10x01 - Happy Anniversary

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Arthur". Aired: October 7, 1996 - February 2022.*
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Arthur demonstrates to kids how to deal with challenges as homework, teachers and bullies.
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10x01 - Happy Anniversary

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Every day when you're
walking down the street ♪

♪ Everybody that you meet
has an original point of view. ♪

( laughs )

♪ And I say hey! ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen
to your heart ♪

♪ Listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ Open up your eyes,
open up your ears ♪

♪ Get together and make things
better by working together ♪

♪ It's a simple message
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪

♪ And I say hey! ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other. ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ Hey! What a wonderful
kind of day. ♪


Hey, D.W.



( crash )

Seen up close, this common pest

might look like a bizarre
and terrifying monster.

But if we expand
our frame ten times,

we see that it's really
just a mosquito.

Pull back another ten times,

and now this child
appears to be the insect.

If we keep expanding
our point of view by ten,

over and over,

then our entire planet
becomes a speck of dust

floating in the expanse
of limitless space.

Such is the amazing power
of perspective.



Play it again!

We're just
specks of dust
floating in space.

Oh! My great works have
all been for nothing.

Great works?

Like those hot dogs

I ate at the fair.

I got first place!

Oh, yeah.
And I also saved a cat.

Changing the way
you look at something

can change the way you think
and feel about it.

That'll be the topic
of your paper... due Monday.

What?! Now I'm not
just a speck of dust.

I'm a speck of dust
with homework on the weekend!

( Pal barking )

( Kate crying )

( laughing )

Of course Ratburn
would choose the weekend

of The Bionic Bunny

Tenth Anniversary
Special on it.

Yeah, the show where...

"All will be revealed!"

But you're still going to come

for a sleepover
tomorrow, right?

You should see
the costume
my mom made me.

I'm going as
Dr. Scungilli
from episode # .

I'm going as Laser Nostrils
from episode # .

I hope we're
not thinking
about the paper

all through
the special.

We'll make a pact.

We'll finish it
by tomorrow,
no matter what.

As Bionic Bunny
would say...

I swear on the rabbit ears
of Innishgoomah!

MAN ( on TV ):
The episode you've all
been waiting for,

where Bionic Bunny
meets Dark Bunny!

What is their strange

Find out tonight

on the Tenth Anniversary
Bionic Bunny Special

when all will be revealed!

When all will be revealed.


Mom and Dad's juice
is getting warm!

And where
are the waffles?

It'll be
lunchtime soon!

I'm coming. I'm coming.


There. Now it's fancy.

What's that?

It's blocking
the juice I poured.

My card.

"Dear Mom and Dad.

"Happy Tenth Anniversary.

Love, Arthur."

That's it?

All you're giving them
is a card?

Did you even make that yourself?

I picked it out
and bought it
with my allowance.

your present?

Feast your eyes on this!

What is it?

It's a family portrait, see?

There's Mom, Dad and me.

Sorry. There wasn't
enough glue for you.

And the best part is, it's tin.

That's the official present
of tenth anniversaries.

Emily told me.

That's not tin.

It isn't?

Nope. It's called a pie tin,

but it's actually made

of aluminum,
a completely different metal.

So, I guess your
portrait is no
more official

than my card.

How sweet!
Thank you, Arthur.

Is this your
creation, D.W.?

Yes, but it's not
your official tenth
anniversary present.

That's coming later.

Maybe you can work on it
at Grandma Thora's.

You're staying there
tonight, remember?

Oh, it'll be finished
way before then.

I just have to find
the right materials.

Ah! A night at
L'Auberge d'Aubergine!

I hear the duck
a l'orange is amazing.

Only zee best for mon cheri!

( both laugh )


Ready to set sail,
Tony the Tanker?

Aye-aye, Captain.

Oh, no!

( roaring )

Sea monsters!

( both yell )

( both laugh )

Guys, do you have any tin?

"Ten"? Ten what?
I have ten fingers!

They're great for splashing!

Mine are better!

Are not!

Are, too!

Are not!

Not "ten"! Tin! Tin!

It's a kind of metal.

I need some for my mom
and dad's tenth anniversary.

Oh. You mean like

a tin soldier?

His name
is Benedict.

He sinks.

You're sure he's not made
of aloonymoon?

I don't know what that is.

You can have him if you want.

For a price.

How much do you want for him?

How about ten dollars?

Ten dollars?!
I don't have ten dollars!

All I have is
my Mary Moo Cow doll

and some glitter.

That'll do.

I'm sorry, Mary,
but it's for a good cause.

Hey, glitter
sinks, too!

Oh, no!

( both roaring )

Save us!

( both roaring )

"If I were the size of an ant,

this pencil would seem
as tall as a tree."


Buster, now isn't the time
for a snack.

We only have six hours

before the special.

This isn't a snack.

It's my homework,
or half of it.

You're going
to hand in a sandwich?

Not just any sandwich, Arthur.

All it has on it is an old slice
of Swiss without any mayo.

Pretty bland, huh?

Yeah, but what does that have
to do with our homework?

If you hadn't eaten
in three days,

this would seem
like a feast, see?

That's the power of perspective.

That's the power
of your stomach.

I'll write a paragraph, too,
but this will be my visual aid.

What have you written?


Everything I come
up with is just like
that movie we saw.

You could write

something from the point of view

of this piece of cheese.

Think how cozy he must feel

between two soft pieces
of bread.

Actually, I think I'll use that.

You can think of something else.

Yeah, but not here.

I have to go home.

Remember, : .
Don't be late.

You might want to make
sure there's more cheese

in your fridge.

You just ate your essay.

BUSTER ( shouting ):

Look at the details!

I'd say this replica
of a Revolutionary w*r drummer

is at least years old.

Yeah, yeah,
but is it tin?

No. Iron.


I knew
I shouldn't have trusted them.

And to think,
I traded my Mary Moo Cow doll

and glitter for this old thing!

That's a great trade.

That soldier could be worth
a lot of money.

Could I swap it for some tin
at the tin store?

Actually, tin is quite rare
in North America now,

but there are large deposits
of it in the Congo.

The Congo?
Where's that?


I'm doomed!

"If I were the size
of a dinosaur,

this pencil would seem
like a toothpick."

( groans ):

Well, I still have three hours.

( yawns )

Maybe I just need to close
my eyes for a little bit.

MAN ( from Perspectives movie ):
Let's see what happens

when we reduce Arthur
another ten times.

Hey! What's going on?

Now, he can barely be seen
by the naked eye.

( groans, loud buzzing )

( panting )

( screaming )

( buzzing )

Oh, no!

I'm trapped!

Is this a...
a cheese sandwich?

Not just any cheese
sandwich, Arthur.

It's the Formaggio Falcon.

Get in.



( whooping )

Where are we going?

The evil Dr. Origami
has a secret w*apon

he's going to use
to prevent Bionic Bunny

and Dark Bunny from meeting.

What's happening?

( roaring )

So that's Dr. Origami's
secret w*apon--

a giant paper robot!

And look-- he's folded out
of a single sheet of paper.

But that's

( both yelling )

Where could he ever
find a paper that big?

( gasps )

It's my homework.

"If I were the size

of a dinosaur,
this pencil would be..."

I never finished it.

But... you swore you would

on the rabbit ears
of Innishgoomah.

How could you
do this to me?

( roaring )

( both yelling )

( gasps )

It's : already?

Thanks for helping us
get ready, Thora.

All set, and
with ten minutes to spare.

You're bringing
all that to Buster's?

You're only going
to be away one night.

It's for my costume.

Buster and I are
dressing up as characters

from Bionic Bunny
for the special.

You should go
as someone

who ruins tenth
anniversary presents.

Everything was perfect
until you told me

about aloonymoon.

I'm not even
going to ask.

Okay, we'll drop Arthur off
at Buster's first,

then swing by
Thora's, then...

( phone ringing )


David? You'll never
guess where I am.

Chuck Greenwald's,

right around the corner
from your place.

Oh, great. Um, I'd
love to talk, but...

Listen, I hate to be a bother,

but my car just went kaput
and I'm late

for the Volunteer
Fireman's Ball.

Chuck's already left,
so, I was wondering...

Sure. We'll be right there.

Great. It's
at the Caribou Lodge.

I'll be waiting downstairs.

I'm sorry.

The lodge was supposed

to be on Maple Street.

That's what Chuck said.

Well, somehow we've ended up

on Country Route .

I think we should call the inn
and tell them

we're going to be
a little late.

Can't. No signal.

This is all your fault.

How is it my fault?

I don't know yet,
but I'll find out.

I hope they don't
run out of duck.

I just hope

they hold our reservation.

I can't be too late
for the ball.

I'm supposed to be
the square dance caller.

What if I miss

the opening of the special?

That could be

when "all is revealed."

I'll never
find any tin.

Never, ever.

Oh, cheer up,
you Glum Gusses.

Things could be
a lot worse.

( engine sputters )

( clanking )

Happy anniversary.

Could be a busted head gasket
or a leak in the radiator.

Either way, this baby's
not going anywhere.

But it has to.

The special is going to start

any minute now.

Who cares about
your silly special?

We're stranded
in the middle of nowhere.

We could be eaten by wolves.

D.W., there are
no wolves out here.

Didn't we pass a diner
a little ways back?

Maybe they have
a phone you could use.

You're right.
It had a funny name...

was it "The Tin Spot"?

Tin? Can I come with you?

It's very important.

I want to go, too.

Okay, but we
better get started.

It's getting dark and we
don't have a flashlight.

Wait. I have something.

It's part of my
Laser-Nostrils costume.

That's a costume?

Two flashlights
up your nose?

Why don't you
leave it off for now?

We wouldn't want
to scare anyone away.

Good luck.

Oh. It's says "The Ten Spot."

Sorry, D.W.

I knew it was
too good to be true.

I'm sorry, but do you
have a phone I could use?

Our car broke down.

Oh, sure, come on in.

How old is this place?

Beats me.

It's been around since
I was a kid, that's for sure.

Want some
lingonberry crumble?

It's a Ten Spot

and I was just
going to throw it out.

Uh, no,


Well, make
yourselves at home.

The phone's in the office.

You kids stay here.

I'll be right back.

Okay, Dad.

Look at the pretty robot.

It's not a robot, D.W.

It's an old-
fashioned jukebox.

Wow, and it's only a dime.

This thing really is old.

Too bad I left my
wallet in the car.

Let go.
I saw it first.

Did not!

Of course I did.

I'm closer to the
ground than you are.

You didn't even know
this thing was a jukebox

till I told you.

( yelps )

I win! Let's go see

if there's any Mary Moo Cow
songs on that thing.


What's going on?

Who turned off the lights?

Hold on.

I feel a switch.

It's locked.

Hello?! Dad?!


Is that the best
you can do?

You need to spend more
time with the Tibbles.

Step aside.

Let us out!
Let us out!

( pounding )


Let us out!

Let us out!

Arthur? D.W.?

Are you okay?

Arthur locked us in.

I tripped
on the doorstop,

and it wouldn't
have happened

if D.W. hadn't tried
to take my dime.

It's locked.

I don't have the key
for that room.

Only Mr. Dieci,
the owner, has it

and, well, he lives
an hour away.

What about a locksmith?

At this hour? I doubt it.

I don't believe this.

Two of my kids are
stuck in a storeroom.

The rest of my family
is stranded on the road

and my wife and I have
missed our reservation

at L'Auberge d'Aubergine.

I hear that place
is overrated.

I might be able to help you.

So nice of that boy
to pick us up

and offer to drive hours
away to get the owner.

He also said
we could have

any leftover food in the
fridge while we waited.

I'll see what
I can rustle up.

How much longer?

Just sit tight, honey.

Jay will be back
with the key soon.

What kind of soon
do you mean?

The five-minutes soon?

Or the soon-you'll-be-
all-grown-up soon?


we've only been
in here minutes.

So? minutes is a long time.

That's two time-outs.

I'm hungry.

Is there anything
to eat in here?

"Sampo Canned Pineapples

"In Syrup.

I don't even like pineapples.

I guess I'll have the syrup.

Well, what are you waiting for?

Open it.

I can't. I don't have
a can opener.

No can opener?!

What kind of older
brother are you?

You're supposed to be
prepared for these things.

We could starve
to death in here.

And what about water?

We have no water!

And air. We're using it all up.

Quick, stop breathing so much!

Hold one nostril.

D.W., we're going
to be fine.

You swear?

I swear.

You want me
to tell you a story?


Once there were
three little pigs.

Heard it.

All right. Um, one day,

Goldilocks was walking
in the woods when...

She eats Baby Bear's

and she falls asleep
in his bed-- next.

Why bother?

You obviously know
all the fairy tales.

Tell me a story
about the moronic bunny
special you missed.

It's Bionic Bunny.

And how can I tell you about
the special if I didn't see it?

You can make it up.

Here's what could have happened:

Bubonic Bunny and the other
bunny turn out to be twins

who were separated at birth.

One was stolen
by an evil witch.

The other was taken
by a robot and...


That's not what happened at all.

How do you know?

You didn't even see it.

I know because... it's the
dumbest idea I've ever heard.

Oh, yeah?

Well, I'd rather listen
to nothing

than hear your boring stories.

Fine. Then I won't say
another word.


MAN ( with radio static ):
Would you like to hear
a different story?

Who's talking?!

It's coming
from behind here.

It's a radio.

You must have
turned it on

when you leaned
against these sacks.

...and prepare yourselves
for another installment of...

Kid Carter, the Crooning Cowboy

and his sidekick Mistral.

When we last left
Kid Carter and Mistral,

they'd been chasing
the Burlap Brothers for weeks,

but the trail had gone cold.

Which way, Chigger,
which way?

Why are you asking him?

He's a horse.

He can't talk back.

Let's head
for that town.

I'm starving.

( horse whinnies )

( horse whinnies )

Fie, it's that meddling
Kid Carter

and his sidekick Mistral.

Oh, no!

They found us!

What do we do,
Mayor Mousesizzle?

If they catch us,
we're going to have
to stop robbing folks

and giving you
ten percent.

Don't worry,
Burlap brothers.

I have a plan

that will get rid of that
crooning cowboy forever.

( laughs evilly )

This here tonic of mine

is guaranteed to cure
all your ills

or my name isn't
Dusty Buckets.

Can it make hunger go away?

Why, of course it can,

provided you take it regular
like with meals.

Forget those
foul-tasting tonics.

We know where there's
a mine shaft full of gold.

Did you hear that?


Come on, Kid Carter.

One nugget of gold

and we'll eat like kings
for a year.

Peh! Hey, this ain't gold!

It's just coal painted
to look like gold.

( brothers laughing )

( both gasp )

( grunting )

Oh, no,

the Burlap brothers
have sealed us in.

Ain't nothing to do now
but sing and bide our time.

♪ End of the line,
we're stuck in a mine ♪

♪ Just a matter of time
before we're crying ♪

♪ Odelay-ee-hoo,
yodel-odel lay-ee-hoo ♪

♪ Yodel-lay-ee-hoo,
yodel-lay-ee-hoo ♪

♪ Yodel-odel-lay-ee-hoo... ♪

Quit your crooning, kid.

We got to get out
of here.

We have no food,
no water.

We could even run
out of air.

( panting )

Don't panic,

We'll find a way out.

We just got
to keep our heads.

Hey, look, a miner's hat.

It's very pretty,

but this ain't no time

to be thinking
about fashion.

I ain't thinking
about fashion, Mistral.

This hat could help us
find some tools

to dig our way out of here.

And so Kid Carter and Mistral
walked deeper and deeper

into the abandoned mine shaft
looking for tools,

when, all of a sudden,
they stumbled upon...

( both gasp )

...the most amazing discovery
ever beheld by the naked eye.

Find out what they discovered

on tomorrow's exciting

of Kid Carter,
the Crooning Cowboy

and his sidekick Mistral.

Till then, this is Dix Decem
saying good night.


They could have at least told us

if they ever made it out
of the mine alive.

I'm sure they found
at least a pickax or...

Wait a minute.

Maybe there are
some tools in here

that could
help us get out.

I'm not going
back there.
It's spooky.

Well, we do have a flashlight,
kind of.

Follow me.

Are you two all right in there?

You're awfully quiet.


I'll go tell David.

How on earth did you
two get out of there?

We found a screwdriver
and some pliers...

That's not all
we found. Here.

Sampo pineapples.

The cans are tin.

Arthur read
the fine print on the label.

Happy anniversary!


Dinner is served.

( ' s rock-and-roll playing )

Don't forget to try
the pineapple flambé.

This is delicious.

This song's one
of my favorites.

"I wanted to be
watching TV with Buster.

"In fact, we all wanted
something different that night,

"but we were stuck together
as a family,

"and it turned out to be one
of the best nights of my life.

"For me, perspective is

"I'm part of something larger,

"like a family, a town,
a country, a planet.

"And even though we all have
our own plans,

sometimes it's just good
to be together."

Excellent, Arthur.

You really gave that
a lot of thought.

Buster, would you like
to go next?

Um, can I go after lunch?

I kind of misplaced
my visual aid.

( bell rings )

So, what happened
in the special?

I've been dying to know.

Well, first of all, Bionic Bunny
and Dark Bunny are-- get this--

brothers, and...

Wait, don't tell me.

Were they separated
at birth by an evil witch?

Yeah, and a robot.

How did you guess?

( groans )

♪ ...And everybody
that you meet ♪

♪ Has an original
point of view ♪

♪ And I say hey! ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind
of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other. ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind
of day. ♪


♪ What a wonderful
kind of day. ♪

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