09x06 - Arthur Makes Waves/It Came from Beyond

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Arthur". Aired: October 7, 1996 - February 2022.*
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Arthur demonstrates to kids how to deal with challenges as homework, teachers and bullies.
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09x06 - Arthur Makes Waves/It Came from Beyond

Post by bunniefuu »

# Every day you walk down the street Everybody that you meet

# Has an original point of view

- # And I say, hey!
- Hey!

# What a wonderful kind of day We can learn to work and play

# And get along with each other

# You gotta listen to your heart Listen to the beat

# Listen to the rhythm of the street Open your eyes! Open your ears!

# Get together, make things better By working together

# It's a simple message And it comes from the heart

# Believe in yourself For that's the place to start

- # And I say, hey!
- Hey!
- What a wonderful kind of day

# We can learn to work and play And get along with each other

# What a wonderful kind of day, hey! What a wonderful kind of day, HEY! #

Hey, DW!

- Hey!
- Whoa!

'Trouble in the sandbox!'

Throughout history, there have been kids who don't play well together.

From the dawn of time...





..to the heyday of this great nation.


Your crops are where our cows graze.

Your cows are where our crops grow.


Even in the days of your Grandma and Grandpa.

- Ugh.
- Ugh.

Now this I like.

That's the way things have always been,

and that's the way things always will be.


This just in, ladies and gentlemen, and you'll never believe it...


Look, Arthur, it's so hot, my hair is crying.

That's sweat, DW.

Last one in the pool's a rotten egg.

The gate's locked.

"Community pool closed for repairs."

Closed? What are we going to do?


I'm suffocating from the heat.



Ow! That's hot.

Somebody's gotta have a pool we can use.

What about Muffy?

Hmm, maybe.

We could use Grandma Thora's sprinkler.

Yeah, but that's not a pool.

I know, the Tibble twins just got a new pool.

We can swim there.






I'm so glad you came over.


- Faster.
- Ow!

- Faster.
- Ow!

Grandma Thora?

I'm sure the senior centre pool will be much more fun than my sprinkler.

And reach. And reach.

Let's go, ladies.

This water's really hot.

It's like taking a bath...

only with lots of ladies.


Uh, it's not a pool, but at least it's got air-conditioning.

I wouldn't go in there if I were you, the air-conditioner's broken.

What does a kid have to do to cool off in this town?


[ Hey, no splashing!

DW, wait!



Oh, hello, DW.

You don't need me to kiss you again, do you?


I didn't know you had a pool.

My mom talked to your mom, and she said that you can swim here,

as long as Arthur swims here too.

OK with me.

I told you we'd find a pool.

Not just any pool, the perfect pool.

Well, well, well.

I didn't know it was baby-day at the pool.

Take one more step and you're entering a world of pain!

Take that last cupcake and you're entering a world of pain.

Step in that pool and you're entering a world of pain.

- Er, we were just going.
- But we just got here.

- And now, we're leaving.
- I'm not going, so you can't go.

Mom said you had to watch me.

And your mother said we could, so Arthur, you get in that pool!

We'll see about that!

My mother says I have to let 'em play here.

All you have to do is make it so hard for them to have fun

that they'll never come back again.

I like that.

I swim on my side of the pool, and you swim on yours...

if you can even get in.

Walk the plank, aarrgh.


Me next, me next.

Make me walk the plank!

OK, matey. Prepare to...







How babyish!

Anybody can do that!


Give it to me.

See? That's how you sh**t baskets.

Now you try it.


Gee, thanks, Molly.

Don't mention it.

Can you show me how you do that water-squirt thingy with your palms?


Hey, Arthur. Watch this.

Squawk! Molly want a cr*cker.

BOTH: Aarrgh!


I forgot one. You can squirt water from under your armpit.


I can show you how to do a hook-shot.


So, Molly. Did you tell that little baby to get lost?


What's he doing here?

- You're not hanging out with him, are you?
- No, I...

He... I mean...

Here's your ice-cream, Molly.

It's all my allowance would buy. I'm sorry I touched your pool.

If you need more money, I'll bring it tomorrow.

Don't let it happen again!

Good work, Moll. See you at the jungle jim.


That was close.

You saved my reputation.

I could never live it down if they knew I liked you.

I'm not sure my friends would understand either.

They'd probably get scared.

Maybe you guys should just act like you don't know each other.



Holding hands?

I don't believe it.

I saw it.

They were right in the middle of the park, in broad daylight.

They were arm-wrestling.

You don't arm-wrestle standing up.

She's right. You need a table.

Face it, Buster.

Arthur's in L-O-V-E. Love.

I won't believe it till I see it.

LAUGHTER It's so ridiculous.

It's goofy, Muffy is saying that you...

Hey, Arthur. I found the ball...

..that you touched. Quit leaving cooties all over my yard.

Can you believe that? She can keep her old ball.

Er...be right back.

That was a close one.

Sorry about that.

No problem, thanks for the ball.

I have something I wanna show you.

Meet me at the library in an hour.

It's got all kinds of cool hand-tricks in it,

like squirting water.

Oh, no!

That's for babies, you baby! Quit following me.


- That was a super-close one.
- I'll say.

- Wanna come sh**t some hoops?
- Sure.

..then they walked off together. I saw it yesterday.

I can't believe it.

What's Arthur turning into?

Hey, Arthur.

You sit there, and you're entering a world of pain!

Whoa! We've got to do something,

or Arthur will turn into one of them.

..and yesterday, he gave her a book.

And when they thought I wasn't looking, they went off together.

What if she turns into one of them?

Hey, everybody, let's name the state capitals.

ALL: Yay!


We've gotta save Molly before it's too late.

Your friend is ruining my friend.

No, your friend is ruining MY friend.

Your friend started this mess but we'll end it.

No, we will!

OK, guys. Let's go catch those two being friends...

..and put a stop to it.

Where's Arthur?

Er...he, er...


You said he couldn't swim here, didn't you?

- I...I...
- He didn't wanna swim with you, did he?


- I...
- Good work, you guys.

- That's teamwork!
- Thank goodness we nipped this thing in the bud,

before we all became friends.

Let's go get a milkshake to celebrate.

Is it safe?

What are you doing here? The community pool is open again.

That's where we're going. I wanted to give you the ball.

You'd better keep it.

I can't use it now that it has nerdy germs on it.

You want your book back?

I won't be able to read it any more.

It has your cooties all over it.



THUNDERCLAP Well, where did you come from?

Not exactly a night for exploring, is it?

Why don't you come inside and dry... DOG SNARLS

- Woof!
- Oh, feisty, aren't we?

Well, I'll just leave this open. You can come in if you want to.




Hm, that's a mighty tough name for such a cute little thing.

Well, I bet you're hungry, k*ller.

DOG BARKS That's left-over Beef Stroganoff and it took me two hours to make

so I don't want to hear any complaints.

Well, lookee here, it's a little fuzzy rat.

- A strange thing to put on a lead.
- Come here and say that, fuzz-face!

- I'll tie your whiskers in knots!
- Ooh, it has a temper!

Now now, little dog thing,

don't strangle yourself...yet!

You'd better have all nine lives cos you'll ever one of them...

What are you looking at, liver lips? And stay away! Yeah, that's right.

Keep on walkin'. Woof, woof, woof!

Sorry about that. She's a little cranky.

- Where is she? Where's the doggy?
- In the kitchen.

- You may want to wait a bit before...
- She's beautiful!

- Not like Arthur's stinky dog.
- Grrr!

Hi, little k*ller. You wanna play?

No, DW, be careful.

- k*ller BARKS
- Ahhhhhhhh!


I didn't do anything. She just came at me like I was a piece of meat.

It's not your fault, DW.

k*ller is a little, well, high strung.

High strung? She's a monster.


Let's leave k*ller to finish her supper in peace.

Ahem. Excuse me, but that person you barked at

is the sister of my owner.

- So?
- So I think you owe her an apology.

Oh, no, did I scare that girl when she snuck up on me? How terrible!

I'll go lick her feet right away. Here, help yourself to my kibble.

Kibble? Oh, well, ahem, I'm sure it was just a misunderstanding.

DW can be very trying sometimes.

SNIFFS Mmm, smells beefy.

- Grrrrrr!
- A trap!

- You probably scared her. You have to be very gentle with new dogs.


Then the beast came at me, its giant jaws snapping,

but I used the old tuck-and-roll, escaping just in time.

Then Arthur came in. I, of course, ran to his defence.

When my back was turned, the beast struck, wounding me mercilessly!

I dragged myself..GASPS... to Arthur's side

and collapsed, hoping that my useless body

might somehow shield my master from harm.

Poor Pal. Where did the dog bite you?

- Left leg. I think I saw bone. - I can't see anything.

Oh, must have healed. BARKING Oh, there she is! Hide!

Ha ha ha! That's it?

That's the beast that att*cked you? She's a lap dog.

- Let me talk to her.
- No, Amigo, don't!

She's small but vicious.

Maybe he'll have better luck. He's very charming.

Buenos dias.

- Welcome to the neighbourhood.

Ayyyy! You are a monster!

We're so sorry. I'm glad Amigo's OK. If you need anything, let me know.


Mom, it might be time to think about taking k*ller to the animal shelter.

k*ller SNARLS

There there, it won't be that bad.

A pretty dog like you, you'll be with a lovely family in no time.


- Frank, get the gloves, k*ller is back.
- You know this dog?

She's been in and out of here a lot. People adopt her, then return her.

- You probably know why.
- She was a little difficult, but...

- We'll take it from here, ma'am.
- k*ller BARKS


Hey, guys, look, it's a chew toy.

- You got any biscuits, chew toy?
- No. What is this place?

The end of the line, where they put the repeat offenders, the rejects.

Better get comfy cos you're gonna be here a while.

I'm very sorry to have bothered you, but I've changed my mind.

You poor dear. Life has been hard for you, hasn't it?

If this is going to work out, there has to be some changes.

You have to be nicer to my grandchildren and other dogs.


I'm telling you, Amigo, this is my bone.

- I distinctly remember burying it.
- Then how did it get in my garden?

- It is mine.
- Hey, guys, I'm back.

This is it, old friend, the last stand.

So you have the nerve to come back after what you did to my paw.

- And my leg!
- I'm sorry about that, but things will be different now.

- I never really had a home before, but now...
- Don't waste your breath.

- We don't talk to biters.
- I'm not a biter. I mean, not really.

Oh, come on, I said I was sorry.


Ahem. Excuse me, I brought you something.

- Someone left it at the dog run.
- Oh, what a pretty ball!

- Stand back, Kate, it's a trap!
- It isn't a trap.

I'm not using it so I thought you and Amigo might want it.

We have our own toys, thank you. Good day to you, madam.

- Well, I'll leave it here... in case you change your mind.

Pal, maybe you should give k*ller a second chance.

- She really is trying to be nice. - Kate, we pets have a saying.

You can't teach an old person new tricks. The same applies to dogs.

If I were her, I'd leave here. She'll never fit in.



Come to Nemo, my feathery bonbon. Just a little bit closer.

Stupid wings! They take all the fun out of hunting.


Oh, no, I'm doomed!

Ohhh, thank goodness, it's that cat-saving boy. Hello! Up here!

Yoo-hoo! THUNDER

Wait, wait! Come back!


Help! Help! Hello, little squirrel, could you...

Oh, it's you.

I-I didn't mean you look squirrelish, I just...

No, I look like a little fuzzy rat, right?

You're right, I don't expect you, of all creatures, to help me.

SIGHS I guess I'll perish up here.

Cold, wet, alone.

- Cut the act, cat, I'll help you. Where is your owner?
- On the third floor of that building.

Quick, someone's going in. Ahh!

Woof, woof!

- Woof, woof, woof, woof!

I can't get in. We'll have to try something else.

Hurry! I can't hold on much longer.


k*ller BARKS

- Grrrrr!

k*ller BARKS


The little dog didn't move one inch

even though the truck was about to flatten her like a plantain.

You sure it was k*ller?

I heard it straight from Spotty, the fire dog.

I thought dogs didn't like cats. Why would k*ller help Nemo?

Any animal who risks her life for another can't be all bad.


Woof, woof, woof, woof!

This is to welcome you to the neighbourhood.

It's a very good bone. Ham, as I recall.

- It was lamb and it was mine.
- Really? For me?

My very own bone? Oh, you guys! You're the best!

Come on, let's go bury it in the neighbour's yard!

- Well, I guess it's better to be licked than bitten.
- True, true.

# And I say, hey, what a wonderful kind of day

# If you can learn to work and play and get along with each other

# What a wonderful kind of day What a wonderful kind of day #
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