04x04 - The Contest/Prove It

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Arthur". Aired: October 7, 1996 - February 2022.*
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Arthur demonstrates to kids how to deal with challenges as homework, teachers and bullies.
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04x04 - The Contest/Prove It

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Every day when you're
walking down the street ♪

♪ Everybody that you meet
has an original point of view. ♪

( laughs )

♪ And I say hey! ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen
to your heart ♪

♪ Listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ Open up your eyes,
open up your ears ♪

♪ Get together and make things
better by working together ♪

♪ It's a simple message
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪

♪ And I say hey! ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other. ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ Hey! What a wonderful
kind of day. ♪


Hey, D.W.



( crash )

Too bad
this isn't TV.


Then I could change
the channel.

This is the
boringest day ever.

Can't you think of
anything to do, Buster?


I bet that rat's doing
something cool without us.

where are you?
where are you?

Where are you?

Where are you?


Oh, my gosh!

Look, Francine
found something.

Is he doing what
I think he's doing?

Maybe we should call the nurse.

Calm down, guys

He might not be
doing homework.

No, no, it's not homework.

It's this contest
in TV schedule

For the Andy and Company show.

You're supposed to... oh, no!

It's starting right now!


Why does he always
call his mother

when his sister
bothers him?

She's like a sl*ve.

Shh! TV!

If they're animals,
does their school serve

bugs and garbage
for lunch?

I'd like
to know

How a mouse
has a pet dog.

Wouldn't the dog eat him?

Andy's not a mouse,
he's a...


I forget.

Hey, kids

come up with a story
about you and your friends

and we'll announce the winner's
name right on our show.

It could be you!

Wow, that
is so cool!

What story did
you write, Buster?

Well, like they said,
it's a story about us.

How does it go?
Buster, read us the story.

It's called
"The Day the Earth was Saved."

Hello! Hello up there!

Hey, I'm
talking to you!

You're not waiting
for aliens again.

They've got to come sometime.

I'm out
of here.

Yeah, let's go.

Arthur! Hey, look, they're here!

I told you!

Hey, aliens! Over here!

Land here! Hurry!

( squish; Buster groans )

Hey, you squished Buster.

Hey, come out!

Hey, let go!

Hey, you're not going to eat me.

( zapping; Arthur yells )

( high-pitched whir,
then buzzing )

( yells, then grunts )

What the...?

You were too high in
cholesterol for them.

These aliens, though evil,
are health-conscious.

The earth is saved!

( Buster groaning )

What happened?


The end.

What do you mean
I'm high in cholesterol?

I want to
write one.

When is the
contest over?

Mail it by tomorrow.

You don't think
aliens would eat me?

I'll write
one, too.

I could write a
great story about us.

Let's get together
and read them.

I'm just as edible as anybody!

I mean...
I'm writing one, too.

That was a really
cool story, Arthur.

Do you want to hang out with us
and be our friend?


Uh... hmm.

( laughs nervously )


Maybe they'll let me
write for the show.

First you have to win.

Why not read us
your story?


"My Life as a TV Show,"
by Muffy Crosswire.

( music with heavy beat plays )

And now the new fall fashions.

( applause, cameras clicking )

Hey, look, it's
the fifth Teletubby!

( laughing like
Beavis and Butt-head )


( audience cheers )

Wow, look at that!

I knew this was
going to happen.

Well, time to switch
to plan "B."

What's plan "B"?

Stink b*mb!

That's totally you.

It's so believable
that you'd do that.

I am a jealous person.

But kids believe
what they see.

If kids watch
your story

instead of trying to figure
out how to solve a problem

They might send
out an evil robot.

That's ridiculous.

What kind of kid has
an evil robot at home?

( whistling quietly to himself )

What's your
story, Brain?

I have a story
that's exciting

but won't give kids
bad messages.

It starts with me
in my laboratory.

It's my
latest formula.

It grows hair
on anything.

I discovered it

when I was inventing
a new kind of cherry soda.


It works on anything.

Why would anybody
want hairy carrots?

To go with hairy fish.


Like most scientific discoveries

this one is not appreciated.

Hey, Brain,
sorry I'm late.

( glass shatters )

Is this your new invention?

Yes, it's
something useful--

a new deodorant.

That's great, because I ran
all the way here

and I stink.

( gasps ):
No, stop!

Brain, I hate to tell you this

but this new perfume
Of yours smells awful.

Hey, nice couch.

( screams )

But Arthur's so embarrassed
about the way he looks

that he runs off
to the woods to hide.

( grunts )

There he meets Bigfoot.

Hair-growth formula?

See? that not only
entertains, it educates.

You're right!

That's great!

Uh, what did I just learn again?

It shows how
crazy legends start.

They aren't true

but they're based on things
that really happened.

Francine and I have
a better story.

I had the idea
and Binky went
to the library

and researched
the names.

"The Amazing Fight."

( Arthur growls, heavy metal
music plays in background )

( growls )

Our story begins
with Arthur in the ring

face-to-face with Hulk Hogan.

( both growling )

( shrieks )

( audience cheers )


And now Arthur will face

John L. Sullivan,
Floyd Patterson, Barney Ross

and the United Press

He fights United Press

Oh, I must have
copied that

from under the picture.

Guess I was on
cruise control.

Maybe he fights
a cameraman

who gets
into the ring

because he's
trying to get

a better picture.

Good idea!

I don't think
it's a good idea

to show hitting
on a kids' show.

It's not a good idea
to show hair-growth formula.

I have a story that has

a lot of conflict and drama,
but no hitting.

It takes place ten years
from now, when I'm .

you seem troubled.

What is it?

Aah, the usual thing.

The sister?

The sister.


You know, my life
is, like, busy.


So D.W. picked up my car
while I get the new house.


She arrives and I'm, like...

where's my car?


Your car was just blah.

I traded it in
for something much nicer.

( yells )

So, what do you think?



Oh, it was okay.

Mine was much better,
of course.

Mine was the
most dramatic.

No, mine
was better.
Mine's the best.

We'll win
by a mile.

Wait, wait!

We don't have to decide
which one is best.

The TV will
decide for us.

( sighs ):
Oh, TV.

It knows everything.

One, two, three, go!

How long before
we find out who won?


And now to announce the winner
of our story contest

here's Andy!

At last.

He better pronounce
my name right.

And the winner is...

Holly Holland!

( all gasp )

Holly Holland?!

That's not one of us.

She must be related
to somebody.

My idea is better

than anything
Holly Holland came up with.

What was her story?

Did they say?

It doesn't

My idea is better
than Holly's.

What was your idea?

I don't know.

It was too long ago.

( Binky sighs )

What do we do now?

Why don't we call
Holly Holland?

I hear she has
great ideas.

Hey, I know what we can do.

Let's create
more stories.

Without a contest?

Don't you remember
how much fun we had?

Arthur's right--
who cares who won?

We could write about
things that happened to us.

There's only
one problem.

Nothing's ever
happened to us.

Are you kidding?

What about when we
first had Mr. Ratburn?

We thought he
was a monster.

Or when I
moved away.

Or about when I taught Arthur
to play baseball.

We'd like to thank
everyone who sent in

their story ideas for our show.

And to thank the kids

who came up with
our stories today.

Jared Delello of
Whitehouse Station, New Jersey.

Kiera Carry
Of Long Beach, New York.

Daniel Hanson of
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Corey Baldwin
of Hartford, Michigan.

And Lauden Belongia
of Kewaskum, Wisconsin.

And Holly Holland
of Canadian, Oklahoma

who had the idea for
a show about a contest.

Although my story
was the best.

You didn't
even write it.

It was the

( all arguing at once )

See you later!

I know what you're thinking.

You're wondering what
causes night and day.

Very simple.

During the day, we see
the sun in the sky, right?

That's because in daytime

the part of the earth that
we're on is facing the sun.

We are right here, sunny

but the earth rotates, so we
move away from the sun... see?

And it gets dark where we are

because the other side of the
earth is now facing the sun.

Brain, what
are you doing?

Explaining how
the rotation
of the earth

causes day
and night.

Why waste
your time?

They don't understand
what you're saying.

Of course they do.

They're smarter than you think.

Would you like to hear
about gravity?

( barking )

On Nova, "Crazy
for Dinosaurs"...


Dad, D.W.'s about to bother us!

I didn't even say anything!

I know you.

You'll start asking

"What are
you watching?

"What's that?

What's happening?"

Please don't
bother them.

They're watching
it for school.

What are they watching?

What's that? What's happening?

Muffy lost
her mother's
expensive p-e-n.

Her what?

If you spell stuff

I can't understand you.

That's exactly why
we spell stuff.

( Kate cooing )

Buster's mom will drive
us to the theater.

What movie will you see?

, Explosions
and a Supernova.

It's got science in it, okay?

I want to go, too!

You wouldn't understand it.

Would so.

Just because I haven't learned

all you learn at school

doesn't mean
I'm not as smart.

Yes, it does.

It's not fair.

I'm smart and
everybody treats me

like I'm Kate
or something.

( door hinge creaks )

Hi, Alan.

Who are you
talking to?

Me-- my name's Alan.

( laughing quietly ):
Oh... right.

Alan, did you always
know you were smart?

D.W., we're trying
to do homework!

We've got more
math problems to do

so don't bug us.

It's okay.

I'm done.

I'll keep her
out of your hair.

D.W., let's
play a game.

( grumbling )

You know what
would be fun?

Let's watch NOVA.

You really think that's fun?

Arthur never lets me
watch with him.

He thinks I'm too dumb.

On Nova, a mystery
in the icy depth...

I'd seen something...

I always thought
science was just

a lot of people
sitting and thinking.

Oh, no.

Science is all action.

One person develops a theory.

Another person dares
them to prove it

then they struggle
to develop experiments

to prove
they're right.

Being right is so cool!

See? It's magnetized--

it always
points north.

That's how you
make a compass.


And that tells
what time it is

by where the sun
is in the sky.



I finally

Wow, Arthur, it took you...

more than a half hour
longer than Alan

to do the same exact homework.

Why don't you play with Kate?

Brain and I are playing now.

Actually, it's time
for me to go home.

See you, Arthur,
bye, D.W.

I hope you didn't
bother the Brain.


( Kate cooing )

( Kate laughing )

Have you noticed
that Kate throws her food

but she tries
to eat her ball?


The Brain and I were trying
to do homework today

and D.W. kept bothering him.


Arthur is not correct.

I can prove it

with one phone call to Alan.

Dad, could I have
a little more H O?


That's the formula for water.

I know that.

I didn't know
you knew that.

H O... that's very
impressive, D.W.

Aw, she just heard me say it;
she's like a parrot.

No... I'm as smart as you.

( blows raspberry )

May I go to the
Science Center

with Brain and
his mom on Sunday?

That's the place where you see
how things work and stuff!

I want to go, too!

No! They don't want
little kids like you there.

Prove it-- I bet
they'd be happy

that a smart kid
like me is interested.

Make him take me!

Make him!

No, she can't go!

Mom... Dad!

Well, sweetheart, it
might be boring for you.

I'm too smart to get mad.

Arthur, my theory is

someday you're going
to be begging to go

to the explora-
ror-rorium with me.

Wow... I thought she'd come
running back in all mad.

Maybe you underestimate
your sister, Arthur.

( chortling ):

Good one, Dad.

What are you
guys doing?

We're in line.


In line
for what?

Step right this way

and prepare to fill
your brains with...

Excuse me, son.

Ticket, please.

I don't have a ticket.


Ticket holders

Wow! Cool!


What's going on
back there?

All right, how much is a ticket?

For kids younger
than seven, cents.

For brothers over the age
of seven... five bucks.


No way am I giving
you five bucks!

Wow! Look at that!


I have cents;

a ring that goes "hoo"
when you blow it;

a horse sticker
that got torn in half

and all I have
is the back end;

and a sourball
from Buster.


Welcome to D.W.'s

All the mysteries
of the world proved--

with real science

Who can tell me
how to make water?

( grunts )

My hand's

No, mine!


You were first.

I can raise my
hand higher.


But how do we make water?

I don't know...

But I can raise
my hand higher!

The formula for
water is... H O.

The "O" means "oxygen"--
that's air.

This bucket is full of air, see?

The "H" stands for "hose."

So, I turn on the hose

which combines "H" with "O"
and makes water!


Hold it!

That's not right.

Prove it!

There's water in the hose.

That's it.

Water in the hose...


You haven't proven your theory

yet I have filled
a bucket with water.

Who should
we believe?

Where does hair
come from?

The inside of your
head is filled

with miles and
miles of hair.

Once all of it grows out of
your head, then you're bald!

That's not how hair works.

Then how does it work?


You know...


It hurts more to fall on
your knees than your behind

because bones are sensitive

and your
behind's not.

No bones!

"Why snakes have no feet."

A gazillion years ago,
snakes used to have feet

but they ran so fast to escape
dinosaurs that they fell off.


No two snowflakes
are alike

because the guy
running the factory

can't remember
how to do it

because it's
so complicated.

Rather than
just fire him

we get these crazy snowflakes.

Why is the sky blue?

Because brown was
already taken by dirt;

green was already
taken by grass;

yellow by bananas
and red by apples.

D.W., the sky
is blue

because air particles
reflect blue light.

Prove it.

Well... you prove yours.

Is dirt brown?

Is grass green?

Are bananas yellow?

Is the sky blue?

She's right again!


Wind is made by trees blowing.

Look, they're going...

( blowing )

( yells in frustration )

You have to
explain to her

that she just
can't make stuff up

and call it... science?

Look out

that tree's
blowing on you!

This is terrible!

Tiny little kids
believe what she says.

Hey! This
is great.

I never knew

the ocean was made by sand

moving away from the beach
so fast it turns to liquid.

No! Buster

she's making it up!

Really? Some of it
sounds right.

I can fall on my
behind all day

and never
feel a thing.

Then the sun
runs out of gas

and turns off,
and it's night.

Day and night are caused
by the earth's rotation.

Oh, yeah?

Prove it!

I can't exactly
prove it...

but other
people have.

It's in books and museums...

I don't believe you.

You can't prove it
because you're wrong.

I know how we can
prove she's wrong!

They have all this
at the Exploratorium!

Mom, Dad, can
D.W. please come

to the exploratorium

You want to take D.W. with you?

Yes, please!

Tell her she has to go!

( static crackling )

( liquid gurgling )

( liquid bubbling )

Now do you
see how stuff
really works

and how all your
crazy experiments
were wrong?

I only had
one experiment, Arthur.

I said one day you'd beg
to take me here, and here I am.

My experiment was
a complete success:

I proved I'm
smarter than you.

Did what I think
happened... happen?

Maybe she's
a lot smarter
than we think.

A smart D.W.?

( moans )

I don't know if the world
is ready for that.

♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen
to your heart ♪

♪ Listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ It's a simple message
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪

♪ And I say hey! ♪

♪ Hey! What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ Hey! What a wonderful
kind of day! ♪

♪ Hey! ♪
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