03x03 - (S) Kota

Episode transcripts for the TV show "My Hero Academia". Aired: Apr 3, 2016 - present.*

Moderator: Heroman23

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Manga series that follows Izuku who has dreamt of becoming a hero but there's a catch -- he isn't a Quirk.
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03x03 - (S) Kota

Post by bunniefuu »

The prestigious school that turned out many heroes, U.A.

High School.

Enrolled in their hero course, I continue to run toward my dream, standing up to any difficulties and saving people with a smile in order to become the greatest hero! Develop our Quirks? Class A is doing it already.

Let's go, quickly.

Last semester, Class A got all the attention, so next semester, it'll be Class B's turn.

Got it? It won't be Class A, it'll be us, Class B! "You're crying too much" Sir! Sorry that we are such disappointing students! Even if you say that we're going to develop our Quirks out of the blue, all twenty of us have different Quirks, so how are we supposed to know what we're developing and how? Can you be more specific? When muscle fibers are overused, they break and become stronger and thicker.

Quirks are the same.

If you keep using them, they become stronger, and if you don't, then they waste away.

In other words, there's just one thing to do! Break through your limits! "Kota" "Katsuki Bakugo - Quirk: expl*si*n" Katsuki Bakugo.

Plunging both hands into boiling water to expand his sweat glands and creating explosions repeatedly to increase the scale of his att*cks! Damn it! "Shoto Todoroki - Quirk: Half-Cold, Half-Hot" Shoto Todoroki.

Alternating between ice and fire to make the temperature of the bathwater uniform.

This training is to get his body used to freezing and have him try controlling the temperature of his flames! He might even be able to use both Quirks at once eventually! "Hanta Sero - Quirk: Tape" Hanta Sero.

By having him producing tape continuously, his training will increase his capacity and improve tape strength and sh**ting speed.

"Eijiro Kirishima - Quirk: Hardening" --Eijiro Kirishima and Mashirao Ojiro.

--Come at me! By having Ojiro use his Tail to hit Kirishima with his Hardening activated, "Mashirao Ojiro - Quirk: Tail" they can increase the strength of each other's Quirks.

"Denki Kaminari - Quirk: Electrification" Denki Kaminari.

By running his electric current through a large capacity battery, he's training his body to be able to handle large amounts of electricity.

"Koji Koda - Quirk: Anivoice" Koji Koda.

In order to increase the reach of his Anivoice, he's doing vocal exercises to build up his vocal cords.

It's also good for helping him become less shy.

Yuga Aoyama.

Training to get his body used to Navel Laser so that he can keep using it even if his stomach hurts and to increase the range of his laser.

"Yuga Aoyama - Quirk: Navel Laser" Fumikage Tokoyami.

Training to keep Dark Shadow under control even if it's going wild in the dark.

"Fighting" Dark Shadow! "Fumikage Tokoyami - Quirk: Dark Shadow" "Ochaco Uraraka - Quirk: Zero Gravity" Ochaco Uraraka.

By turning continuously in zero gravity, she's training the semicircular canals in her inner ear to decrease nausea and increasing the maximum weight she can use her Quirk on.

"Tenya Iida - Quirk: Engine" Tenya Iida.

Doing long training runs to increase leg strength and stamina.

"Tsuyu Asui - Quirk: Frog" Tsuyu Asui.

--Training to work out all the muscles in her body and her long tongue.

--Ribbit, ribbit.

Rikido Sato.

Working out while eating the sweets he needs to activate his Quirk to power up.

"Rikido Sato - Quirk: Sugar Rush" "Momo Yaoyorozu - Quirk: Creation" Momo Yaoyorozu.

Also eating while using her Quirk to amplify her creations and shorten the amount of time needed to make them.

Kyoka Jiro.

Increasing the quality of sound from her Quirk by strengthening her earphone jack.

"Kyoka Jiro - Quirk: Earphone Jack" "Mina Ashido - Quirk: Acid" Mina Ashido.

Intermittently creating acid to increase her skin's durability.

Minoru Mineta.

Training to increase the strength of his scalp so that he won't bleed even if he keeps popping off balls.

"Minoru Mineta - Quirk: Pop Off" Toru Hagakure and Mezo Shoji.

"Mezo Shoji - Quirk: Dupli-Arms" They're increasing the strength of both their Quirks by having Shoji quickly create multiple Dupli-Arms to look for Hagakure as she continues to hide her presence.

"Toru Hagakure - Quirk: Invisibility" What is with this hell? Those of you who are operative types will have to raise your maximum limits.

Heteromorphic types and other composite types need to train the parts of their body related to their Quirks.

Normally, this would occur as your bodies grow but we don't have that time.

Class B, you guys hurry up, too.

But once we join, there will be forty in all.

Can just six people manage the Quirks of that many people? "Pro Hero - Shota Aizawa - Quirk: Erasure" That's why they're here.

That's right! The four of us are one! Lock on with these sparkling gazes! We've come to lend a paw and help!! Coming out of nowhere Stingingly cute and catlike! Wild, Wild Pussycats! The full version! Damn it! My Quirk is Search! I can know all the info about up to a hundred people by just looking at them! "Ragdoll - Quirk: Search" I can find out their location and weaknesses, too! With my Earthflow, I can make the perfect places for each person to train! "Pixie-Bob - Quirk: Earthflow" And with my Telepath, I can give advice to multiple people at once.

"Mandalay - Quirk: Telepath" And my job is as*ault through punching and kicking "Tiger - Quirk: Pliabody" There's a lot wrong with that Damn it! All you power-up types, come to me! Tiger's Bootcamp has already begun! "Izuku Midoriya - Quirk: One For All" That's so obsolete! Now, hit me with what you've got! Five percent Detroit Smash! You're still pretty lively! That means your muscle fibers haven't been ripped apart yet! Yessir I can't hear you! Yessir! He's scary.

It's "Plus Ultra," right? Then, do it! Give me "Ultra"! Yessir! That guy's the only one whose gender and genre are different, huh? U.


's busy, so it's hard to spare staff for just the first years of the hero course.

Based on their track record and wide range of Quirks, these four are the most logical choice to train your Quirks in a short amount of time.

Don't fall behind Class A! Let's go, Class B! Yes, sir! All Might endowed me with a Quirk that was more than I deserved.

Gran Torino taught me how to use my Quirk in a way that worked with my body.

The more you train a vessel, the more you'll be able to move the power freely.

I've already come this far since receiving it! Now, it depends on my own hard work! All right, stretch and rip apart your weak Quirk! Yessir! Now, remember what I said yesterday? "Self-Support" "Today's the only day we'll be doing stuff for you"! At least make your own food! "Hero Aca Curry" "That hero and that other one also eat this!" Curry! Yessir You all look exhausted! But that doesn't mean you can make any old sloppy cat food! It's true that part of rescuing someone is filling the stomachs and spirits of those exhausted during a disaster.

That's U.


for you! No opportunity wasted! Let's make the most delicious curry in the world, everyone! Okay Iida's so useful.

Todoroki! Can we get fire over here, too? Bakugo, use expl*si*n to light this.

Like I would, scum! Huh? If you only rely on others, then you will not learn how to light a fire.

No, it's fine.

--Wow, thanks! --Burn, burn, burn it up! You can't burn it all up.

Thanks for the food! If I got this at a restaurant, I wouldn't be very happy, --but in this situation, it's delicious! --Don't say that! It's rude! Yao-momo, you eat a lot, huh? Yes.

My Quirk turns lipids into various atoms to create things, so the more I eat, the more I can make.

It's like poo.

Apologize! I'm sorry! Kota, it's time for dinner! Kota! Kota "Kota Izumi" You're hungry, aren't you? You can eat this curry.

You! How'd you find this place? Oh, sorry.

I followed your footsteps I thought maybe you'd want something to eat I'm fine.

I don't need any.

I told you, didn't I? I don't intend to hang out with you.

Get out of my secret hideout! A secret hideout, huh? Getting all into trying to improve your Quirk.

It's gross.

You want to show off your power that badly? Your parents Could they be Water Hose? With the water Quirks? Did Mandalay tell you?! Oh, no, um, uh Sorry! Yeah, I kind of ended up hearing about it, and based on the information I got, I thought maybe It was an unfortunate incident.

I remember it.

Shut up.

Everyone's crazy Calling each other stupid names like "hero" and "villain" and k*lling each other Talking about Quirks and stuff It's because they're all showing off that it ended up like that Stupid It's not just heroes Kota hates Quirks and the superhuman society itself What is it? If there's nothing else, then go away! Well, um my, uh friend My friend couldn't inherit any Quirks from his parents Huh? It's a hereditary thing, and apparently it's rare but does happen But he admired heroes and wanted to become one, but you can't be one these days without a Quirk My friend couldn't accept that for a long time and practiced Trying to draw objects to him and breathe fire But it was no good.

There are a lot of different ways to think about Quirks, so I don't know if this'll apply to everyone, but if you reject it that much, then it'll just make it more painful for you.

Um, so Just shut up! Get out of here! Sorry.

I'm just rambling I'll leave the curry here.

Shut up All of you I mean, I don't like this.

It's not cute.

"Villain - Himiko Toga" This was orchestrated by the designer behind the scenes, right? Appearances don't matter as long as it makes sense.

I'm not talking about that.

I just don't want to wear this.

Hi! Sorry for the wait.

Work work That makes seven.

I don't care, just let me at 'em.

I'm getting too pumped up.

Shut up, you crazy bastards.

Not yet "Villain - Dabi" We'll move when all ten of us are here.

Gathering a bunch of punks who are just strong will only increase the risk.

It's better to have a small group of experienced elites.

First, we make them realize that their peace is resting in our hands.

"Tenya Iida" "Quirk: Engine" "He can run very fast using the engines in his calves.

" "Affiliation: U.


High School Hero Class 1-A" "Birthday: 8/22" "Height: 179 cm" "Blood Type: A" "Likes: Beef Stew" "Affiliation: U.


High School Hero Class 1-A" "Birthday: 2/12" "Height: 150 cm" "Blood Type: B" "Likes: Jello" "Tsuyu Asui" "Quirk: Frog" "She can do pretty much everything a frog can, like stretch out her tongue really far.

" Hey, extra lessons group, don't stop.

Got it! Sorry, I'm kind of sleepy I didn't think yesterday's extra lessons would go until 2 a.


And we started at 7 a.


I told you it'd be tough.

You're not just trying to improve your Quirks.

Above all, you need to work on the weaknesses that were exposed during the final exams! Think carefully about why you're more tired than your classmates before you move.

Y-Yes, sir Uraraka! Aoyama! You two should, too.

You didn't fail, but you were close.

If 30 points was passing, you were at about 35.

Ah, we barely made it How unexpected.

Don't lose focus.

All of you, move faster! No matter what you're doing, you should always be aware of where you came from.

That's what it means to improve.

Always keep in mind why you're sweating, and why you keep getting nagged.

Where I came from Where I came from Where I came from! That reminds me, Mr.

Aizawa, it's already the third day What did I just say? Don't just walk over here like that.

Is All Might I mean, are the other teachers coming? Like I said before the training camp, in order to keep the villains from finding out where we were, we kept the number of people to the absolute minimum.

That's why you got a training camp with the four of us! And especially since we believe All Might is one of the villains' targets, we can't have him here.

For better or for worse, that's what happens, since he stands out so much Hmph.

Seems like there's a lot more of the "for worse" part I see.

All Might isn't coming, huh? More importantly, everyone, tonight we'll have a test of courage with the classes pitted against each other! After training hard, you can play hard! The carrot and the stick! Oh, I forgot.

I hate scary things Revelry in the dark They're letting us do the typical training camp stuff, too, huh? I like the part where we're "pitted against each other" So, do your best right now! --Yessir! --Yessir Where I came from All Might Hey.

Where's your "Plus Ultra"? R-Right! Bakugo, you're really good at using a knife! It's unexpected What do you mean, unexpected? How can you be bad at using a knife! There he is.

We haven't seen the capable version of him in a while.

Everyone's too energetic Did you need All Might for something? You asked Mr.

Aizawa about him, didn't you? Yeah um I did, about Kota Kota? Who's that? Huh? That kid You know, Mandalay's cousin's, um Huh? He's gone again.

Maybe he's at his hideout He really hates being around us, huh? That kid hates heroes--I mean, he hates the whole Quirk-based superhuman society in general, and I couldn't say anything to help him.

I was just wondering what All Might would've said to him What would you have said, Todoroki? It depends.

Of course it does! To have some stranger trying to reason with you would just be annoying, right? What's important is what actions he took or is taking.

If the words are going to move someone by themselves, they have to be pretty powerful.

I think words have to be accompanied by action It was because it was none other than the timid, Quirkless you at the scene that I was able to act.

You can become a hero.

That's right.

It's just as you say I'm just a stranger.

How can I say anything to him? I don't know what you want to do with him, but I don't think you should keep poking your nose in a delicate situation.

You have no qualms about breaking through that kind of stuff, even though you don't seem like the type.

Sorry about that You guys! Your hands have stopped moving! We're going to make the best meat and potato stew! Now, we've filled our bellies and washed the dishes! Next it's time for the test of courage! We're gonna test it! Before that, it pains me to say this, but the extra lessons group will be having class with me now.

You've gotta be kidding me! Sorry.

Your training during the day wasn't good enough, so I have to use this time.

Give me a break! Let us be tested! Okay, so Class B will be the first to be the scarers.

Class A will leave in pairs every three minutes.

There are tags with your names written on them in the middle of the route, so bring those back with you.

Revelry in the dark He said it again.

Those being the scarers aren't allowed to make direct contact.

Show us how scary you are with your Quirks.

The class that makes the most people piss their pants with creativity and imagination wins! "Wow" Stop it.

That's filthy.

I see! They're trying to make us refine our ideas by making us compete with each other, giving us more options for our Quirks in the process! As expected of U.


! Now, you'll draw lots to determine your partners! If we're two to a team Huh? Since there are twenty with five at extra lessons "1st Team" One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight? "2nd Team" "3rd Team" "4th Team" "5th Team" "6th Team" "7th Team" "8th Team" Since there are twenty with five at extra lessons "1st Team" One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eigh? "2nd Team" "3rd Team" "4th Team" "5th Team" "6th Team" "7th Team" "8th Team" There's an extra person! --We drew lots Someone had to have this fate --There's an extra person! And it's me Hey, Tail! Switch with me! Aoyama --Please switch with me! --Hey, I said switch with me! What'd he call me? Revelry in the dark "12 Minutes Later" Okay, the fifth team! Ribbit-kitty, Uraraka-kitty, go! I'm scared, Tsu There are so many screams Kyoka and Toru, huh? Let's hold hands.

It's fine, I'm not scared.

Let's go.

O-Okay Kodai, you scared everyone so far! You're really putting yourself out there, Yui! Yeah.

Bakugo and Todoroki were so funny! Oh.



"Juzo Honenuki - Quirk: Softening" What was that "Oh"? Hey, doesn't it smell a little like something's burning? Huh? Now that you mention it, it suddenly got smoky Did Bakugo and Todoroki get so scared they fired off their Quirks? Honenuki?! "Itsuka Kendo - Quirk: Big Fist" Yui! Don't breathe in! This smoke It's poisonous! What's this burnt smell? That's Black smoke Is something burning? Could there be a fire on the mountain?! Now it begins.

Wh-What is this?! Pixie-Bob! Take them down.

The false brilliance of the title of "hero" We, the Vanguard Action Squad of the League of Villains, will condemn them.

Those pet cats are in the way.

Wh-Why? I thought they made doubly sure Why are there villains here?! Pixie-Bob! Oh, no! Kota! "Preview" Here's the preview! We're under attack by the League of Villains And not even Kota can escape their evil clutches.

Next time, "My Hero.

" With a full-power One For All I will save Kota! "Next time: My Hero" Go beyond! Plus Ultra!
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