09x10 - Binky Goes Nuts/Breezy Listening Blues

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Arthur". Aired: October 7, 1996 - February 2022.*
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Arthur demonstrates to kids how to deal with challenges as homework, teachers and bullies.
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09x10 - Binky Goes Nuts/Breezy Listening Blues

Post by bunniefuu »

# Every day you walk down the street Everybody that you meet

# Has an original point of view

- # And I say, hey!
- Hey!

# What a wonderful kind of day We can learn to work and play

# And get along with each other

# You gotta listen to your heart Listen to the beat

# Listen to the rhythm of the street Open your eyes! Open your ears!

# Get together, make things better By working together

# It's a simple message And it comes from the heart

# Believe in yourself For that's the place to start

- # And I say, hey!
- Hey!
- What a wonderful kind of day

# We can learn to work and play And get along with each other HEY!

# What a wonderful kind of day, hey! What a wonderful kind of day, HEY! #

Hey, DW!

Hey! Whoa!

Ah! Perfect tanning weather.

Ooh! Shoo, shoo!

Note to self - orange is the new black.

Must have summer item - orange bikini with matching flip-flops.

Hey, what a cool butterfly.

I don't believe it. It's Spieria Sibelli -

the great spangled fritellary!

It's very rare for these parts.



They never knew what hit 'em!

- Stay still. Let me see if I can hit it.
- No way, leave it alone.

Hitting kids with spit-balls is one thing,

but butterflies are harmless, beautiful creatures...

Hey! What's going on?

- I'm all itchy.
- I think we should go to the nurse, now.

- Huh! I didn't think butterflies could bite.
- They can't.


It was that butterfly, that's when I started feeling itchy.

No, Binky, you're not allergic to butterflies.

You're also not allergic to tree pollen.

If you were, you'd see a red bump in one of these circles...

Oh, well that's a relief.

It'd really stink if I couldn't climb trees!

- ..but your blood did test positive to an allergy to peanuts.
- Oh, my!

Mom, relax. I don't even like peanuts that much.

Peanut allergies can be quite serious, Binky. I'm a nurse, I've seen anaphylaxis before.

Who's Anna Phylaxis? Is she at my school?

Anaphylaxis is a reaction you could get if you eat peanuts.

Instead of a rash, it could be hard to swallow, or even breathe.

We don't want that happening.

- That's why I want you to read these.
- Great, more homework.

The more you learn about your allergy,

- the easier it'll be to cope with.
- Oh!

Mom, it's just chilli.

I know, but it has peanut oil in it, see?

You HAVE to look at the ingredients, Binky.

Peanuts and peanut products are in all sorts of foods.


How about Trim Tim's beef jerky?

Read the label!

- Eurgh!
- Peanuts?

No, something called beef lips.

Binky, dinner!

What's this?

It's Friday night. We always order Chinese on Friday night.

I'm sorry, but a lot of Chinese food is cooked with peanut oil.

But I used to be able to eat it! What about egg-rolls.

Those are made with eggs, right?

It's better to be safe than sorry.

Here, have a chicken cutlet. You love chicken cutlets.

I don't want a cutlet, I want an egg-roll!

Oh, all right. I'll have a cutlet.

Mmm! Not bad! Much better than the ones they have at school.

Oh, that reminds me.

I have to make sure they have a special peanut-free table for you

at the cafeteria.


A special table? You mean I can't even sit with my friends?

That's it!

I'm going to bed.

Sorry, Binky! That's off limits.

The cook who prepared it once stepped on a peanut.

Watch it, sonny!

The guy who flipped that burger - his middle name is Peanut...

and don't even think about the pie.

The eggs in that meringue were hatched by a chicken

that once dreamt of a dancing peanut.

But I'm hungry!

Now don't you worry,

we've fixed up something special for you at the special table.

That's Adam, he's allergic to Formica.

The cafeteria's a tough place for him...

- ..but he can't get enough of our home-made spinach juice.

That's Ron and Don.

They're allergic to their hands, and all utensils - plastic AND metal!

This is where you'll sit. Enjoy your Brussels sprouts.

You'll get them every day for the rest of your life.



Good morning!

I have a surprise for you!

Is it Brussels sprouts?

No, it's your own cell phone.

This way, you can call me if you feel an allergic reaction coming on.

Let's see if it works.

- Hello?

Hi! Can you hear me, loud and clear?

Well, yeah! We are in the same room.

Oh, right!

- OK. Bye!
- Bye.

Cool. Thanks. I'm gonna go to the candy store.

I...I'll come with you.

Mom! I'm almost ten years old.

I can go to the candy store by myself.

I'll read the labels, I promise.

- I haven't decided yet.

No, I'm not going to get peanut brittle.

I don't even like peanut brittle!

OK, bye.

- [
- How about Gummi Slugs?

- There are no peanuts in those.
- I don't like them.

- They're too gummy, and how do you know about...
- Your allergy?

Your mom sent an email to all the parents in class.

She did?

It's no big deal.

My mom did the same thing

- when we found out I was allergic to milk.
- Milk, huh? Wow!

- That's terrible - milk is in everything.
- Tell me about it.

Ice-cream, chocolate, even cheese, but you get used to it.

- There's a good ice-cream made from rice milk.
- How'd you find that out?

- Research.

The more you know, the less your parents bug you.

Cashews. I'm buying cashews.

Come on, I'll show you the allergy section in the library.

This one is really good at explaining how all allergies work,

and it's got lots of pictures.

'And with Bionic Bunny out of the way,

'I, Condimentor, will rule the world!'


'Activate the giant seasoner'

'No! Not sodium chloride. Anything but that!'

Jenna. My throat feels kinda funny.

Quick! Call your mom!


I feel much better. That shot Dr Kingsbury gave me really worked.

Oh! I should never have let you eat those cashews. What was I thinking?

But I'm not even allergic to cashews.

They were probably processed in a factory that handles peanuts.

Are you OK, Mom?

I'm just worried. That's all.

Huh? Where am I?

I can't move!

That's because you're stuck to my super-adhesive grape jelly!

Thought you could live without my products, huh, Binky Barnes?

We'll just see about that!

Anna Phylaxis, being phase two!

Yes, Dr Legume!


Peanut butter? No, stop. Anything but that! Help!


- It's...
- BOTH: Bionic Bunny!

Your sandwich days are over, Dr Legume.


I suggest you get into wraps!


I don't know what would have happened. I'm allergic to peanuts.

If it's anything like my allergic reaction to sodium chloride,

it wouldn't be pretty.

- What is sodium chloride anyway?
- Salt.

One single grain, and I lose my super-powers.

I also retain water and get grouchy.


Someone named Jenna is being held c*ptive by the evil lord Bovina.

I've got to save her.

Remember, Binky, you're tougher than this allergy.

Let it know who's in charge!

Binky? ]

Morning, Mom. I found some peanut stuff we missed

when we were cleaning out the cabinets.

I'll take this to the trash.

It's a medicine auto injector.

If I start feeling sick, one shot of this and I'm A-OK.

I keep it right here in my new Bionic Bunny belt pack.

- Hey, Binky. Can I see it?
- Hold it right there.

You packing peanuts, long-ears?

No, I haven't had a peanut all day. I swear.

He's clean.

- You, sit here

Hi, Mom.

Yeah, I'm at the special table.

"How's the soup?" Hey, how did you know...? Mom!

What are you doing here?

Oh, I was...in the neighbourhood,

so I thought I'd drop by and make sure you had everything you needed.

I've got everything under control, Mom, really.

I know you do. It's just that... What's that?!

That's not...peanut butter, is it?

It's cream cheese and jelly, remember?

You made it for me...

..and it's delicious!


A little bit further. Just a few more steps.

OK, you can open your eyes now.

I found it on the internet.

They cook dishes here for people with peanut allergies.

They use special pans! Can we eat here?

Well, it is Friday night!


And I'm having three egg-rolls!

Francine, not bad. Sue Ellen, excellent.

Muffy, Congo is a country, not a dance.


Were you feeling all right when you took this test?

You're off your usual mark.


- Are you sure this is correct?
- Yes, I'm afraid so.

Don't take it too hard. You just had an off day.

- A B-minus isn't so bad.
- Yeah, it's in the Bs.

I love the Bs.

It's only one grade above a C-plus. I've never gotten a B-minus before.

- You'll do better next time.
- What if I don't? My brain is deteriorating!

I could get a C next time!

And then, in less than a year, I could be like...


Arthur, Buster, look! A UFO!

- It's just a dirigible, Brain.
- A diriga...wha?

You know, a blimp?

A big balloon.

I'd hate to see the kid who lost that!

Hey look! There's still frosting on that cupcake!

This could be the start of something very bad.

What did you do before the test? Maybe something threw you off?

It was a normal Sunday. I got up at . ...



'Did sit-ups.

'Had some juice and a bran muffin.

'Did the crossword in minutes and the word jumble in seconds.

'Then my mom and I opened up the ice-cream shop.

'I put some music on and...'

Wait! We had no music! That was different!

"Breezy Listening." What is it?

Background music. My mom thought it might encourage people to buy more.

We're listening to it right now.

I know that tune from somewhere.

Maybe it has secret messages in it that are making you dumb.

- Buster, there are no secret messages in the music.
- Probably not.

Some people think plant growth is affected by music.

Who knows? Maybe this CD did change me.

There's only one way to find out.

The experiment will consist of two tests.

First, you put shapes into the holes in silence.

Then with the CD on. And I'll record your response times, OK?

- When do we get our candy?
- When the experiment is over.

I'm hungry now! I can't concentrate when I'm hungry.

HE SIGHS OK, OK. You can have some candy now.


Ready, set...


Stop! Stop! What are you doing?

I'm putting the shapes in the hole, isn't that what you wanted.

No, Tommy, he meant these holes, like this.


You're doing it wrong, Timmy. Use your feet.


More candy, please!

"Find better test subjects."

So, average time for puzzle in silence equals . seconds.

Now for the hard part.

Intense exposure to Breezy Listening.



Wow! This place is huge.

It's much bigger than the Elwood City mall.

That's cos it's the Swellwood City Mall -

everything is bigger and better. Want a credit card?

Um, sure.

- Happy shopping!
- Thanks.

Funny. I suddenly feel the need to buy lots and lots of stuff.

Welcome to Chicken Lickin', can I take your order?

An extra crispy chickaritos with pinada sauce and and fries,

- and a large cola, please.
- Do you want to mega-size that cola for cents?

- It's the combo! Bruck!
- OK.

- Free mint?
- No!

Is there somewhere where I can rest and not buy things? I feel sick.

Try the Swellwood library, located in the east wing of the mall.

Finally, some place with peace and quiet.

Miss Turner, what's going on? You never allow music in the library.

It's just a little background music. No-one minds it.

How can you read books in here? I can't hear myself think.

We don't carry books any more. We carry bookazines.

They're like books but without the hard parts. And they're for sale.

Here, try Tolstoy's Peace, it's hysterical.

No! This can't be happening.

Arthur, don't you see what's going on? It's this music.

It's turned us into machines that buy things. We have to escape!

Sorry, sir. You have to pay for that Arthur doll.

"Arthur doll"? Want to pull my cord?

- Feed me!
- Pay off your credit, sir.




My test results after playing the CD were a quarter second

behind my normal score. This proves it's affecting my brain.

A quarter of a second isn't much. How many tests did you do?

Just one. That's all I could take.

We can change the music, but it didn't cause your B-minus.

I don't dislike it, I mean, it's barely noticeable.

But it's designed to make people buy more. Isn't that wrong?

- Don't we want people to buy ice cream?
- Yeah, I guess.

- But we don't want to trick people into buying it.
- You're right.

OK, how about this? You can be in charge of the shop's music.

Try to find something everyone will like.


- What are you playing?
- Koko Taylor, it's better than Breezy Listening.

Wait, here's my favourite part.

# When you leave this time

# Don't bother coming back

# Cos I'm tired of that... #

Why is she tired?

Her boyfriend is mean and she never wants to see him again.

Really? That's awful!

- It's just a song!
- I know. But could you play a different one?

- This one's making me kind of sad.
- What would you like to hear?

- There's Evil, I Cried Like A Baby...
- They all sound sad!

They're not! I Cried Like A Baby is upbeat. It just has a sad title.

- Here - I'll play it for you.
- Don't bother.

I sort of lost my appetite. Here.

- Music suggestions, huh? This is what you want.
- Mutakrude?

It's their latest album, Shin Splints. It's not in stores yet,

but my friend's cousin knows the ex-drummer. It's gonna be huge!


Don't worry! I'll get that!

Wait! I'll give you a free scoop with sprinkles!

What is that terrible sound?!

- Muddy crud?
- It's pronounced Mootakroode, moneybags.

The umlauts give the Us an "oo" sound.

Whatever it is, it's awful.

Here, Brain, play this - it's more appropriate.


Ah! Listen to that voice. Isn't Rodney Gilfry dreamy?

- Hey! You can't do that!

Why not? My suggestion came first.

- Excuse me, Molly. Patrons aren't allowed behind...
- Relax, Brain.

I heard you were looking for music. Everyone will like this.

# See the pretty boy... #

Oh, not THIS again!

Hey, if you play U Stink, you have to play We Stink too.


- You guys never even had a song.
- Sure we did! Hit it, Buster!

BOTH: # Oh, our name is We Stink

# We like to play rock'n'roll music... #

That's not singing! That's scrinching! This is singing.

OPERA Stop it!

This is an ice-cream shop, not a juke box.

From now on, there'll just be silence.

- Wanna go to the Sugar Bowl?
- Wait up, we'll join you.


George, not bad. Fern, excellent.

Muffy, Caesar Augustus was a Roman emperor, not a summer salad.

- Hey, Brain, did you think the history test was hard?
- No.

But I know what I got anyway - a C-plus.

- Why do you think that?
- Cos I wound up putting Breezy Listening back on.

- The silence in the shop was getting to me.
- Ahem!

Don't tell me - it's a C-plus, right?

Worse? Is it a C? A C-minus?

I've failed?! Oh, no! I'm never gonna make it to th grade.

Excellent work, Alan. See? I told you it was just an off day.

Looks like there's nothing wrong with your brain, Brain!

So will you keep playing that background music?


- Hey, bighead! When does Mutakrude play?
- Track .

Right after U Stink - two songs to go.

OK. Another cup of chocolate taco with strawberry salsa,

and one of these. Sundae Hits is a lame name, but it is a great mix.

It's the customers' favourite music. I just put it together.

And it's selling like hot cakes!
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