07x01 - Cast Away/The Great Sock Mystery

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Arthur". Aired: October 7, 1996 - February 2022.*
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Arthur demonstrates to kids how to deal with challenges as homework, teachers and bullies.
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07x01 - Cast Away/The Great Sock Mystery

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Every day when you're
walking down the street ♪

♪ Everybody that you meet
has an original point of view. ♪

( laughs )

♪ And I say hey! ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen
to your heart ♪

♪ Listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ Open up your eyes,
open up your ears ♪

♪ Get together and make things
better by working together ♪

♪ It's a simple message
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪

♪ And I say hey! ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other. ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ Hey! What a wonderful
kind of day. ♪


Hey, D.W.



( crash )

Arthur, hurry up!

We only have a few hours
before the museum closes.

Can I come, too?


Can I?


This is for me and Dad.

You're spending
the day with Mom, D.W.

But I want to go
to the museum, too!

( Kate and D.W. crying )

Could you take D.W. today?

Kate's sick and I've got
to get this account finished

by tonight.

Unicorns! Can we?


Daddy, this is scary.

Can't we see the uni...?


Can't we see the...?


Sir, this might not be

the exhibit
for your daughter.

I said no!

( crying )

Arthur, she's right.

Why don't I take D.W.
to see the unicorn dolls

and meet you back here
in an hour.

I used to wonder what
little sisters were for,

and I've finally figured it out.

They're there just to wreck
things for us guys and our dads.


( barks )


Then there was this
pretty ballerina unicorn.

She did pillowettes.

I didn't like the
Super Unicorn Man.

And then there was
a Japanese unicorn
in a kimono

and then-- oh, yeah!--
a Russian dancing one.

And look-- doesn't this clown
unicorn look just like Arthur?

Can I be excused?

I want to do
my homework.

( D.W. continues chattering )

( D.W. talking in other room )

Arthur, are you okay?

Listen, I'm sorry.

I know you were hoping

it would be just the two
of us today.


Which is why
I was thinking

next weekend we could
go fly fishing

at Whale Lake.

Why? Are there
unicorns there?

No, just you and me.

And it's such
a great place, Arthur.

My dad used to take me there.

The fish practically
leap into your lap.

Dad, it's time

for my bedtime story!

In a minute, D.W.

Really? Just you and me?

No D.W.?

That's right-- no D.W.

It's okay if you
don't catch anything

on your first day.

Proper casting takes
years of experience and...

( cell phone rings )

D.W. ( on phone ):
Daddy, it's D.W.

Can you come home right now?

Because I'm just a little girl.

Oh, poor D.W.!


D.W. ( on phone ):
Daddy, are you still
listening to me?

Let me help you!

It's okay, Dad,
I got it.


( camera shutter clicking )

Oh, no, Arthur!

I'll save you!

( cell phone rings )

D.W. ( on phone ):
Daddy, you hung up on me.

Daddy, it's me, D.W.!

D.W. who?

I still don't get
why I can't come.

Because it's my
weekend with Arthur.

Next weekend will
be your weekend.

David, you've
got a call.

Okay, thanks.

Well, next weekend
is going to be

so much more fun
than this weekend.

Dad and I are going to, um...

Unicorn Lake,
and I won't have to fish

for unicorns because
they'll want to play with me.

You won't be able
to come with us,

no matter how much you beg.

I won't be begging.

Because this is my weekend.


Uh, kids? Bad news.

I have to work next weekend.


( crying )

Oh, that's okay
with me, Dad.

No, it's not okay!

What about my weekend?

I'm supposed to get
next weekend.

It's not fair if Arthur gets
another weekend

and I don't.

It's not fair!

D.W. ( in sing-song voice ):
I'm going to go fishing.

I'm going to go fishing.

No, D.W.,
you're going
to stay at camp

and go swimming
with Mom and Kate

while Arthur
and I go fishing.

Hey, can we play my...

No! No Mary Moo Cow!

That's all I ask.

Please, Dad.

What'll we listen to?

MAN ( on tape ):
"Henry Skreever, Book Six:

"'Henry Skreever
and the Cauliflower Queen.'

Chapter Seven..."

( tape riffling )

We have a problem.

MARY MOO COW ( on tape ):
♪ The best word I know
is F-U-N ♪

♪ F-U-N spells "fun"... ♪

Okay, Arthur, get ready.

The road to this camp
is very hard to find,

so keep your eyes peeled
for a tree with a white arrow.

Is that it?

I don't
think so.

It's got a...

Wait, Dad.
Is that it?

Thanks, D.W.

Huh, guess things have changed.

You just have to
keep your eyes peeled.

( sighs )

( bicycle bells jangling )

You're right, Dad.

Nature's great.

Don't worry, Arthur.

The secret fishing spot
is up that hill

away from all this.

It'll be great.

( car alarm wailing )

( screaming )

It's an hour's hike,

but wait till you see it.

Wait! Wait!

I'm coming, too!


I told you, D.W.,

the fishing is just
for Arthur and me.

I'll be back tonight

and we'll toast
marshmallows, all right?

( Mary Moo Cow music begins )

( Dad sighs )

Look at that, Arthur.

What did I tell you?

Yeah, Dad, it's great.

Okay, let's go.

Now, the idea is
to get the fly out there

without letting it splash.

Then pull it back so
it just skims the water.

Otherwise, the fish know
it's not really a fly.

And do it again,
like this.

Hey, Dad, why is this
called Whale Lake?

Is it shaped like a whale?

No, Iroquois
legend has it

that a whale once
swam up the Scraw River

and still lives
in this lake.

I always used to
look for it, but...

well, it's just a legend,

Okay, ready to go.

Like this?

That's right.

Now, don't take
it too far back.

Not too far back.

Not too far back.

Not too far...

Well, that's okay.

It's tough to get
the hang of it.

Just reel it in
and try again.

One more time.

( pole thwanging )

( pole thwanging )

Sorry, Dad.

That's okay.

We have plenty of flies left.



Now cast.

( reel clicking smoothly )


I did it, I did it!

Great cast!

Uh, just hang on
to the pole next time.

No, Dad,
it's my fault.

I'll get it.

Those rocks are slip...


"Safety first."

That's what Mary Moo Cow
always says.


I'm just
trying to help.

You can't catch fish
if you aren't safe.

It's just a minor sprain.

We have all day tomorrow
to try again.

Yeah, D.W.,
there's always tomorrow.


I think maybe

we should let you
rest that ankle today.

No, I know I can...

( groans )

( sadly ):

Does that mean I can go?


I... mean...

Maybe it'll help you rest if
I take her away for a while.


You know, Mom?

This was a good idea.

It's nice just
to be by the lake

in peace and quiet.

D.W. ( yelling ):

I got fish! I got fish!

You mean Dad got fish.

No, D.W. caught them.


Dad says I'm a natural.


It was strange.

The fish seemed to love
that Mary Moo Cow song.

But... but...

It's fish fry time!

But last time we went camping,

you freaked out when
we caught just one fish.

That was before
I discovered my gift.

Oh, D.W., these
will be delicious.

Don't worry, Arthur.

If your ankle feels
better tomorrow,

I was thinking
you and I could fish

before going home.


Um, my ankle
feels better.

I think we're
just going to have

to call it quits
this time.

We could wear ponchos.


I have a bad feeling about this.

KIDS ( on tape ):
♪ Mary Moo Cow,
Mary Moo Cow... ♪

Did you catch anything?

( sniffs )

What's that smell?

You guys just
missed the fish.

Yes, you should
have seen it.

They were
practically leaping

out of the water.

Mary does it again.

Hey, buddy.


Your little girl's
a fish magnet.

♪ Mary Moo Cow, Mary Moo Cow ♪

♪ I love you, yes, I do... ♪

I can't take it anymore.


It's not fair.


She always gets
what she wants

and now she even fishes
better than me.

She was pretty lucky this time,
but what you did was even rarer.

What was that?

Not many boys
would be kind enough

to let their
little sister come

on their own private
fishing trip.

In my book, that beats
catching fish any day.

D.W. ( in distance ):
Come on, it's time to go.

Okay, Arthur,
what do you say we start...

No, Dad, wait!

Daddy, it's...

Dad, look!

( gasps )

The whale--
We saw the whale.

Arthur spotted
the whale.

What whale? Where?!

It's gone already.

But... but we saw it.

I've waited my whole life
to see it and Arthur spotted it.

Wait, Dad.

Can't we go back?

I want to see it, too.



And now...

We're going on a whale watch.


A whale watch is

when people from the aquarium
take you out on a boat...

...and look for whales.

And it's really cool

because you see whales

in their natural habitat
that they live in.

A whale is like a giant fish.

It's a mammal, really.

It's a mammal.

But it lives in the ocean.

A whale is a mammal
that breathes air

and gives their babies milk,
like we do.

They have blowholes
for them to breathe.

A whale's tail
would go like this,

but a fish's would go like this.

I hope we see a lot of whales.

WOMAN ( over PA system ):
Now, whales are mammals
like you and I.

On the ship there's a lady--
a naturalist named Dale.

She tells us about the whales.

You want look around

for visible blower spout,

some splashing.

It's over there.

( kids exclaiming )

Right next to the boat.

Close to us right now.

Beautiful look.

It was a finback whale.

It was the baby,
the calf.

Finback whales are the second
largest animal on Earth.

It came feet up to the boat--

that doesn't always happen.

We don't normally see
finback calves.

This is just so really special
for us to see this.

It's really important
that we see them,

because they're endangered
and not many of them are left.

( children talking excitedly )

And now...

( panting hard )

( Mom humming )

( rattling )

( panting )

( toy mouse squeaking )

D.W., is that you?

( panting )

( heavy panting )

( howls )

( sniffing )

But how can I wear
my red and purple dress

with only one red
and purple sock?

I'm sorry, honey,
but I can't find
your other sock.

Are you sure you put
it in the hamper?

I bet Arthur stole it.

Why on Earth would Arthur
want your socks?

I don't know.

Maybe he wanted to use them

as ear-warmers
for his dog!

( Pal barks )

Hey, get away
from Kate!

You'll give her germs!

D.W., relax!

They're just playing.

She ruined
my concentration!

I was so close to making a hole
for you to escape.

That's all right,
we'll try again later.

D.W. seems very upset
about that sock
on her foot.

I'll say!

Don't people usually
put two of those
on your feet?

Why does she
only have one?

I don't know.

But then how else
could it have disappeared?

I need that sock!

It's my special sock!

And my foot's cold!

She's really upset.

This sock thing is worse
than I thought.

( yawns )

Well, I better
go find it

or she could be like
this for days.

No, just lint.

( slurps )

Good lint!

( chuckles )

Get a hold of yourself, boy.

You have a job to do.

( sniffing )


What's this?

And this!

( sniffing )

( washer scraping )


A hair!

And it doesn't belong
to any of us,

I can tell you
that much.

( gasps ):
You think?

Yes, an intruder!

I smelled the sock here.

He must have dropped it
while escaping.

And he likes fish!

It's a scale.

I find them sometimes

in my Seafood Supreme.

Excellent work, Pal!

Now, who do we know

who is cunning, devious,
and likes fish.


( panting )

Easy, Pal!

Slow down!

Hi, Francine.

Pal pulled me here.

What ya doing?

Well, well, if it
isn't Arthur's runt.

I wish I could say,
"Look what the cat dragged in,"

but I didn't have the pleasure
of dragging you.

Hand it over, Sugarpuss!

Hand what over?

( barks )

( hisses )

( barking )

Give me back
that sock you stole!

But I didn't steal
any sock!

Then how do you explain this?

( coughs )

( gags )

Ew! What is it?

It's your hair.

I found it in
our laundry room.

That's not my hair.

It's brown!

My fur is black
and white!

Are you color-blind?

As a matter of fact, I am.

I was never
in your house, dog!

Ask that silly toad
who hangs around your yard

if you don't believe me!

( babbling )

But if it wasn't you,
then who did steal the sock?

Beats me.

But remember
that ham bone

you buried in the flower
patch last spring?

It was delicious!

( gasps )

( growling )

Easy, Pal!

Slow down!

Since I left D.W.,
things have been good.

I have my own pad nearby.

Do you get lonely
living on your own?

It would be nice to meet
some other amphibians,

but I hate the pond scene.

Have you seen
any strange animals

going into the laundry room?

Now that you mention it,

something did go in there
just yesterday.

Well, my ham bone
is definitely gone!

I dug up the daisies,
the roses-- nothing!

Pal, Toady saw

Was it a cat?

I'm not sure
what it was,

but it was much larger
than a cat.

And it was breathing heavily,
like this:

( panting heavily )

What if it's a raccoon?

Or a Tibble?

Whatever it is,
it has to be stopped.

And I think I know
just how to do it!

KATE ( over radio ):
Pal, do you read me?

Are you in position?

I'm coming, I'm coming!

What's a stakeout
without donuts?

All right, Pal.

Now, we wait.

( crickets chirping )

KATE ( gasps ):

He's here!

The suspect is
approaching the sock!


Caught you red...

( gasps ):

It can't be!

And to think his name
means "friend"!

It's not what
it looks like.

I mean, sí, I am
stealing your socks,

but it's for a good cause!

You mean, there's a charity
for humans without socks?

Even so, Amigo...

No, it's more important
than that,

but it is difficult to explain.

Come, I must show you.

KATE ( over radio ):
Be careful, Pal!

If you're not back
by sunrise,

I'll call the parents.

Every pet knows that
humans cannot survive
without us.

Well, a long time ago,
some pets decided

to form a secret group
called "The Fur Masons".

The Fur Masons
were dedicated

to finding new ways
of helping people.

They trained dogs
to lead people
who are blind

and cats to catch mice.

They even sent some of
their members to space!

But their greatest gift
to the humans was this...

( knocks )

The Sock Exchange!

( voices from inside )

( animals talking )

I've got an Argyle here!

Who needs an Argyle?

This is amazing!

But how does all this
help people?

It's very complicated.


Here's someone who
can explain it to you!

Good evening,
Mr. Greenspaniel.

My friend here wants to know

what the purpose
of the Sock Market is.

( in monotone ):
Our challenge is to ensure

that we extend the favorable
macroeconomic performance

and bolster the capabilities
of all

to share in the prosperity
that is being generated.

I didn't understand
a word he said.

Actually, no one does.

All I know is,
we take their socks,
they buy more.

It's good
for the economy.

So that's why there are
so many missing socks!

From the hairy shin
of his...

But Amigo, the one you took
was very important to D.W.

I'm going to have
to ask for it back.

Sorry, Pal, I don't have it.

It's out there somewhere.

The only way to get it back

is to try to trade it
for another sock.

You mean, I should...

( gulps ):
play the Sock Market?

It's easy!

Just remember:
always buy low and sell high.

I've lost
it all, Kate!

( whimpering )

Every last booty!

We're ruined!

It's okay, Pal.

I never liked
wearing them anyway.

I'm only sorry we never got
D.W.'s sock back.

Look, Kate.

She misses it so much,

she's pretending
the other one is alive!

( babbling )

( both sigh )

Pal! Kate!

Good news--I've found
the investor who
has your sock!

I told him you were
all out of booties,

but he might trade
for something else.

He'll meet you
in your yard tomorrow!

Thank you, Amigo!

We have to gather up all
the lost things you can find.


Very tastefully arranged!

I'm sure there's something
here that he'll want.

Look! That must be him!

Come on, Hans,

can't you move
any faster?

Wait for me here.

Mr. Toad's the name;
making deals is my game!

So, you're the pup
who wants his sock back, huh?

Is that a ( gulps ) hot dog
in your mouth, Mr. Toad?

% pure beef, kid!

A cat in the deli gets them
for me cheap.

So, down to business--

what do you got
for the sock?

How about this?

I think it's called, "money".


Found a ton of that stuff

at the Crosswire place--

used it to wallpaper my pad.

What about this nice,
shiny set of keys?

Is it to a motor car?

Um, I'm not sure.

What's a "motor car"?

Nah, I'm not supposed
to drive anyway.

How about a Woogle?


That fad went out
with the ' s!

All right.

What about this almost-new,
delicious, cherry lolli...?


( coughs )

Slim pickings, folks!

You'll have to do
a lot better than that!

However, there is one thing here
I could use.


Yes, you!

My current dog is getting
a little old--

time to trade up.

You can't have, Pal!

He's my best friend!

Come on, baby, he's
not even your species!

What's it going to be--

the mangy dog,
or the beautiful sock?

The dog or the sock?

The dog or the sock?

Mr. Toad?

Is it really you?


I haven't seen you
since you were a... a tadpole!

Oh, Mr. Toad!

I missed you so much!

I've missed you,
too, Toady!

Are you free
for a slug or two?


You know, I recognized
that croak right away.

I said to myself,
"Toady, that is your
old friend, Mr. Toad!"

And sure enough...

Well, we did it!

I hope D.W.
will be happy.

Who would have thought a sock
could cause so much trouble!

I'll say.

Nasty things.

Can't understand why any
creature would wear them.

Kate, you wouldn't
have traded me, would you?

Not for all the socks
in the world, Pal!

Oh, Pal!

You're not going to put that
in your mouth?

If there's one thing
I've learned

from my days at The Sock Market,
it's this:

it's a dog eat dog world!

( gulps )

♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen
to your heart ♪

♪ Listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ It's a simple message
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪

♪ And I say hey! ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other. ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

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