06x07 - The Boy with His Head in the Clouds/More!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Arthur". Aired: October 7, 1996 - February 2022.*
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Arthur demonstrates to kids how to deal with challenges as homework, teachers and bullies.
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06x07 - The Boy with His Head in the Clouds/More!

Post by bunniefuu »

# Every day you walk down the street Everybody that you meet

# Has an original point of view

- # And I say, hey!
- Hey!

# What a wonderful kind of day We can learn to work and play

# And get along with each other

# You gotta listen to your heart Listen to the beat

# Listen to the rhythm of the street Open up your eyes, open up your ears

# Get together and make things better By working together

# It's a simple message And it comes from the heart

# Believe in yourself For that's the place to start

- # And I say, hey!
- Hey!
- What a wonderful kind of day

# We can learn to work and play And get along with each other

- # What a wonderful kind of day -
- hey!
- What a wonderful kind of day -
- HEY!
- #

- Hey, DW!
- Hey...

What does the inside of someone's head look like?

The brain looks like cauliflower.

But the inside of someone's MIND? Let's see!

Just as I thought - it's a giant homework machine!

Stuff comes from the senses.

Before information can be turned into homework, the FUN is removed!

This was from our trip to the museum.

Ahh! Let me go!


- I am educational... I am educational...

- For homework, I'd like you to write an essay on Arthur.
- ALL: Huh?!

'Why on earth did I say "ARTHUR"?! No more double lattes for me!'

I'm never going back in THERE!

Whose mind would be cool to see next? What about George?

Wow! It's all PICTURES!

'Word alert. Cannot identify.

'Meltdown will commence in...'

- What's going on? It's just a simple word!
- '..three seconds...two...'

OK, class. Today we'll work on word problems.

Do your calculations on scrap paper.

Prudence and Hope bought liquorice lozenges for cents.

Chastity bought two poles of huckleberry toffee for a dime.

Chastity wanted to trade a toffee for two of Hope's lozenges.

Prudence said it wasn't fair. Chance had ginger sours at a penny.

She offered to give Chastity some.

Yee-hah! Woo-hoo! Let's go!


- Hey, it's George!
- Hi, guys!
- Word problems again?

- What did you bring for lunch?
- Lutefisk.
- BOTH: All right!

- Well, George? I'm still waiting for an answer!
- Huh?!


- ..One?
- That's right! Show us on the board how you arrived at the answer.

Sorry, Mr Ratburn. I...just...guessed.

You haven't paid attention again!


Don't forget to read about the Renaissance for tomorrow.

Now, George... George?


No - reading FIRST, George!

"Lone-ar-bo Day Vinki...

"was dorn in..." ..Ohh!

Dad! I've a couple of questions on this reading.

- Could you help?
- Sure, let me see.

OK. Now, what did you want to ask me?

- For starters, what's it ABOUT?
- Oh!

I win! And I didn't cheat!

- (Check his sleeves, just in case.)
- Hey, guys!

- Wanna play No Guessing?
- THAT game...! I'm no good at trivia.

- It's easy! Even
- I
- get some answers right!


"Hat is teh cabular Nomay?"

- Can you READ?
- Of course, I can! What do you think I am - stupid?!

I hate this game, anyway! It's filled with useless facts.

Oh! It says, "What is the capital of Norway?"!

Oslo! The capital of Norway is Oslo.

You could have put airholes in that! How long have I been in there?

Are you George's son? You look SO much like him.

Wally, I need advice. Kids know I have trouble reading and writing.

Never cared for writing, myself. Horrible things, pencils.

- Have you ever seen how they're made?
- Pay attention, Wally!

No-one's going to be my friend! What should I do?

That's a toughie! Let's pace!

You can't be the class clown again.

Last time, I ended up with that four-year-old.

I can still taste the lipstick. ..Wait, I've got it!

Try being like Binky!

He's not the sharpest crayon in the pack, but people like HIM.

Yeah. I'll be tough and mean. Then, even if they think I'm dumb,

- they'll still respect me. Thanks, Wally!
- Wait!

What happened to "I scratch your back and you don't pack me up for a year"?


- So, you wanna be tough, huh?
- Yeah.
- Had any experience being tough?

- Pull anyone's pants down? Take their lunch money? That sort of thing?
- No.

I'll see what I can do but I'm not making any promises.

First, you're gonna need a new name. Something that fills kids with fear.

- How about...Georgie?
- Georgie?! That's a GIRL'S name!

Hmm...you seem to like MAKING things.

We'll call you...Hammer!

Next, we have to get you the right clothes - something messy and ripped.

- We can cut the sleeves off!
- Mom would k*ll me!

What CAN we cut up?

You're not making this easy, George!

OK! Your turn!


Repeat after me - Grrrr! What YOU looking at, doofus?!

Guhh. Um...What are you looking at...doofus?

Ohhh! Look what I have to work with!

Oh! Look what I have to work with! ..What?!

Ugh-h-h! Four...five...?

That's enough!

Let's see. We did insults, pushing, rude noises...

You're almost ready for your first public appearance!

- All right!
- There's just one thing that bothers me - you're too small.

- I wish there was some way we could make you bigger.
- No problem!


# Who's the moose that's on the loose? Hammer!

# Hammer!

# Five feet tall from horns to caboose. Hammer!

# Hammer!

# He's tough as nails, he's REAL bad He's NEVER sad

# Hammer!

# Don't mess with HIM! #




What are YOU looking at, foodus? I mean... Ohhh!

- I'm sorry, George, but you're just too nice.
- I know. Thanks for trying.

ANOTHER thing I can't do right!

If the farmer gives Jehosaphat four eggs for the molasses, it's fair.

- Very good.
- Remember your Renaissance report.

Start at the weekend. Oh, George...

About this story you wrote, The Dummy In The Closet...

- Let me guess - I failed.
- No! It was very creative!

Reminiscent of Poe. But I had trouble reading it.

- Have you been tested for dyslexia?
- No, what's that? Am I going to die?

People with dyslexia just have a hard time learning to read.

But there have been many successful dyslexics.

Albert Einstein, Walt Disney, even Leonardo da Vinci!

You mean THIS guy had this...thing I might have?

You're not the only one in school.

..Oh! I thought I was going to the teachers' lounge.

- Well, you know me - can't tell my left from my right!
- Me neither!

Class! Let's see those reports! "The Medicis: From Riches To Riches". OK.

"UFOs And Michelangelo: Who Really Painted The Sistine Chapel?" ..Hmm.

Arthur! George didn't do his report!

He probably couldn't do it because he can't read.

He'll be sent to a special school!

- George, your report?
- I don't have it.
- CLASS: Oh!

- I mean, I don't have it HERE - it's outside.
- CLASS: Where? What is it?

I didn't do a written report since writing isn't one of my strengths.

With the principal and my dad's help,

- I built this.
- CLASS: Wow! Cool!

It's based on one of Leonardo da Vinci's designs!

He had ideas about how to build all sorts of cool things.

Of course, it doesn't really FLY, but I can make the wings flap!

Hey! It's moving! It works!

- I'm a genius! I'm a genius!
- George?

George, did you hear what I said? You got an "A"!

Just a minute, Mom! ..OK.

DW can't stand it if things aren't equal.

Oh, wait, wait!

This is nothing. She once got really crazy with her best friend, Emily.

I've got THAT one, I've got THAT one, I've got THA...


- Mine just plays Mares Eat Oats.
- I love Mares Eat Oats!

Yeah? Then I guess mine's BETTER!

- Can we play now?
- Uh-huh.

Mademoiselle Emily? C'est l'heure pour le milk and cookies.

Oh! Zis room is a mess! I will clean it later.

# Frere Jacques, Frere Jacques

# Dormez-vous, dormez-vous?... #


- Are you OK, DW?
- Humph!

- Nadine!
- What, what?!

Get out your notepad. I'm having an idea!

OK. Read it back to me.

"Why I Need A French Nanny Like Emily, by DW Read.

"Number One. Sometimes you and Dad are too busy to pay me attention."

- No, no! We CHANGED that!
- Oh, right!

"Sometimes you and Dad have a lot of work to do and need a break.

"Number Two. It's good to learn foreign languages."

They'll like that!

"Number Three. I'm very dainty.

"I need someone to protect me when Arthur gets crazy."

How can they argue with THAT?! OK, wish me luck.

You'll do fine! They'll probably give ME a French nanny, too!

Attention, everybody! I have an announcement. I...

That's nice, because your father and I have an announcement too.

- You'll like it!
- Does it speak French?

We've noticed how responsible you've been these last few months,

so we thought...

Mademoiselle, I am yours to command!

Now you are equal with Mademoiselle Emily.

- ..an allowance.
- Huh?
- You're getting an ALLOWANCE!

I didn't do anything wrong! Arthur did it!

cents, and you'll get that every week as long as you are responsible.

Free MONEY? That's an ALLOWANCE?!

- Hi, DW! What's new?
- Oh, nothing much.

It's called an allowance!

Ooh! You do not have such amazing zings as zat, Mademoiselle Emily!

There's no time for arguing.

To the toy store!

Well, thank you, DW.

It's nice for you to be so rich, now(!)

And nice for you TOO. Driver!

What? You mean you bought them for ME?!

HALF of them.

- Friends should be equal.
- Oh, DW!

I can't wait to see Emily's face when I tell her about my allowance!

Hi, DW! What's new?

Oh, nothing much...look!

It's an allowance! I started getting one last night!

- You mean, you haven't been getting one until NOW?
- Huh?

My mom started giving me one last year... Weird!

- So, d'you wanna make a desert garden?
- Well...uh... Oh, I know!

They probably had to wait to save up to give me more than you.

- I get cents.
- I get a dollar.

Oh! A DOLLAR?! Hey, do you guys already get an allowance too?

Timmy, show her the book. It's called our bank account.

It gets bigger and bigger, until you get enough to buy a space shuttle!

- Race car!
- Space shuttle!
- Race car!

- I said space shuttle!
- Race car!

It's called a bill!

I know you can't remember everything

when you spend SO much time punishing Arthur, but fair is fair.

So I figured out how much I would have gotten

if you'd started my allowance at the right time.

You can't read, but you did a BILL?!

You don't have to pay now - just before I see Emily.

- MOM: You can come out when you learn to be respectful.
- I WAS respectful!

I didn't even put a French nanny on there!

Even though I'm supposed to have one!

Hi, guys! Can I colour with you?

- Do you have a bank account book?
- No, but...

Then what is there for you to COLOUR?


Good morning, Mother! Do you need any help with breakfast?

- Why, thank you! That's very...
- Responsible - I know!

Now I've done all that responsible stuff without being asked,

how much more allowance do I get?


Hi, DW!

Mom, can I go home? I don't feel good.

ALL: DW! Hey!

- This is an emergency. I need to know all your allowances.
- Why?

You're friends, even with different allowances. How do you do it?

- Do we get different allowances?
- ALL: Don't know.

You mean you never ASKED? Don't you wanna know?

Is everyone besides me CRAZY?!

Your sister is weird.

How much allowance do YOU get?

The mayor, please!

Well, tell him that as a law-abiding citizen and TAXI payer,

- I demand a law that every kid has to get the same allowance.
- MOM: DW!

Y-yes, Mom?

That's so unfair! Consider this the end of our friendship!

It's not MY fault! I DESERVE more!

Thanks a lot, DW(!)

That's IT! Nobody has to KNOW I don't get more allowance!

There's always someone with more allowance than you.

But there are plenty kids with LESS.

- Be happy with what you have.
- You're right, Mom.

I'm sorry I was such a baby.

To show you how responsible I am,

I'll walk into school by myself.

OK. I'll pick you up at two.

Don't forget your money for this month's milk tickets.

And pick me up exactly at two, or you're fired!

Yes, I just wanted to know how much money I have in my account today?

..Mm-hm. ..Uh-huh. ..Mm-hm.

Oh! That much, already?!

I'm sorry but I had to find out how my allowance was doing.

Excuse me. I must make another call.

I never knew DW was a princess!

Bilvoo meemo matiya, buka. Letmo exzeemo washa.

Mm-hm. ..Mm-hm. ..Bientot!

That was my Balonian nanny.

They're WAY more expensive than French ones

but if you have enough allowance, it's worth it.


I'm so exhausted.

- Could you please bring a very rich girl a pillow?
- Yes, your highness!

Everybody, have your money ready for milk tickets.

Here, Princess DW! Mine is better!

Thanks, boys. Don't spend it all in one place.

Emily, let me buy your milk tickets this month.

My allowance was raised to a gazillion dollars.

I'll buy the whole CLASS milk.

That's nice of you, DW, but this is play money.

No, it's not! I mean... I must have left my REAL allowance at home.

Let me make a call.

'Mary Moo Cow says hello.'

She's no princess!

Not getting the same allowance doesn't mean I'm not as good as you!



Don't you want to play with me any more?

What if I shared my allowance with you so we both had the same?

- You'd do that?
- If we could play again.

Emily's really nice! A lot nicer than Princess DW!

I'm just as nice as Emily.

I can give my allowance away too.

Wait! Why don't we just keep our own allowances? It's easier that way.

OK. Does this mean we're friends again?

Yeah. It's stupid to get so crazy about money.

I'll never do that again.

Hi, Grandma! It's DW!

- I'm calling on behalf of the DW Allowance Fund.
- MOM: DW?!

- # And I say, hey!
- Hey!

# What a wonderful kind of day We can learn to work and play

# And get along with each other

# You gotta listen to your heart

# Listen to the beat Listen to the rhythm of the street

# It's a simple message And it comes from the heart

# Believe in yourself For that's the place to start

- # And I say, hey!
- Hey!
- What a wonderful kind of day

# We can learn to work and play And get along with each other

- # What a wonderful kind of day -
- hey!
- What a wonderful kind of day.
- HEY!
- #
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