03x02 - D.W. All Fired Up/I'd Rather Read It Myself

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Arthur". Aired: October 7, 1996 - February 2022.*
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Arthur demonstrates to kids how to deal with challenges as homework, teachers and bullies.
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03x02 - D.W. All Fired Up/I'd Rather Read It Myself

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Every day when you're
walking down the street ♪

♪ Everybody that you meet
has an original point of view. ♪

( laughs )

♪ And I say hey! ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen
to your heart ♪

♪ Listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ Open up your eyes,
open up your ears ♪

♪ Get together and make things
better by working together ♪

♪ It's a simple message
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪

♪ And I say hey! ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other. ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ Hey! What a wonderful
kind of day. ♪


Hey, D.W.



( crashing )

Come on, D.W.

Time for school.

Oh, boy, school!

All finished.

Let's go
or we'll be late.

Take your cereal
with you.

D.W., we've got
plenty of time.

D.W. really
loves school.

Sometimes I think
it's her favorite thing

in the whole world.


♪ A moo-moo here,
and a moo-moo there ♪

♪ Here a moo, there a moo,
everywhere a moo-moo! ♪

Another pumpkin
muffin, D.W.?

Thank you,
Ms. Morgan.

But I remember one time

When D.W. didn't think school
was so great.

How was school, honey?



I'm not going back.

I'll never go to school again--
I can't!



( children conversing )

Listen up, boys and girls.

Soon our class
will have our first fire drill.

Wow, our class
will have a fire drill.

Ooh! Wow!

Ms. Morgan,
what's a fire drill?

It's a plan to get us
out of school safely

in case there's a fire.

Huh... fire?

We're going
to have a fire?

Yeah, that's
why we'll have
a fire drill.

First let's practice lining up
quickly and quietly

so you'll hear my instructions.

Everybody up.

Don't take
anything with you.

This is so great.

Fire drill,
yeah, fire drill.



and roll.




and roll.

This is fun!

What's it for?

For when your
clothes catch fire.

Wait a minute,
when am I going to be on fire?

Fire drill,
fire drill...



and roll.

Very good.

Ms. Morgan

I'd like to get
some stuff cleared up.

We're going to talk
about fire safety all week.

All you questions
will be answered.

( cackling )



I said, do you
want lemonade?

Oh, yeah, sure.



be careful!

She keeps moving
so I'll spill it.

I didn't
do anything.

( muttering )

( high-pitched beeping )

Smoke detector!

I think
it's D.W.'s room!

There's no smoke.

Do you smell it?

Now it's coming
from downstairs!



What are you doing?!

I'm testing
the smoke detectors.

The ones in my room
and the kitchen work.

That's not a game.

Now, back to bed.

What's happening?

MOM ( yawning ):
Go back to sleep.

Sorry, I was just
trying to be helpful.

I know.

Go to sleep now.

( gasps )

Fire drill!

Fire drill!

Fire drill!

( wailing )

( panting )


Mommy, I
don't feel good.

I don't want to go to school.

She's faking it.

She was up all night
with the alarms.

She can stay home.

What about me?

I was up, too.

Guess I can't
go to school.

Don't you have
a math test?

Yeah, but...

Oh, all right.

Good luck
on your test.

I think school's out--
here come the Tibbles.

Hey, Tommy! Timmy!

Anything important
happen in school today?

We colored.

And what else?

Didn't you do
anything important?

We glued
some sticks.

The fire drill?!

Was it today?!


You didn't miss
the fire drill.

Mom, I can't go
to school today either!

I'm still sick!

Look at my elbow,
it's all wrinkly!

D.W., you love school.

What's wrong?

Why do you
not want to go?

I do want to go

I just don't
want to go

when there's
a fire drill.

It's stupid!

Fire drills
are really important.

Do you want me
to come in?

No, that's okay.

I'm almost / .

I can take care
of myself.

That's my big girl.

Have a good afternoon.

There she goes--

the best mother
I ever had.

I may never
see her again.

She'd have come in.

I don't want to put her through

this crazy fire drill stuff.

A wet towel over your head
helps protect you.

And remember, it's important
to stay close to the floor

away from the smoke.

Has anyone seen D.W.?

Is she still sick today?

She's probably
playing hockey.

You mean hooky, Tommy.

There she is!

Do what you want to the school

But I will not be a part
of this insanity!

Pass me my juice and cookies.

And I think
she's really afraid.

Ms. Morgan said
it was tough

getting her
back inside.

You know, there
might be something

we can do to help.

I've got an idea.

Keep them closed.

Okay, you can
open them.

Ooh, a red hat!

Is it for me?

I hereby appoint you

our official fire warden.

I'm a warden now?

Back in your cell!

It's not that type
of warden, D.W.

No talking, remain calm; faster,
people, there's a fire in here!

What's it say?

Three minutes,
nine seconds.

not bad

but we've
got to get it

down to seconds!

( groaning )

Come on, Nadine!

You can do it!

Just a little more!

( babbling )

Whew, what a day.

( gasps )

( blows whistle )

Mom! Dad!

the bathroom's on fire!

That's steam!

I'm taking a shower!

Oh, that reminds me:

bring out your wet towel,
I need it!

Paper is flammable.

You should use
something else.

You can't always wear
a wet towel, D.W.


I was a little scared

of my first
fire drill, too.

But it was okay.

Do you feel better?


They didn't set
the school on fire

so you shouldn't
be afraid.

But that was
in the olden days.

Things have changed!

( sighs )

I know it will be today,
I just know it.

It'll be fine, D.W.

Just like the fire drills
we did at home.

Yeah, I know.

Boy, I sure wish
I could tell time.

Hey, what's
that clock say?

Is it time to go?

I don't know.

You want to help me

build a castle?


Hey, maybe it's not
going to happen.

What's not going happen?

( fire alarm rings )

( gasping )

Fire drill,
you know what to do.

Everyone line up.

Fire drill! Fire drill!

Fire drill! Fire drill!

Come on, guys!

Get in front of me!

We're not
supposed to take
anything with us.

( alarm continues ringing )

I don't see any fire.

My crayons
will melt!

I have to go
to the bathroom!

Ms. Morgan, wait!

My shoelace is undone!

Is it hot in here
or is it me?

Maybe both.

Smoke! I smell smoke!

I can't breathe!

There's no smoke.

Just relax, Tommy,
we're almost out.


Good work, class.

You've just completed
your first fire drill.

You mean that's it? It's over?

That was a fire drill?

It wasn't bad.

Speak for yourself.

( gasping for breath )

Deep breaths, Tommy,
deep breaths.

( breathing deeply )

Will we have

any more fire drills?

Not for a while, D.W.

How about
a tidal wave drill?

I've seen big waves
on bear lake!

Or volcano drills?

We have to be ready
for anything, you know.

How did it go, D.W.?

Are you okay?

Of course I am.

It was just a fire drill.

Can I have a cookie?

And now a word from me,
firefighter Scott.

Let's go to the fire station!

My name's firefighter Scott.

I put my pants and hood on.

Then I put my coat on.

This is my "Scott t*nk."

This helps me breathe
inside the fire.

Then I put my mask on.

This is the sound that it makes.

If you hear this, I'm a friend.

Then I put my helmet on.

We want you to go to him
and not run away from him.

What's that
other light for?

So I'll be able to find you
in the smoke.

You shine it to see us.

You have to know
what my hand feels like

so you can find my hand.

You know you have fire drills?

Well, we're going to do
a fire drill here.

( loud tone )

Attention engine one,
squad five and ladder two.

( kids clamoring )

( sirens blaring )

( kids cheering )

And now back to Arthur.

My sister D.W. can
drive me crazy

but someone drives
her crazy, too--

the Tibble twins.

They always want to be better
than D.W. at everything.

D.W., we can yell
louder than you.

I don't care.

( hollering )


( hollering )
Yadda, yadda...

They could ride
a two-wheeler first.

( laughing )

( twins laughing )

And they could tell time
before D.W...

they said.

So what time is it?


He's right.

Someday I'm going
to be able

to do something you can't.

No, you're not.

Yes, I am.

No, you're not.

( growls )

( screams )

( laughing )

( leaves rustle, man yelps )

What on earth
was that?

( in sing-song ):
We caught a tiger!

We caught a tiger!

Oh, dear!

Oh, rats!

That's not
even a tiger.

I'm so sorry, sir.

Did you boys ask permission
to dig this hole?

It's not a hole.

It's a burma-ese
tiger trap.

And he
broke it!

Can I keep
the peanut-butter cup?

( laughter )

D.W., the
Tibble twins
are coming over

while Mrs. Tibble
buys sod.

Don't worry-- you
lock up the china

I'll get a ball
and keep them in the yard.

( thunder booms, rain pelting )

I'll be trapped inside with the
Tibble twins for a whole hour?

I can run faster
than you, D.W.!

I can get dizzier
than you, D.W.!

I have an idea.

Let's sit quietly and color.


( gasps )

( sadly ):
This was my favorite
coloring book.

( laughter )

Help me
with the Tibbles!

I have , math problems
for homework.

When you baby-sat them,
they were quiet.

Yeah, I told them a story.

( laughter )

We can bounce
higher than you!

Sit down
and I'll tell you a story.

You can't-- the only
real stories are in books

and you can't read!

I can too read.

You cannot read.

we can't.

And if we can't,
you sure can't.

I can read before you.

I've been reading
for a long time.

Since when?

Since last Thursday.

I already readed
these books.

No way, no way, no way, no way!

If you can read,
what's that say?

It says...

It says "television."

Is that right?

I don't know,
I can't read.

Sounds right.

Okay, read
this book.

It's got

so we'll know

if you're
it right.

Um, that's

I'll find a good one.

This one's great!

That's all words.

I'll read them
all to you... sit.

These are the adventures
of a smart, great, perfect girl

Named... B.W.

that's close.

If it was D.W.,
I'd think

you were
making this up.

( chuckles nervously ):
Quiet, I'm reading.

B.W. was a great kid

who was a princess,
a genius and a cool person

but she was too polite to brag.

And she had her own pony

who... lived in her room.

And her parents said
that was okay.

It was a perfect life,
except for one thing--

a big old nasty thing.

And that thing was...

her big brother!

( both gasp )

He wasn't just
a big brother--

Like that's
not bad enough--

he was a big brother

And like that wasn't bad enough

he had an awful partner--

♪ Bust-trantor, Bust-trantor ♪

♪ Bust-trantor... ♪

♪ Bust-trantor,
the hungry robot ♪

♪ He just wants to eat ♪

♪ Bust-trantor,
the hungry robot ♪

♪ Likes veggies
more than meat. ♪

( electric guitar ends song )

( burps )

Their most recent
rotten crime--

they stole the world's
most valuable snowball!

They won't get away with this!

( electronic remote buzzes )

( motor vibrates )

B.W. to Walter, have you located
the bad guys' hideout?

Locked on, B.W.

sending you in three, two, one--

I'll take 'em by surprise.

Oh, no, you're not!

( growls )

( gasps ):
That balance beam,
my only chance!

Nobody's that good
at balancing!

she won't escape.

She can't even ride
a two-wheeler!

Oh, no?

Not only can she
ride a two-wheeler

she can ride a no-wheeler!

They chased
but couldn't catch her.

They chased her over the lake

which everybody said
had no octopuses in it

but really there were
, octopuses in it.

She was brave and didn't panic
so the great B.W. escaped

but the bad guys
weren't so clever.

( octopuses growling )

( bad guys yelp and shout )

That night B.W. went to
a restaurant with her parents.

Only B.W. was smart enough
not to eat the spinach

that had turned everyone else
into spinach heads!

( everyone drones )

Mom, dad,
don't eat the...

Dah... dah...


The only thing
that cures spinach heads is

the power ring of power!

B.W. knew
that the ring was being used

at her aunt Lucy's wedding.

( organ playing )


( ring pings )

( people gasp )

The power ring fell
into the organ!

B.W. reached for it

grabbing it just before it fell
to the center of the earth!

( applause )

( all droning )

But B.W. couldn't use the ring

for without the magic blankie,
the ring was powerless.

My magic blankie is missing!


B.W. called
for her secret agent, Nadine

an agent so secret,
no one else had ever seen her.

Secret agent Nadine located
the Blankie!

But finding it was hard

in the super-confusing
all-in-one mart.

We're lost.

( bravely ):
We're not lost!

They were lost,
possibly forever.



I knew I'd find
it someday!

The snowball can show us
the way out!


Inside crazy bus!

My blankie!

B.W., wait!


I have my snowball,
my blankie

and crazy bus will take us home!

What could
be wrong...

( B.W. gasps )

B.W. had been tricked
by her rotten brother!

No one could save her now!

( snickers )

I knew she'd fall

for the old, phony
glowing-snowball trick!


B.W.'s faithful eagle, Spanky

flew to the rescue
like a streak of bird!

( crying )

The brave and bold bird
defeated the villain.

But... he sacrificed himself
to save her.

( sobbing ):
His heart was too big.

( sniffles, sobs )

B.W.'s good friend
the president had

a big funeral
for the brave bird.

( sobbing ):
Spanky was the bravest,
boldest, best bird.

( helicopter blades whir )

( eagles squawk, jets roar )

Spanky was
so brave.

( doorbell rings )

( sobs ):
He was the
best bird.

Tommy, Timmy, your
grandmother's here.



D.W., what did
you do to them?

She read to us
from the best book ever!

Um... I'll go
open the door.

She read to you? D.W.?

From one
of your

Can we
borrow it?

She didn't finish.

Yeah, sure.

Bye, D.W.!

Wait! The book!

Arthur said we
could borrow it.

grandma, you must
read this book to us.

It's great!

They'll learn
you can't really
read, D.W.

So? It kept them quiet

and for one day

I could do something
they couldn't.

That's where
D.W. stopped reading.

"Leonardo da Vinci
worked hard..."

da Vintage?

Read it right,

Agent B.W. was
with the president.

Huh? This book is
about Leonardo da Vinci.

Hey, are you thinking
what I'm thinking?

Yeah, it's
a magic book!

Every time you read it,
it's a different story!


We'll never need
another book ever!

"Leonardo da Vinci worked hard
to invent a flying machine..."

Wait till I read
like D.W.

Me, too!

♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen
to your heart ♪

♪ Listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ It's a simple message
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪

♪ And I say hey! ♪

♪ Hey! What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ Hey! What a wonderful
kind of day! ♪

♪ Hey! ♪
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