08x10 - Big Horns George/Bleep

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Arthur". Aired: October 7, 1996 - February 2022.*
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Arthur demonstrates to kids how to deal with challenges as homework, teachers and bullies.
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08x10 - Big Horns George/Bleep

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Every day when you're
walking down the street ♪

♪ Everybody that you meet
has an original point of view. ♪

( laughs )

♪ And I say hey! ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen
to your heart ♪

♪ Listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ Open up your eyes,
open up your ears ♪

♪ Get together and make things
better by working together ♪

♪ It's a simple message
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪

♪ And I say hey! ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other. ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ Hey! What a wonderful
kind of day. ♪


Hey, D.W.



( crash )

A scoop of butter brickle
in a waffle cone

with chocolate syrup.

Heavy on
the sprinkles.

Actually, better make it
two scoops.

Bad day, George?

I got a C
on that geography test,

I got a rip
in my favorite jeans,

and my head got stuck
in my locker again.

Well, at least
it can't get any worse.

I take it back.

Hi, Allen.

A strawberry swirl
for me,

and a cone
of fudge fantasy
for my friend, Koko.

Wait a minute...
you're Koko Taylor?

The one and only, honey.

I have every one
of your albums!

My favorite
is Force of Nature,

but nothing beats
"Wang Dang Doodle"

on The Earthshaker.

Why, thank you.

It's always a pleasure
to meet a blues fan.

You should come over
on Sunday.

We're having a potluck,
and afterwards

we'll have
a jam session.

You're invited, too.

And bring
a couple of pints

of this
fudge fantasy, too.

Who was that?

Koko Taylor.

She's one of the best
blues singers in the world!

You've never heard her?

Not really.


I've got to go home.

I'm with George,
and he's never heard Koko!

This is going
to cheer you up

a lot more
than ice cream.

Come on.

♪ There may be snow
on the mountain ♪

♪ But there's fire
under the hill... ♪

I've never heard
a voice like that!

I know.

It's sort of
like a mixture

of Bessie Smith
and Muddy Waters.

Muddy who?

You haven't heard
of Muddy Waters either?

You don't know
what you're missing!

You have to take
some CDs home with you.

My dad introduced me
to the blues when I was five,

and I've loved them
ever since.

I've even written
a few songs.

( plays a bluesy melody )

♪ . -- that's the number
we call pi ♪

♪ Oh, . , you know
I'm talkin' 'bout that pi! ♪

♪ It's used to find
circumference ♪

♪ That's a truth
you can't deny. ♪

You wrote a song
about math?

Blues doesn't have to be

about getting your heart broken
or losing your job.

You mean, a kid could
write a song about...

oh... hanging out
with a wooden dummy?

So long as he sang it with
honest, heartfelt emotion.

That's what the blues
is all about.

( plays a few notes )

Uh, hi, Mrs. MacGrady.

I brought lutefisk.

Why, thank you,

Come on in!

Hey, George...

what's with the tie?

I thought I'd get dressed up,
because I'm performing.

You're not going to play
that harmonica?

I was going to.

Why? Were you planning
on playing harmonica, too?

No way,
I'm not playing anything.

Neither am I.

Why would I want
to embarrass myself

in front of one
of the greatest singers alive?

Just don't sing!

I've heard you sing,
and it sounds like Nemo

when I give him
a bath.

♪ Let's put the pot on ♪

♪ Put the pot on ♪

♪ We got the pot on ♪

♪ We got the pot on... ♪

( applause and cheering )

Thank you.

Thank you kindly.

Well, who's next?

How about you,

with the big
beautiful horns?

Come on,
you brought your harp.

Let's put it to work.

( cheering )

My lips are dry.

I need water, water!

Everyone's waiting.

I've got to do something!

( coughs )

This is a song I wrote

called, "The Pinnochio Blues."

( plays three notes )

( quietly ):
♪ I once had a good friend ♪

♪ And his head
was made of wood. ♪

( plays two notes )

♪ Yeah, I once
had a good friend ♪

♪ And his head
was made of wood ♪

♪ But he listened
to my problems... ♪

What's he saying?

He sounds
like a mouse.

We can't hear you.

Wait up a sec!

We all get
nervous sometimes.

I've been singing
for over years,

and I still
get butterflies.

Why don't you stay

and have some ice cream?

( sniffling ):
No, thank you.

Well, okay.

But you come back and play
for me anytime, Big Horns.

I mean that.

Come on, it couldn't
have been that bad.

No one could hear me.

And even if
they could have,

it still would
have been terrible.

I can't sing, Wally.

That's not true,

You have
a beautiful voice,

especially when
it's coming through me.

No one else
seems to think so.

I'm going to return
the CDs Brain lent me.

"Taj Mahal"-- I never got
to listen to this one.

Put it on.

What's the rush?

You got a train
to catch?

( music begins playing )

"Tuning Fork, Mississippi.
Population: ."

Not a very popular
place, is it?

Let's see if we can get
something to drink.

I'm parched.

Hello, boys.

Sure is hot
out there.

Can I interest y'all
in some lemonade?

I'd prefer
furniture polish,

but if that's
all you got...

( sighs )

That'll be five dollars please.

I don't have five dollars!

How about
a watch instead?

If you can't pay,

I'm going to have
to call the sheriff.


All right, you two,
you're coming with me.

I'm the sheriff, too.

Wait! Wait!
( gasping )

Isn't there some way
we can pay you back?

Can you sing?

Um, well, I did just write
a song, but...



You can try
to make back
what you owe me.

I'll give you
till sundown.

Then it's the hoosegow for you!

"The hoosegow"?!

Not the hoosegow!

a hoosegow, George?

I don't know,

but it
doesn't sound good.

We'd better start singing.

You sing; I'll do drums.

♪ I once had
a good friend ♪

♪ And his head
was made of wood ♪

♪ Oh, I once had a... ♪

( laughing ):
I do declare,

that moose sounds
just like a mouse.

♪ ...was made of wood. ♪

That's it?

No second verse?

Why bother?

You heard her.

I sound like a mouse.


A mouse has feelings,
doesn't he?

Put some feeling into it.

( more passionately ):
♪ But he listened
to my problems ♪

♪ Just like
a good friend should. ♪

There you go!

You're singing it

like you mean it.

You know what?

You got talent.

Don't be afraid
to show it.

( begins playing )

♪ Fancy goin' fishin'
all of the time... ♪

What about me?

Don't I have talent?

♪ Bet your life,
your sweet wife ♪

♪ Will catch
more fish than you ♪

♪ Many fish bites
if you got good bait ♪

♪ Here's a little tip
that I would... ♪

( plays a chord )

( cooing )

( guitar playing )

Heads up!


Whoa, nice guitar!

Can I see?


( strumming )

It's out of tune.

No, it's just
your hand position.

Put your fingers
on the right frets

to make a chord.

( plays a chord )

Hey, that's not bad.

You know some other ones?

( plays different chords )

( playing simple melody )

As your dummy, it's my duty

to advise you
not to do this.


Koko said I should
come over

and play for her.

I think I'm ready.

At least
take me with you.

I'll warm her up

with a couple of
knock-knock jokes.

Sorry, Wally,
I have to do this alone.

Don't think I don't know
what's going on here!

Things haven't been
the same between us

since you made that guitar.

I'm musical, too!

I can even sing

while you drink
a glass of water!

Can your guitar
do that?!

Hi, Mrs. MacGrady.

Is Ms. Taylor around?

She is, but that's
"Koko" to you.

Come on in.

I was just waiting
for a friend to stop by.

Looks like I got two
for the price of one.

I wrote a new song.

It's really rough,

but, well, here goes.

( flubs chord )

I'm sorry,
my hands are a little sweaty.

Relax, honey.

It's just Koko, not Mr. Ratburn.

( doorbell rings )

I'll be right back.

( quietly ):
♪ Sometimes I feel so blue ♪

♪ I just don't know
what to say ♪

( growing louder ):
♪ Yeah, sometimes ♪

♪ I feel so blue ♪

♪ I just don't know
what to say ♪

( passionately ):
♪ But with this here guitar ♪

♪ I'm gonna play
my blues away! ♪

( groans )

Forget it!

Is that it?

No second verse?

You... you're...

Taj Mahal.

Pleased to meet you.

This is George.

He came over

to play me a song
he was working on.

Don't stop
on my account.

I liked what
I was hearing.

my string broke.

I can fix that.

I always carry a few
extra strings with me.

But in
the meantime,

maybe I can accompany you.

I believe you were doing
-bar blues

with a four-four
beat, right?

( warming up )

♪ I have
these big antlers ♪

♪ It makes it hard
to find a hat. ♪

♪ ♪ ♪

♪ Yes, you've got
some mighty antlers ♪

♪ It must be hard
to find a hat. ♪

You could borrow mine sometime.

♪ But my head is never cold ♪

♪ The blues
takes care of that. ♪

♪ ♪ ♪

Uh, I forgot
the next verse.

So make one up.

♪ Oh, I just forgot
the next verse ♪

♪ So I'll sing this one
instead. ♪

That's right, Big Horns!

♪ Yeah,
we just forgot
the next verse... ♪

♪ So we're singing
this one instead. ♪

Sing those blues!

♪ And I'll keep
singing the blues ♪

♪ Until I have
to go to bed. ♪

Hi, everybody.

I'm here on the set
of The Altos--

you know, that TV show about
the family life of a gangster?

They've agreed
to let me teach you

a little something
about television.

Here is what's known as...

( long bleep )

the bleep.

Whenever you hear...

( bleep )

it means there's something

you're not supposed to hear.

Here is the person
who is making the...

( bleep )

Watch and listen how it's used.

( bell rings )


Apple Betty!

It's ( bleep )!

My mother, now, there was
a woman who could make

( bleep ) amazing Apple Betty.

When she made it, the whole
( bleep ) neighborhood

stood outside our house.

A ( bleep ) saint
( bleep ) that
woman was.

If it's okay
with you, T,

I'd like to give
that pastry chef

a taste
of his own cannoli.

Hey, none of you...

( two bleeps )

so much as ( bleep )
unless I ( bleep ) say so!



And there you have it.

Of course, the bleep
doesn't exist in real life,

only in television.

But wouldn't it be great
if it did?

Then you could bleep out
whatever you wanted.

I can't believe it!

That was the easiest
catch ever!

That's it!

You're never playing

on this team
ever, ever again!

In fact, you're never
going to play on...

( beep ) teams ever again!

( bleep ), Arthur ( bleep )!

( D.W. gasps )


Arthur just ( bleep )

your favorite
( bleep ) bird!

Best of all, the bleep could
be used when your mom and dad

are going to visit your school
and... ( bleep ).

( bleep continuing )

Hey, what's going on?

Stop it!


( bleep continuing )

What? Oh!

( giggling )

( bleep )


Well, this will make
a very nice present for Ethel,

don't you think?

Just wait here, sweetheart,
while I go pay for it.

( sighs )

( crystals tinkling )

( crystal glasses ringing )

Stop that!

You'll break something!


That's enough, young man.

Forget about going
to that concert tonight.

You can't do that!

I can, and I have.

( bleep )

( gasps )

Come on, D.W.,
I'm done.

Is something wrong, dear?

That boy just said this word

that made his mom
drop something!


That's strange.

I know.

I never heard
it before.

Do you know what it means?

I don't know.

What did he say?

Well, she said he couldn't
go to a concert,

and then he said...

What, dear?

( bleep )


( bowl shatters )

Never mind.

Arthur, I have to ask
you something.

What does
( bleep ) mean?

( Arthur gasps,
model plane crashes )


It happened again!

You better not let
Mom and Dad hear
you say that.

Why? What does it...

Arthur, have you
put away your...

What's going on in here?



So, you ready?

( bleep )

( vase shatters )


Don't worry, it's imaginary.

Okay, since you know,

tell me what it means.

I don't know.

I just figured

you drop something
when you hear it.

This is awful!

How will I ever find out?

Just ask your mom and dad.

I told you, Arthur said
never say it to them.

Well, if you can't
ask them,

who can you ask?

Nadine's right, honey.

All you have to do
is tell it to us.

But what if it
does something
really, really bad?

What could
one little word do?


( inhales deeply )

( bleep )

( gasps )

( gasps )

( Arthur gasps )

( Kate gurgles )

( sirens blaring )

( glass shattering )

( alarms blaring )

( cow moos )

( gasps )

Bad idea, Nadine.

( laughing ):
It makes people
break things?

( bleeping over
both saying "the word" )

( bleeping;
laughing continuing )

Oh, no!

My Danger Ranger
belt buckle just exploded!

My eyes! My eyes!

( laughing )

Guess she doesn't watch
cable TV.


So I can just say it?

Just like that?

( inhaling deeply )

No, don't!

But you just said...

It's different when
there's grownups

( Tommy and Timmy whistling
innocently )

That's what Arthur said.


Should we tell her?

No, I'm not sure...
no, maybe.

Okay, we'll
give it a shot.

Because it's
a swear word.

What does that mean?

It means moms
and dads hate it.


Would you want
to turn into

a zombie sl*ve
for a day?

A what?

( bleep )

Yes, master.

Your every wish
is my command.


Just try it and see.

I did see.

The boy's mom
dropped a glass.

Then what?

I don't know.

Grandma took me
out of the store.


( both laughing )

♪ If you're happy and you
know it, clap your hands! ♪

♪ If you're happy and you
know it clap your hands! ♪

♪ If you're happy
and you know it ♪

♪ And you really want
to show it ♪

♪ If you're happy and you
know it, clap your hands! ♪

♪ If you're happy and you
know it, and you really... ♪

( beep )

( gasps )

Yes, D.W., your every wish
is my command.

( classmates gasping )

Um, can I have a soda?


Uh... how about
letting us watch TV?

Any other wishes?

D.W., are you
all right?


I'm fine.


Am not!

Guess she just wants
to stay a baby
all her life.

Yeah, she doesn't
deserve to know
the word.


Anything wrong, honey?


Yes, sweetie?


Yes, what is it, D.W.?

Uh, never mind.

Did you say it yet?


What if the Tibbles
are lying?

Wouldn't be the first time.

But then, what if they're not?

I mean, what if every kid
says it?

Maybe that's how Arthur
made Mom and Dad

always treat him better than me.

That's a very good point.

If only I could test it.


And they do whatever you say?


But you probably
shouldn't say it--


It's really only
for us older kids.


Okay, by my calculations,

she'll be saying it

in the next five minutes.

Make that ten seconds.

Okay, D.W., time for dinner!

I can't see!

D.W., did you hear me?

Oh! There she is!

Did she say it?

I don't know.

Her brother
got in the way.

Now, D.W.!

Just a minute!

No, not just a minute.

Your dinner is getting cold.

Oh, wait, wait, wait!


( groaning )


I think
she just said it.

D.W., are you listening to me?

( bleep )


( footsteps approaching )

( door opening )

Dora Winifred Read...

what did you just say to me?

Um, can I have a soda?


What are you doing?

( doorbell rings )

I'll get it!


Uh... Arthur did it?

Well, you're off
the hook this time,

because you didn't know
what you were saying,

but I hope you know now

that swear words are not
appropriate things to say,

for children.


Because most people
are offended by them.

It's as simple as that.

But why?

What do they mean?

I guess you could
say they mean

"I want to hurt
your feelings."

Good night, D.W.

Why didn't somebody just tell me
that in the first place?

Wait till the kids at school
hear about this.

You're a ( bleep )!

No, you are!

You look like a ( bleep )!

You're a ( bleep )!

Well, did you
say it to them?

What in ( bleep ) did they
do when you did?

Thanks for teaching it to us,
you ( bleep )!

Uh, guys, I think we need
to have a talk about this.

♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen
to your heart ♪

♪ Listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ It's a simple message,
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪

♪ And I say hey! ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other. ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

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