02x16 - Love Notes for Muffy/D.W. Blows the Whistle

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Arthur". Aired: October 7, 1996 - February 2022.*
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Arthur demonstrates to kids how to deal with challenges as homework, teachers and bullies.
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02x16 - Love Notes for Muffy/D.W. Blows the Whistle

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Every day when you're
walking down the street ♪

♪ Everybody that you meet
has an original point of view. ♪

( laughs )

♪ And I say hey! ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen
to your heart ♪

♪ Listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ Open up your eyes,
open up your ears ♪

♪ Get together and make things
better by working together ♪

♪ It's a simple message
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪

♪ And I say hey! ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other. ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ Hey! What a wonderful
kind of day. ♪


Hey, D.W.



( crashing )

I call my project

"Rocks Near School."

These are rocks.

I found them
near the school.

Thank you.

As you can see,
the plants grow well

With my special vitamin mixture.

The average school taco has
less protein than a shoe.

With my invention

chalk will
become a thing

of the past.


( fanfare plays from speakers )

( oven dings )

Petit fours?

( judges oohing and ahhing )

What an outrage.

She's going to win because
she bribed the judges.

Where's the science in
suds and French pastry?

The laws of science
don't apply to Muffy.

There has
to be justice.

She can't get away
with this.

But what can we do?

( wind blowing )

I'm going to get revenge!

( thunder crashes )

( crack )

( groans )

♪ La, la, la, la... ♪

( laughs evilly )

Too simple.

( electricity crackling )

( screams )

Too complicated.

Brain, you have
to let this go

or else you'll become
some crazy guy

living up in
the school rafters.

I can't talk to you.

I must use my Brain capacity
plotting revenge.

They haven't even
announced who won yet.

She might lose.

Yeah, right.

Sometimes it's better
to forgive and forget.

Be noble,
stuff like that.

The nutritional value
of lunch-- who cares?

One's wardrobe is
what really matters.

What exactly did
you have in mind?

( rings )

"Dear Muffy,
I have long admired you.

regardless of our
age difference..."

that means he's older!

Why older?

He could be younger.

Then he wouldn't
know how to write.

Maybe he's a genius


"Regardless of our
age difference..."

I had to make
my feelings known.

I think about you every day.

Your smile, your laugh

your lack of concern that
comes from extreme wealth

the way your clothes stay
so crisp

and the colors never fade.

I hope that you return
my feelings.

your secret admirer."

Maybe he's in
the fifth grade.

Any fifth grader

who would write
a letter like
that is nuts.

He obviously appreciates
maturity and nice clothes.

Let's figure out
who wrote the note.

I have cafeteria duty.

Sue Ellen, come on!

( Sue Ellen groans )

Do you realize how easy it is

to manipulate someone?

You're acting kind
of weird today.

( evilly ):
Am I?

( cackles )

Why did you and Brain
write that note?

Shh... not so loud!

How did you know
it was me and Brain?

Only the Brain could
use "regardless" in
a sentence correctly.

What gave me away?

Must have been
a hard clue.

I saw you put it
on Muffy's desk.


So Brain wrote
her that note.

Isn't that funny?

Not really.

Sue Ellen is trying
to steal my admirer!

I had just narrowed down

the number of possible
secret admirers to

when their ball bounced
over to us.

She kicked it back

and they asked her
to join the game.


So my secret admirer
is out there!

What if he's impressed

by her show of
brute strength?

I need answers!

Fern, I'm hiring you as
my private investigator.

Let's go to work.

ARTHUR ( with British accent ):
And before Muffy hired you

you knew who wrote the note!

It was Brain
and Francine.

Of course, I had to tell Muffy.

My reputation
was at stake.

That's all I need.

Guilty as charged!

FRANCINE ( echoing ):
But it was just a joke!

Muffy hired Fern

to find out who
wrote the note.

So? She'll never
trace it to us.

She already has!

She has no proof.

I'm too clever
to leave clues.

It's time to go
to phase two--

candy and/or flowers.

Here, look...

What's wrong
with you?

We're in a big mess!

( giggles wildly )

BRAIN ( robotically ):
At last my plan is complete!

( b*mb whistling through air )

( doorbell chimes )

( expl*si*n )



That's funny.

That's the third time
that's happened this week.

( cackles evilly )

Well? What did
you find out?

Fern's going
to tell Muffy.

Let's confess before
it's too late!

You're overreacting.

Too many people have been
over the crime scene.

Any clues have
been destroyed.

Some detective you are.

If I'd paid you,
I'd be asking for a refund.

My reputation is ruined,
thanks to you!

Look at this mess.

I wish we'd never
started any of this.

The thrill of revenge seems
to be very short-lived.

"Muffy, I'm sorry I allowed
myself to get upset

about your bribes."

"Muffy, I'm sorry

I can't let a huge
injustice go unpunished."

( sighs )


I have
important news!

I found out who
wrote the note

and took steps.

What kind of steps?

I wrote a note back saying
that while he has good taste

a love between
us can never be.

I put it
in his locker.

And just whose
locker is that?

He's right over there.

You wrote a note
to Mr. Haney?

No, silly-- Rattles!

Poor thing.

I know I'm breaking
his heart.

This really is
a mess.

Rattles will
pulverize her

if he reads
that note.

I warned you.

We never should have
tricked her.

You tried to warn me?!

If only you
hadn't written
Muffy that note.

If only you hadn't
put it on her desk.

Well, come on, what
are we waiting for?

I can't see anything.

I stuck gum
to this string.

It sticks to the note,
we pull it out.


Let's try this coat hanger.

I got something!


What is that?

( loud footsteps approach )

Hold on tight!

Hey, what are you
doing in my locker?

( stammering )

They're here
because of me.

Oh, yeah?

It's all my fault.

And mine.

We wrote Muffy
a fake love note.

She thought you wrote it
and wrote you a note back

but you probably
shouldn't read it.

( laughing )

You should have seen your faces!

You were right!

They really did
believe it.

Oh, brother.

You knew we
wrote the note?

No, but I knew
Fern would know

so I followed her
and listened.

Then I asked Rattles
for a favor.

Overall, a very satisfying day.

( bell rings )

Muffy, we're sorry
we wrote the note.

Well, I can understand.

You do?

You were upset that I'm
better than you in science.

You may be better
at winning contests

but not at science.

All right, sit down.

It's time to announce
the winners.

The judges voted
for the display that was...

Well, let's say
one of the tastiest...

Excuse me, Mr. Ratburn?

I've been thinking...

That's new.

Brain's project

was more scientific
than mine.

I've decided he deserves
the award more than I do.

( students gasp )

That's very noble of you.

I guess she's
not so bad after all.

I feel like a rat.

you didn't win the contest.

( students gasp in disbelief )

The best entry
in the science fair is...

Francine Frensky,
for her analysis

of bag lunches
versus school meals.

Maybe you just need
to learn to cook.

( sighs )


( gasps )

( trumpets )

( giggling )



( siren wailing )


( girls laughing )

No turn signals

and these big numbers
create a distraction.

But this is a race course!

...And obstructing

I never knew your
sister was so strict.

Sometimes D.W. gets
a little carried away.

( gasps )



And don't forget
the ABCs of safety:

"Always be careful."

All right, now if
everyone would please line up

Officer Safety has
something special

for each of you.

With this
safety whistle

I hereby deputize
each of you

as Junior
Safety Officers.

( applause )

( playing fanfare )

I hereby dub you...
Princess of Safety!

( cheering and applause )

and to assist you,
great princess

we present you
with your very own...

safety pony!

( whinnies )

( crowd cheering )


Safety is everyone's

Don't worry, Officer Safety

You can count on me!

Mom, can I take
my safety whistle

when we go see
Mary Moo Cow on ice?

Sure, if you
don't blow it.

( whistles )

Mommy, that little
boy isn't crossing

at the intersection!


Oh, my goodness!

Oh, my!

Thank you for blowing
that whistle.

You may have
saved his life!


A hero?




I'm a Junior Safety Officer now.

the car coming?

Almost done.

It's been designed
for maximum speed

And calibrated for
low wind resistance.

That's a car?

It looks more like
a pile of junk!

Who asked you?

Arthur, D.W.--

( blowing whistle )

Mom, that car
is not safe!

It doesn't have
any seat belts!

I hate to say it, Arthur,
but D.W. has a point.

It would
probably be safer

with seat belts.

But we're almost done!

She's right.

The design
probably could benefit

From some sort
of restraint system.

Better safe than sorry.

That's what I say.

Got to go.

I'm heading out
on patrol!

Oh, no!

Look at all those bubbles!


Glug, glug, glug, glug.

( whistle blows )

Mom, Dad's cooking
over a hot stove!

He could get burned!

( whistle blows )

Dad, Mom's
reading a magazine

without gloves on!

She could get
a paper cut.

( groans )

( whistle blows )

Pal just went
down the stairs

Without holding on
to the handrail!

Pal doesn't even have hands!

( blowing whistle )


Mom! Dad!
Arthur is taking a bath

without a personal
flotation device!


D.W.'s a safety monster.

Yeah, yesterday
she actually told me

long hair is a hazard.

I got in trouble
just for saying hi.

She said not to talk
to strangers.

I'd like to catch her
doing something wrong.

We could follow her

and see if she does
anything unsafe.

Yeah! Then we can blow
the whistle on her!

She's coming out the front door.

Wait a minute.

I think her shoe's unbuckled.

Never mind.

She noticed.

She's coming
your way, Francine.

We've got her
on visual.

Look! She's skipping
without a helmet!

That's not safe!

Muffy, you do that
all the time.

That's true.

Look out!


Brain, she's
coming towards you.

I see her.

She's coming to an intersection.

Stand by!

What's she doing?

Looks like she's stopping.

She's near you, Arthur.

( Arthur screams )

( crash, clang )

I see her!

Hey, this might be it!

( over radio ):
Hurry up and bring
your whistles!

( humming to herself )

( exclaims softly )

This could be dangerous.


Hello, D.W.,
come on in.

( groans )

Nice hat, Arthur.

It brings out your eyes.

This isn't working.

D.W. is the safest
person around!

At least she won't be
at the rally tomorrow.

That would be terrible.

On your mark, get set...

( whistle blows several times )

Stop the race!

This Ratburn rally is
way too dangerous!

I've called in the authorities
to make sure nobody gets hurt!

All right.

You can
go ahead now.

( pop )

This is
my kind of race.

You two--

slow down!

Don't worry.

She won't be there.

( tooting whistle )

You want me

to take D.W.
to the race?!

We'll meet you there.

We have to
drop Kate off

at Grandma
Thora's first.

Couldn't you get

a baby-sitter?

She'll blow
her whistle at everyone.

Not unless I see
someone being unsafe.

You have
been getting

a little carried away, D.W.

But I'm just doing what
Officer Safety said.

He didn't mean
for you to tattle.

He just wants you

to let people know

when someone's
doing something
dangerous, okay?

I guess.

now, tomorrow

you will take
D.W. to the race

and D.W., you will
not bother Arthur.

What is she doing here?

Are you nuts?

She'll ruin everything!

Mom and Dad
made me bring her.

Well, if I hear that whistle,
she'll be sorry.

Wow! That hill's kind of steep.


Just go sit down

and stay
out of our way.

You're not the boss
of me, Arthur Read.

Hello, everyone, and welcome
to the Ratburn Rally.

It looks like we have quite
a few creative cars here today

So, without further ado,
let the races begin!

Will the first two racers please
approach the starting line?

I can't see.

How can I tell if people
are safe if I can't see?

( flag flaps )

( crowd shouting, cheering )

Wha... Whaa...!

( all gasp )

( crowd sighs with relief )

( gasps )

Arthur! Help!

Arthur, look!

It's your sister!

( crowd gasps )


Help! I can't get down!

Hang on, D.W.!

I'll go get
Mr. Ratburn.

Arthur, I'm scared!

Don't worry,
we'll get you down.

Muffy's gone for help.

Just hang on.

Don't move!

You're quite
a talented climber.

We'll get you down
to safety now.

( crowd cheers )

Are you all right?

You didn't
by any chance

drop this,
did you?

My whistle!

Be safe now.

What's this
commotion about?

Some girl got stuck
up in the tree.

No big deal.

I hope

all right.

( sobbing ):
It was me.

I was in the tree.

I knew I shouldn't

Have climbed that high,
but I did.

I'm sorry.

Oh, D.W.!

Are you okay?

Why did you do
something dangerous?

Well, it was
my fault, too.

I told her
to go away.

You both know better.

Next up

Arthur and the Brain
versus Muffy and Francine.

Uh-oh, I'm up.

( gasps )


( whispering )


I almost forgot.

( crowd cheering )

You can do it!

Hi, everyone, it's me, Buster.

If you love the great food
we get to eat in Elwood City,

you won't believe
all the great food

I'm trying on my trip
with my dad.

Mmm... don't you
just want to eat some?

I'm tasting everything

and I'm sending it all back
to my friends in Elwood City

on my very own video postcards.

They're Postcards from Buster.

♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen
to your heart ♪

♪ Listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ It's a simple message
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪

♪ And I say hey! ♪

♪ Hey! What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ Hey! What a wonderful
kind of day! ♪

♪ Hey! ♪
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