04x10 - My Music Rules/That's a Baby Show!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Arthur". Aired: October 7, 1996 - February 2022.*
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Arthur demonstrates to kids how to deal with challenges as homework, teachers and bullies.
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04x10 - My Music Rules/That's a Baby Show!

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Every day when you're
walking down the street ♪

♪ Everybody that you meet
has an original point of view. ♪

( laughs )

♪ And I say hey! ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen
to your heart ♪

♪ Listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ Open up your eyes,
open up your ears ♪

♪ Get together and make things
better by working together ♪

♪ It's a simple message
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪

♪ And I say hey! ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other. ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ Hey! What a wonderful
kind of day. ♪


Hey, D.W.



( crash )

That's it, everyone.

I know you've all been
looking forward

to Piccolo Pete,
the musical clown next week

but Pete's run away from
the circus to join a family

so we're searching
for a musician.

If anyone has any ideas,
let me know.

Oh, I know, I know!

How is it that you know you're
not going to like something

even before it happens?

Like when you hear
Grandma Thora say:

It's a brand-new recipe.

You kids are
the first to try it.

I call it Thora's mean bean pie.

You don't even have to be
a person to know bad news.

Here, Pal.

Come on, let's go
for a ride!

You think he knows
about the sh*ts?

Nah, he's smart, but
he can't be that smart.

( whimpering )

( whimpers )

And when D.W. gets an idea,

Yes, D.W.

You have
a suggestion?

How about the guy
who wrote "Crazy Bus?"



Of course I can
watch D.W.

It's no
problem at all.

Thanks, Thora,
you're a lifesaver.

I'll pick her up
about : .

: ?

Oh, my, there is one problem.

I'm supposed to meet Sara
downtown at : .

But maybe you'd like to come
along to a concert, D.W.

Uh, do I have any real choice
in this?

None whatsoever.

( blandly ):
Oh, boy.

A concert.

We must know a musician

who can come next week.

We better find somebody

before D.W. finds
the "Crazy Bus" guy.

Did I hear you say
you need a musician?

Sorry, they don't want somebody
to play their nose.

I didn't mean me.

I meant your Uncle Josh.

Uncle Josh! Why didn't I
think of that?

That's a great idea, Dad.

Only... who's Uncle Josh?

Well, at least I think
he's your uncle.

You play your nose?

Does he sing?


Is there a light show?


Does he jump around

and smash his instrument?


And he calls himself a musician.

Come along, D.W.

How is it you know
when you're about to hear

the worst thing
you've ever heard?

( playing Bach cello sonata )

This is the best thing
I've ever heard!

( plays long drawn-out note )

( yelling ):
All right!

Whoo! Yeah!

( whistles loudly )

Hey, come on,
give it up, people.

This guy can really play!

( sharply ):

the piece isn't over yet.


( yelling ):

Go ahead!

( resumes playing )

( whispering )

Sure-- no harm in asking.

I'm pretty sure

he's your mother's
second cousin
twice removed.

He was at the
family reunion
a few... aha!

Here he is!

He's a jazz musician.

He can play anything.


( playing jazzy tune )

( vacuum cleaner whirring )

( strums deep notes )

( pipes high-pitched tune )

( dreamily ):
He sounds perfect.

I'll ask him
if he's available.

I'm sure he'd
love to do it.

( knock at door )

( hesitantly ):

I'm down here.

Oh, hello there.

My name's D.W., Mr. Ma.

I thought this concert
was going to stink

but now I'm your
biggest fan ever.

Nice to meet you, D.W.

And it's nice to hear
that I don't stink.

Oh, you're much
better than stink.

And I've got an idea
that's going to make you famous!

Everybody will
love you

if you come
to the library

even more than they love me.

Well, I'm sure
that's saying a lot.

How could I say no?

Does that mean
you'll do it?

Yes, I'd be happy to come!


That's right.

Next Saturday at the library.

He says he'd be
happy to come!

All right!

( cello playing Bach )

( saxophone playing jazzy tune )

( cello playing Bach )

( saxophone playing jazzy tune )

( cello playing Bach )

( saxophone playing jazz )

( cello playing Bach )

( saxophone
playing jazz )

( cello playing Bach )

( saxophone playing jazz
and cello playing Bach )


( music dying out )

You can't just go
invite somebody.

We've got a musician.

It's Francine's uncle.

Well, it's too late.

Yo Mama says he's coming.

Yo-Yo Ma, dear.

See! She doesn't
even know his name!

You don't know
anything about music.

I know about real music,
Arthur Read.

Classical is better
than any other kind.

But you wouldn't even know
when to clap

at a classical concert.

I would, too-- never

( loudly ):
because it's boring!

Arthur, settle down.

I don't see why both
of them can't come.


( playing lively tune )

Yo-Yo Ma can't just barge
in anytime he wants

and wreck
everybody's day

with a lot of boring
cello music.

You're right.

Someone's got to stop that guy.

What's the matter
with having them both?

Sue Ellen's right.

If you really
liked music

one kind would be your favorite

and you'd hate
any other kind.

Binky's right.

You have to
pick a side.

Everybody can't be right.

I'm good at having opinions

I'm just not good
at keeping them.

Well, I can't wait
for Saturday.

This is going to be
the best activity day ever.


These two guys

are going to get into
the biggest fight
you've ever seen.

A fight...?

It's the musical bout
of the century!

Joshua Redman is out there,
and the crowd is going crazy!

They love him!

( crowd roaring )

Uh-oh... here comes Yo-Yo Ma!

( crowd boos )

( growls menacingly )

The ref goes over the rules...

and here they go!

What's this?

A cello?

Ma is pulling
the deadly Dotzauer move!

This has been declared illegal
in states.

And, oh, this is the dirtiest
fighting I've ever seen!

If someone doesn't stop him

Yo-Yo Ma is going to bore
Joshua Redman to death!

( swoons )

He's down for the count, folks,
this looks bad.

And, oh! He's got the whistle!

He's got the whistle!

What's this?

A bicycle pump?

He's biting holes in the tube.

What can this be?

( playing jazz tune )

He's done it! He's done it!

I can't believe it!

Joshua Redman
really can play anything!

What a victory for music!

( wailing )

Maybe this won't be so bad.

I'll see you guys

This is my uncle,
Joshua Redman.

He plays jazz,
where the music
isn't all written out

so you have to make up music
as you go along.

I guess somebody's
too chicken to fight.

Mr. Ma will be here.

Don't you worry, Binky.

And so, here's my uncle.

Thanks, Francine.

And thank you all
for inviting me down.

If you're anything like her

you already know
a lot about music.

Mr. Redman?

Can you tell us
what you think of
classical music?

Well, I'm not
a classical musician

but I sure like
to listen to it.

And a lot of classical composers
made up music as they played

the same way Francine
was talking

about jazz
musicians doing.

Only boring.

Well... let's see.

Tell me if you think
this is boring, Francine.

( playing rendition
of Bach's minuet in G major )

( adds a jazz rhythm to song )

Too bad it's not real music.

( person clapping )


You came!

Tell them that wasn't
real music.

I thought it was
pretty exciting.

What was wrong
with it, D.W.?

Arthur was just banging
the table.

That wasn't music.

He was?

Hmm... Arthur?

Do that again--

bang the table
like you did before.

What, like this?

That's it.

Just keep it going.

You hear that beat?

All music begins with rhythm.

( plays quick-tempoed tune )

That doesn't sound
very classical.

It's actually
an old Texas fiddle tune.


But some music's
got to be better
than other kinds.

I don't know
about better.

Anyway, why do you like
only one kind of music?

Do you like
just one kind
of food?

Yes, she does.

Yes, I do.

But there have to be rules to
tell what's good or bad, right?

The only rules are based
on what people like to hear

and those rules
change all the time.

So you're not going to
fight each other?

( chuckling ):
Not today.


Want to play
something together?

As a matter of fact,
I've had a request.

I picked up the music.

I can't believe
they like each other.

Yo-Yo Ma may be nice

but he doesn't know
much about music.

( playing intro to "Crazy Bus" )

Or maybe he isn't so bad.

♪ Goofy, spoony,
high as a plane
or a balloon-y... ♪

♪ Sloppy, sloopy,
gloppy, gloopy... ♪

♪ Hoola, hoopa, hoppy-hoopy. ♪

♪ Dopey, doffy, screwy, blue-y ♪

♪ Gooey, chewy, fooey,
dewey... ♪

Wow, those guys
are good.

They even make that
sound like music.

♪ Crazy, crazy bus! ♪

♪ Crazy, lazy,
crazy, crazy bus. ♪

One more time!

( playing "Crazy Bus" )

( playing "Crazy Bus" )

Hello, boys and girls!

I'm Mary Moo Cow

and it's time for fun!

Can you spell "fun"?

♪ The best word I know
is f-u-n ♪

♪ F-u-n spells fun ♪

♪ Fun is nice, I like fun ♪

♪ I like f-u-n ♪

♪ F-u-n, f-u-n ♪

♪ Let's spell it again ♪

♪ F-u-n, f-u-n ♪

♪ F-u-n spells... ♪

Hold it, stop the music!

Stop the music!

What are you
doing in my room?

Singing about fun.

♪ The best word I know
is f-u-n ♪

♪ F-u-n spells fun... ♪

Argh! Stop it!

Stop the music!

Are they done

Did you let the cow
in my room?



( Kitty yowls )

What are they
doing here anyway?

This is when I
get to talk.

I'm tired of you talking.

Let's hear
from someone new.

No way!

Mary Moo Cow is a baby show!

I like it!

If I like it, maybe
other kids do!

That's a baby show!


( thunder )

He discovers he's been trapped

by his arch-nemesis
the Doctorpus!

He's an octopus
who went to college

and became a doctor.


What's cool?

Yesterday's episode
of The Dark Bunny.

What's that?

You've never heard
of The Dark Bunny?!


Is it good?

( expressing dismay )

It's only the best
new show ever!

Bionic Bunny has a cousin

who lives on the other
side of the country...

In a city where
it's always nighttime

and when there's trouble...

( alarm ringing )

he launches himself down
his bunny action tube

and he becomes...

Dark Bunny!

( tires screeching )

( playing "Flight
of the Bumblebee" )

( imitating theme
"Flight of the Bumblebee" )

Then what happens?

Watch it and find out.

I will.

I'm going to watch it today.

Hi, honey.

Hi, Mom.

You're not going to bother
D.W. while she's watching

Mary Moo Cow, are you?

No, Mom.

( music playing softly )

What are you doing?

just waiting.

For what?

For your show to end.

Then I'm watching
The Dark Bunny.

No, you're not.

Yes, I am.

No, because I saw it yesterday

and it scared me

and Mom doesn't want me
being scared.

( talking baby talk )


In the kitchen.


In the kitchen!


I said I'm in...

D.W. said you said

I can't watch Dark Bunny
because you said

you didn't want
her being scared

and she said
it scares her.

Mom said I'm watching
The Dark Bunny

after your
baby show ends.

Mary Moo Cow is
not a baby show.

It is, too--
it's always the same:

three always comes after two

blue and yellow
always make green

blah, blah, blah,
blah, blah, blah, blah.

Oh, like "Bubonic Bunny"
isn't always the same?

It's Bionic Bunny!

There's trouble, and no one
calls Bubonic Bunny.

Things get worse.

They call Bubonic Bunny.

He fixes it.

Big whoop!

Mom, Mom,
Mom, Mom!

In the kitchen.

Mom, Mom, Mom!

D.W., I'm in the...

How come I have to
watch The Dark Bunny

which bothers me

just because Arthur
wants to watch it?

Isn't there something
else you could do

while he watches
the show?


While you watch your weirdo
show, I'm going to color.

And Mary is not a baby show.

The baby show starts
after Mary ends.

The Love Ducks,

Hurry up and go.

I'm changing channels.

It will scare you.

( yells )

( soothing music )

The Love Ducks!

Hello, Love Ducks.

It's a fine day.

( quacking tune of "Toreadors'
Song" from Bizet's Carmen )

This is so weird.

I like it.

Good-bye, Love Ducks,

Is it over?

Yeah... it's over.

So was it scary

or what?

( dazed ):
It was cool.

Was Dark Bunny great or what?

Oh, I...
I missed it.

D.W. was watching
Mary Moo Cow and...

uh... then...

Little sisters.

They ruin everything.

You'll see it
today, right?

( quacks )

( ending theme song
of Mary Moo Cow playing )

Don't turn on
that Dark Bunny

until I'm out
of the room!

Hello, Love Ducks!

It's a fine day.

( tires screeching )

( monster roaring )

Get away!

Oh, no!

Oh, brother.

Good-bye, Love Ducks.


Okay, D.W., you
can come in now.

( quacks )

The coolest part was
when Dark Bunny spun around

wrapping himself
in his cape!

No, it was when
the giant claw
grabbed for him!

Which was cooler,


Did D.W. make you
miss it again?


Which was cooler--
cape, right?


Um... I don't think

I could choose between them.

Today I'm definitely going
to watch The Dark Bunny.

Good-bye, Love Ducks!



The Dark Bunny

was brought to you
by The Dark Bunny toy company!

Why do you watch
scary stuff?

You're all jumpy
and nervous.

I am not!

I missed The Dark
Bunny yesterday

because my baby cousin
had to watch

The Love Ducks--

That is the babiest
baby show of all!

The Love Ducks make
Mary Moo Cow sound

like a professor.

No, they're fun.

The colors are cool

the music is weird and
it makes you feel happy.

You watch
The Love Ducks?

I... I... I have
a baby sister, yeah.

So I've seen it...
once or twice

because... I have
a baby sister.

( laughing )

Wow! I thought you meant
you watch The Love Ducks!

( Arthur laughing nervously )


That's funny.

Do you have
The Love Ducks CD?

Excuse me?

Can you speak up?

The Love Ducks CD--

do you have one?

Do we have any copies of The
Love Ducks CD for this boy?

I have a baby sister!

( quacks )

You'll never escape,
Dark Bunny!

Think again,

Yeah... that's a good part.

Arthur, don't you
want to play soccer?

What? And miss Duck...

Bunny, Dark Bunny?

We have to watch it
every day, right?

They moved it to
Saturdays only
a week ago.

Right, of course.

But I have to go home

and help my father
butter toast-- bye!

( quacking to tune
of "Little Brown Jug" )


( gasps )

Hi, I was
just watching

The Love Ducks
with my baby sister!

Oh, no!

She's escaped!

Kate, where are you?!

Here she is.

Arthur, what
are you doing?

I was about
to change her.


Good-bye, Love Ducks!


I... just wanted
to bring back

the math book I borrowed.


See you

Quack, quack.

( laughing )

( groans )

( quacks )

( whispering )

( giggling )

( whispering )

You guys,
could you please

not say anything
about... you know.

I didn't say anything.



Oh, okay.

( loudly ):
I won't say

You watch Love Ducks
every day.

The Love Ducks?

What did you learn this week,
Arthur, where your nose is?

You don't understand!

It's not what
you think!

( clearing throat )


Quack, quack.


You look
like you need

a double-chocolate
shake... or two.

I don't think

I can ever go
to school again.


Hold it.

What is that?


That's The
Love Ducks.

Look at that!

Come on,

What's it sound like?

( quacking opening movement
of Beethoven's th symphony )

Do we have any copies
of The Love Ducks CD?

I like it!

You don't blame me

because you like
a baby show, do you?

it's a cool show.

I watched it

It is the single weirdest
thing I ever saw.

( quacking "Toreadors' Song"
from Bizet's Carmen )

Weird, huh?


I've been
watching it

every day for a year.

I told you it was cool.

This isn't as cool as the one

where they quack
"The Nutcracker Suite."


Maybe I saw
it before...


Or twice...

It's cool, right?

So why shouldn't
I watch it

once in a while...


Every day...

( jazz version
of "Crazy Bus" playing )

♪ Wacky, goony, goofy, spoony ♪

♪ High as a plane
or a balloon-y ♪

♪ Sloppy, sloopy,
gloppy, gloopy ♪

♪ Hoola, hoopa, hoppy-hoopy ♪

♪ Dopey, doofus,
screwy, blue-y ♪

♪ Gooey, chewy, fooey, dewey,
absolutely bus-a-looey ♪

♪ Crazy, lazy, crazy,
crazy bus! ♪

♪ Crazy, lazy,
crazy, crazy bus! ♪

♪ Crazy, lazy, crazy,
crazy bus! ♪

( horn toots )
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