10x06 - The Curse of the Grebes/Arthur Changes Gears

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Arthur". Aired: October 7, 1996 - February 2022.*
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Arthur demonstrates to kids how to deal with challenges as homework, teachers and bullies.
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10x06 - The Curse of the Grebes/Arthur Changes Gears

Post by bunniefuu »

# Every day you walk down the street Everybody that you meet

# Has an original point of view

- # And I say, hey!
- Hey!

# What a wonderful kind of day We can learn to work and play

# And get along with each other

# You gotta listen to your heart Listen to the beat

# Listen to the rhythm of the street Open your eyes! Open your ears!

# Get together, make things better By working together

# It's a simple message And it comes from the heart

# Believe in yourself For that's the place to start

- # And I say, hey!
- Hey!
- What a wonderful kind of day

# We can learn to work and play And get along with each other

# What a wonderful kind of day, hey! What a wonderful kind of day, HEY! #

Hey, DW!




This is Sisyphus, a character from Greek mythology.

The Greek gods must not have liked him very much...


Made it. Phew!

Oh, no! Not again!

He had to spend eternity pushing that boulder up a hill,

only to have it roll back down over and over again!

If Sisyphus had liked baseball,

he would have been an Elwood City Grebe fan,

getting your hopes up year after year...

This time, we're gonna win. This time, it's gonna be different.

Go, Grebes!

..only to have those hopes crushed at the end of every season.



You're acting like it's no big deal

that the Grebes are in the world championship.

I just don't want to jinx it by getting my hopes up.

We already won the first game. We just need to win three more.

But we're up against the Crown City Kings.

- They've won the world championship times.
- So what?

So the Grebes haven't won a world championship since .

But don't you see? Our time has come.

How can you be so sure?

Baseball is a science, a game of numbers.

This year, we've got three factors that have changed the equation.

What factors?

The new players.

Winlin, Playmon and Bateria.

Last year, Playmon hit

with a on-base percentage.

The Kings don't have a hitter like that.

Yeah, and Bateria is the best short stop in the league.

Not to mention Winlin, the best pitcher with saves

and a . E.R.A.

Nobody can outpitch him.

I've done a data comparison of the Kings and the Grebes

and mapped it onto a grid.

The outcome is clear.

Our team simply can't be beat.

I've figured out that this hat wards off the curse.

When I wear it, the Grebes win!

- There's no such thing as "the curse".
- How can you say that?

Things haven't been the same for the Grebes

since that one game in ...

It was the Grebes versus Kings.

It's two on and two out for the Grebes

with Ray Woodpecker Vance stepping up to the plate.

Elwood City has their hopes riding high on Vance.

And he connects...

This could be it. This ball is going! Going...!


The Grebes win ten to nine!

They are the new world champions!

Got it!


I bet you're one of those urchins

who sneaks into the park without paying!

Give me that ball, you little thief!

But, Mister, I chased it down fair and square.

My name is Horace P Crane.

I own the Grebes.

I own the land you're standing on and I own that ball.

Then with this ball, I put a curse on your crummy team.

You'll never win another championship.

'And that started the longest championship-losing streak'

of any team in the history of the league.

- Harry said the curse of the kid was lifted this year.
- How?

A descendant of Horace P Crane, his second cousin's nephew's niece,

found the ball in her attic

and finally laid it at the kid's tombstone.

Why do people believe these things?

Well, so far so good.

But I'm not taking off this hat until the series is over.

'The Kings are hoping to break the - deadlock

'but it doesn't look very likely

'as their number nine hitter steps up to the plate.'

Don't worry, Buster. Look who's up at bat.

Mucky Flint has the lowest batting average of anybody in the league!

He's no match for Winlin's cutter, that's for sure.

'He connects! This ball is...


Who knew Mucky Flint could hit like that?

I'm not surprised. We Kings always win.

Just got lucky, I guess.

We didn't come this far to give up now.

I was worried when the Grebes lost the second game,

but after we won games three and four, I knew the hat still worked.

Look! It's Daddy's new commercial and I'm in it!

Come on down to Crosswire Motors...

Is your dad wearing a Grebes hat?!

Remember, at Crosswire Motors, you'll always drive away a winner!

BOTH: Go Grebes!

That is hypocritical. You and your dad have always been Kings fans.

Yeah, but now the Grebes have three wins,

it's much more fun to be on the winning side.

Anybody can root for a winning team.

It takes character to stick with the underdogs.

Well, Buster, tonight's the night.

Yeah, tomorrow the Grebes could be the world champions.


'And the Kings have taken game five, forcing a sixth game.'

Don't worry. We're still up three games to two.

Oh, Daddy, this is terrible! What'll we do if they don't win the next one.

Don't worry, Muffin.

We can always pull the new Grebes commercial off the air

and replace it with the Kings one.

I just hope the curse hasn't kicked in.

- Are you going to the game with Harry tonight?
- Yeah.

I hope we win. I've only been there when we lose.

Oh, really? How interesting.

It's just... You know...now that I think about it...

A strange coincidence?

OK, well, um, gotta go!

'This could be it. The Grebes can finally win it all!

'Just one hour away from the world championship!

'Here's the pitch.

'It's an easy grounder...

'It went right through his legs! The Grebes just lost their best chance

' to win it all again!'

When I show up, they lose.

When I'm not there, they win.

Oh, I'm their biggest fan, but what if...?

What if...?

There he is! Get him!

That way!

- Hey, hold it right there.
- Is this that kid with the curse?
- Si, eso es.

You're the reason the Grebes are losing.

You don't think I'd curse the team I love, do you?

- You're bad luck.
- Get out of town, Baxter.
- Largate.

You've done enough damage!

Why are you here? You don't believe in the curse.

Of course not, but according to the Quantum Theory,

the outcome of any experiment is partly determined

by the presence of a particular observer.

What does that have to do with baseball?

Your presence in the stands has a negative impact

on the physics of baseball for the Grebes.

In other words, you're the curse.


I can't go to the last game.

I just can't.

- Oh...!
- Do you want one of those to wear to the game?

Mom, take my ticket. I can watch the game on TV.

Oh, that is so sweet of you, but you and Harry are diehard fans.

You've got to be there for the final game of the world championship.

- We forgot the milk. Will you run and get it?
- Sure.



- Hi, kid.
- Wow! This is...! I'm a big fan.

- Nice to meet you.
- Would you sign my milk carton?
- Sure. What's your name?

- Buster Baxter.
- Hey, Playmon, there's a special on apples.

Winlin?! Bateria! You guys buy groceries too?

- How about signing this for Buster?
- We appreciate your support.

We couldn't do it without fans like you.

You going to the big game?

[ Yes. I mean no.

Trust me, you don't want me there.

Why not?

You know how you lost games two, five and six?

It was my fault.

- Guess we're off the hook.
- No, it's true.

When I'm in the stands, you lose.

When I'm not, you win.

It's the curse. I bring the curse.

No es verdad. It's not true.

The curse is you not showing up for the game in case we lose.

The curse is you thinking

that we don't need you in the stands tomorrow because we do.

- Ever hear of Dickinson?
- Shortstop?

Poet. Lived in New England. Wrote a poem that goes like this.

"Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul

"And sings the tune without the words

"and never stops at all."

- Do you see what we're trying to say?
- Not really.

Tomorrow at the big game, hope is a green-tailed grebe.

If we're gonna win, then we need all the fan support we can get.

We need you, Buster, curse or no curse.

Yeah, Buster, we need you.

'It's the bottom of the nine, the bases are loaded for the Grebes,

- 'but they're down ten to seven with two outs against them.'
- It's time.

Playmon is up.

Strike one.

Come on, Playmon!

Strike two.

"Hope is the thing with feathers!"


Oh, no! Buster's cracking.

No, I can't watch.

'Playmon connects. This ball is hit hard. It could be an out.

'It's there. Grebes have won!'

- Playmon's the best!
- The numbers were right!

Ho-ho-ho! We're the world champions!

And it only took years!

And you can tell your grandchildren you were there!

The most amazing part was

what happened to the ball after Playmon hit it.

It went up and up and then it sprouted feathers.

Wings! Did anyone ever find that ball?

Oh, no. It flapped right out of the ball park,

past the moon and right to the stars.


It won't be long now. Any day, Pal.

Any day.

Arthur Timothy Read.

And his scruffy dog, Pal.

An ordinary boy, in an ordinary town.

But lately, a boy obsessed.

A boy whose every thought and action centres on one thing

and one thing only.

Why are you standing in the corner of my room?

And who are you talking to?


Where was I?

Oh, yes.

A boy obsessed.

A boy who has stepped over an invisible line.

A line between reality and...

Hey, I'm talking here!

Yay! Woo-hoo!

There it is!

The GX Trailblazer , !

Whoa! My mum would never get me one of those.

I had a hard time getting her to take the training wheels off!.

Well, they're not exactly giving it to me. I have to pay for half.

Dad says it's a lot of bike for a kid. This bike has everything!

A tytullium frame, inch alloy mag rims,

Limsnogger Connection and Klodtrack tyres.


A Limsnogger connection!

I don't know what that is but it sure sounds impressive.

Yeah, and that's not all.

A -speed shift and hydrau-static super-coil shock absorbers.

And look at those tyres!

Think of the awesome burn outs!

Man! I can't wait to see that bike in action.

Oh, I almost forgot! I'm meeting Brain at the movies.

It's a double feature, "Aliens Ate My Homework" and "My Mother The Alien."

- Wanna come?
- I can't. I'm saving up for my bike. See?

This is the chart of how much I've saved so far.

- This is how much I need before I get my bike.
- That could take forever!

So far, I'm doing pretty well.

If I cut out extra expenses, I'll be able to buy my bike next month.

What counts as extra?

Movies, video games, trips to the sugar bowl.

That's horrible!

That's like living in the stone age, or , or something!

Yeah, it's tough.

But it'll be worth it.



- It's OK.

I'll be having more fun than ever, once I get my bike.

Every little bit helps.


I can see myself. Right there!




I did it!

I saved enough money to buy my new bike!

Just think, Pal.

Tomorrow, I'll be the owner of a GX Trailblazer , .

Look out Elwood City, here I come!



I wish I had a super fast, super cool bike too!

Don't cry, DW.

Someday you might be as cool as your brother. But probably not.


This is a job for Bionic Bunny!

So, when's your Dad taking you to get the new bike?

- As soon as he gets back from the store.
- TV:
- Sweet!

I can chop this baby down for parts and get a lot of money for it.

I wonder if someone will wanna steal your new bike

and chop it down for parts?

It could happen. It's as nice as a sports car.

BIONIC BUNNY: Just try breaking into that!

Ready to pick up your new wheels?

Am I ever!

So, how come you brought your old bike?

- Dad says if I trade it in, I can get a discount on my new bike.
- Oh.

I kinda hate to see this one go, though. It's a good bike.

We've been through a lot together.

BOTH: Whoah! Oooh!

I'm gonna be extra careful with my new bike,

so it doesn't get beat up.

- Whoa! Nice wheels!
- The GX Trailblazer , !

- Come on, Arthur! Show us what it can do!
- OK! Here I go!

- Whoa!
- Hey!
- Watch out!

Phew! No scratches.

That was a close one.

I better walk this home and get it cleaned up.

Be careful, Arthur!

Someone will want to steal your bike and chop it down for parts! Whoa!

It could happen.

It's as nice as a sports car.

Hey, I can't breathe!



Hey, Arthur, wanna ride with me over to the park?

Mmmm, I don't think so.

It might rain today and I don't want my Trailblazer , to get rusty.

It's just a bike.

The GX Trailblazer , is a sophisticated piece of machinery.



Well, I'm glad my bike is the kind you ride.

The GX Trailblazer , needs super-safe storage.


What should we do? Mad Mud Dirt Derby?

Let's loop the park three times. Call it Le Tour de Elwood City.

Where's Arthur?

Hey! What gives? Where's the hot new wheels?

I'm saving it for a special occasion.

What's the point of a cool bike if you never use it?

What's the point in wrecking it after I saved all that money?

Come here, let me show you.

I got this racing to a bowling tournament.

- I got back up and I won.
- I got a better one.

I got this when I was riding with no hands and ran into a fence.

Oh, yeah? Well, I got this...

Actually, my bike came like this.

I think it's used.

The point is, nothing says "I love you" like a few battle scars.

Francine doesn't understand.

She doesn't have the GX Trailblazer , .

It's not just a bike, it's... it's a work of art.

A tytullium frame with a Limsnogger Connection

and Klodtrack tyres.

And see these?

Hydrau-static super-coil shock absorbers.

I'm gonna ride my bike, someday, it just has to be the perfect occasion.

Who...who are you?

I am the Ghost of Bicycles Never Ridden.

What do you want?

"Bicycles Never Ridden?" Boy!

You pick the most obvious name you can and people still don't get it.

OK, but the GX Trailblazer , is not just a bike, it's...

- it's a work of...
- Yeah, yeah! Grab my cape.

We couldn't just use the stairs?

It's more impressive this way.


Look upon these, Arthur Read.

They're just plates.

Not just any plates - china plates.

People get these as wedding presents and they never eat off of 'em.

They just wash 'em.

Nice, huh?

- I didn't know Mr Crosswire had a car like that.
- Nobody does.

He never drives it.

Wha! Uncovered!

Stand back!

My baby!

I'm not as bad as that.

It's not the same.

- Is too.
- Is not!

- Is too.
- Is naaaaah!

Ah! They're just too pretty to wear. What if I scuffed them?

Tsk! Girls!

Soon her feet will get bigger

and she won't be able to wear them, even if she wants to.

Just like YOU won't be able to ride your bike.

Hey! What are you doing in my room?

How can she see us? I thought we were ghosts.

I know you. You're the Ghost of Lunch Tomorrow.

Um...gotta go!

So what's it going to be?

Pizza or cold macaroni?

Um...ixnay on the unchlay.

- I'm afraid that's all we have time for today.
- Oh!

This looks like my room, only dustier.

Is that me?

Just once, before I'm too old...


..I'm gonna ride this bike.



Oh! It was only a dream. There's still time.

My bike doesn't have to become a rusty heap of unused parts.

- Should we wait for Arthur?
- Are you kidding?

- He doesn't even take his bike out on sunny days.
- Prunella's right.

- Let's get going.
- What's that?

- Look at that guy go! - Look at the tread on those tyres.

And those super-coil shocks!

ALL: You made it!

- Cool!
- Nice moves!

What's the point of a bike if you never ride it?

OK, let's see if it'll help you beat the rest of us. Ready, set, go!
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