03x09 - Arthur's Treasure Hunt/The Return of the King

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Arthur". Aired: October 7, 1996 - February 2022.*
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Arthur demonstrates to kids how to deal with challenges as homework, teachers and bullies.
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03x09 - Arthur's Treasure Hunt/The Return of the King

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Every day when you're
walking down the street ♪

♪ Everybody that you meet
has an original point of view. ♪

( laughs )

♪ And I say hey! ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen
to your heart ♪

♪ Listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ Open up your eyes,
open up your ears ♪

♪ Get together and make things
better by working together ♪

♪ It's a simple message
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪

♪ And I say hey! ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other. ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ Hey! What a wonderful
kind of day. ♪


Hey, D.W.



( crash )

Did you ever wonder
what would happen

if all the great scientists
and explorers had to do

everything their parents
told them?

( crickets chirping )

Like Galileo...

But, Father, it's only : !

Can't I discover one more
moon of Jupiter, please?

It's always "one
more moon of Jupiter"

and before you know it,
it's the whole Milky Way.

You've got
the entire Renaissance

to discover moons, Gali.

It's past your bedtime.

Into your
jammies, please.

( groaning )

Or what about Sir Isaac Newton?

Stop moping around.

Do you expect ideas
to fall from the sky?

( sighing )

If everyone did
everything their parents said

that might stop
the course of discovery!

Nice try, Arthur,
but I doubt

Sir Isaac Newton made
bacon-flavored shakes

with his father's
cooking equipment.

Now, let's get
this cleaned up!

( sighs )

( birds chirping )

( thunder )


Watch this!

My turn!


Good one,

That's nothing.

Watch this!

( grunting )


Binky, you just need
a smaller rock--

one with a flat surface that
will deflect the water downward

thus gaining a net upward force.

( panting )

Thanks, Buster!

Watch this!

( yelling )


I just found that!

What is it?

A chipped rock?

It's an arrowhead!




Where'd you get it?

I was digging
in my mom's garden.

It was buried there.

I wonder who buried it.

No one-- prehistoric tribes
lived all over this area.

Over time, rain and floods
washed dirt over their tools.

You mean there could be stuff
buried in our own yards?

Certainly-- all you
have to do is dig.

A helmet!

( grunting )

( coughing )


I'm not worried
about ancient ruins.

It's the modern ones
I don't want to see.

But everybody else gets
to dig in their yards.

We're meeting later

to show
what we found.

I'll be careful.



All right.

I have to go do
some errands now.

You can dig
behind the garage

but no place else.

I don't want an excavation
site for a yard.

All right!

Thanks, Mom!

What are you
burying, Arthur?

Your report card?

I'm digging for treasure.

What kind of treasure-- pennies?

Arrowheads and
civilizations and stuff.

Hey, look at that!

It's alive!

Watch it!

Careful, D.W.!

It's a root.

Boy, you fell for that.

Even the Tibbles are too old for
that gag, and they're only four.

I knew you were faking.


Hey, want to trade
some of your tiny dimes

for a big, shiny penny?

Wait till
everyone hears

how you thought
that root was a snake.

( hits metal )

What's this?

"Digestive biscuits."

What's "digestive"?

Like Reader's Digest, I guess.

What a dumb flavor.

Ahh... there's
got to be

something decent
down there.

I found something!

It might belong
to a saber-toothed tiger

Or a T. Rex, or...


This bone belongs
to Pal, Arthur.


( squeaking )

( barking )

I bet everyone else has found
lots of stuff by now.

( grunting )

Too small.


( beeping )

( beeping faster )

( gasps )


( grunting )

There's nothing here.

( Pal barking )


( barking )

Arthur Read...

You know you're
not supposed to dig

in the yard.

I'm not going to dig.

I'm going to watch Pal.

It's not very big.

And not very neat, either.

Maybe I could just fix it.

You're not fixing it.

You're making it bigger!

Mom's going to plotz!

Come on, D.W., I'm
just digging a little

until I find the stuff
that's buried back here.

Like what stuff?


I don't know...


( hits metal )

( grunting as hinges squeak )



Looks like nobody's been
down here for a while, Pal.

It's huge!

Well, this is it.

It might be some ancient temple,
or it might be a trap.

Only one way to find out.

Oh, my gosh!

( lips smacking )

Arthur, what were you
doing in my closet?

You want
half a sandwich?

You really think
there's secret passages?

There's probably
old tunnels

that go everywhere.

It's worth a try!

And it's not
just for me...

Oh, no!

What is it,

I forgot
to get charcoal

and the stores are closed.

I guess we'll just
have to cancel
the barbecue.

No, we don't!

I'll be right back!

With tax, that's...
let's see...


Honey, I think
these are

the best hot dogs
you've ever cooked.

Thanks to Arthur and
his secret passage!

It's a good thing

you didn't
listen to me.

"It's a good thing you
didn't listen to me"?

You really believe
Mom's going to say that?

Well... she might!

And anyway,
we'll never find

a secret passage

if we don't even
look for it.

But Mom said...

Okay, fine,
you're right.

If you want to be
a barbecue wrecker

we'll just play
in the dirt
behind the garage.

Come on, let's go find
some more tin cans.

That's much better
than a secret passageway.

Well, maybe you could
dig just a little.


We must have

the most boring backyard
in history.

Maybe we're
just looking

in the wrong places.

But I looked every...
wait a second!

Who says we have
to stay in the backyard?

No, Arthur,
that's not...

There he is!

Hi, Arthur.

We were waiting
back at the pond.

You must have found
something big.

Well, not yet.

We all found great stuff!

A metal detector?

No, these.


They're not in mint condition

but over years old.

Gee, they had coins way back

Oh, yes-- the first
coins were made

thousands of years ago.

I found something much cooler.

I think it looks like an iguana.

I'm calling it inguan.

You gave a name
to a root?

I name all my roots.

Look what I found.

It's been lost
for years.

It's still
in good shape.

Not as good
as this.

It has a price tag.

You didn't find that
in your backyard.

I didn't say I did.

I bought it, but jewels
do come out of the ground.

What did you
find, Arthur?

Roots and rocks,

I didn't name them, though.

And this!


You think that's cool?

It's old,
that's for sure.

I estimate that it's
over years old.

That's how old my mom is!

That's ancient!

Wow! And look at this!

Did I find something else cool?

You're lucky.

Your mom let
you dig up
the whole yard.

Oh, no!
Did I do all that?

I told you.

What am I going to do?

You're going to be

in big trouble.

Maybe we can get everything
back the way it was.

We did it!

What happened?

There were these giant
earthworms, Mrs. Read.

They went crazy, but
we tried to stop them.

Actually, it
was chipmunks.

They burrowed...

Chipmunks don't burrow.

Moles, however...

Thanks, guys

But... it was my fault.

I guess I got
carried away.

I'm sorry, Mom.

After I specifically
told you not to.

I'm disappointed in you,
Arthur... very disappointed.

You want to go
to the pond
after school?

Sorry, I'm doing
something cooler.

Look what I found yesterday.

A harmonica!
Where did
you find it?

In the garage.

There's cool
things in there.

Sometimes what a treasure is
depends on how you look at it.

You're grounded
and have to clean
the garage all week.

Pretty much, yeah.

That's okay,
you can come next week.

Better make it
the week after next.

And now...

We dig a lot of holes.

Arthur digs holes
to find treasure.

We dig holes
to plant our plants...

Because it's a garden club.

The garden club's purpose is

to make our school
look more colorful.

Kids get to bring in

as many plants as they want.

We all work together
to plant them.

Today we're planting
red geraniums.

We're going to make it

You dig a hole...

try to make the hole
nice and big

and wide enough
for the pot to fit in.

Hold on--
that's good.

And then we put the plant in it.

There you go.


We patted the soil down.

Pat it down
really hard.

Those are the steps.

Good job, Jamal.

Thank you.


It's a horseshoe.

You guys!

Look what we found--
a horseshoe.

Was it buried?

Yeah, we were
just digging

and all of a sudden
I just saw

this old thing right in there.

And now...


This fair is so cool!

It's just like being
in the Middle Ages.

Stick with your partner

and take notes on
the historical details.

They'll be useful
when we compete.

Get your haggis here!

Fresh haggis, two for a dollar!


Two for...

A dollar.

What's haggis?

There it is--

The golden griffin.

The award given
to the class

which exhibits the
greatest knowledge

of medieval history.

Boy, Mr. Ratburn
sure wants to win

that golden griffin.

We came so close
to winning last year.

If we all try our hardest

I'm sure this is the year
we finally win.

I bet we can win

because what class on earth
works as hard as we do?

( rumbling )

Glenbrook, Glenbrook,
that's our school!

Glenbrook, Glenbrook,
we will rule!

Go... Glenbrook!

It can't be.

Ah, Ratburn!

We meet again.

( barks )


Mr. Pryce-Jones,
my old teacher.

I didn't know
you were still

at the Glenbrook

They won't
let me quit.

After all,
I am irreplaceable.


( gasps )

Oh, no!


Siena, Avignon--

We've won all the
medieval fairs in Europe.

This little one
should be a snap.

Excuse me, sir

but it's : .

Well, time to prepare.

See you at Merlin's labyrinth.

Don't get lost along the way.

( chuckling )

Have we ever played soccer

against those guys?

They seem kind of familiar.

No way.

I'd remember a weird-looking
bunch like that.

The first to escape
a point shall win

the other one
shall perish within.

Remember, Chester,
navigate by the sun

and the tops
of the trees.

Arthur, use
your head.

On your mark, get set...

Hie thee hence!

That means
"go," kid.

Oh, no, dead end!

Hmm, my shadow!

( gasps )

Guess I really used my head.

He or she who pulls

the sword
from the stone

truly is our
king or queen.

'Tis an equal-
opportunity sword.

Keep the line moving.

All your might
won't set things right.

'Tis a gentle hand
'twill rule the land.

( groaning )


Everyone's looking for you.

We lost
at Merlin's maze.

Time for the next

Let's see you beat that.

( gasps )

( kids grunting and groaning )

lads and lasses.

V = u + at.


( moaning )

I see they don't
know Newton's formula

for constant
acceleration yet.

The clocks are
ticking, Ratburn.

We're getting pulverized.

We might as well
just give them

the golden griffin.

We're playing
against robots.

I feel sorry for them
having that teacher.

Actually, Buster

Mr. Pryce-Jones was the
best teacher I ever had.

Some people say I'm tough.


Who says that?

But Mr. Pryce-Jones made us
learn Latin in third grade.

Sum, es, est,
sumus, estis, sunt.


Sum, es, est

sumus, estis, sunt.

And at recess, he pushed us
to the limits of our strength.

I learned a lot.

Makes me wonder sometimes if
I'm not a tough enough teacher.

( gulping )


This capon is good.

It tastes just like chicken.

Capon is chicken.

( Glenbrook kids laugh )

I have some extra figgy pudding

for the student who
can answer a question.

Me, please!

Commendable enthusiasm,

But let's give
Lakewood first try.

Who was the th
King of England?


You haven't taught them
the song, Ratburn?

Winky, C-sharp, please.

( plays a pitch )

♪ Here's a song that's more
historical than musical ♪

♪ To teach the kings of England
In the order categorical... ♪

♪ And now you know
A wondrous thing... ♪

( Arthur snoring )

♪ All English kings. ♪

( Glenbrook kids
cheering )

I know you don't agree

With all of
my teaching methods, Ratburn.

But you have to admit,
they're more effective.

The fact is,
you can't beat us.

You may be right, sir.

Did you hear that?

If we keep losing

Mr. Ratburn may start
teaching us like that guy.

We have to win something.

But how?

We can't beat them.

Mr. Pryce-Jones just said so,
and he's always right.

There must be
something we're good at.


A mincemeat pie-eating contest.

This should be no sweat, Buster.

Are you hungry, champ?

Yep-- good thing I didn't win
that figgy pudding.

On ye mark, get set...

Tuck in!




( groans )

I don't

How can you
keep eating?

Where does it all go?

Over the past few weeks

I've expanded my stomach
with giant breakfasts.

I now have an -liter capacity.

Pass the ice cream, please?

( groans )

We're so lucky
they had tennis

in the middle ages.

Muffy's been playing
since she was five.


This isn't
a regulation tennis ball.

It weighs a ton.

They played with it
in the th century.

And this racket.

That looks like
it could have been used

by Henry VIII.

It was used by Henry V.

He was my Great-great-

You can do it, Brain!

I know you can!

No one's smarter than you.

The wheel of Fortuna
is constantly spinning.

Someone is losing
and someone is winning.

All right, for points

what do all the planets revolve

The sun.

That was easy.

Oh, I'm sorry

But the correct answer
is "the earth."

Those points go to I.Q.!

But that's wrong!

You have to give the answers

that were thought to be correct
during the middle ages.

We've lost for sure now.

Might as well get
something to eat.


You just
had six pies.

I feel empty inside.

You go ahead.

There's something I want to do.

( grunting )

Why won't you move?!

After seeing your results

I know the children
would benefit

if you taught them.

Well, it's
a generous offer.

I'll definitely
consider it.

Hey, Arthur, want to try
a unicorn dog?

It tastes like capon.

I think Principal Haney
wants to replace Ratburn

with Mr. Pryce-Jones.

It's because we've lost
every single game.

We've disgraced Mr. Ratburn.

Mr. Pryce-Jones will
probably hold us back for years

so he can teach us
over and over again.

All that's left

is a castle-building

If we win that,
maybe Mr. Haney will reconsider.

Mmm, excellent crenellations.

Huh?... Oh!


Well, this is

a very creative
piece of work.

He really likes it.

I think we won.

But unfortunately,
the contest is

for the most historically
accurate castle.

Therefore, I must award
The prize to Glenbrook.

Yay! We won!

Veni, vidi, vici!
we will defeat ye!

You see, these arrow slits
are much too wide.

And in old English, "Lakewood"
would have an "e" on the end.

I just want you all to know
I'm very proud.

I'm going to have this castle
put on display at school.

Mr. Ratburn
doesn't even know

he's being replaced.

I feel so sorry for him.

What about us?

My brain hurts

just thinking
about Mr. Pryce-Jones.

Hey, where's Arthur?

All your might

won't set things right!

'Tis a gentle hand

'Twill rule the land.

Hey, I've got it!

( groaning )



Would you quit playing
with that stupid sword?

We have to go!

( all gasp )


We have a new king!

I hereby proclaim you,
Arthur Read

King of the Medieval Fair.

Arthur outthought

not only
all my students

but even me.

I couldn't budge
that sword.

You taught that boy
to think for himself.

I couldn't have done it better.

Principal Haney

is Mr. Pryce-Jones still
going to be our teacher?

Of course not!

The only ones
Mr. Pryce-Jones will
teach at Lakewood

are my niece and nephew.

He's going to be
their private tutor.

( cheering )

I'm glad we don't have

a really tough teacher
like Mr. Pryce-Jones.

I bet he gave homework tonight.


Thank you
for reminding me.

We lost
a whole day of class.

We need extra homework.

I'd like a written report
on medieval times by Monday.

Then perhaps a quiz
on the rulers of England.

And then...

♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen
to your heart ♪

♪ Listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ It's a simple message
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪

♪ And I say hey! ♪

♪ Hey! What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ Hey! What a wonderful
kind of day! ♪

♪ Hey! ♪
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