak-weaving loon.

An advance on your allowance? Oh, brother!

Meet for lunch, OK? . .

Excuse me, ma'am, do you have a ticket?

Yep, we're .

Only people ahead of us.


OK, look at this.

A stick with two small water buckets - . ! Who would pay that?

I don't have this yet. Here, Bailey.

- Greetings, shoppers.

Little Antarctica is now open.

Come meet our new World Girl and her team of sled dogs.

So you can spend more money on things you didn't know you wanted!

We have to split up.

Take the cart to the register while I go to Antarctica.

There's going to be a run on the new dolls, I just know it!

When you buy up the Antarctic collection,

they'll open a new continent....

Francine, you're slowing me down.

Why not take this and go to the Sports Hall of Fame?

- You'll like it there.
- Fine.

I'd like to see what a sham it is,

but don't expect me to spend a cent of this.

Babe Didrikson Zaharias!

'..called by many the greatest female athlete of all time,

excelled at basketball, baseball, track and field and golf.'

She's the most flexible of the Sports World Girl series

and comes with her own background dossier.

- Dossier?!
- All World Girl dolls have their own book

but this one also has a history of golf

and the introduction of women into the game,

- which was due to Babe.
- It was?!

Sure! She was the first to play in the PGA.

We're a little behind schedule...

'For those of you who own Fifi, the French World Girl,

'a new hair salon has just opened on the Rive Gauche.'

We have to go to France right now!



But Pema was my favourite doll.

They got rid of the whole country.

Now there's no Tibet in World Girl World.

I could get you a Turkish rug loom. It's almost the same.

No, thanks.

Francine! Help!


- What are you wearing?
- Uh...I'm not sure.

One minute, I was in ancient Greece

and then I wound up in Siberia.

Why aren't there any benches in this place?

I don't have this one!

That's Babe Didrikson Zaharias,

one of the first female pro golfers.

- You bought her?
- I had to get the book she came with

and, well, she looked so cute.

I'm so happy for you! Ohhh...

- You look terrible.
- I just need to get my third wind.

Bailey, how many more countries do we have left?

Ten, Miss Muffy.

Ohhh! I'll have to skip lunch.

Did you find your loom?

Pema was discontinued.

They've done away with Little Tibet altogether.

- I'll never get that loom now.
- There must be at least one in this place.

I passed a doll hospital. They might have some leftover accessories.

That's a great idea!

But what about the ten countries left?

I'll do as many as I can, Miss Muffy,

- and meet you in, say, one hour?
- OK!


'..paging Dr Baldwin in Trauma Room One...'

This place is kind of creepy.

There's a doctor. Let's see if he has any looms.

What...is this place?

It doesn't look like any country on the information map.


There must be THOUSANDS of dolls

and they're all different.

Ludmila the Estonian girl?

Where's Estonia? I never even heard of it.

Guys, look at this.

They make them so quickly!

One right after another.

How will I keep up? I'll need more closet space.

Closet space? You'll need a new HOUSE!

Too much! It's just too much.

I can't take it any more.

Come on, let's get out of here. It's not that important.

You're really gonna give away half your collection to charity?

Yep. I'm only keeping the ones I really, really like.

I don't remember buying this one.

That's Pema! And she's holding the yak-weaving loom!

- It's yours.
- Wait, this loom is green.

Hers is supposed to be brown.

Are you sure this belongs with Pema?

That's exactly how she was when she came out of the box.

See what colour it is in the book that came with her.

Yeah, look, it's brown here.

All this time I've been searching for an accessory

- that wasn't even accurate!
- So let's make it accurate.

Ta-da! One perfect Tibetan loom

and it didn't cost me a cent.

- Check out Babe's putting green.
- That's amazing!

I've been thinking - we could charge a fortune for these accessories.

We could even make the dolls ourselves.

We could call them Universe Girls!

There's only one thing to do when Muffy gets an idea like that...

Pillow fight! Take that!

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