04x05 - The Blizzard/The Rat Who Came to Dinner

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Arthur". Aired: October 7, 1996 - February 2022.*
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Arthur demonstrates to kids how to deal with challenges as homework, teachers and bullies.
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04x05 - The Blizzard/The Rat Who Came to Dinner

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Every day when you're
walking down the street ♪

♪ Everybody that you meet
has an original point of view. ♪

( laughs )

♪ And I say hey! ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen
to your heart ♪

♪ Listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ Open up your eyes,
open up your ears ♪

♪ Get together and make things
better by working together ♪

♪ It's a simple message
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪

♪ And I say hey! ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other. ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ Hey! What a wonderful
kind of day. ♪


Hey, D.W.



( crashing )

Know what this is a picture of?

Give up?

It's a polar bear eating
a marshmallow in a snowstorm.

( polar bear growls )

( Arthur grunts and pants,
wind blows )

Hey! I'm over here!


Oh, there you are!

You know what's worse

than walking your dog
in a snowstorm?

Walking your dog in a blizzard!

But you have to walk your dog.

If you have a dog,
you know what I mean.



Mom says
to come inside!

I'm trying!



Hey, did you see

a polar bear eating a
marshmallow out here?

Don't be silly.

There are no polar bears
in this part of the world.

I've been hoping for snow,
but this is ridiculous.

And we'll be getting a light
dusting of snow overnight.

It's snowing!

School might
be closed

and I'll play
in the snow.

The weatherman
says it'll be
a light dusting.

Get back into bed.

( grumbles )

Who wants just a little snow?

( static )

There's snow

and it's still snowing!

Why aren't
you dressed?

Maybe school
is closed.

The snow will stop soon
and it'll be a sunny day.

No school closings to announce.

Why do weathermen never say
the right thing?

I hoped school
might be canceled.

I couldn't finish
my history report.

You couldn't finish
a one-page report
about the pioneers?

The pioneers
didn't have

cars or electricity
or television.

Those people were


Sorry I'm late.

Let's jump right into work.

Bad news--
The storm is getting worse.

The building has
lost electricity

so the school is closed.

( Ratburn gasps, kids cheer )

All right!
Now I have

extra time to do
my history report.

Hand in your
history reports
on the pioneers.

I could give you
an "F," but I won't.

( kids laughing )

Why are you mad?

He's not going
to give you an "F."

I have to write
a three-page report

while everyone else gets
to play in the snow!

That wouldn't have happened

if you did it
when you were supposed to.

( sputters ):

"The pioneers crossed
the country

and had hardships
like bad weather."

So what?

Why didn't they just
stay where they were

invent airplanes,
then cross the country?


( snowplow motor purring )

It's so deep!

This is nothing.

I remember one time

we had snow
over my head.

Wasn't that when you
were younger than D.W.?

Oh, yeah, right!

( wind howling )

This storm's
getting worse.

Everybody inside.

( groans )

( barks )

( panting )

( Santa chuckles )

Welcome to Toyland, Kate!

( panting )

Dinnertime, Pal!

( sighing )

Daddy, power's out!

Can't finish my report
without a computer!

I'm going to build a snowman.

Keep working.

I bet

I'm the only person in town
not having fun!

You fellows can't leave!

I have to get tomorrow's
lesson plan prepared.

And I'm hungry.

By the power vested in me

by local , maintenance workers
and gym teachers union

I'm declaring janitorial law.

Help me drain
them pipes.

If they freeze, the
school will be closed
for a full month.

( gasps ):

We can't let that happen!

( groans )

There's going to be
much more snow

and you're going to meet
a tall, dark stranger.

If you don't mind

I prefer an
expert opinion.

Now the weather update
From meteorologist Dr. Jake.

There's going to be
much more snow

and you're going to meet

a tall, dark stranger.

Back to you, Brenna.

Mom, can we go home now?

No, our electricity's out.

Want to know
your college grades?


The way to be sure

the pipes don't freeze

would be for us
to stay here all night.

That's the spirit.

Thanks for volunteering.

No, I didn't mean...

I'm... I'm hungry.

I got plenty of beans
for us all.

Don't worry, there's a zero-
percent chance of freezing rain.

( rain pattering )

( tires skidding )

( horn blares )

( siren blares )

Mommy! Daddy!
The town is exploding!

And it's very pretty.

I tried all night,
but the plow's stuck.

None of the roads
can get plowed now.

Daddy, look,
it's too cold to write.

I have to stop
doing my report.

Yes, we still have
power, Oliver.

Francine can work
on her report here.

I'm going to pick up food.

I'll get enough for everyone.

Power is out
and food supplies are low.

Is that all the milk,
eggs and bread there are?

No deliveries can get through.

Lucky for me,
I got the last loaf.

First come,
first served-- sorry.

The storm shows
no sign of stopping.

Things will get worse
before they get better.

Why eat beans when
we have all this food?

I wouldn't eat that
junk if I was you.

it's all froze.

I... hate... school!

Mr. Haney!

He didn't mean it!

I want to go home.

( grumbling ):

My hair dryer
is broken

and the TV is broken

and the kitchen light is broken.

Nothing's broken--
our electricity is out.

Make it be fixed, Daddy.

I can't, poochy-face.

( chuckles ):
Very funny.

Make it be fixed, Daddy.

Pay someone.

Money can't fix
this, honey-wallet.

Ready to go?

I'll be ready to go

as soon as I finish
the driveway, hon.

( whistling )

( wind howling, rain pelting )


You have heat at your house?

Yeah! Come on!

I never thought
that walking could be

one of the hardest things
I ever did.

There's more coming.

Mom invited anyone
who needed to get warm.

I couldn't buy any food, but
everyone brought what they had.

I'll mix it all up
and make stew.

I have less ideas than ever
for this dumb report.

Our house was freezing.

I tried to practice the tuba

and my lips got stuck to
the mouthpiece for two hours.

( all groan )

We have no power.

This is the most horrible time
of my whole life!

We'll all die in a heap!

Thank you for that
vote of confidence.

I can cook
on the camp stove outside

and in the fireplace.

Oh, good, we won't starve.

We'll just freeze!

Put on your coat and mittens
and huddle by the fire.

And don't try
to practice the tuba.

The radio says
power's out everywhere.

Should we check
on the Crosswires?

If you want, but I'm sure

they found some way
to keep warm

that we can't even afford.

( yelling frantically )

( phone rings )

I'll get it.

( yelling continues )


No servants,
no electric blanket.

The weather is so rude.

Did you bring any of the eggs,
bread and milk you bought?

Uh, no, why?

No reason.

I'm sure we have
enough stew for everyone.

Hey, that looks just like you
when you showed up earlier.

Wow, they must've
been freezing.

No electricity,
just fire for heat...

kind of like us!

How did they ever do it?

I don't think I ever could
have survived as a pioneer.

They had to be tough
to live like this

every day of their lives

and they didn't even know
what tomorrow would bring!

They had no weathermen
or anything.

The storm's going
to end soon.

Oh, give me a break.

Hey, it stopped snowing!

We're not going
to die in a heap!

( all exclaiming )


It's time to dig out.

Who wants to help?

But I might know
how they did it.

People working together

can do stuff that no one
of them could do alone

like survive some tough times

or start new countries
and stuff.

( Kate laughs )

( piano plays light melody )

( sobbing )

I bet the pioneers
were people like us.

We all still kind
of need each other's help

but just sort of forget it
a lot of the time.

I'm finished!

If your power is out

keep watching this station

and we'll tell you when to
expect it to be turned on again.

The power's back on!

Hold it,
young lady.

No snowballs in the house.

But I want to freeze it.


Because this was

the best day
of my life

and I want
a piece of it.

Okay, but put it
on a plate

so it doesn't stick
to the freezer.

Dad, let's play!

There's no time
for play.

We have a lot
of work to do.

Oh, uh... hi, Mr. Ratburn.

I'm looking for my dad.

Very funny, Arthur.

Now, put down that ball

and help me
stuff turkeys

for the Crosswires'
big party.



I went out
to the garage

to talk to Dad;
he's not there.

he was out there
a minute ago.


Watch where
you're going!

What's going on?

Wh-where's my family?

Arthur Ratburn,
stop fooling around.

( barking )


( gasps )

What could be worse
than dreaming

that your teacher lives
in your house?

Arthur, if you
don't hurry

D.W. and I will eat

all the delicious blueberry
waffles your dad made.

What you got
is a ton of snow
on your roof.


Will the roof collapse?

Nah, as soon the snow melts,
I'll fix the cracks

but this'll hold, no problem.

What a relief.

Or... you may want
to get this fixed
right away.

( teeth chattering )

Saturdays with snow
are the best.

Ahh, just in time
for Dunce Patrol.

Well, duh.


Well, duh.

Arthur... oh,
that show is so dumb.

Mom, after
a hard week at school

it's fun to kick back,
watch some dumb guys, and know

I won't have to see or think
about Mr. Ratburn all weekend.

That's what I wanted
to tell you--

Mr. Ratburn's roof collapsed

and he has
nowhere to stay.

Oh, that's too bad.

I knew you'd
feel that way

So we invited him
to stay here.



( screams )

You... he...
Here? Who? He stay...

♪ Arthur's teacher's
going to stay here. ♪

He can't!

Just until
they fix his roof.

It's too weird!

My teacher in my house,
walking around

drinking from my cups
and touching my stuff!

It's so wrong--

school is at school
and home is at home

because they're
not supposed to mix.


My parents have
to understand that.

How can you not understand?

It's wrong;
It goes against nature!

The poor man has
nowhere else to go.

Are there no hotels?

He's going to stay here.

We're all going
to make him feel welcome.

( chuckling )

So, he's coming
whether you like
it or not, huh?

It'll be just like
taking a test...

all the time.

Quick, what's
seven times eight?!

( Bionic Bunny
theme music plays )

This is your brain

and this is your brain
when you watch junky TV.

( air hisses,
balloon splutters, whines )

Are you doing homework?

I'm taking a bath!

I'm sliding a waterproof pad
under the door.

Write the names
of the continents

in order of size.

( groans )

( doorbell rings )

What you got
there, son?


Oh... stuff.

Why are you
putting a poster
over a poster?

You wouldn't understand.

Is that to make
your teacher think

you're smart, not dopey?

Go away!

( doorbell rings; gasps )

Hey, look at me!

Arthur, come say hello!

I really
can't tell you

how much
I appreciate this.

Hey, hi,
over here!


Hi, I'm D.W. Read

Arthur's smarter sister.

Mr. Ratbite, is it true
what Arthur says

about you hating all children?

Here I am!

Welcome, come in, hello.

on my foot!

Would you carry these
to Arthur's room?

My room?

♪ He's staying
in your room. ♪

Arthur, I put

your sleeping bag
in D.W.'s room.

You can
sleep there.

No fair!

Those are

some of my most
very favorite books.

Spline Extrusion...

The Copernican
Universe Model?

Didn't you
just borrow those
from the Brain?

I believe in using
my brain a lot.

Mr. Ropeburn

you should see
what's under here.


Uh, I mean...

( laughs nervously )

I think I smell
Dad making a cake.


Did you say "cake"?


Hey, Arthur!

Oh, man, am I glad to see you!

I can't come out.


Is he here?


I'll come down
and let you in.

No. No...
No, thanks.

I... no.

He's not here.

There was
no cake, Arthur.

Mr. Rathead was
very disappointed.

( Bionic Bunny
theme music plays )

( gasps )

Today we watch grass grow
in real time.

Just watching some
educational TV--


You look...

I don't
always dress

like I'm going
to school.

So, the school
roof fell in?

No, the roof
to my home.

But you're a teacher--

The school is your home.

Teachers don't live
at school, D.W.

We have houses
just like you.

The world seemed

so simple
before this moment.

I thought
you might enjoy

watching one
of my videos.

Oh, I'm sure
it will be

a very educational

( scary moaning )

Spooky Poo?

Spooky Poo?!

I haven't seen this
since I was ten!

( gasps )

He watches cartoons?

This is Arthur's

heaviest schoolbook.


No homework tonight!

Can you teach me
how to do that?

No problem.


No homework tonight!

Great, Arthur!

( Spooky Poo music playing )

More Spooky Poo?

( gasps )

You made cake?

For me?

I guess I was wrong
about Mr. Ratburn.

Teachers can be
sort of almost normal.

Who'd have thought
it'd be so great?

Good night, Mom and Dad!

Good night, Arthur.

Good night, Mr. Ratburn!

Good night, Arthur!

Good night, D.W.!

Good night, Mr. Ragburp!

Good night, Pal!

( Pal barks )

Good night, Pal!

Will there be
more cake tomorrow?

I bet Arthur's ready
to run away from home.

Here he comes.

My mom said you
could stay at my house

Until Ratburn
goes home.

No, thanks-- it's not so bad.

He taught me a magic trick.

We had fun.

I got a C-minus on that test.

You beat me.

What'd you get, Arthur?

He got an "A"!

It's not fair.

What do you mean?

She means
we can all get "A"s

if we brought
the teacher home

and our fathers made
special cakes for him.

I studied hard for that "A"!

Oh, yeah. Sure.

We believe you, really.

That the teacher
lives with you

is just a coincidence.

I'm being sarcastic.

Hey, Buster!

Want to come and
watch some Spooky Poo?

It's funny.

No, I don't want to get

between you and
your new friend.

Want to go to
the Sugar Bowl

for some hot cocoa?

No, we're going
to the Sugar Bowl.

I'd like
my books back.

Sure, come on over
and get them.

No, thanks--
bring them to school.

Oh, Fern asked me
to give you this.


What's with everybody?

♪ Teacher's pet,
teacher's pet ♪

♪ Something... something
that rhymes with "pet"! ♪

And that means
you, Arthur!

( barking )

Hey, boy!

Some days it's so good
to get home

and just forget
all about school.

( groans )


Mmm... hello, Arth...


"Rat AND Rat junior"?

None of my friends
will come here

and Binky called me
"teacher's pet."

We should
ask Mr. Ratburn
to talk to them.

Aah! No!

Were you ever a kid?!

That'd make it worse.

I'm sorry,
I couldn't help
but overhear--

Because D.W. handed me
this juice can

and told me to listen.

You know I
wouldn't give you
special treatment.

But that's not what they think.

What can we do about
what people think

when they're wrong?

If you give me an "F"

it'll prove I'm not
the teacher's pet!

Just act normally
and they'll realize

how wrong
they are.

But not as soon as
if he gave me an "F."

Teacher's pet,
teacher's pet!

If cake gets you one "A"

will pie a la mode
get you an A-plus?

( snickering )

I hope my mother
appreciates this.


I won't be staying
at your house anymore.


I need to be

closer to my house
to supervise the work

So I'll be
at Francine's.

Then I'll be staying
at Binky's.

Everyone's so generous.

Who knows?
I may spend time at Muffy's

and Buster's and Fern's...

Mr. Ratburn in my house--

drinking from our cups,
touching my stuff!

How could my parents
do this to me?

What was it like?

What can I do?

First, if anyone calls you
"teacher's pet"

just smile
and don't let it bother you.

Second, I hope
you like Spooky Poo.

You might want to know
the secret formula

for drawing Arthur.

We'll do two letter O's,

hook them together with a little
upside-down letter U.

Then we'll do a larger
letter U like this.

We'll do a straight line here.

Two dots here.

Two lines here.

Two dots here.

A curved line for his mouth.

I will add his ears.

And there's Arthur.

That's great!

♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen
to your heart ♪

♪ Listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ It's a simple message
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪

♪ And I say hey! ♪

♪ Hey! What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ Hey! ♪
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