07x04 - To Tibble the Truth/Waiting to Go

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Arthur". Aired: October 7, 1996 - February 2022.*
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Arthur demonstrates to kids how to deal with challenges as homework, teachers and bullies.
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07x04 - To Tibble the Truth/Waiting to Go

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Every day when you're
walking down the street ♪

♪ Everybody that you meet
has an original point of view. ♪

( laughs )

♪ And I say hey! ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen
to your heart ♪

♪ Listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ Open up your eyes,
open up your ears ♪

♪ Get together and make things
better by working together ♪

♪ It's a simple message
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪

♪ And I say hey! ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other. ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ Hey! What a wonderful
kind of day. ♪


Hey, D.W.



( crash )

( rooster crows )

( people chatting )

I am Diogenes
of Sinope,

and I am looking
for an honest man.

Are you an honest man?

Uh... I don't know.

I think so.

No, he isn't!

He took my snowball

and he's been lying
about it for years!

Delta Omega,
once and for all,
I did not take...

Don't listen to him.

I know where
you can find

what you're
looking for.

( whispers )

( panting )

( whimpers )

( hawk keens )

( panting )

I am Diogenes of Sinope,

and I am looking
for an honest man.

Any honest men in here?

( kids grunting )

Nope, just
honest Tibbles.

Hey, a lantern!

Let me see!

No, it's mine!

I saw it first.

( Diogenes sighs )

Why couldn't I have looked
for the meaning of life instead?

( screams )

( laughing )

...and Kevin was sucked up
into the spaceship.

And the alien took
his ice cream,

and Kevin knew that
the alien wanted
more ice cream...

But he didn't have
ice cream.

He tried to give
the alien gum, candy...

Little pieces of cheese
he had in his pocket...

But it was no good.

The alien
took him away.

The was the end
of him.

All that's left
of Kevin now is...

( sniffles )

( sobbing ):
This pencil.

( gasps )

Hey, wait a minute.

If you never saw Kevin again,

how do you know
all this?

( bird twitters )

A bird told me.

The aliens can
turn into animals.

If you listen
really closely,

sometimes you can
even understand

what they're saying.

( twittering )

( chirping )

Can you hear them?

They're saying...

"ice cream."

Ice cream...
Ice cream...

ice cream...
ice cream...

( screams )

Here! Tell them
they can have it!

( both laughing )

Mmm, strawberry.

Hey! How come you
get the first bite?

Because my stories
were better.

Were not!

Were, too!

( both growling )

Look, a Bionic
Bunny doll.

I saw a commercial
for it.

Did you know
it can fly?

Watch this.

Hey, Vicita,
how's your pony?

I don't have a pony.

You don't?

We got two ponies
for Christmas.

No, Timmy, it was three.


Mom sent one
from, uh... Las Vegas.

Oh, yeah,
you're right,

We do have three ponies.

I forget about Thumper
because we never have time

to ride him and brush him
and play with him.

I'll take him!

Give Thumper to me!

I promise

I'll take
good care of him.

Please, please,
please, please,

Okay, just give us
the doll.

Oh, but that's

I'm not supposed to be
playing with it.

Oh, well, guess we'll
just have to give
Thumper to D.W.


One, two, three.



We thought
he could fly,

like on
the commercial.

Yeah, it's
the TV's fault.

The TV lied to us.

Just like you lied
to my little sister,

promising her a pony?

So, how do
you two propose

to pay Alberto
back for the toy?

It cost $ . .

You could have
this cow.

It moos
when you squeeze it.

( moos )

And it doesn't break
when you throw it.

I'm .

You think I want to play
with a plastic cow?

( sighs )

If you promise not
to lie again

you don't have
to pay me back
right away.

Cross our

You can count
on us.

He said that Timmy and I were

the most smartest kids
he'd ever met.

He really said that?

Well, maybe he didn't
use those words.

But we could tell
that's what he meant.

Okay, I think
we have enough rocks.

What are we going
to do with all these?

Play rockball.

Hit the rock
as hard as you can.


Are you sure
we're allowed to play this?

Oh, yeah,
Grandma doesn't mind.

She just doesn't want us
to play baseball.

But this game doesn't have
any bases.

It's a whole different
ball game.

Batter up.


( growls )

( gasps )

But it's not
our fault.

D.W. did it.

But who's
idea was it

to play baseball
with rocks?

What a stupid game.

You could hurt someone.

I wasn't playing

Were you, Tommy?

Nope. I'm not allowed
to play baseball.

I don't even know
how to play.

Me neither.

the truth

is more than just changing
the words for things.

But I give up.
I've tried.

You know, I wouldn't
be surprised

if you two ended up
in jail someday.


We didn't get
punished at all.


And we didn't
even lie.

Kind of.

Tommy, what's "jail"?

It's where
they put grown-ups
who've been bad.

I saw it on TV.

You sit in a room
with metal bars

and you can't leave,
not even to see your Grandma,

and sometimes

you have to stay
there for ten years.

( gasps )

Ten years?

I had a time-out
for ten minutes once,

but ten years?

( playing mellow tune )

I can play that
louder than you.

Hey, it's still my turn.

Let go!
Let go!

Give it!

It's mine!

I had it first!

( grunts )

( gasps )

Hey, Tibbles!

You got a visitor.

It's the two

Liar, liar,
pants on fire!

Hello, dears.

How have you been?

Is the food okay?

No, it's terrible!

We haven't
been able
to eat a thing!

Well, I brought you
this cherry pie.

But what if you're lying again?

What if the food is
actually quite good?

How do I know you're
telling the truth?

We are, Grandma!

We promise!

Oh, I wish could believe you.

( crying )

( sniffles )

Do you like cherry pie?

It's homemade.


I don't want
to go to jail!

Me neither!

From now on,
I'm telling the truth!

The whole truth

and nothing
but the truth,
so help me Grandma.






Did you two boys eat
all those samples?

We cannot tell a lie.

We did it!

They were that good?

Have some more!

I like telling
the truth.

Me, too!

( doorbell ringing )

Hi, Tommy and Timmy.

Let me guess,

you want to borrow
my Mary Moo Cow tapes.

No, we just came by
to tell you

that you're too bossy.

And you sing
"Crazy Bus"
way too much.

It's annoying.

Hi, Mrs. Read.

Your house
smells like dog!

You have a funny name.

You'll probably
never get a pony.

They cost too much.

( cries )

Your head is too big!

You believe anything!

I do?

Your nose is
too small!



Sorry you feel that way.


Emily says she never wants
to see us again.


That's just what
D.W. said, and Vicita.

Who are we supposed
to play with now?

I don't know.

Uh, how about Kevin?

No, he's not real.

We made him up, remember?

Oh, yeah.

You know, Tommy,
maybe your idea

about telling the truth
all the time

wasn't such a good one.

My idea?

It was your idea, Timmy.

No, it wasn't.

Yes, it was.

No, it wasn't!

Yes, it was!

You make me so mad!

Sometimes I wish
I didn't have a twin!

And that's
the truth!

( crying )


Hey, Tommy and Timmy.

What, no rockball today?

I wore my bike helmet
for nothing.

Don't worry, Alberto,
I'll never play rockball again.

In fact, I'll probably
never play anything

with anyone ever again!


Because everybody's mad at me
for telling the truth.

Timmy wishes he didn't
even have a twin.

That was 'cause I was angry.

But it was
the truth, right?

Just because you two
are being honest now

you don't
have to say

everything that pops
into your heads.

We don't?

Of course not.

Why don't you try
telling the truth

and being nice
at the same time.

Most of the time
I really like
having a twin.

In fact, you're
my best friend
in the whole world.

You're so nice.

Yeah. And really,
really generous.

Like when you have candy,
you always share.

( sighs )

I want to be
just like you
when I grow up.



I'm a role model!

You want some gummy eels?

( gasps )


I like being
nice and honest
at the same time.

Me, too.

Is that what grown-ups
call "flattery"?

I don't know
what it's called,

but it works
like a charm.

Time is relative.

Here in Berlin it's : p.m.
und seconds.

My new Chrono

tells the time
in different

In Helsinki it's : .

In Matsuyama
it's almost

: in
the morning.

That's Japan.

In Wellington...

An open shot!

I'm going to score!

In Paraguay...

( glass breaking )

( gasps )

Arthur, tell Binky

I'm not talking
to him

until he


Tell Brain till he apologizes
for blowing my shot,

never speaking
is just fine.

Oh, yeah?

tell Binky...

( horn honks )

Sorry, got to go!

Muffy's got
ballet class.

Either of you
need a ride?

My mom's coming any moment now.

Oh, yeah?

Well, my mom's taking me
to the movies.

So you're okay waiting?

I am, but maybe
Binky's not.

I can wait ten times
longer than him!

Gee, my mother's
never late.

Hey, Brain, do you know
what time it is?

( growls )

( bubble pops loudly )

( straining against gum )

How long did you say
we've been waiting?

( angrily ):
I don't know.

You broke my watch, remember?

And I thought we weren't
talking to each other.

So how long do you think
we've been waiting?

I don't know.

A long time.

Aw, I knew it.

What if my mother never comes?

Oh, my goodness--
I'm late to pick up Binky.

Let's not pick him up.

It's so nice and quiet
without him.

You're right.

We can watch what we want
on TV for once.

And think of the savings--

food, clothes, sitters...

That was Binky's


Ah, this is the life.

No dinners to cook,

no rooms to clean,

and best of all, no...

what was our son's
name again?

I forget.

( both laughing )

They've forgotten me.

Binky, be logical.

Our mothers are probably
just stuck in traffic.

On a Sunday?

Well, maybe something's
causing the traffic.

( horns honking )

( duck quacking )

( shouting )

Come on, all that traffic
from just one duck?

Well, it could be
a whole family of ducks.

But can't ducks fly?

Hmm... that's true.

But ostriches can't.

( ostriches squawking )

Or maybe there was a rip
in the time-space continuum.

( beam whooshing )

According to Einstein's
Theory of Relativity,

they would be traveling

at speeds that make time
move slower for them

than for us here on Earth.

EINSTEIN ( echoing ):
Time is relative.

They could show up
years from now

without realizing
how long it's been.

( ostriches squawking )

Sorry we're a few minutes late.

A few minutes?!

We've been waiting

for you young whippersnappers.

( gulps )

You're really weird.

I'm just saying we need to
examine all the possibilities.

Maybe they'll feel bad
about being so late.

In fact, this could be
the best day of our lives.

What are you talking about?

We've been waiting
so long,

our parents will feel
really guilty.

And then we've got it made.

It's a great cake,
but where are the presents?

Well, sweetums,

you've had
birthday parties
this year alone.

We figured this time

you'd be happy
with just the cake.

Do I need to remind
you how long I waited

in the cold, the howling wind?

Yes, but...

Or perhaps I could tell

the local newspaper
all about it.

Oh, dear.

Daddy's running to
the toy store.

Swing by
the ice cream parlor, too.

This cake's
looking a little bare.

And the longer we wait...

The greater their guilt.

And here I thought
you were held back

because you
weren't so smart.

Nope, it was so I could pass on
my wisdom to you youngsters.

Well, our moms can take
their sweet time.

You said it.

Every extra minute of waiting
is like money in the bank.

Aw, except for one thing.

Waiting's really boring

without TV.

You don't need TV
to pass the time.

A good book on th-century
land reform would do.

If you say so.

But we don't have that, either.

Well, what did people do
before television and books?

Watched clouds?


Of course!

That'll pass loads of time.

See, there's a cumulus.

And a cumulonimbus.

Oh, and look,
a stratocumulocirrus.

You're doing it all wrong.

You're supposed
to use your imagination.

Okay then.

What does that one
look like?

Wow, it looks just like...

Yeah, an amoeba.

An amoeba?

I was going to say
that cottony thing,

like what you
clean your
ears with.

You mean a swab?

Yeah, a swab.

Except without
the stick.

Binky, concentrate.

Surely you see
an amoeba.

I don't see an amoeba.

I see a swab.

Okay, okay!

It's a stickless swab.

BRAIN ( bored ):
Wow, another tie.


What's an amoeba?

It's a one-celled,

No, I can't take it.

I'm so bored!

We must have broken
the world record
for waiting.

Please, Mom, we won't
make you feel guilty.

( sobbing ):
Just come
and pick us up.


H... E...

What are you doing?

There, that should do the trick.

Binky, that only works

if we're waiting
for a plane, not a car.


Or in this case, gnats.

Hey, look!

A pair
of cleats.

Someone must have
left them behind.

Binky, do you understand
what this means?

Someone will
come back.

And we'll be saved.

( cheering and whooping )

That is if we don't
die of hunger first.

I have carrots.

My mom packed them.

She works in
an ice cream parlor

and all she packs
are carrots?

Would you prefer a turnip?

( stomach growls )

I just remembered!

My mom packed them,
back when she loved me.

Peanut butter crackers.

Thanks, Binky.

I'm sorry I made you
miss that goal.

That's okay.

I'm sorry I broke your watch.

To never
fighting again.

( slurping )

You may want to conserve.

Who knows how long
we'll be here?

As you see,
I only took
one sip of juice.

And I've divided my rations
to last five more hours.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

I'm starving.

Those crackers
made me thirsty.

Too bad.

It was your juice box
to begin with, Binky.

And we're so quenching.

Uh... Binky?

The cranberries
are right.

( both straining )

Give it to me.

Give it to me.


( both grunting )

Stop it!
Got it!

That was my juice!

It wasn't a fair fight!

You're bigger than I am.

That doesn't matter!

On World of Wrestling,

Tiny Tommy Tornado always wins,

because he has
the better moves.

( crowd cheering )

All that wrestling is fake.

Not all of it.

Here, look.

Take my arm
like this...




Oh, my gosh.

Are you okay?

Oh, sure.

Nice Reverse
Hammer Flip,
back there.

You're a natural.

Wow, that was great.

And it passed the time.

( metal jingling )

Hey, do you
hear something?


My crackers!

Come back here,
you miserable cur!

Hey, if we catch him,
we can attach

a rescue note
to his collar.

Come on!

Here they are!

Hey, someone
made a sign.




Hey, Arthur, isn't kelp
a type of seaweed?

I think so.

Too bad Brain's not here.
He'd know.

Wait! Stop! Save us!

I'm reaching the end of my rope.

( crying )

I want my mommy!

I want my mommy!

Soon the night,
and then the wolves.

Binky, we're
going to die!

It was nice knowing you, Brain.

Likewise... Binky.



Alan, what
are you doing?


We're saved!

We're saved!

I had an appointment
where Binky's mother works,

so we decided to carpool.

And that's it?

But what took you
all these hours?

What are you talking about?

We're only
minutes late.



Gee, you were right
after all.

I know you think it
was minutes,

but according to

it was actually
longer than

We have time

to go to the bookstore.

Are you kidding?

World of Wrestling's on TV

and I don't want to miss
a single minute!

♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen
to your heart ♪

♪ Listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ It's a simple message
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪

♪ And I say hey! ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other. ♪

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