02x07 - Arthur's TV-Free Week/Night Fright

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Arthur". Aired: October 7, 1996 - February 2022.*
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Arthur demonstrates to kids how to deal with challenges as homework, teachers and bullies.
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02x07 - Arthur's TV-Free Week/Night Fright

Post by bunniefuu »

# Every day you walk down the street Everybody that you meet

# Has an original point of view

- # And I say, hey!
- Hey!

# What a wonderful kind of day We can learn to work and play

# And get along with each other

# You gotta listen to your heart Listen to the beat

# Listen to the rhythm of the street

# Get together and make things better By working together

# It's a simple message And it comes from the heart

# Believe in yourself For that's the place to start

- # And I say, hey!
- Hey!
- What a wonderful kind of day

# We can learn to work and play And get along with each other

# What a wonderful kind of day - hey! What a wonderful kind of day - HEY! #

- Hey, DW!
- ..Hey!

Agh! ..OW!

What would you want on a desert island? I'd want my favourite books.

Pal, of course, and a soccer ball.


Buster would just want snacks and maybe someone to tell him jokes.

I used to be a safe driver. I gave it up. Who wants to drive a safe?

I'm sure Muffy would just have the bare necessities.


I know what Mr Ratburn would take.


If Arthur has six coconuts and Buster has eight,

then how many does Francine have?

I bet there's one thing we'd all want on a desert island.

'Another exciting episode of...'


Come back!

Today is the first day of TV-Free Week.

All the students will try to NOT watch TV for an entire week.

Now, TV is first and foremost... an abbreviation for "television".

It's a box that transmits images and sounds into your living or bedroom...


..And the reason there isn't more conversation in the home...

- (Why isn't there more of it?)
- Because of TV.

Ah, yes, because of TV! So that's why, er...

Sign up in your classes. Dismissed!

Francine, your sister did TV-Free Week once. Did she say it was hard?

No, she said it went by quickly.

- She got a gold badge that looked like a TV.
- Gold badges? Cool!

Hey, you guys, going to watch Bionic Bunny tonight?

- You bet.
- Buster, it's TV-Free Week. You can't watch TV for a week.
- Oh?

Just because I signed that thing? Oh, what have I done?!

- You didn't sign up, Binky?
- No way! This contest is for geeks.

What's more important - TV or a stupid little bet?

- I'm not going to make it.
- Come on - it's only a week. How bad can it be?

- A week without TV is a great idea. We'll do fun family things.
- Yeah.

- It'll force us to be creative.
- What'll we do tonight?
- Um...

I'll take care of everything.

- Is this your card? Um...
- Oh!
- No, honey.

How about this one?

Well... Yes, that's the one.

How about a cup of hot chocolate? Wait, I've some more tricks.

- Arthur, think of a number between and .
- ½.
- No, a real number!
- It is!

- Only numbers to are numbers, right?
- Why can't I use halves?

You're both wrong. I mean, right! Let's do something we all enjoy.

- Er, Jane.
- Oops!



I keep forgetting what we're listening to.

It's basketball... or soccer...or hockey.



Ursa Major... The Eel Of Fortune Show! No, must...have...discipline.

The Big Dipper.

episodes of Masterpiece Theatre's The Life And Times Of Dewey Decimal.

I can hardly wait!

Another week...

- DW sang Old MacDonald for a whole hour!
- I never found out who won.

Too much static. I had it the hardest.

We have channels I can't watch.

Hi, guys, great day, huh? Wasn't that class fun?

BOTH: Mmm.

- Buster, how was your first night without TV?
- Great. I didn't miss it.

PLEASE tell me what happened on Bionic Bunny!

Please! Please! Please!

- Lots of stuff.
- Did you hear that? Lots of stuff and we missed it!

- We have to keep an eye on him.
- Too bad he doesn't have a little sister.

'Next, another passionate episode of All My Chickens.'


Does anyone know if it's going to rain? I don't wanna rust.

Dad! What are you doing?!

Oh, dear! I'm sorry. My own father!

It's . on Wednesday. That means we only have , minutes left.

- How many seconds is that?
- It's still going to be ½ days.

- Two more milkshakes, please. ..Sure you don't want anything?
- Two more?!

Now you want to take away my milkshakes too! I won't let you!

I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell at you. I can't take it any more.

- I'll turn it on - I can't make it!
- Call me when you feel like watching.

- Huh?

Hi, Buster...


No, Pal. TV bad.

Elwood City News is doing a report on TV-Free Week.

How is life without TV?

Er... Er...

Great! I get to do magic tricks, sing songs, and my brother plays with me.

- Are you sure this is OK?
- Of course it's OK.

- You get to watch yourself on TV.
- All set?

- I'll get it. Call me when it's on.

- Hello?
- The first episode of Bionic Bunny's on, when he gets his powers.

I gotta watch it!

It's not worth it.

Besides, you know that one by heart.

- Just do the show in your head.
- Yes, I do know it. OK, I'll try it.

- Thanks. What are you doing?
- Er, gotta go.

- Oh, no, I missed it!
- No, we're not going to watch it.

It would be hypo-criminal.

Then Bionic Bunny says, "Maybe, this'll clean up your act!"

- And he nails him two power blasts.

He's better than TV! Yeah, let's just watch Buster.

But can he do Bionic Bunny versus Techno Turtle Part V?

You mean, the movie?

It's on TV this Sunday. Wanna watch it at my house?

Or are you still doing that TV geek week?

Come on, we've only two more days to get through.

- Don't worry about me.
- Yeah, I'm fine.

Besides, I'm sure it'll be on again next year.

I will not watch TV... I will not watch TV... I will not watch TV...

Could someone get my gelatine recipe book from the chest in the den?

I will not watch TV... I will not watch TV... I will not...


Dad, I'm bored.

Read a book or clean your room or watch...

me cook - I'm making rabbits and turtles out of gelatine.


I think I'll go for a bike ride.

I will not watch TV... I will not watch TV... I will not watch TV...

I will...take a little walk.

No-one will know. Binky won't tell. And six days is almost a week.

- Buster!
- Arthur, what are you doing here?
- I'm...testing my brakes.

I mean, I'm, er...

Oh, we both know why we're here - to see the movie.

I don't feel so bad knowing you couldn't stand it either.

- Come on. I brought plenty of popcorn.
- Buster, we're so close!

- Yeah, five steps away.
- I mean finishing a week without TV.

Let's not ruin it now. Come on. I'll race you to the park.

- Pass it over here!
- Here, catch!


- Nice catch. Throw it quick!
- Here.

THEY CHATTER Those gold badges look wicked!

- Life without Monday night baseball was grim.
- I thought it was easy.

Come on - you almost didn't make it.

Are you kidding? I could do it for another whole week!

TV ON Buster, dinner time!

'The Bionic Bunny Show!' [ Buster! Buster!



Will you stop that snoring? I'm TRYING to sleep.

Stop yelling. You're giving me such a headache.

Everything echoes in this closet.

You think you've got a headache? Listen to that snore!


Oh, my aching head!

Don't make me come out there!

Ever have one of those nights you couldn't sleep because of monsters?

- Come out! I dare ya!
- ..Ow! You hit me!

I'm going to give you such a pinch.

Come and get me, chicken! HE CLUCKS

Come out from under that bed, scaredy cat!

The hills are alive with the smell of burgers.

- And they're all mine!
- Mama, he's gonna bite me!
- I'm coming, sonny!

Put down my boy, you big bully!

Now you're gonna get it!



BURGERS: Quick, he's over here! He's over here!


You are dead meat!

Wait! I didn't eat anything.



Hey, I'm flying!

Ah-ha, stupid burgers!



Is everything OK?

You were yelling in your sleep.

That was the worst nightmare I ever had.

I didn't even get a chance to eat anything.

- You haven't had a nightmare since we got that night-light.
- Look...

It's not plugged in.

I bumped it, but was scared to go plug it in in the dark.


Mom! Dad! You would never tell anyone, would you?

- Tell anyone what?
- I sleep with a night-light.
- Why would that matter?

It'd matter, believe me.

We won't tell. Now go to sleep. OK.

Then it slammed shut - BANG! What's she talking about?

That scary video - The Lunchbox Of Notre Dame.

That's the scariest thing I ever heard.

- It wasn't THAT scary.
- No, I just wrecked my homework.

I gotta give it to Mr Ratburn.

THAT'S the scariest thing I ever heard.

What a bunch of little babies! "Oh-h, I'm so scared!"


Since scary videos are so popular, we'll talk about things that scare.

- Anyone want to name something that scares them?
- Roller coasters.

Ventriloquists' dummies. What's all that about, anyway? Weird!

- A spoon.
- A spoon?
- When it's stuck in pudding.
- So?

Like in The Lunchbox of Notre Dame.

What about you, Binky?

Er... My only fear...

is I might get so strong, the school will fall down when I shut the door.


Other than that...NOTHING scares me.

- Nothing!
- Mmm...

- My mom's here. See you later.
- Close that raincoat!

TOOT-TOOT Mom, ya-hoo!

- Maybe your parents forgot about you.
- They're coming from my Aunt Lucy's.

If they don't, you'll be alone in an empty school.

- Uh-uh.
- Uh-huh. TOOT-TOOT

That's my mom! Too bad - I guess you'll be here all alone.


Arthur, your mom called. They have to stay at your aunt's because of car trouble.

- So you'll be staying with us. You can share Binky's room.
- Uhh...!

Binky's pyjamas don't exactly fit, but they'll do.

- I'm ready for bed!
- Arthur's already in your room.
- What?!

Ohh! Um, good night!

- What's that?
- What?
- In your hand.

There's nothing in my hand.

- ..See?
- The other hand.

This? It's a... My reading lamp.

- How do you read down there?
- Like this.

- Doesn't look very comfortable.
- I don't read a lot, OK? Good night.

- You forgot to turn off the light.
- Oh, yeah.

- Kind of scary.
- Go to sleep.


'Let me out of here!

'Everybody ready to see Binky's little night-light(?)

'No! Let me out!'


- What's happening?
- Oh, honey... You forgot to turn on your night-light.

There. No more nightmares.

- I have nightmares if I don't turn the night-light on. OK?
- Ohh...

So go to sleep. ARTHUR SNORES

See you, Binky!

'Binky sleeps with a night-light! What a baby!'

- You'd better not tell anyone!
- Tell anyone what?

..The Bionic Bunny crashed through the wall.

OK, you win. Anything you want. Those books look heavy.

Out of the way!

- Give me my pencil!
- I sharpened it for you, buddy.

- Binky...
- What do you need, Arthur, old chum of mine?

If you're being nice because...

you don't want me to tell anyone you have a night-light, relax.

Wait! You're up to something. What's it gonna cost me?

- Binky, I told you!
- You're waiting till I don't expect it,

then - wham!

- What's with Binky?
- Oh, nothing.

We've discussed things that scare us.

Let's hear how you help yourself to feel less afraid.

'Binky has a night-light!

'Binky has a night-light!

ALL: 'Binky has a night-light!


'That's the funniest thing I ever heard!'

Cemeteries scare me. So, when I walk by one, I whistle.

It works! [ When I'm worried,

I use my laser to shine a light on the moon.

I feel better.

I talk to my old lobster, Bob.

- How about you, Arthur?
- Uh...

'If he tells, everyone will laugh. If he doesn't, I'm his sl*ve forever.

'What do I do?'

- Oh, I want to go next!
- If that's OK with Arthur.

I have nightmares, but when I use a night-light, I can get to sleep.

Good, Binky. That's very common.

It is? Yeah!

Yeah. It's normal. ..What are you looking at?


Look, about the way I've been acting, I just wanted to say...

Binky, it's OK.

No, it's not. I paid for your lunch and you've got to pay me back.

And fork over that racing car I gave you. And I put ½ drops of glue on...

- Good night, sonny!
- Good night, honey!

- The sweetest boy in the world.
- Night, Mommy. Good night, Daddy.


'Move or you're mud! Ha-ha-ha-ha!'
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