07x10 - April 9th

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Arthur". Aired: October 7, 1996 - February 2022.*
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Arthur demonstrates to kids how to deal with challenges as homework, teachers and bullies.
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07x10 - April 9th

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Every day when you're
walking down the street ♪

♪ Everybody that you meet
has an original point of view. ♪

( laughs )

♪ And I say hey! ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen
to your heart ♪

♪ Listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ Open up your eyes,
open up your ears ♪

♪ Get together and make things
better by working together ♪

♪ It's a simple message
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪

♪ And I say hey! ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other. ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ Hey! What a wonderful
kind of day. ♪


Hey, D.W.



( crash )

( squawks quietly )

I remember it
like it was yesterday.

I was in a good mood
that morning,

because the day before,

I had received a postcard
from my friend Carlos

in Cochabamba, Bolivia.

And it was a beautiful day.

I remember that, too.

Just a beautiful, normal day
in early spring.

( chirping )

Who would have thought that this
day would change so many people?

April ?

Oh, no, I completely forgot--

I have to cater a breakfast
at Arthur's school!

Can I go with you
in the van?

Mom! Arthur's crazy dog
is staring at me.

It's because you're
eating so slowly.

You're teasing him.

( Kate giggling )

( gulps )

Bye-bye, Daddy.

Have a great day.

( laughs )

( house door opens )


( ringing )

( snoring )

( kids chattering )

Class, I have the results
of yesterday's vocabulary quiz.

Not bad overall.

Or should I say "passable,"

which was a word
most of you got wrong.

( sniffs )

What's that smell?

( fire alarm ringing )

Hey, I smell

All right, children,
remain calm.

Form a line
at the front of the class.

Class, follow me and don't run.

( gasps )

Stay in line,
Sue Ellen.

( fire alarm ringing,
fire engine siren blaring )

( alarm rings, siren blares )


Come along, Binky.

( woman talks on radio )


We'll send someone around
to go in the side door.

( groans )

Is Mr. Morris
going to be okay?

He'll be fine.

He just injured his leg.

He was very lucky.

My dad's in there!

He needs help!

Don't worry, my crew
is looking for him.

They'll get him out.

Can I see him?


It's not safe
to go in there yet.

My journal!

( yelps )

( crying )

( coughing )


( Buster panting )

What's going on?

There was a fire
in the school.

I think our classroom
was badly damaged.

A fire?

In the school?

It's not fair!

It'll be
all right, Buster.

I just can't believe

the biggest event
of the year happened

and I slept through
the whole thing!

We were in that classroom
just yesterday

and now it's all burned.

And tomorrow we're
going to school
at Mighty Mountain.

Have you seen
those kids?

They're huge!

I'm just happy
my dad got out.

He could have been
really hurt.

Yep, those flames
were spreading pretty fast.

You actually saw
the flames?

No way!

What'd they
look like?

It was no big deal.


Weren't you scared?

Nah, it takes more
than a little fire
to scare me.

Come on, Binky.

You must have been
a little scared.



I know I would be,

with all that
black smoke around

and the suffocating heat.

Knock it off!

I wasn't afraid.

End of conversation!

What's gotten into him?

He usually
just takes
the top scoop.

( Sue Ellen sobbing )

Why is she still upset?

It's just a journal.

You can buy them at
any stationery store.

She's had that journal
since first grade!

I've kept a cupcake

since first grade.

Actually, it's just
half a cupcake.

I ate half last week.

And you
know what?

The icing was
still soft!

( screams )

( music plays )

( crowd laughs )

( fighters yell )

( whistle blows )

Here, honey.

Oatmeal cookies.

I just baked them.


Thanks, Mom.

MAN ( on TV ):
Fear not, little girl.

Your kitten is safe.

Cool! Bionic Bunny.

Oh, thank you.

I don't know what I would have
done if I had lost Fireball.

Hmm, Fireball...

Where have I heard
that name before?

I've got it.

It's the name
of the cat

of my old arch-
villain Hothead.

( laughs )

What a coincidence.


That's no coincidence!

Yes, my
long-eared friend!

We meet again!

( Bionic Bunny groaning,
Hothead laughing )

Is it getting hot in here
or is it just you?

Binky, I thought
you might like some...


( Hothead laughing )

Hey, you can't pick on George--

he's in
my class.

Only I can pick on him.



I was going
to wrap it,

but I couldn't find
any paper that matched.

What is it?

A new journal, with acid-free
paper and a faux-velvet cover.

You seemed upset
about your old one.

I thought this
would cheer you up.

Thanks. But I don't want it.

You don't want it?

Why? This is
much nicer

than that ratty
thing you had.

That ratty thing I had

was filled
with personal stuff--

stuff that can't
be replaced.

But thanks for
the thought, Muffy.

This wasn't cheap, you know.

Eight dollars,
and it was on sale!

Smoke was everywhere.

You could hardly see
your own hands.

( kids gasp )

Suddenly, the whole wall
burst into flames!

I ran as hard as I could,
and then...


What do you mean?

You weren't
even there!

Um... okay,
I wasn't there.

But... these are
all true accounts

told to me by
actual witnesses.

No, they aren't.

Don't listen to him.

He made it all up.

Oh, man.

( boy mutters )

What did you do
that for?

They were really
enjoying the story.

( school bell rings )

Because it's not
a story.

It really happened.

My dad could have been
really hurt in that fire!

Oh, I guess I never
thought of it that way.

How about I just
tell the part

where the brave
fire fighters

chopped through
the doors

and then they...

Do whatever you want, Buster.

I don't care!


why aren't I as upset as
the other kids about the fire?

Well, it might be
because you weren't
actually there.

But it's okay, Buster.

There's no one way
you have to feel.

I just wish
I felt something.

Sometimes it just
takes some people

a little longer than others
to feel upset.

Really? Can it take days?

I hope I don't get upset
tomorrow afternoon.

There's a two-hour Bionic Bunny
I want to watch.

I don't know how long
it'll take, sweetie,

but you might want
to tape that special.

There's something
I'd like you to do

Good night, Arthur.

Night, Dad.

Oh, Dad...

where's your next
catering job?

At the aquarium next week,

for some deep-sea

The aquarium?


I was worried it might be
at another school.

Arthur, schools are safe places.

The fire chief said
it was just faulty wiring.

I know,
but I'm still happy

you're not going back
into a school.

Good night.

And this one's

from a moray eel.

Eighteen stitches
from that vicious cod.

I have a minnow bite.

( water splashes )

Aye, Read,

any more of them
crab cakes about?

Coming right up.

Aah! Help! Somebody!

I put
on the squid!

Hit him
in the eye!

Go, mammals!

Hey, that's my dad!

Someone help him!


Sorry, lad, I can't
let you go in there.

It's too

( gasps )

Oh, no.

( chirping )

Good morning, Mr. Morris.

My name is Buster Baxter,
and I'm here

to see how
you're doing.

Are you a doctor?

Um, no.

I'm a third grader
from Lakewood Elementary School.

Good. The doctors say
I got to go easy on the sweets,

but that Crosswire kid sent me
five boxes of these truffles.

Take your coat off.

Make yourself

Uh, thanks, but I've
got to meet someone.

I just came
to drop these off.

They're from my mom.

Oh, okay.

( coughs )

Tell her thanks.

( inhales deeply )

Hey, I have asthma, too.


Hey, I like
your color choice.

Do you also
have allergies?

I've got pollen,
dander and peanuts,

but not chocolate,
thank goodness.

Here, have as many
as you like.


I guess I can be a little late.

And Mr. Morris
plays the accordion

and speaks Portuguese

and worked
as dog groomer once.

He sounds interesting.

( yawns )

You don't sound too interested.

Sorry, Buster, I'm just tired.

I had the worst nightmare
last night.

Did you have pepperoni
right before bed?

If I eat pepperoni after : , I
dream the penguins are after me.

I don't believe it.

You kids even beat us
at thumb wrestling.

Come on,
best of seven.

You're going to love this one.


I had it

of Sue Ellen."

And it's bound in genuine
imitation suede.

But wait, don't thank me yet.

It also comes with
this stunning pen.

( sighs )

Thank you, Muffy.

I feel so much better now.

A test!

Well, at least
some things never change.

( fire alarm ringing )

( kids gasp )

And now...

My name is John, and this
is my third-grade class,

and we're talking
all about fire and fire safety.

Four fire fighters came:




and Jim.

And we're asking them
questions about fire.

We're going to put it
on a Web site.

Lots of other kids probably
have questions about fires,

so that's why
we're making a Web site.

Have you ever rescued
a pet from a fire?

In my group
the kids were concerned

about what happens
if their pets are inside.

One fire, there was
a little cat outside

and it was having
trouble breathing

and we put some oxygen on it.

We put one of those masks on it.

When you have a fire,

the concern is
to get yourself out

and let us worry
about your animals.

If you are in a fire

and don't know what to do,
you're in danger.

But if you do know what to do,
okay, do it and you'll be fine.

Before you go out
the bedroom door,
what do you do?

You feel the door,
and if it's hot,
you don't open it.

What do you do
if your brother calls

and there's no fire?

Don't call unless
there's really a fire.

What would happen

if the fire station was on fire?

See, they
always come up

with questions
that stump us.

Kids have
great questions.

They put us on the spot.

We would put it out
just like your house.

We would use
hoses and ladders
to put the fire out.

You can check out
our fire safety questions

on the Arthur Web site
at pbskids.org.

And now...

I just overheard--

it's a false alarm!

A false alarm?!

So I'm still the only one
who hasn't seen a fire?

What rotten luck!

Buster, that's
good luck!

Not for whoever
pulled the alarm.

Someone pulled
the fire alarm?

Who would do that?

Did you see those
Mighty Mountain
dweebs run?

What a bunch
of scaredy-cats!

But I was impressed
with the fire fighters.

It only took them...

three minutes and seconds
to get here.

It's nice to know
they're so fast.


You don't think I...

( woman clears
throat )

Is this your knapsack?

It was found beneath
the fire alarm.

"What I did
was dumb and dangerous.

"It was also mean to all
the Mighty Mountain kids,

"who have been
really nice to me.

"I'm sorry and
I'll never pull the fire alarm

when there isn't a fire."

I'm glad
you understand

the seriousness
of this offense, Binky,

but I have to admit
I'm still baffled.

Why did you do it?

I don't know.

Maybe you should talk

to the school counselor.

But I said
I was sorry!

Can't you just
punish me now?

Normally, you'd
be suspended
for this,

but, because
of the circumstances,

I have something else in mind.

Bottles and cans go
in the blue bags

and everything else
goes in the green bags.

Any change you find is yours.

You missed a spot!

So, which one of you

is going to help us
pick this stuff up?

( truck horn honks )

Fire fighters...

How do you know
those guys?

I was a volunteer fire fighter.


So, did you ever
actually see a fire?

Oh, yeah.

Let me tell you, being close
to flames is scary.

But you know all
about that, right?

No, I don't!

I mean...
yeah, I guess

I was pretty close,
but I wasn't afraid.


We're supposed to put
the cans into the bag, Binky,

not take them out.


( laughs nervously )

I'll never forget that day.

I was grooming Cookie,
a temperamental shih tzu

with a shot at gold
in the toy category,

when all of a sudden
it happened.

( many dogs barking )

( tires screech )

What in tarnation...

There were perfect circles
in that cornfield,

every one the exact same size.

I reckon there was only thing
that could have made them.


Yep, either that
or a farmer

with a tractor
that only made right turns.

But I think
it was the aliens.


Ready for
another cream soda?


( groans )

I can get it.

Why don't you sit?

No, I have to get used
to these crutches.

I'll be on them
for quite a while.

I knew a kid with a broken leg;
his cast was off in three weeks.

That's because he was young.

But breaking something
at my age is pretty serious.

In fact, I don't think this leg
is ever going to be the same.

( babbling )

Whoo-hoo, I got the prize!

You took
twice as much
cereal than me.

Half of that prize
should be mine.

Arthur, share the prize
with your sister.

I can't,
it's a sticker.

It's April ?

Oh, no!

The aquarium luncheon is today!

Sure, we
can share it.

Here's your half.

Dad, I don't feel well.

( coughing )

I don't think
I can go to school.


you're not that hot.

Yeah, but my throat is
k*lling me; I can barely talk.

I need some
of your chicken soup, now.

I can't do it now,

but I will
as soon as I get home.

What if you
don't come home?

What if something
happens to you...

at the aquarium?

going to happen

to me
at the aquarium.

Why on earth
would you think...


Are you worried
because of the fire?

When I was your age

Grandma Thora was
in a car accident.

She wasn't hurt.

But for weeks
afterwards I
was worried

whenever she set
foot in a car.

Even when she just
went to the store,

I was afraid she'd be
in another car accident.

While I waited
for her to return,

I'd sh**t balls of paper
into the wastebasket,

and I told myself

that if I made more
baskets than I missed,

she would come home safely.

It seemed to work.

Of course, I was
a pretty good shot.

Then one day,

I forgot to do it.

She was gone three hours.

I didn't sh**t once,
and what happened?


She came home just fine.

It's my job to worry
about you, Arthur,

not the other
way around.

Help me carry these?

"April ..."

"I have nothing to say."

( sighs )

Tell your readers

to keep the bathrooms
extra clean.

Mr. Morris's leg
isn't fully healed;

I don't want him
to work too hard.

How about you,
Sue Ellen?

What does it feel like
to be back?

Great! Look what I
found in the gutter!

See? It's a llama.

It's part
of a postcard

that was in
my old journal.

"Diary doomed,
but llama lives..."

Hey, Binky,
I'm writing a piece

on what it's like
to be back.

No comment.

Can take
your picture?

No pictures either!

I'm having
a bad hair day.

I like this new couch!

So springy!

( Binky panting anxiously )

( Binky begins yelling )

Binky, are you okay?

( Binky crying )

( man clears throat )

Well done, Binky,

but shouldn't you
be in school?

I can't go back there,
I just can't!

I keep on seeing flames
and smoke and...

It's okay,

Believe me,
I know how you feel.

You do?

Sure I do.

When I saw my
first fire up close,

I had trouble
sleeping for weeks.

But after some time passed,
I wasn't so scared.

Why not?

I did what we're doing--
talking about it.

Don't you feel
a little better

now that
you've told someone

how you really feel?

( sniffles )

Yeah... but I still don't want
to go back to school.

I'll call Mr. Haney
to let him know where you are,

then you can do
the rounds with me.

After that, we'll see
how you feel, okay?

Can I operate the crusher?

Only if you join
the union.

Cake in the middle of math?

This has never
happened before.

He didn't even
give us a quiz

on the ingredients!

Can I have
two slices, please?

One's for Mr. Morris.

Mr. Morris isn't in
today, Buster.

In fact, he's not coming back.

Not coming back?

Yes, he's retiring.

You can have
two slices anyway.

It'll save you
the second trip.

Careful with that one!

My zydeco records
are in it!

Hey, it's Buster!

Come on in.

There's two
cream sodas

and some onion dip
left in the fridge.

Are you going
on a vacation?

You could say that,
a long vacation.

I'm moving in
with my daughter

at a ranch
in New Mexico.

Why? Don't you like living here?

Sure, but it's time
to move on.

I've always
had itchy feet.

Isn't there
a powder for that?

It's a figure of speech

meaning you
don't like to stay

in one place
for too long.


Truthfully, I love living here.

But I'm going to need someone
to look after me for a while.

I could do that;
I'd look after you.

Thanks, but
I think my daughter's
better suited for the job.

But there is something
you can do for me.

Her name's Beatrice.

My daughter never
cared for the sound.

I'd like to know
she was in good hands.

this is beautiful!

I'll take really
good care of her.

Bring her along

when you visit me
in New Mexico.

down there, amigo.

That's the capital
of alien sightings.

( accordion hums )

BUSTER ( over walkie-talkie ):
Do you read me?

Come in, Arthur.

Hey, Buster.

What are you doing?

Waiting for
my dad to come home

from catering
Mr. Crosswire's birthday.

But it's : already!

He'll be fine, Arthur.

And you,
why are you still awake?

I was thinking about Mr. Morris;
I really miss him.

You know, he'd still be here if
it wasn't for that stupid fire.

But you two might
not be friends.

You only met
because of the fire.

That's true.

Hey, want to hear me play

Whew, he's home.

Oh, you probably want
to say hi to him.

Well, good night.

Wait, Buster, why don't you
play "Clementine" for me?

( begins playing "Clementine" )

"This Friday, it will be
one month since April .

"So much has happened
since then.

"I never want to go
through another fire.

"But I also never want
to lose this feeling

"that each day is special,

"that my friends are
the best friends in the world

"and that if we stick together

we can make it through
just about anything."

♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen
to your heart ♪

♪ Listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ It's a simple message
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪

♪ And I say hey! ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other. ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

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