02x32 & 02x33 - Change of Heart/Health Kicked

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Loud House". Aired: May 2, 2016 - present.*
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Series revolves around the chaotic everyday life of a boy named Lincoln Loud, who is the middle child and only son in a large family of 11 children.
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02x32 & 02x33 - Change of Heart/Health Kicked

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Crashing through
the crowded halls ♪

♪ Dodging girls
like Ping-Pong balls ♪

♪ Just to reach the bathroom
on time ♪

♪ Leaping over laundry piles ♪

♪ Diapers you can smell
for miles ♪

♪ Guy's got to do
what he can to survive ♪

♪ In the Loud house ♪

♪ In the Loud house ♪

♪ Duck, dodge, push,
and shove ♪

♪ That's how we show our love ♪

♪ In the Loud house,
in the Loud house ♪

♪ One boy and ten girls ♪

♪ Wouldn't trade it
for the world ♪

♪ Loud Loud Loud ♪

♪ Loud house ♪


♪♪ Upbeat music...



[doorbell rings]


wait till you see

my new shoes.
They will literally

blow your mind.







Ugh, never mind, Whitney.


Lincoln, this is
the fourth pair of shoes

Clyde's ruined this month!

Lincoln, do you have
any laundry?





Hey, you guys better not eat
all the leftover gazpacho!


System overload.
Does not compute.

System overload!
Does not compute!

System shutting down!


Mom, Dad,
I'm off to practice!


What are you even doing here?




[horn honks]

Maybe you should
try wearing red shoes.


Right, bad idea, Lincoln.

Ugh, I just wish Clyde
could act normal around me.

So do I, my sweet angel.

So do I.


But how am I
supposed to act normal

around such a beautiful,


Don't worry, buddy.

We'll figure something out.

Dang blast it!

Eberhardt's dog went
number two on my lawn again!

Try doing what I do,
Mr. Grouse.

I'll name all states,
and by the time I'm done,

I've forgotten why I was mad!

Well, actually, it's .

But I'll give it a try.

Alabama, Arizona,
Arkansas, California...

Actually, Clyde,
I may know someone

who can help you.

What do you need my help with?






Of course, loofahs!

Well, first of all,
natural fibers

are the way to go.
He's talking about Lori.

Oh, she doesn't use a loofah.

That's why she has bacne.

No, I want to learn how
to act normal around her...

Or at least just stop
bleeding on her shoes.

Have you tried shoving
carrot sticks up your nose?

Yes, and bread sticks,
pretzel rods, and corn dogs,

which you really need
to let cool down first.

Well, no worries!

I know other ways to help you.

[video game beeping]

Lincoln, is Clyde still here?

This is literally my last pair
of wearable shoes.

Don't worry about Clyde...
He's hanging out with Leni.



Oh, Leni.

Leni and Clyde?

That's weird.

If Lori Loud can sink
this four-footer,

she'll literally
win the Masters.

- Heads up!
- [screams]


And if I don't
get a nosebleed,

I'm usually doing this...

System overload.
Does not compute.

[mimics power down]

Hmm, I thought Clyde
only acted

like an awkward robot
around me.


Do you mind?

This grave is spoken for.

Carol did what?
Hang on, Whitney.

I literally need chips
for this story.

So when somebody
makes me nervous,

I just stare at their left ear
and recite my ABCs.

Got it!
Great tip.

Heads up!




My shoes!

Now he's getting
nosebleeds on her shoes?


This can only mean one thing:
Clyde likes Leni!

I'm free, I'm free!

Oh, I am going shoe shopping!

[tires screech]


[phone ringing]

Oh, hi, Clyde,
what a nice surprise.

Oh, poor Leni.

I wouldn't want to be
in her shoes, literally.

Ooh, Lori, that was good.

Thanks for the shoe-cleaning

It was totes sweet of you.

You're the most thoughtful
person I've ever met, Clyde.

Well, I will give him that.

He is pretty thoughtful.


"Congratulations, a new star
has been named after you...

Corona Lori-alis."




[dog barks]

Charles, no,
not on my snow angel!


"You may have lost
your golf tournament,

but you'll never lose my heart."

[squeak] I love you


I love you fur-ev... er...


What am I thinking?

I have to get Clyde back!


Oh, hey, guys, just wondered
if anyone wanted some lemonade.


Ooh, I'll take some.

Get your own.

- [sighs]
- Great job, Clyde!

You were in the same room
as Lori and no nosebleed!

Yeah, your ABCs trick
really worked.

It always does...
Unless you have to go past

the letter "P" 'cause then
it gets really hard.

Okay, now let's work on
the next step: eye contact.


Brr, boy it is chilly today.

So glad I have this cozy scarf
Clyde made me.

It's degrees,
and you're sweating.


Clyde, wherever did you learn
to be such a great knitter?

- It worked?
- [exhales]

Yep, I just held my breath,

- like you said.
- Great!

You're ready for the final step:

But that one we'll
need to train for.

Just give me a moment.


Okay, I'm ready.

Let's do this.


Oh, someone's at the door.
Who could it be?

Why, it's my eldest sister,

O-M-G, Bobby, texting,

Clyde can ignore
the lemonade and the scarf,

but this limited edition
"Ace Savvy" comic

will definitely do the trick!

Hi, Lori.

How's it going?

Super job, Clyde!

Yeah, you sounded
totally natural!

Thanks, the ice pack
was a great idea.

It really kept me distracted...

Though I can't feel
my belly button.

This has been totes fun.

You're such a great guy, Clyde!

Thanks, Leni!
And may I say,

you've never looked
more beautiful.

Oh, Clyde!


That does it.

So Clyde likes the way
Leni looks?

I can look like Leni.


- I can't hold it anymore!
- You've been in there forever!

Leave me alone, I'm busy!

All: [gasp]

Uh, why do you look like
Leni's messed up twin?

Because I'm trying
to win Clyde back!

Win him back?
He's obsessed with you.

No, he's obsessed
with Leni now.

But not for long.

Why do you even care?

Yeah, you hide
when he comes over

and throw his gifts
in the trash.

You use his homemade cookies
as doorstops.

- Well, yes, but...
- Do you like Clyde now?

- Of course not!
- Well, then why are you

trying to win him back?

I just need him to like me.

Now stop asking questions!

I know what I'm doing.

[door slams]

What am I doing?

You're trying to win back Clyde,
now stop farting around

and straighten that hair!

No, I don't need
to win Clyde back.

I need to apologize to him.

Don't be a fool!
Shove it!

I'm not listening to you

I don't think
I need to tinkle after all.


Okay, Clyde, your training
is complete.

You ready to go have a normal
conversation with Lori?

You know it! I just hope this
frozen salmon takes longer to melt

than that ice pack did.




Nice kitties.





I was just on my way to see you.

There's something I really
wanted to tell you.

First, I wanted to apologize
for never appreciating

how kind and thoughtful you are.

And second, I wanna thank you
for making me feel so good

about myself all these years.

You're a special guy, Clyde,
and literally anyone

would be lucky to be your crush.



Lori, what happened?

[door slams]

I don't know!
I was just telling Clyde

that I'm okay with him
liking Leni now, and...

What are you talking about?

He doesn't like Leni.

But I saw them in the kitchen.

He got a nosebleed
all over her shoes.

Yeah, because he got
hit in the nose!

Well, why was he acting like
a robot with her?

He was just showing her
what happens

when he's around you.

But I was just over
at his house.

I heard him say
she was beautiful.

Because she was
dressed like you!

Why were they doing all this?

Because Leni was helping Clyde
learn to act normal around you,

just like you wanted.

So he never stopped
having a crush on me?

Hah... I knew it.

No, you didn't.

Uh, who are you talking to?

No one.

[door slams]

Oh, no!
Poor Clyde.


Two Loris?

System overload!





Hmm, I'm glad
the old Clyde is back.



Why you lousy...

Ooh, Alabama,
Arizona, Arkansas...

♪♪ Upbeat music...
Episode Part-
Title: [font color=#FFFF ]"Health Kicked"[/font]






You've been steamed!

We beat Punky Prawn!

You wanna go for Mad Cod?

I can't... I need to get home
to help my Dads.

They're training for
the Royal Woods

Ultra Extreme Ninja competition.

What's that?

It's the ultimate
athletic course,

challenging the limits of both
human endurance and spandex.

Wow, I didn't know
your dads were so into fitness.

Well, they just started to be.

They say they want to be around
a long time to watch me grow up.

[horn honks]
Oh, there they are now!

Okay, Dads!

Let's beat your time home!

Mm, mm!

Hey, guys, you wanna
go for a walk?

It's a beautiful day out.

No, thanks, sweetie.

We are nice and comfy
right here.


Both: Dibs not!


Have a nice walk, Lincoln.

So as you can see
from these images,

Mom and Dad are seriously
out of shape.

I concur.

I've run some tests
and concluded

that our parental units
have the urine of -year-olds.

Moving on to the results
of my fecal study...

- [exclaiming]
- Not necessary!

What's a fecal study?

If we want Mom and Dad
to be around long enough

to watch us grow up,
we need to get them exercising.

- Oh, yeah.
- Definitely.

- Let's do it!
- Okay, then.

Operation get Mom and Dad
out of the house

and into shape is a go!

Uh, question,
what kind of shape?

A triangle, or more like
a circle thingy?

Oh, it's sweet of you
to be concerned, kids,

but your father
and I don't need exercise.

We're in perfectly good shape.
You ready, honey?

Give me a minute.

That took a lot out of me.

I'll go start the car.

Oh, dang it.


Oh, come on, you guys!

Look at yourselves!

We would, son,
but the mirror's

all the way upstairs.

Okay, now I see your point.

My favorite exercise
is rock climbing.

It's a great way to get
in shape and a total head rush.

Huh, let's do this!

Both: [grunting]

Lynn Loud, Lynn Loud,
Lynn Loud, Lynn Loud, yeah!

Come on, guys!
Engage your core!

Both: [grunting]




Are we in shape yet?


My favorite way to stay fit
is mud wrestling!

W-W-Wait, what?


Take-down, two points!

Your turn, Dad!


I think we might need
to take it down a notch.

You'll find
the ancient art of Tai Chi

a more approachable way
to exercise.

This posture is called
Calming the Waters of the Heart.

Wow, I'm really feeling it!

Honey, are you feeling all this?

man, I am centered.

I am one with the Universe.
I am so...

Did I mention that Tai Chi
is both ancient and silent?

Ah, remember to breathe.

Keep your knees bent,
and really use those triceps.

Oh, yeah,
I'm feeling the burn.

Both: Rita Loud jumped
on a cloud.

All her kids were super proud.

How many cheers did Rita get?

One, two, three...

You ready to Luna-cise, dudes?

Just follow me.

One, two, three, four!

Hip! Hip!


Air splits!

Yeah, ha-ha!

Great form, Dad!

But next time, wait for me
to say "guitar smash."

So then Whitney was like
"I don't think highlights

are right for you."
And I was like,

"Ugh, I already bought
the lemon juice."

And so she goes...
I don't know

how you can jog and talk
so much, sweetie.

Oh, the ice cream truck!

Dad, no!

- I got this.
- Oof!

Take-down, two points!



You kids were right
about exercising.

I feel fantastic.
Me too!

In fact, I say we
do this every morning!

Race you around
the block, honey!

Eat my dust!
Oh, you're on!

Well, guys, looks like
our work here is done.


[whistle tweets]


Kids, we had such a great time
exercising yesterday,

we thought why not do more?

You disrupted my beauty sleep
to tell us that?

- Good for you, good night.
- Enjoy.

No, no, no, all of us.

It was so sweet of you kids
to think about our health.

We realized we should be
thinking about yours too.

[whistle tweets]

Louds, fall in!


[whistle tweets]


[whistle tweets]


All: Ice cream!

Whoo, really got
the blood pumping today.

[panting and groaning]

Don't forget to stay hydrated!


All: [spit]

It's onion-infused water...
For better bladder function.

Ugh, well, it tastes like B.O.

I'll say!



You kids must be famished.

It's grub time!

- Pizza and fries!
- Burgers!

- With cheese!
- Blood oranges!

No, I mean actual grubs.

- Eww!
- Ugh!


They're rich in protein
and low in carbohydrates,

so eat up. You'll need

your energy
for tomorrow.

That's right... we've got
a : a.m. lake swim,

followed by hot yoga,
followed by squat thrusts.

Hey, these are great with
a little of this B.O. water.


This marks seven
straight days

of agonizing
musculoskeletal t*rture.

Street name: exercise.

This is all your fault.

I'm talking to you, Lincoln.

I just can't lift my arm
to point.

Yeah, you got the 'rents
on this health kick, bro.

You need to get 'em off of it.

Whoo-hoo, honey,
check it out!

I fit into my old leather pants!


Oops, and by "fit" I mean
I still have a ways to go,

but now I have a new goal.

Ooh, mine will be to fit into
that tankini I bought

on our honeymoon.


- Ew!
- Seriously?


Wait, that gives me an idea.

Maybe if Mom and Dad think
they've reached

all their fitness goals, they'll
cool it with the exercising.

Okay, huddle up!

First, we gotta make Mom and Dad
believe they've lost weight.

So Lisa, you'll rig the scale.




And Lori and Leni,
you'll replace their clothes

with larger sizes.


both: [gasp]



Gollers, and these are
my skinny jeans.

Next, we have to convince
Mom and Dad

they've gotten stronger.

Lynn and Lana,
you'll paint higher numbers

on the weights...


While Luan and Luna loosen
all the jars in the kitchen.


Uh... oh, hey!

Guess I don't know
my own strength.

Lastly, to make Mom and Dad
think they're getting faster,

Lucy, you'll turn
the clocks back.


We ran five miles
in ten minutes!

Kids, dinner!

All: [gasp]


No grubs and onion water?

Both: Not tonight!

Your father and I are

the great progress we've made.

Yeah, check out these g*ns!

Bang, bang!

We've got another surprise
for you.

No exercise tomorrow...
You can all sleep late!


Oh, real food,
how I've missed you.


Whoa, whoa, easy, guys!

I don't want anyone to
lose a finger.

I'm so glad the exercise
nightmare is over.

Now we just have the tankini
and leather pants nightmare.

I gotta hand it
to you, Lincoln.

Your idea really worked!

That's why they call me
the man with the plan.



Hey, look, a note
from Mom and Dad.

"Dear kids, since we're
now in such great shape,

"we decided to enter
the Royal Woods Ultimate

"Extreme Ninja competition.
See you tonight

with our trophies"?

Psh, man with the plan indeed.

There's no way they're
ready for that competition!

Just imagine what
would happen to them!



Both: [screaming]

Crowd: Ooh!

Both: [screaming]


We gotta stop them!


[cheers and applause]

Both: Help!

All: [gasp]

Hang on, Mom and Dad!
We're coming!

Crowd: Ooh.


[cheers and applause]

What are you doing here?

We came to rescue you.

Yeah, this is all our fault.

We tricked you into thinking
you were in better shape

than you really are.

That way you'd stop
torturing us with exercise.

Yeah, you probably want
to exercise your right

to punish us.

Get it?
But, um, seriously,

are you gonna punish us?

No, we're not gonna
punish you.

But why did you try
and trick us into exercising?

We just want you guys
to be healthy

so you'll be around long enough
to watch us grow up.

Both: Aww.

Uh, I hate
to break up the moment,

but... I don't think
this bar can support...

- All: [scream]
- Crowd: [gasps]


Now this is my kind
of exercise.

[whistle tweets]

Come on, Louds,
pick up the pace!

Honey, I thought we agreed
to take it easier.

But the ice cream truck
is getting away!


All: [scream]


All: Ice cream!

♪ Cramped inside
this tiny space ♪

♪ May sound bad
but ain't the case ♪

♪ In the Loud house
♪ Loud house ♪

♪ Duck and dodge
and push and shove ♪

♪ That's the way we show
our love in the Loud house ♪

♪ Loud house ♪

♪ Laundry piles
stacked up high ♪

♪ Hand-me-downs
that make me cry ♪

♪ Stand in line to take a pee ♪

♪ Never any privacy ♪

♪ Chaos with kids ♪

♪ That's the way
it always is ♪

♪ In the Loud house ♪

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