08x08 - Muffy's Art Attack/Tales from the Crib

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Arthur". Aired: October 7, 1996 - February 2022.*
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Arthur demonstrates to kids how to deal with challenges as homework, teachers and bullies.
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08x08 - Muffy's Art Attack/Tales from the Crib

Post by bunniefuu »

# When you walk down the street Everybody that you meet

# Has an original point of view

# And I say Hey, what a wonderful kind of day

# We can learn to work and play And get along with each other

# You've got to listen to your heart Listen to the beat

# Listen to the rhythm of the street Open up your eyes, open up your ears

# Get together and make things better

# It's a simple message And it comes from the heart

# Believe in yourself For that's the place to start

# And I say Hey, what a wonderful kind of day

# We can learn to work and play And get along with each other

# Hey, what a wonderful kind of day What a wonderful kind of day, hey! #

Hey, DW!

- Hey!
- Whoa!

"Wow! Is this where you live, Polly?"

"Yeah. I just had it renovated. Isn't it groovy?" "I'll say!"

"Wanna dance?" "Sure!

"I wish I had a place as nice as this.

"I sleep in that trailer." "Eew! It's so cheap.

"I'm sure Muffy will make you your own house some day."

A beautiful little beach house. With real sand and a pool.

Time to go to the art opening.

Do I have to go, Daddy? They are so boring.

Come on, Muffin. A little high culture never hurt anyone.

And art can be a great investment.

So are diamonds. Can we go to the jewellery store instead?

Don't worry, Paradise Polly.

When I come back, I'm making you that beach house.

Muffy's Art Attack!

You see? Arthur Ganson makes kinetic sculptures.

They're works of art that move and do things. They're ingenious.

- Daddy, it's a chair(!)
- Just wait.



- See? How'd you like that?
- Um, yeah. That was great. I guess.

- I wonder what it's going to do.
- My feet hurt.

- How much longer must we stay here?
- See that?!

- That little machine just flipped the chair!
- Oh? Did it?

Oh, look! Cheese!

What?! No brie?

- Hey, Muffy! Aren't these sculptures great?
- All I've seen are chairs.

Big deal.

- Ooh! I love this colour!
- Have you seen Machine With Oil?

- Is it like salad with oil? I saw that at lunch.
- Come on. It's cool.

This blue is like...the ocean!

Or like tropical sky.

Muffy, where's my beach house? I want my beach house!

- Aah! My dress!
- Isn't it funny? Like the machine is taking a bath.

It isn't funny. It's dumb!

- And messy!
- I guess some people just can't appreciate great art.

Great art? This isn't great art. It's just junk!

I'd know great art if I saw it.

I have impeccable taste.

Guess what. I've decided to buy this one from Mr Ganson here.

It's called Machine With Wishbone.

Excellent choice, Ed. It brings to mind the works of Samuel Beckett -

- that tiny figure forever yoked to its burden of absurdity.
- Funny!

Glad you like it, Ed. I'll install it Monday.

I wish it was going to be in my house. Some people get all the luck.

I could make something more beautiful with my eyes closed.

Really(?) I'd like to see that.

Well, you will.

One for you, one for you and one for you.

You're all invited to my art show.

"If you liked Ganson, you'll love Crosswire."

You make kinetic sculptures?

For how long?

The invitations were the hard part.

I'll do the sculptures this weekend.

OK, first arrange everything by colour.

Miss Muffy, to make kinetic sculptures,

- might I suggest you think about what you want them to do?
- Oh.

I guess you're right.

There. My first piece. I'll call it Rolling Can.

It has a childlike whimsy. Very nice.

Yeah, but all the sculptures at the art opening did something.

Perhaps if it rolled down a ramp and set off a chain reaction.

Hey! That's a great idea!

- Ready, Miss Muffy?
- Ready!

- Aah!
- It worked! It actually worked!

No! It ruined my new overalls, just like that messy oil machine.

Hmm. You mean it's a little too much like Ganson's work? You're right.

- We need something all our own.
- I need a change of clothes.

Bailey, mind if I take a break?

- There's something I have to do.
- Of course. I will attend to...this.

OK, Paradise, let's get to work.

Now, my concept is this...


Sweetums, I invited Arthur Ganson to your art show tomorrow.

- I hope you don't mind.
- Tomorrow?!
- So says the invitation.
- I forgot!

Bailey! Bailey!

- Uh, yes?
- We have to get to work! My art show is tomorrow!

No need to worry. I made a few pieces to supplement your sculpture.

- You did all this?
- Um...yes.

They don't move, so technically they are not kinetic,

but they are interactive.

Pleased to meet you. HONK!

- What's this one called?
- Chester. After a boy who used to tease me.


Oooh, he's kind of scary.

So is the real Chester.

- I never knew you were so talented.
- So...you like them?

I'm not sure "like" is the right word. They are very interesting.

We have some important decisions to make, like what to serve.

Cheese is so overdone!

Muffy, how did you make this?!

- Bailey actually put it all together.
- But it was your idea?

You're not taking credit for someone else's work?

Uh...the hors d'oeuvres are ready.

You MUST try one of these.

It's not a stuffed mushroom cap - it's a beret!

Pretty cute, huh?

This one is too sinister!


This one is called Chester. He's a boy who teased me in fourth grade.

- You're not in fourth grade yet!
- Oh. Um...

It was meant to be called Binky. That's a typo.

Muffy, I owe you an apology.

These sculptures are amazing. You're so creative!

She's a creative liar! She's being a credit hog again!

- What? - Admit it! Bailey made them all!

- No! He didn't! I made...one.
- Where is it?
- Over there.

It's called Rolling Can. And it's kinetic.

- Aah!
- Nice try, Muffy.

- Well, THAT was a failure.
- Indeed, Miss Muffy.

No, a lot of people really liked your sculptures.

Only the kids. If I had just had more time.


- Oh, this is powerful.
- You really think so?
- I do.

- It evokes the danger and humour in everyday objects.
- Exactly!

Thank you, Mr Ganson!

Sorry I couldn't be here earlier.

- That's a pretty wild piece.
- That's not part of the exhibit.

Those are just my doll houses.

- This one's more of a doll environment.
- Yeah.

A house just wasn't right. Here, it's better with the fan.


I'm chairing an art show next week about dolls. I'd love this for it.

- What? But this isn't art.
- Sure it is. You put your heart into it.

- It's an expression of you. It's beautiful.
- I never thought of that.

I don't know... It's not really finished yet.

- I understand.
- But I'd like another look at Machine With Wishbone.

I don't think I got the full effect the first time I saw it.

Groovy beach, Paradise Polly! I wish she made me an environment!

Oh, she will. I'm sure of it.

Baby Cribz - the show that takes you where no-one else dares -

behind bars!

Today, we're visiting the crib of Vasita Molina in Elwood City.

My crib is my own special place where no-one but me can hang out.

Check it out - solid maple construction.

Bars like that - you know you sleep safe. And the jumping?

Second to none!

Of course, no crib is complete without toys!

Yes, siree -

with toys like this, you'll flip!

I wouldn't give up my crib for the whole world!

Oops! I just pulled the head off your Snowboard Christy doll. Sorry!

That's OK. I have a Secret Agent Christy doll upstairs. Come on.

Vasita, your new bed is here!

- My crib! Where's my crib?
- We talked about this, sweetheart.

You're old enough for a big bed.

- Alberto, let's get the mattress from the car.
- My poor crib!

- This is all that's left?!
- Vasita...

I want my crib! SOBS

- Vasita, everything's gonna be OK.
- How would YOU know?

I've been through this before.

I was like you - I couldn't dream of sleeping anywhere but my crib.

This is the life! A big cosy crib - soft animals,

a warm blanket - as long as a kid's got a crib,

- nothing in the world can go wrong.
- DW, you're spilling out of it.

- We need to get you a bed.
- Oh, no, Mom! I love this crib!

I love it more than anything in the whole world.

I want to sleep here my whole life.

Remember we talked about the new baby? The baby needs a crib.

Get one like this. My baby brother or sister deserves the best.

- Honey, the baby's going to sleep in YOUR crib.
- The two of us will share?

No, we'll give your crib to the baby and you'll sleep in a big girl bed.

Look at this, little girl -

this one has a secret pull-out drawer for all your special things.

- SO?!
- DW!

Hey, how about this? It's got monkeys on it.

- I HATE monkeys!
- There must be something here you like.

No, there's nothing in the whole store,

because I don't want a bed!

I just want the same old crib I've always...


I want that one!

So, I told my parents, "No more of this baby stuff,

"I want my bed and I want it now."

- That was dumb.
- Yeah, I'd never sleep in a bed.
- Why not?

BOTH: Arachnar... lord of the spider people!

- Who?
- He's half-man, half-spider and he eats children.

He can't reach his tentacles through the bars of a crib,

but kids in bed are easy picking.

- He climbs up the side and crawls under the sheets!
- Wait a second.

If he's half-man, half-spider, why does he have tentacles?

Uh...he's half-octopus too.

And half-Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Yikes, that sounds scary.

Oh, Vasita - they were just trying to scare me.

- Arachnar's just an Irving legend.
- A what?

An Irving legend - the kind of story your Uncle Irving tells.

It's really scary, but it never actually happened.

- I don't HAVE an Uncle Irving!
- There IS no Uncle Irving, Vasita.

He's an Irving legend, too! Let me finish my story.

Oh, I love my new bed!

It's so much better than that silly old crib.

I'm glad you like it so much, sweetheart.

Sleep tight.

'But I was just too excited about my bed to go to sleep.'

This is the greatest bed in the whole universe!

'Then it hit me like a ton of blocks.' Hey, no bars.

I can get right out of bed!

'Before I knew it, I'd gone through every book on the shelf.

'Then I realised not only didn't I have to stay in my bed,

'I didn't even have to stay in my room.'



It sure is nice how easily DW took to her new bed.

What a relief, huh?

You said it!


I know sleeping in a bed is new, but we need our sleep too.

So, stay in bed, OK?


That's my girl.

'I bet it's OK as long as I'm very, very quiet.'

- Hey, Arthur! Wake up!

Hey! Hi, Stanley. Do you wanna play?

- Would you like some tea, Stanley?
- GRUFF VOICE: I don't take sugar.

Let me warm up your cup.

Huh? Robbers...

- Robbers! Help! Help!
- Arthur!

- DW?
- DW?!


No more getting out of bed, DW - I mean it.

And no more playing with Stanley.

- You were so scared!

- I was not! You took my stuff.
- That's enough -

both of you. Now, we're all staying in bed. No exceptions!

VASITA: Weren't you scared, DW?

Getting out of bed like that? What if the robbers got you?

There were no robbers. That was just Arthur being a scaredy-cat.

What if Uncle Irving got you?

- There IS no Uncle Irving!
- I bet that's cos the robbers got him.

Uh... So, anyway - the next night, everything started off normally.

No getting up from your big girl bed tonight, OK, honey?

- Don't worry - I'm nice and cosy right here in my bed.
- Sleep tight.

'I wanted to sleep, but there was so much to explore.'


'Sure, it was a little scary at first...

'..but nothing was gonna stop me from getting what I wanted.'


- Turn off! Please turn off!


Let's play a game! Press the button on my tummy.

- I never turned you on.
- Let's play a game!

- Press the button on my tummy!
- Go to sleep!
- Press the button!

OK...just stay calm. Just grab some ice cream, get back to bed,

and everything'll be fine.

- Uh...

Arachnar...! Lord of the spider people!

Agh! Something's in the bed!

The crib! No, please...

Go away - whoever you are! I taste terrible.

- Let me go! Let me go!
- The robbers - they're in DW's room!

Stop! Stop! Let go of my sister! Agh...!

What is going on here?

See, DW? It was just your troll doll.

I can't believe I let the Tibbles' dumb story scare me.

There's nothing wrong with being scared.

But there's no such thing as Arachnar.

- Mom...?
- Yes?

I know Arachnar's not real, but would you sleep here tonight?

After that, I haven't had any trouble sleeping in my bed.

I don't know, DW, I still don't like this whole bed idea.

- Come on, if I can do it, you can.
- There, Vasita, your bed is ready.

If you stay with me my first night,

- my big girl bed wouldn't be so scary. Would you?
- Sure.

- Mama, can I invite DW to stay over tonight?
- Of course.

With me around, you'll sleep like a baby.

I wonder what kind of ice cream they have in their freezer?
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