08x05 - Vomitrocious/Sue Ellen Chickens Out

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Arthur". Aired: October 7, 1996 - February 2022.*
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Arthur demonstrates to kids how to deal with challenges as homework, teachers and bullies.
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08x05 - Vomitrocious/Sue Ellen Chickens Out

Post by bunniefuu »

# Every day you walk down the street Everybody that you meet

# Has an original point of view

- # And I say, hey!
- Hey!

# What a wonderful kind of day We can learn to work and play

# And get along with each other

# You gotta listen to your heart Listen to the beat

# Listen to the rhythm of the street Open your eyes! Open your ears!

# Get together, make things better By working together

# It's a simple message And it comes from the heart

# Believe in yourself For that's the place to start

- # And I say, hey!
- Hey!
- What a wonderful kind of day

# We can learn to work and play And get along with each other

# What a wonderful kind of day, hey! What a wonderful kind of day, HEY! #

- Hey, DW!
- Hey...

Eww! That is the most disgusting thing I have ever seen in my life!

Lucky our chef prepared MY lunch at home for me.

What a lightweight!

- There are more disgusting things than Salisbury steak!
- Smelly socks!

- Baby diapers.
- Cat whiskers!

BOTH: Cat whiskers?


You wanna know what's really, REALLY disgusting?

Er, does anybody have a tissue?


Hey, can someone help me? I need to bleed all over you(!)

What? It's just a bloody nose. I can't help it.

I wanna bleed all over your food(!)

Stop, you'll get it on my foie gras!

Thank you.

- You sound just like him! - You're funny, Francine. Do more!

I...just need to, er...contaminate you.

L-Let me wipe...my...nose...



OK, your temperature is fine and your pulse is fine.

- It's probably the -hour bug that's going around.
- Or food poisoning?

If you'd food poisoning, you'd KNOW it. You'd barely be able to move.

It's all right, Mom. I just puked, that's all...

In front of the whole school!

Ahem... ]


I TOLD you - the nurse didn't KNOW why I did it!

She said I may have a -hour bug.

You are SO gonna catch it at school tomorrow.

- When Lucas Hansen barfed in our fifth-grade math class...
- I know!

- Everybody called him Lucas Puke-as.
- Still do - after five years.

- Thanks for your concern(!)
- Just sisterly advice.

There's one barf kid in every class. YOU just stepped up to the plate.

Hey, just cos you and YOUR friends like to make fun of sick people

- doesn't mean MY friends will.
- Yeah(?) Then tell me this...

If someone in your class hurled in front of the whole school,

wouldn't YOU make fun of THEM?

- And just think what'll happen if you hurl AGAIN!
- Oh-h!


where IS everyone?


..And the Disgusting Person Of The Year Award goes to...

Barfine Frensky... Oh!


Sorry, Barfine, but we've got to think of our health!


Stop it, all of you! You should be ashamed of yourselves.

Come with me, Miss Frensky.

You'll feel much more at home in here, I think.

Hi, Barfine, welcome to class.



Hey, Francine - time for school.

- If you're not feeling well, call me. I'll pick you up.
- Mom, I'm fine!

Francine! ]

- Oh, no!
- How are you feeling?
- Are you OK?
- We were worried about you.


- Is that all(?)
- No... Hope this makes you feel better.

You're kidding, right?

- Kidding? What do you mean?
- Oh, come on!

- Ooh...!

Scuse me!

What's with her?

I knew we should've gotten candy.

OK... I'm OK.

- Francine, what's wrong?!
- N-Nothing. See you in class.

Er, hi!


(Psst! Are you OK?)


Catherine was right!

Gimme a break(!)

Settle down, back there!


Hey, Francine, we've been looking all over for you!

- Sometimes I like to eat alone!
- You didn't like the candy, huh?

- What candy?
- In the bag you crumpled and threw at me.
- Oh, the BARF bag?

Barf bag? ..I KNEW we should've gotten her a comic book instead.

- We're just trying to be nice. We care about you.
- Huh.

- Hey, Francine, did the nurse say why you got sick?
- It's some sort of bug.


- Aha - see?! I KNEW it.
- Knew what?

I was testing you. You do think I'm disgusting.

You're just waiting for me to puke again so you can make fun of me!



Well, go ahead - laugh! Come on, all of you! Here I am - laugh(!)

Y'know what's MORE disgusting than someone puking in the cafeteria?


Hey, I've been wanting to tell you all day how cool that was!

I've never seen anybody hurl like that! You rock!

Finally, someone who's HONEST. Come on, Binky, let's get another table.

- So were you the talk of the school?
- Hmm...

- Did they laugh at you?
- Hmm...

Called you "Barfine"?

Where did you hear THAT name?

It's logical. "Pukeine" lacks poetry and "Ralphine" is...too confusing.

Eww! Incoming! ]

He's got MY vote for Disgusto Of The year!

You mean Disgusto Of The CENTURY!

Hi, George... There's nobody else, just me.

- Want to get a milkshake?
- Why?
- That's what friends do.

- We're friends?
- Sure.


So, George, now we're such good friends,

- may I ask you a question?
- Oh, I knew it. Here it comes.

- How do you TAKE it? Being laughed at, I mean.
- I have to go now.

- It's not safe here.
- ..No, I'm serious!

- I mean, since people laugh at both of us now...
- No-one laughs at YOU.

Well, not to my face, but I know...

- They're NOT laughing at you.
- Of course they are!

Puking's worse than nosebleeds. Why would they laugh at you but not me?

Because you're POPULAR.


Well...that's not fair!


- Now, if you'll excuse me, I really have to go.
- Why?

- ..Excuse me!


Oh, no! [ EWWW!

That is so disgusting, George! ]

- Leave him alone!


- He's no more disgusting than
- I
- am! He can't HELP getting nosebleeds.

(I think we just entered the fourth dimension.)

Francine, you poor thing, you really ARE sick! Come and sit down.


It's not fair! George's nose bleeds and everybody laughs. I BARF,

- and Buster gives me flowers and candy!
- And a comic!

I'll tell you who's disgusting...

WE are.

- Want a tissue?
- Want a tissue?
- Want a tissue?


Don't worry, George. If Francine says it, it must be so!

Wow! I don't feel nauseous any more!

Here you go, Sue Ellen, one Big Pig.

- What happened to the walnuts?
- I thought I'd try pecans instead.

I hope you like it. I won't be making too many more Big Pigs.

You can't stop making Big Pigs. They're works of art.

The way the raspberry ice cream perfectly complements the double

fudge, the Yin Yang of the nuts and cherries, it's poetry in ice cream.

Yeah, they are pretty good.

No, I won't be making any more

- cos I am selling the Sugar Bowl.
- You're what?!

Yep, I always thought my daughter would run the Bowl one day,

but she wants to be a marine botanist.

So, who's going to take it over? It's not Mr Crosswire, is it?

We won't be able to afford to even walk in here.

Now, now, keep your socks on, Cinderella.

I've got a menu here from the people who want to buy the place.

Seems pretty reasonable.

This is a Chickin Lickin' menu.

Pretty funny name for a restaurant, if you ask me.

But they've made me a very generous offer.

Mr Manino, they're a fast-food place.

- There are millions of them all over the world.
- Really?

Never did care much for eating out.

I can't believe it.

No more Sugar Bowl.

I don't even like chicken.

Hi, y'all, I'm Bulldog Poulet. And this here is the very porch

where my daddy gave me the secret recipe

for his Chickin Lickin' chicken.

That was years ago. And now I have a surprise for y'all.

My crispy Dippin' Lickins - only . .

My crunchy Chicken Lickin Sandwich - only . .

And my Lickin' Lean Chick Sticks - only cents.

Now everyone can enjoy my tasty, tender chickens

made with real chicken flavour.

Ain't that right, funky chickens?

Vote for Bulldog Poulet at the Milcreek Mall this Saturday.

Free gifts for the first customers.

He already has one place in the mall.

Why does Elwood City need TWO Chicken Lickins?

That's what fast-food chains do, honey. They expand.

Why does it have to be the Sugar Bowl? I love that place.

If it really bothers you, you should do something about it.

- Like what?
- You could write letters to the mayor,

or organise a protest.

I don't believe it. The Sugar Bowl? It's an institution.

- This stinks.
- Hey, Have you guys had the Crispy Dippin' Lickins?

I like them in the pinata sauce.

I like the Chick Sticks with melted Cheddar.

- It's cheese-a-licious!
- DW loves the Little Chicks Jolly Meal.

I used to love those!

Hello? Is anybody listening? This is the Sugar Bowl we're talking about.

You know, the place where we hang out, every single day?

We all feel terrible about it, Sue Ellen, but what can we do?

Well, for starters, you have to stop eating at Chickin Lickin'.

If we're gonna fight them,

we shouldn't put money in their pockets.

Their food DOES have questionable nutritional value.

We're going to stage a huge protest at the mall on Saturday.

Let's show Beauregard Poulet that he can't take our Sugar Bowl.

We may be small, but we're strong.

It will take a lot more than cheap chicken to change our way of life.

Are you with me? It's worth a shot.

Why couldn't we have chained ourselves

to the inside of the Sugar Bowl? I'm hungry.

Excuse me, miss,

but you and your compatriots are blocking the destructive trajectory

- of my of Chickin Lickin' wreckin' machine.
- We're not moving!

Ah, come now!

It's just a silly little soda shop.

It doesn't even have a deep-fat fryer.

It may be silly to you, Mr Poulet, but it's our second home.

And we won't let you tear it down. Come on, g*ng!

We shall overcome! We shall overcome!

We shall overcome!

I do declare!

This display of gastronomic devotion

has touched my batter-dipped heart.

All right. You can keep your little old Sugar Bowl.

Yay! Way to go, Sue Ellen!

And from now on, I'm going to serve healthy food - for free.

Sue Ellen, Sue Ellen!

Sue Ellen! For the fifth time, can I have the blue?

Sorry, I was just thinking about the protest this Saturday.

This Saturday? I completely forgot.

I'm visiting my cousins this Saturday. Can we reschedule it?

No! Beauregard Poulet is going to be there. That's the whole point.

I'm really sorry, Sue Ellen.

Sorry, Sue Ellen, Arthur can't help us make signs.

He has a piano lesson. But I did bring someone else along.

Yeah, I love a good protest.

Down with homework! No more tests!

We're not protesting school.

We are protesting a new Chickin Lickin'.

Oh! OK.

Down with chicken! No more eggs!

Where's Brain?

What's this?

The wrapper of a crunchy Chickin Lickin' sandwich.

- I broke down.
- Brain!

I know. The head is strong, but the stomach is weak.

Sorry, Sue Ellen. I can't join this protest.

It would be hypocritical.

Well, good luck.

Hey, there's still cold pinata sauce in here.

'One, two, three, four, tell them what we are fighting for.'

- Five, six, seven, eight, keep your chickens off our plate!

How come we never count past eight?

Won't our audience at the mall get bored?

We're not going there to entertain people. We want them to notice us.

Besides, there aren't any good rhymes for nine, , , .

What about "This noble goal we cannot shelve"?

Or we could skip and go right to .

There are some good rhymes for that. Mean, bean, green...

- Can we just get back to marching, please?
- Sue Ellen!

What a pleasant surprise!

Care for a ride around the block? It's so toasty in here,

especially with a nice cup of cocoa.

You know, Sue Ellen, it's really a pity we don't hang out more.

I have admired you since we were little.

I haven't even been here a year. You didn't know me when I was little.

That may be, but I'd appreciate it

if you would stop this "Save the Sugar Bowl" nonsense.

Muffy, you don't really think

we need another Chickin Lickin'? There's one five minutes away.

No! Those places are so tacky. What we need is a Burrito Barn.

That's the franchise Daddy wants to put there.

- Stop the car!
- Oh, my!

Look what someone left behind. A talking Polly Locket watch.

And it goes perfectly with what you're wearing.

Stop the car!

Your protest isn't going to work, anyway.

Do you really think kids'll change the mind

of a multi-million-dollar corporation?

Especially when two of them are Buster and Binky?!

- I got a leaf in my mouth!


- 'One, two, three, four...'
- The Sugar Bowl's worth fighting for.

My voice is starting to hurt.

Me, too. Besides, we have been protesting for two hours

and people barely notice us.

Maybe we should just go home.

We can't leave. Beauregard Poulet isn't even here yet.

Look! A news crew is coming.

Morning, folks! Y'all ready for some of my tasty chicken?

'Save our Sugar Bowl!

'Save our Sugar Bowl!'

I'm sure going to miss this place.

- Arthur, remember the first time I took you here?
- Yeah!

No need to turn yourself blue.

I even remember the flavour. Butter Brickle.

And, DW, you were only one and a half when I brought you here.


Here we go. Three Banana Boats.

Why the long faces? They all got extra cherries.

- We're just reminiscing, Carl.
- Oh.

Come on, Carl, let's see your jitterbug.

Aw, I don't know, Flora.


And what would you like for Chicken Day, little fella?

- How about a box of my Cajun Chickoritos?
- That's it!

- Hold this!
- Ho-ho! Looks like this little girl

just can't wait to get her hands on my crispy Lickin'...

I don't want your chicken!

I want you to stay away from our Sugar Bowl.

- Come again?
- Please, Mr Poulet.

I know you're a businessman and need to make money,

but can't you open up your new store some place else?

Look, kid, I'm just an actor. There is no Beauregard Poulet.

If you've got a problem, complaint forms are in the restaurant.

Now, can you step aside and let me do my job?

What did he say?

I know you're upset, honey, but I'm proud of you.

Not everyone has the courage

to speak out against things they disagree with.

Yes, but Muffy was right.

I was a fool to think it would actually work.


What's going on?

Mr Manino decided not to sell the place.

How could I? With business this good, I will retire a millionaire!

Here you go, one Big Pig.

- Thanks, Mr Manino. Slow day, huh?
- I've had slower.

You have switched back to walnuts.

Yep. You know what I always say? "if it ain't broke, don't fix it."
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