02x39 - Tricked!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Loud House". Aired: May 2, 2016 - present.*
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Series revolves around the chaotic everyday life of a boy named Lincoln Loud, who is the middle child and only son in a large family of 11 children.
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02x39 - Tricked!

Post by bunniefuu »

- ♪ Crashing through
the crowded halls ♪

♪ Dodging girls
like Ping-Pong balls ♪

♪ Just to reach the bathroom
on time ♪

♪ Leaping over laundry piles

♪ Diapers you can smell
for miles ♪

♪ Guy's got to do
what he can to survive ♪

- ♪ In the Loud house

♪ In the Loud house

- ♪ Duck, dodge, push,
and shove ♪

♪ Is how we show our love

- ♪ In the Loud house,
in the Loud house ♪

- ♪ One boy and ten girls

♪ Wouldn't trade it
for the world ♪

- ♪ Loud Loud Loud

♪ Loud house

- Boo.

[spooky music]

- [screams]

I hate Halloween!

- I love Halloween.
- [groans]

[spooky music]

- Excellent fake blood, Lisa.
Add some molasses

for better consistency.

- Hey, Luce.
Check out our pumpkins.

What do you think?


- Hmm.
More blood here.

Few more gashes on this one.
Knock out a tooth.

Add some ooze to those scabs.

Dampen the head wound.

- Halloween's kinda crazy with
a spooky little girl like you.

- Totes.
I'm so glad Mom finally let you

do your haunted corn maze.

- As am I.
I've been waiting

my whole life to do this.

Not to mention my past lives.

Fantastic sign work, Luan.
Just the right mixture

of corn and gore.

- Aww, shucks.
It's just something

I cobbled together
from a kernel of an idea.

Yes, a triple!

[all groaning]

I expect more support
from my pump-kin.

Get it?

- Sigh.

Thanks for all
your hard work, guys.

This is going to be
the best Halloween ever.

I'm so excited.

- Trust me,
she's excited.

- Jack O'Lincoln,
do you copy?

- Speaking of
the best Halloween ever,

Clyde and I have
some pretty big plans, too.

I copy,
McBride of Frankenstein.

Meet you at
the rendezvous point in .

- [screams]

I hate Halloween!

- Oh, Dad must've found
the severed limbs

I stored in his closet.

[spooky music]

- [mimicking bird call]

Did anyone follow you?

- Not a chance.
I took evasive maneuvers.

For years, there have been
rumors of a neighborhood

where people hand out
full-size candy bars

instead of tiny
bite-sized ones.

Clyde and I were
determined to find

this mythological place.

So we did some research.

By studying satellite photos,
analyzing median income levels,

and tracking
candy buyers throughout

southeastern Michigan,
we found it.

Huntington Manor.

Now we just have
one more obstacle--

getting in.

- Wait a minute.
What have we here?

- Cheers, Wyatt, we're off
to visit the homeland.

- Have a great trip,
Master Alistair.

You, too, Master Nigel.

- Ta.
See you in a fortnight.

- I think we might have found
our ticket in, Master Nigel.

- Cheers to that,
Master Alistair.

- [growls]

- Watch where you're going,

- Ugh, blood.
I think I'm gonna barf.

- Ugh, don't barf.

That'll make me barf.

[both groan]

- Sorry, guys.

I get nosebleeds
when I'm scared.

Listen, we need some advice.
Where's the best place

to trick-or-treat around here?

- Yeah, where's the good candy?

- Uh, definitely not this

No full-size candy bars here.

- Uh, you should try
Franklin Avenue,

over in Royal Woods.

It's great for candy.
Plus there's an awesome

haunted corn maze.

- Franklin Avenue, eh?
We'll check that out.

- [laughs]
Oh, yeah, I can't wait.

[both laughing]

- Send them to your street?
Nice save, buddy.

- You, too.
We worked hard

to find this neighborhood.

Why should we share it?

- Exactly.
Dr. Lopez says I need

to look out for me more.

- She's worth every penny
you're paying her.

[spooky music]

- [squeals]
Seven minutes till sunset.

Siblings, assemble!
It's almost time for

the annual ritual of
deception versus confection.

Street name,
trick or treating.

- Four score and seven
pieces of candy ago,

- Give me your tired, your
poor, your delicious treats

yearning to be in my tummy.

- Hmm, patriotic,
but unlikely to generate

maximum candy collection.

- Oh, yeah?

We're also
a mermaid and a pirate.

- And salt and pepper shakers.

- This way we can hit
each house three times.

- That means
three times the candy.

- Yes, I am familiar
with basic multiplication.

Your strategy is cute,
but mine is far superior.

- Going as a kangaroo?
I doubt it.

- Kangaroo plus baby roo.
- [cooing]

[both gasp]

- Precisely.
That aww factor will increase

my candy revenue exponentially.
And the best part is,

she only has one tooth,
so I don't have to share.

- Snap out of it, Lana.

Lincoln, Clyde.
Get your butts out here.

[classical music]

I thought you guys were going
as Ace Savvy and One-Eyed Jack.

- Uh, we are.
We're Ace and Jack undercover

trying to crack the case
of the missing crumpets.

- Boy, you guys really
don't want candy, do you?

- Yeah, you're right.

We probably won't
get much this year.

[both laugh]

- All right,
let's get some candy.

Has anyone seen Dad?

- [whimpering]
Everything's scary.

- [groans]

- I don't know why
everything's so scary.


- Let's go, Father.
Chop chop.

These candy bags
won't fill themselves.

Though I am working
on a prototype

which will do exactly that.

- Uh, sorry kids.
I can't go.

I think I have the flu.
Or the plague.

Or a charley horse.

- Ugh, we go through
this every year.

- [screams]
I don't wanna.

I don't wanna.

- Your dad's doing
better this year.

all: Candy! Candy! Candy!
Candy! Candy! Candy! Candy!

Candy! Candy! Candy! Candy!

- Hey, where are you two going?

- Nowhere.
We, uh, just decided

to go through the neighborhood
counterclockwise this year.

- Seems like an odd,
pointless choice.

Much like your costumes.

- Have fun, boys.
Ah, spider web!

- It's a loose thread
on your shirt.

- Well, I guess I can't

if my shirt's falling apart,

- Nice try.
- [screams]

- Trick or treat!


- Franklin Avenue.
Hah, score.

[both laugh]

- Boy, those baby masks
sure are creepy.

- Yeah, but little do they know
where the real score is.

Right, buddy?

- I can't wait to tell
Dr. Lopez about this.

But should I tell her in group,
or wait for our one-on-one?

- Definitely group.
You might inspire someone.

[spooky music]

- Okay, everyone.


How's that?
- Hmm.

Not quite there.
I think we need to lose a limb.

[chainsaw ripping]

- No, Lucy!

- Here, Lynn.
Don't forget your chainsaw.

- Ah.

- A little homemade blood
and you're good to go.

- You're a real pro, honey.

I should have let you
do this years ago.

- That's okay, Mom.

I'm just glad to
finally get my chance.

I'm so thrilled,
I can barely contain myself.

- I know, honey, I can see it
all over your face.

I literally want
to suck your blood.

- Hmm.
Missing something.

Fangs, here.

- [screams]

- If you want to
make it more authentic,

he could bite your neck.

- No!
I mean, this is fine.

- [laughs evilly]
- Hang on, Luan.

Your monster needs
more stitches.

- That's sew much better.

Get it?
- No puns in the maze.

- Oof!

- Looks great, Leni.
But don't forget this.

- [gasps]
Why do I have to look so pale?

- You've just been decapitated.

- Well, I'd still
put on some blush.


- Ready to rock,
oh, mistress of the dark.

[organ playing]

- Drop down an octave
and try it in D minor.

That's the spookiest key.

Okay, guys.
The Loud family

haunted corn maze
is officially open.

Let's bring on the screams,

[spooky music]

- Fancy visiting a few flats

and loading up on
some proper sweets?

Didn't you read the British
study guide I sent you?

- Sorry, I only got through
the first ten pages.

- Master Nigel.
Master Alistair.

I thought you were in England.

- We got all the way
over there,

and then we realized we forgot
to feed Nigel's fish.

- So we flew back straight
away, and Bob's your uncle.

Well, ta ta.

- Not so fast, boys.
Next time, call me

and I can feed your fish.
- Thanks.

- Well, shredded wheat,
old boy.

- It's "cheerio."

- We're done with the tricks.
Now for the treats.

both: Trick or treat!

- Oh, aren't you two adorable?

both: Trick or treat!

- So cute.

both: Trick or treat!

- Great costumes.
- Thank you.

- And that is how it's done.

One house, six pieces of candy.

- Trick or treat!

- How sweet.
A kangaroo.

- And a baby roo.
- [cooing]

- Aww!
- Thank you.

One house, pieces of candy.

- [screams]
A ghost just touched me!


- Daddy, wake up.
- Never fear, siblings.

I have prepared
for this eventuality.

[spooky music]

[owl hooting]

- What a haul.
Maybe we should take it

to your house,
because my sisters

will pounce on it.

- Well, if we take it
to my house,

my dads will lock it up
and only let me have

three ounces a week.

- Hmm.
We need a plan C.

- [grunts]

[spooky music]

- Our hard work paid off,

Best Halloween ever.

[spooky music]

Well, maybe not for everyone.

- Guys, what's going on?
Why are the streets deserted,

and why are you
taking down your maze?

- Nobody showed up.
All my work for nothing.

Not a single scream.

- Nobody showed up?
Why not?

- Because two big stinkers came
along and ruined everything.

- Yeah, they TP'd all the trees

and smashed all
the Jack-o'-lanterns.

- And worst of all,
they stole everybody's candy.

- And with the amount
of candy I had,

we're talking grand larceny.

- Two big stinkers?
You don't think it was

the guys we told to come here,
do you?

- No way, Clyde.
There's plenty of big stinkers

in our neighborhood.
- True.

- I'll never shake the sound
of their big, dumb laughs.

- Wait, didn't those guys have
big, dumb laughs?

- Clyde, plenty of people have
big, dumb laughs.

- True.
- And I'll never forget

those creepy,
baby-faced masks.

- Wait, didn't those guys--
- Okay, Clyde, it was them.

- Ugh.
All Hallows' Eve--

street name Halloween--
is clearly ruined.

[sad music]

- [sighs]

- This is all our fault, Clyde.
We led those stinkers

right to my street.

together: We ruined Halloween.

- Why didn't Dr. Lopez
tell me the pitfalls

of looking out for me?

- We gotta fix this, Clyde.
- I'm with you.

But how?

- Well, we can't un-smash
the Jack-o'-lanterns,

and it's too late to get people
to come to the maze.

But we can get
everybody's candy back.

- From those two big scary guys
who could twist us

into human pretzels and dip us
in a sauce of their choosing?

- What choice do we have?
- I guess you're right.

I hope at least
it's honey mustard.

- First, we gotta
find those guys.

But it won't be easy.
We don't even know

where to start looking.

- How about that trail
of candy wrappers?

- That should work.

[suspenseful music]

No, our trail!

- What are we gonna do now?

[distant laughter]
[both gasp]

The big, dumb laughs!

[both laughing]

- Pretty awesome booty, bro.
- Thanks, bro.

I've been doing squats.
- Not you.

The candy.
- Oh, right.

[both laughing]

- I don't know which is worse--
the stealing or the littering.

- We need a plan.

I know.
We train some squirrels

to go in and attack them.

While they're busy
getting rabies,

we grab the candy.
- I like the wildlife approach,

but I was thinking we'd get
a beaver to chew down the tree.

- Or we could hypnotize those
guys so they fall asleep.

- Or building off of that,
I put them to sleep

by playing the lullabies
my dads put on my phone.

Of course, I'd have to
put in ear plugs

so I don't fall asleep.

- Ugh, I ate too much candy.

- Aww, you better not puke,
'cause that'll make me puke.

- I think I'm just
gonna pass out.

- Aww, dude, if you pass out,
then I'll--

[bodies thud,
lightbulb shatters]

- I think they just
made a plan for us.

- What?
- Shh.

- Sorry, I had my ear plugs in.

[sneaky music]

[both snoring]


- [snorts]

[both snoring]

[both grunting]

- Lincoln,
stop breathing so hard.

You're fogging up my glasses.
- Uh, Clyde, I'm down here.

[intense music]

[both snarling]

[rock music]
[blows landing]

[both groaning]

- I guess the dipping sauce
of their choosing was garbage.

- All this butt kicking
has worked up my appetite.

Let's go finish off the candy.

- We'll see you doofuses
next Halloween.

And tell your neighbors
no more dark chocolate.

We're milk chocolate guys.

[both laughing]

- Clyde, we can't
let these guys ruin

everybody's future Halloweens.

- I know, but what
are we gonna do?

Next time they might twist us
into garlic nuts.

Or French crullers.
- Clyde, you're spiraling.

- I know.
I'd better do my deep breathing

before I get a nosebleed.
Inhale one, exhale two.

- Wait a minute.

Clyde, do you remember the
first time we ran into them?

- Watch where you're going,

- Ugh.

- I think I'm gonna barf.

- Aww, don't barf.
That'll make me barf.

[both groaning]

- I see where you're going,

That's their one weakness.

- Exactly.
And I know where

there's plenty of it.

- Okay.
I'll start thinking of Lori.

- No, no, Clyde.
Not you.

[line trilling]
[phone rings]

- You rang?

- Lucy, how would you like
to have your haunted maze

after all?

[spooky music]

You okay, buddy?
- To be honest,

I'm scared out of my mind.
But as a great man once said,

"We shall not flag or fail.
We shall go on to the end."

Winston Churchill.
It was in the study guide.

- Sorry.
If we survive this,

I'll read the rest of it.

[dramatic music]

[inhales and sighs]

Well, here we go.

- I say,
Alistair old chap,

we certainly had
a smashing success

with the sweets tonight.

- Indeed.
And what a selection.

All milk chocolate.

- Bro, did you hear that?
More candy.

- Aw, there's no way
I could eat more candy.

[both laughing]

- Good one.
- I know.

- Let's get 'em.

[intense music]

[both scream]

[both grunting]

- Ugh, stomach cramps.
- Oh, man.

If you get a cramp,
I'll get a cramp.

- I think we're losing them.

Oh, wait.
We don't wanna lose them.

- Let's just jog in place.

- I'm okay.
- Go.

[both snarling]

- They're ours now.

- It worked.
We got them in here.

- As Winston Churchill
once said,

"Never, never,
never give up."

I felt bad,

so while we were
jogging in place,

I glanced at the study guide.

- It's really dark in here.

- Man up, bro.
I want that candy.

What's that?

[organ music playing]

- When darkness falls
on the house of Loud,

around every turn,
new terror abounds.

You don't want
to lose your head.


♪ You can run
but you can't hide ♪

♪ They know that
you taste better alive ♪

♪ I don't think
that they've been fed ♪

♪ In a long,
long time ♪

♪ Every corner,
every door ♪

♪ Watch out,
they ain't herbivores ♪

♪ Ghastly ghouls out
for blood sorry bud ♪

♪ You got tricked

[both screaming]

♪ You got tricked

♪ You got punked and pranked
with a spooky twist ♪

♪ Before you wet your pants,
better get out quick ♪

♪ Tricked, tricked, tricked

♪ You got tricked

♪ Beware of fangs
and bloody fur ♪

♪ A Loud house
chainsaw m*ssacre ♪

♪ There's no chance
that you'll get out ♪

♪ Ghosts writing your eulogy

♪ Heads are rolling
literally ♪

♪ So who needs
their mommy now? ♪

[both screaming]

♪ Spilling guts on the floor
clean up on aisle four ♪

♪ Why you running off so soon?
Sorry dude ♪

♪ You got tricked

[both screaming]

♪ You got tricked

♪ You got punked and pranked
with a spooky twist ♪

♪ Before you wet your pants
better get out quick ♪

♪ Tricked, tricked, tricked

♪ You got tricked

- The crimes you
have committed this night

shan't go unpunished.
You reap what you sow.

[both screaming]

- Blood!
- I'm gonna puke.

- If you're gonna puke,
I'm gonna puke.

[both screaming]

We're not coming
back here again.

- ♪ You got tricked

- That was awesome!
- [cheers]

- That was so awesome.
- Thanks, guys.

I think we taught those
two big stinkers a lesson.

- No, thank you
for bringing them here.

You totally made my Halloween.

I've never been happier.

- Trust me,
she's happy.

Hopefully next year your maze

will have more
than two customers.

- Looks like we won't have
to wait till next year.


- Places, everyone.

- I guess we did
save Halloween, Clyde.

But too bad nobody
got any candy.

- Are you thinking
what I'm thinking?

- Let's go get our shovels.


- Trick or treat.
- Here you go.

- Trick or treat.
- And here you go.

- Trick or treat.

both: Trick or treat.

- Ooh!
- Full-size candy bars?

No way!
- Wow.

Where did you acquire these
magnificent specimens?

- It's a long story.
Let's just say next Halloween,

we have a great place to take
you guys trick-or-treating.

- You'll just need
a British accent.

- Trick or treat.
both: Trick or treat.

- Nice try.

- Trick or treat.

- That's everybody.
- Great.

And the rest of
the candy bars are all ours.

- Well, there's
actually just this one.

- Eh, that's all right.
Giving them out

was just as fun
as getting them.

- Sure.

Thanks, Jack O'Lincoln.
Happy Halloween.

- Happy Halloween,
McBride of Frankenstein.

[upbeat rock music]

- Oh, thank goodness it's over.

What was that?

I hate Halloween!

[spooky music]

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