09x01 - Castles in the Sky/Tipping the Scales

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Arthur". Aired: October 7, 1996 - February 2022.*
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Arthur demonstrates to kids how to deal with challenges as homework, teachers and bullies.
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09x01 - Castles in the Sky/Tipping the Scales

Post by bunniefuu »

# Every day you walk down the street Everybody that you meet

# Has an original point of view

- # And I say, hey!
- Hey!

# What a wonderful kind of day We can learn to work and play

# And get along with each other

# You gotta listen to your heart Listen to the beat

# Listen to the rhythm of the street Open your eyes! Open your ears!

# Get together, make things better By working together

# It's a simple message And it comes from the heart

# Believe in yourself For that's the place to start

- # And I say, hey!
- Hey!
- What a wonderful kind of day

# We can learn to work and play And get along with each other

# What a wonderful kind of day, hey! What a wonderful kind of day, HEY! #

Hey, DW!

- Hey!
- Whoa!

OK, this is for the title.

Whoever wins this race shall hereby be known as the Sled Master!

Don't forget the sundae.

The winner gets a big pig at the Sugar Bowl with extra everything.

You're on!

On your mark, get set...



tree house, here I come!


Did I do it? Who won?

Who cares? Look!

Oh! Our tree house!

..It was completely destroyed. Now it's just a big pile of wood.

But that's impossible. That treehouse has been around for years!

We've angered them.

We're sorry, aliens. Here, take our pie as a peace offering.

Aliens had nothing to do with it, Buster. It fell because of the snow.

- Where are we supposed to hang out now?
- My place!

- It's very conveniently located.
- Yeah, for you.

We can't go to someone's house!

The cool thing about the tree house was no-one owned it.

- I have a " glass-screen TV with channels.
- I'm there.

Remember our first day in the tree house?


Sorry, Dora Winifred, this place is only for big kids.



That was a good day.

Yeah, I'm sure gonna miss that place.

- So when are you gonna build a new one?
- New one?

I couldn't help overhearing your conversation.

It seems like you kids need another tree house.

- You don't understand, Mr...
- You can call me Frank. I'm an architect.

I've been hired to design the new art gallery in Elwood City, see?

That's going to be a building?!

Well, it's just a preliminary sketch, but, sure, why not?

Who says a building has to look like a box?

Our tree house was kind of boxy,

but it was the best place to hang out in the world.

Who knows? If you put your heads together,

you might be able to dream up something even better.

Ask your parents to give me a call if you get any ideas. I could help you.

OK, how about this? A castle tree house.

Castles have been done before.

All right, how about a spaceship tree house?

- They've got something like that at the Chicken Lickin'.
- Fine,

- let's hear YOUR ideas.
- I don't have any yet.

I just think it should be something different, something new, like...

- ..like this!
- A mouldy crust of bread?!

No, Arthur, a mouldy pizza crust.

- It's from the very first pizza my mom and I shared with Harry.
- So?

Don't you see? We could have a pizza tree house.

Shaped like a pie, the windows could look like pepperonis and...

'Wait, the windows could actually be pepperonis!

'If it's not raining, you could tear the windows off and eat them.

'And there'd be hot and cold running tomato sauce.

'And big comfy mozzarella chairs!'


- That's the most ridiculous idea I've ever heard!

OK, maybe it can't actually be made of pizza,

- but it could be shaped like a pie.
- No way! It'll look really weird.

- I don't think so.
- I'm not taking a pizza tree house design to Frank.

Then maybe we should work on this alone.

It just doesn't make any sense. Who ever heard of a pie-shaped house?

Hmm! Pie-shaped.

- What are you writing?
- I'm collecting ideas that'll satisfy everyone.

So far, it's got to have an art gallery, an underground passage,

- and a wrestling arena.
- How will you fit an arena on top of a tree?

Details, details!

Hey, Brain, what would you like in the new tree house?

Oh, you don't have to bother designing anything - I've done it.

- What?
- Yes.

I ran into that architect and I've come up with a plan

- that will benefit the entire community.
- What is it?

Sorry, Arthur, I'm not at liberty to discuss the project.

Come to the unveiling on Saturday at the Sugar Bowl.

May I have some toothpicks, Mrs McGrady?

Thank you.


That know-it-all! We'll see who has the best design.

I need the glue to dry faster!



OK, we'll put Binky's arena here and Sue Ellen's pagoda there,

and George's woodworking shelf over to the left next to the sauna.

Oh, yeah, and it all has to be pie-shaped.

Oh! I can't even see the tree any more.

Oh! This is pointless! There are just too many things to include.



That just might work.

Can we eat yet?

Just a minute, I want this drawing to really capture pizza.

There! What do you think?

It's very...


Oh, it's too simple.

We should've ordered more toppings.

Arthur was right - a pizza tree house is a dumb idea.

Maybe I should work with calzones.

Whatever you do, it'll have to wait till after dinner. I'm starving.

Wait! Stop!

That's it! That's it! Don't move, mom!

I couldn't decide whether to do a spaceship or a castle,

so I combined the two. It's a space-castle tree house.

I bet that hasn't been done before.

Actually, it reminds me of the work of Spanish architect Antonio Gaudi.

- It does?
- It's a compliment, Arthur.

Gaudi created some of the most amazing buildings of his generation.

- Look at his church of the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona.
- Awesome!

- That's amazing.
- What did you come up with, Buster?

I know it sounds kind of silly,

but, well, it's a pizza tree house.

At first, I imagined it as pie-shaped,

but then I thought, "Why not separate the slices,

"and you could climb from slice to slice on ladders made of cheese?"


Cheese is not the best building material, Buster.

Oh! I guess the whole idea is pretty ridiculous.

No, it isn't.

I made a building once that looked like a pair of binoculars. See?

A great building can be inspired by anything.

The question is, can it be built?

I don't think one tree could support all that.

That's why I decided to use trees.

I couldn't fit everyone's wishes into one design, so I spread it out.

That way, Binky can have his wrestling arena...

..Sue Ellen can have her art studio,

and so on and so on,

and they'd be linked by bridges, so we could visit each other.


I like how you used the surrounding space,

but there's no place for you all to hang out together.

Isn't that the main purpose of your tree house?

There's room for the whole school in my design.

HE COUGHS Presenting...

the world's tallest tree house.


Hey, wait! That's not a tree house - it's built on the ground.

True, but it'll bring millions of tourists to Elwood City

and revitalise our sluggish economy.

It's a bold vision, Brain, but that would cost a fortune to build.

I know. I spent three months of allowance on the toothpicks alone.


And I got a cold waiting for the glue to dry.

Your ideas are great, but I don't think you have your tree house yet.

That only leaves one option. We hang out at Muffy's.

Or you could go back to the drawing board and try working together.

Strong lines, a harmonious composition - I love it.

I knew you could come up with something new that you'd all like.

Actually, it's pretty much what we had before.

We just couldn't improve on the original design.

Find a design that reflects your vision - that's what you did.

And we built it ourselves.

How can you beat that? Here, it's a poster of something I designed.

If you're ever in Spain, you should check it out.

"To my friends in Elwood City, Frank Gehry."

That was Frank Gehry? I don't believe it!

He's one of the greatest architects of our time.

This is the museum he designed in Bilbao, Spain,

which people from all over the world travel to see.

Whoa! And you thought my pizza house was far out!

Attention, boys and girls. I have an important announcement

regarding your upcoming trip to Crown City.

Starting today, all plastic garbage...

Oh. Wrong announcement. Now, where is that thing?

Ah, singing at Bartleby Hall!

- It almost makes repeating third grade worth it!
- Really?

I'm kind of nervous giving a concert in front of all those people.

I'm not talking about the concert! I'm talking about Finkelmeyer's,

the place Miss Krazny takes us to afterwards.

It's the best deli in Crown City.

The pastrami sandwiches are so big,

you need to sit on a telephone book to eat them!

After just half of one,

You think you'll never be able to eat again.

But when they bring the cheesecake,

boy, you make room!


Ah, here we go.

Miss Krazny will not be able to take you to Crown City this year.

Oh-ow! The inhumanity!

But we've managed to find you a replacement.

BOTH: Dr Fugue?!


Who am I...? Dr Frederique Fugue,

pianist, private tutor, musicologist! What is my goal?

To make sure this chorus is ready to sing at Bartleby Hall

- at pm this Friday. Questions?
- Dr Fugue...

I have a...a sore throat.

HOARSE VOICE May I be excused?

No. If you sing properly, from the diaphragm,

you will not strain your vocal cords.

But you may have a flavourless lozenge.

Right! Enough chitchat. We'll begin with scales. After me...

# Doh ray mi fa sol la tee doh!

OUT OF TUNE: # Doh ray mi fa...


Arthur, Fran, Muffy and Binkie - you're flat. We'll start again

and continue until EVERYONE is on key

IN TUNE: # ..fa sol la tee doh!

Good! That time you were all pitch perfect.

Remember, a chorus sings as one voice.

All it take is one rotten apple to spoil the bushel.

- Now, for your homework...
- Aw!
- Aw, man! That's not fair!

- As I was saying.

..For homework you are all to pick a song to sing in class tomorrow.

- It will help me decide who will sing the solo part.
- What?!

But I have the solo part! Miss Krazny already gave it to me!

And if your singing merits it, then perhaps I shall give it to you too.

Good day!

You had this guy as your piano teacher and you actually survived?

He's pretty strange, but he IS a good teacher.

He's the best. That's why I'm not gonna sing.

- What?
- What?
- Why not?

Because I'm a lousy singer! Once Dr Fugue really hears my voice,

- He'll lose all respect for me.
- But you'll miss going to Finkelmeyer's!

- Think of the pastrami, Binkie!
- Oh, I'm going on the trip.

I've got it all worked out.

# ..Morning bells are ringing Ding-dang-dong...

DEEP BREATH # ..Ding...dang...DO-O-O-O-ONG! #

- Great!
- Yay!
- Really good!

Impressive range, Francine. If you learn to control your breathing,

- you can become an excellent singer.
- Does that mean I get the solo?

I'll let you know when I've made my decision.

All right! Let's begin work on our song,

the very appropriate "In The Good Old Summer Time",

which will help take a bite out of the winter chill. Where is Binkie?

Here I am! Did I miss the solo trials? Oh, darn!

Lousy watch! The battery must've died.

- From the top...

# There's a time in each year

# That we always hold dear

# Good old summer time

# With the birds and the trees-es And sweet-scented breezes... #



# Laaaaaa! #


# Laaaaa! #

- Sharper!
- # LAAAA! #

# When your day's work is over... #

- Tempo, tempo!
- # ..Then you are in clover... #

This isn't Tchaikovsky's "Funeral March", you know!

Buster, can you...

# ..Pass the salt In A-minor? #

# Here you go. Are you finished With that fish stick

# In C-major? #

..More feeling!


Give it some GUSTO!

# You hold her hand as she holds yours

# And that's a very good sign

# That's she's your tootsie-wootsie In the good old summer time! #


The tempo was good, the phrasing was accurate and the pitch was perfect.

But there's one very important thing you're not doing...

I knew it was too good to be true!

..You're not having fun! Did you know that there are chandeliers

in Bartleby Hall, each glittering with hundreds of pieces of crystal?

When you take the stage, the chandeliers rise up to the ceiling

and dim until they resemble stars on a cloudless night. Then...

there is a silence which is at once frightening and thrilling

because you know that in seconds it will be filled with your voice

And when the conductor finally lowers his baton,

it feels like you are not singing alone but with the help

of all the beautiful voices that ever echoed in that theatre!


That, my friends, is what you have to look forward to tomorrow.

Enjoy it - especially you, Francine!

- There's nothing worse than a glum soloist!
- YES!

- OK, class dismissed!

Get a good night's sleep.

Uh...Dr Fugue? I have something to tell you.

- That you've been lip-synching for the entire week?
- But how did you...?

It's the oldest chorus trick in the book. Used it many times

- as an undergrad with The Wittenpups.
- I... I just, well...

- I'm OK at the clarinet. Singing...!
- Contrary to what you might think,

I believe you have an excellent voice. But it's up to you

- to use it or not.
- Thanks, Dr Fugue!

# You're welcome In A-minor! #

# She'll be coming round the mountain She'll be coming round the mountain

# She'll be coming round the mountain When she comes! #

George, Fern and Jenna, you were off-ke-ey.

- Aw, Dr Fugue!
- It's just fun!

Hey, it's really starting to come down. ..Dr Fugue,

can we have a snowball fight before the concert?

Expose your highly-cultivated vocal cords to the elements? Not a chance!

- How's the weather forecast?
- Not good.

And the snow is getting heavier.

Fear not, class! Crown City is a hibernal paradise in a snowstorm.

The busy streets are hushed, the cars are snuggled and...

- The road is closed!
- What?!

A blonde-with-sand and a pair of life-preservers!

Better fire up the second griddle, Remy, we got a busload comin' in!

FRANCINE: What about the concert?!

- If we stop now, we'll never make it in time!
- Move along, Francine.

You're letting the draught in. I'll have no cases of grippe on my watch!

Another coffee, if you please.

Sadie and I had theatre tickets. A pity! We don't get out much.

It's just not fair! We did all that practising for nothing!

I didn't. But I was gonna sing anyway.

I'll probably never get another chance to perform at Bartleby Hall

Aw, all that cheesecake.

Hey, you Think WE'RE sad? Check out Dr Fugue.

Poor guy, he must be crushed.


Chorus assemble, please!

Come, come, we're wasting time!

Obviously the acoustics are not as good as they are at Bartleby Hall,

so you should project a little more.

- Other than that, remember to smile and...
- Dr Fugue, what are we doing?

- Performing, of course. It's four o'clock.
- No way! We're in a diner!

- I've played humbler venues.

- I'm very proud of this chorus.

You've all worked too hard not to hear how good you've become.


# There's a time in each year That we always hold dear

# Good old summer time

# With the birds and the trees-es And sweet-scented breezes

# Good old summer time...

# ..In the good old summer time In the good old summer time

# Strolling through a shady lane With your baby-mine

BOTH: # You hold her hand and she holds yours

# And that's a very good sign

# That's she's your tootsie-wootsie

# In the good old...summer...time! #



A snowplough's coming to clear Route

so you can get back to Ellwood City.

But meantime, Remy thought you might like some of his apple-berry pie.

Well, it may not be Finkelmeyer's but...

..this is amazing!

This is the best pie I've ever had!

I'll tell Remy. He was a pastry-chef in Paris before he came here.

Five stars!

Dr Fugue, I thought I was a pretty good singer a week ago,

But now I realise I have a lot to learn. And I'm looking forward to it!

so... # Thank you in C-sharp! #

# ..You hold her hand and she holds yours

# And that's a very good sign

DR FUGUE JOINS IN # That's she's your tootsie-wootsie

# In the good old summer time! #
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