03x31 - The Loudest Thanksgiving

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Loud House". Aired: May 2, 2016 - present.*
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Series revolves around the chaotic everyday life of a boy named Lincoln Loud, who is the middle child and only son in a large family of 11 children.
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03x31 - The Loudest Thanksgiving

Post by bunniefuu »

- ♪ Crashing through the crowded halls ♪

♪ Dodging girls like Ping-Pong balls ♪

♪ Just to reach the bathroom on time ♪

♪ Leaping over laundry piles

♪ Diapers you can smell for miles ♪

♪ Guy's got to do what he can to survive ♪

- ♪ In the Loud house

♪ In the Loud house

- ♪ Duck, dodge, push, and shove ♪

♪ Is how we show our love

- ♪ In the Loud house, in the Loud house ♪

- ♪ One boy and ten girls

♪ Wouldn't trade it for the world ♪

- ♪ Loud Loud Loud

♪ Loud house - Poo-poo.

[lively music]

- Hey, there, happy holidays to you.

Make yourselves comfy,

'cause Old Flip's got a Thanksgiving tale to tell ya.

[slurps] Ah.

'Twas the day before Thanksgiving

and the Loud and Casagrande families

were getting ready for the big shebang.

- OMG, Boo Boo Bear, I am so excited for Turkey Day.

- Me too. We haven't spent it with the Casagrandes

in like five years. When we lived in Royal Woods,

Mom always had to work the Thanksgiving shift

at the hospital.

[spooky music]

both: Ah! - [moans]

- Oh, this is just cranberry sauce.

I tripped on the way over.

- It wasn't great,

but I was always up to date on my booster sh*ts.

- [laughs] Hey, Bobby, check out all the cool stuff

my family's doing for Thanksgiving.

[eyes squeak]

- Hey, Lynn. - What's up, Bobby?

- Digging the new look.

- [chuckles] These are not for fashion.

They are my pee pants.

This way I don't have to miss any of the meal

or the football game by running to the bathroom like a chump.

Test run.

- Is she gonna pee her pants?

- Aw. [pants slap]

Mm. Noice.

Dry as a bone.

- So much for my chicken stock.

- How's the turkey coming, Dad? - Hah.

Turkey's are for amateurs, Lori-lou.

I'm making a tur-goose-on. A pigeon

stuffed inside a goose, stuffed inside a turkey.

Three times the bird, three times the deliciousness.

- Ooh. - [squawks] Triple homicide.

- Ooh, mashed potatoes. both: Scram!

- Nice try, sister, but as officers of the Fest Force,

it's our job to protect this food till tomorrow.

- I was just-- - We said scram!

- Where were you two when Lynn took my chicken stock?

both: [growling]

- Babe, we got a lot cooking on our end too.

- Oh, show me.

- Oh, I wish you could smell Abuela's famous tamales.

[sniffs] Ow.

- No, Roberto, there are only enough tamales for dinner.

[horns blare]

- Ah.

Abuela doesn't need guards.

She's her own one-woman Feast Force.

- [chuckles]

- Here's your pass-out pillow, Lincoln.

- Oh, every year Lincoln eats so much turkey

he falls asleep at the table and misses dessert.

- But not this year. I've got a plan.

If I start to feel sleepy,

I'll just dip my head in this bucket of ice water,

like so. Ah! I need a new plan.

- Carlos, put the book down. I need to see your eyes.

- [groans]

- Tia Frida paints a family portrait every year,

and this year's theme is "emotionally raw vegetables."

Huh? - How's the fit?

- Uh, a little tight. - I can make some alterations.

- Ah.

- Ooh, is someone playing guitar?

- That's Abuelo.

He serenades the family every year at Thanksgiving.

- Let me just tune my guitar.

Sergio, give me a G.

- [squawks] G.

[string springs]

- The Mercado does a canned food drive every year.

- I call it "Yes, we can." - Very clever, CJ.

- And now that I'm joining him, we're gonna double

last year's donations.

CJ, look, it's Mr. Park. He hasn't donated yet.

- Get him.

- Wait, come back, GravyBot.

- Gravy? - Excuse you?

[gravy squirts] Ah.

- Apologies, first-born sibling.

Just doing a test run with GravyBot,

the robot I built to ensure equal gravy distribution.

I'll send in Clean-Up-Bot. - No. No more bots.

I got it.

- Your Thanksgiving looks awesome, babe.

- So does yours. [sighs]

I just wish we could spend it together.

- Me too.

- This ought to keep me awake till dessert.

- Wait, why can't we be together?

What if I came to the city

to spend Thanksgiving with your fam?

- [gasps]

- Or I could come to Royal Woods to be with your family.

- What? - Both sound great.

You decide. - Aw, babe.

I can't do decisions.

You know how I get in restaurants when they ask,

"Booth or table?"

[cans rattle, clank]

Uh-oh, I'll call you back tonight.

I think something fell in the bleach-cat food-

guitar strings aisle.

all: They're thinking of doing what?

- No one in our family has ever missed a Thanksgiving.

- But we're all finally together.

- What if Bobby likes it so much at the Louds

that he wants to spend Christmas there too?

- First it's Thanksgiving, next thing you know,

we lose her for every holiday.

- Guys, we still have time.

They haven't decided where to go.

- Maybe if we can show Bobby how much he'd be missed--

- He won't wanna leave.

- Maybe we can convince Lori that leaving

would be a grave mistake.

all: Let's do this.

[door knocks]

[door creaks]

- Hmm, meet in the kitchen?

[playful music]

- You got our note.

- Still hungry?

[chains clank]

- Ooh. - Go ahead.

Have a little taste. We won't say anything.

- Wait a minute, is this a trap?

This seems like a trap. - No way.

We would never trap our favorite sister.

Oldest and most important.

- Yeah, I literally am.

- Lori, there you are. Come here for a sec.

I was just doing the costume fittings

for our turkey-pardoning skit.

Quick, bring Judge Lori her robe.

- Here you go, Your Honor.

- And here's our new turkey.

Aren't you excited, Lily?

We've all been pardoned by Lori,

and now it's your turn.

- [babbling, gobbling]

- Aw.

- Can you dudes imagine a Thanksgiving skit

without our rad judge? I sure can't.

- Me neither. She's our MVP.

- Why are you guys acting so weird?

- Us? Weird? What?

- Oh, Lori.

I was just hanging all the hand turkeys you kids have

made over the years and I came across the one

that started it all.

- Aw, my kindergarten turkey. - Look at that.

All 11 of my turkeys up there together.

One big, happy family, the way it's always been,

and hopefully always will be. [fingers cracking]

- Mom, you're hurting my hand.

- [sniffing]

- Roberto, I didn't know you were home.

- Do I smell--[sniffing] - My buñuelos?

Why, yes.

- They're my all-time favorite.

- They are? Huh, I didn't remember.

Please, have one.

- Wait, didn't you tell me before

I wasn't allowed to taste anything?

- Nonsense. I never said that. It's been five long years

since I've had the chance

to cook a Thanksgiving meal for you.

[sobs] You can have whatever you want.

- [munching] Mmm, mmm.

- Here, have some more.

- You made pozole too?

Another one of my faves. - Shh, shh, keep eating.

- Mmm.

- Hey, Bobby, come join us.

We were just making our traditional paper chain

of all the things we're thankful for.

- I already wrote mine. "I'm so glad the Santiagos

"are back with us this year, all three of them."

- See, big brother? Everyone's so happy

that we're together again.

- And hopefully will be forever.

[menacing music]

- Guys, you're hurting my arms.

- Hey, Lori, I'm workshopping this year's Thanksgiving poem.

Can I get your opinion?

I call it "Ode to an Empty Chair."

[clears throat] Appetizers have been vanquished,

the meal has come to pass, dessert is on the horizon,

yet this space remains so vast.

Where once sat a warm body, now there is only cold wood.

[knocks wood]

All that remains is a lock of blonde hair,

a reminder of what was once good.

[turkey gobbles]

- Ah, Lucy.

- So, what do you think? - [grunts]

Okay, that's it.

- I just heard the most horrible thing.

Saul from Saul's Sandwich Shop heard from Street Meat Malik

that Vito Filliponio's son is spending Thanksgiving

at his friend's house.

[dramatic musical flourish] both: [gasp]

- Can you imagine the pain he's causing his family?

What a sin? - Okay, that's it.

both: Family meeting.

- I literally know you guys are up to something.

Out with it. - And be honest with me.

- [groans] - Fine.

We know that you might go to the Casagrandes

for Thanksgiving. - [gasps]

You've been eavesdropping on me?

- Lincoln did it. - Dad.

- What? She forced it out of me, son.

- Look, honey, Thanksgiving means so much to our family.

- Thanksgiving means so much to our family.

- The thought of our first-born not spending it with us--

I don't wanna get too emotional, but--

- [thump, sobbing] Please don't go.

- Aw.

- You were gone for so many years,

and now that you're back with us--

I'm an old man, Bobby. [coughs]

I don't know how much time we have left together.

- [sniffles] Ah.

- Boo Boo Bear. I have something to tell you.

- I have something to, uh, tell you too.

both: You first.

I can't leave my family for Thanksgiving.

- Ah, babe, what are we gonna do?

- What if, just for this one year,

we all have Thanksgiving together?

- That's a great idea. Our families haven't met.

It'll be perfect. - Just one problem.

- How are we gonna decide whose family should--

all: Host.

- Seriously? You guys are eavesdropping again?


- It would be an honor for us to host your family

here in the city. - No, we insist.

You should come to Royal Woods.

[overlapping chatter]

- Guys, guys, let's just flip a coin

and winner gets to host. Bobby, you call it.

- Heads, no, wait, uh, tails.

Uh, uh, heads. Yep, definitely heads.

- It's tails. [cheering]

- Of course this one would call heads.

- We're not out of the woods yet.

What about next year, and the year after that?

We need to show Bobby and Lori

that this is where they wanna spend all future Thanksgivings.

- [gasps] Your father's right. We need to throw

the greatest holiday ever.

- Well, that's it. It's over.

- Nonsense. The Louds may have won the battle,

but we will win the w*r.

We just need to bring our Thanksgiving to them.

- If we show Bobby and Lori that we do Thanksgiving better

then the Louds, they'll wanna spend it

with us next year. - And every year after that.

- Yeah, watch out, Louds, 'cause--

all: It's on.

- Ah, ah--oh!

Whoops. Didn't realize you were back.

Oh, so where was I?

Ah, right. Turkey Day was here and the Louds were getting

ready for a showdown with the Casa Gs.

- Chop-chop with those streamers, girls.

We really have to dazzle Lori and Bobby

with these decorations.

Leni, weren't you gonna put a leaf in the table?

- I did. Hello?

- Uh, honey,

why don't you go help your father in the kitchen?

Lincoln, I need you to polish these spoons.

- Ow. - What're you doing?

- Ow. Trying to see if pulling out my eyebrows

will keep my awake for dessert. - Spoons.

Lola, you were supposed to choose a photo

of Bobby and Lori, not you. - What're you talking about?

- They're right there. - Try again.

[horn honks]

- [gasps] It's the Casagrandes.

[suspenseful jazz music]

- Hi, I'm CJ. Do you have any cans?

- [chuckles] Also, happy Thanksgiving.

- Welcome. [overlapping chatter]

- Boo Boo Bear. - Hey, babe.

- Punk. - Loser.

- Now, I know you said not to bring anything,

but I didn't wanna be rude and show up empty-handed.

- Oh, please. I think we can make room for one little dish.

- All right, back it up, boys.

[truck beeping]

[truck door opens and closes]

- Don't worry, honey.

There's no way they're gonna upstage your meal.

- Hi, this is a pig on a spit. Where would you like it?

both: Kitchen.

- Wow, look at this place. It's so festive, Mrs. L.

- [chuckles] Well, Bobby, we Louds go all out

for Thanksgiving.

- These store-bought decorations are nice, Rita.

Though as a professional artist,

I prefer the handmade touch.

- Aw, you made Bobby and me two peas in a pod.

That's so sweet.

- And the room feels more personal.

- So much better, - Much better.

- Literally, it's love. - So good, Tia.

- Well played, Casagrandes, but don't count the Louds out

just yet.

- If everyone would please find a seat

for our annual Thanksgiving skit.

- They have a skit? - Huh?

- [gasps] We're on it.

- Dah--no, Bobby.

We saved you a seat right here in the front row.

- Excuse me. Perdoname.



[suspenseful trial music]

- Welcome. What you're about to see

is a case of the bird's so cute you can gobble her up.

All rise for the Honorable Lori Loud.

And now let's meet the defendant,

Turkey Lily.

- [gobbles]

- Aw, she's adorable.

- Officially commence the People vs. Lilly Loud.

[gavel knocks]

both: [eyes squeak]

[ominous music]

[gavel knocking]

- Your verdict?

- We the jury find the defendant guilty.

[dramatic bell rings] - No, this is an outrage.

- Guilty of being the cutest turkey ever.

- [giggles]

- Ah, what a relief.

- Babe, your performance was amazing.

- Hey, let's talk about finding a role for you next year.

[in a Southern accent] Eh, I say, uh,

how does juror number seven sound?

- [gasps] - Dang it.

They've sucked in Bobby with his weakness for theater.

Well played, Louds, but never underestimate the Casagrandes.

[dramatic musical flourish]

- What's this?

- Our annual turkey dance, of course.

Follow our lead. Uno, dos, tres.

- Ah-ha-ha-ha-ha-hi.

[upbeat music]

all: [gobbling]

- Ha-ha-ha-hi-yi-yi.

all: [gobbling]

- Boy, we've got nothing to worry about.

- Yeah, this is terrible. - This is great.

Gobble, gobble, gobble, gobble.

- Don't worry. Dinner is the decisive battle.

That's where we're gonna Lynn-cinerate them.

- Dinner.

[overlapping chatter]

There they are. - [vocalizes horns]

- Lori, Bobby. We saved you a spot.

- No, we saved you a spot.

- Um, how about we sit in the middle?

- Uh, here, try my turkey skin-infused stuffing.

You're gonna love it. - But first, try my tamales.

I added an extra kick. - [chuckles] An extra kick.

That's cute. They don't want heat.

They want sweet. Here kids,

taste my marshmallow-covered potatoes.

- [snickers] How do you know what they want?

They're clearly craving my homemade shredded turkey mole.

[tense music] [food glopping, sloshing]

both: [groaning]

[glass clinks]

- I'd like to make a toast.

Bobby, Lori, I just wanna say how much it means

to have you here with us.

I don't know if I can get through this.

- Oh, Mom. [glass clinks]

- Uh, excuse me, if I might.

I'm sure it means a lot to you, Rita, but with all respect,

it means more to us.

- Well, Hector, that seems really unlikely,

because nothing means more to us, okay?

- Oh, really? Is that so? - Yeah, yeah, that's right.

- Forget the toast. I can say it so much better

with music.

♪ We love Bobby and Lori

♪ More than anyone in the world ♪

- ♪ Family [electric guitar blares]

[amplifier turns off]

- Oopsie.

- How dare you.


- Control your children.

It is not safe to have Thanksgiving in this house.

- Well, if you don't like it, you're welcome to leave.

Not you, Bobby, you can stay.

- That's what you want, isn't it?

To steal our precious Roberto away from us.

- Oh, oh, oh, like you haven't been trying

to steal Lori from us. Well, guess what, buck-o,

it's not gonna happen. - Guys, guys, please stop.

all: Stay out of this.

- Why would anybody wanna spend Thanksgiving here

gnawing on your dry bird? - [whimpering]

- The tur-goose-on is delicious.

Maybe the problem is your lumpy gravy.

- Did someone say gravy? [gravy splashes]

- Ah! - No, they don't deserve it.

- Ah. Malfunction. Malfunction.

Eep, eep.

[gravy splashes]

- [gasps] My painting.

- [giggles]

[tense music]

[overlapping chatter]

- [whistles] That's enough.

I know a way to settle this. - Yeah. Arm wrestle.

Let's go. - No.

Let's just ask Lori and Bobby

where they would rather spend Thanksgiving.

- Huh, where'd they go?

- And that's how Bobby and Lori ended up

at the only place in town that's open 24/7, 365.

Except during fishing season.

- I'm sorry, Boo Boo Bear.

I know you were looking forward

to having a real Thanksgiving this year.

- It's not all bad.

I found this half-off turkey jerky.

[horn honks]

[tires screech]

[overlapping chatter]

- Jumping jerky. Holy hotdogs.

- Whoa, how did you guys find us?

- Tracking devices.

- You left before trying my twice-baked tart.

- [scoffs] They would prefer my flan.

- Flan shman. Tart, tart, tart.

- Stop. Don't you guys see?

This is why we left. We couldn't stand the fighting

and competing.

- We don't want to choose sides.

So maybe from now on,

we should just spend Thanksgiving by ourselves.

[rousing music]

- Well, nobody wants that. - We certainly don't.

- Lori, Bobby, I'm sorry we've been acting so childlishly.

- We're sorry too.

It's just so hard to let go of your kids.

You know what? You should get Lori and Bobby

for Thanksgiving.

- Well, goodness know we haven't done anything

to deserve that. They should spend it with you.

- Hey, I got an idea.

Why don't you just rotate every year, huh?

Much like the juicy hotdogs I'm selling at a mere 40% mark-up.

Holiday discount. - Works for us.

- Great idea. - Yeah.

- I'm glad we figured out future years,

but what about right now? I'm starving.

- Well, we've got hotdogs and sunflower seeds

and twenty kinds of artisanal jerky.

Maybe we could throw a dinner together here.

- I'm game. - Me too.

- We could make this place look festive.

I think I have some leftover decorations in the car.

- I'll help you.

- So that's the story of how old Flip saved Thanksgiving.

Both families coming together to give thanks

and celebrate the abundance that is the old Food and Fuel.

- Rosa, this chili-cheese-dog stuffing is divine.

The habanero sauce was a nice touch.

- I never leave home without it.

- It's the perfect combination of store-bought and homemade.

- I can't believe I finally got dessert this year.

And a whole aisle's worth.

- And I can't believe we hit our donation goal

for the food drive. - Thanks, Flip.

- Eh, don't mention it.

If word gets out that Flip's a soft touch,

it's all over. - What do you think, babe?

Best T-giving ever? - Literally our best so far.

Thanks, Boo Boo Bear.

both: A toast. - To Thanksgiving traditions.

- Old and new.

- Old and new. - Salud.

- You dudes are tugging at my heartstrings,

which means I gotta tug at my guitar strings.

- How about a duet?

Uno, dos...

[Latin music]

♪ Two different families, yet so much in common ♪

- The loudness, the chaos, but we'll just keep strumming ♪

both: ♪ Together it's better when we're in harmony ♪

- ♪ For Bobby and Lori our hearts were once breaking ♪

- ♪ But now we're together It's memories we're making ♪

- ♪ Amigos nuevos, that's you - ♪ And you

both: ♪ And you, and you, and you, and me ♪

- ♪ Thanksgiving fiesta - ¿Aqui?

- You betcha.

- Will somebody save me the beak?

all: Ew.

all: ♪ Grateful por todo

♪ Agradecido

♪ Means I'm grateful for it all ♪

♪ Grateful por todo

♪ Agradecido for breaking down the wall ♪

♪ We're grateful for it all

- Ha ha ha! Sweet.

- ♪ Cramped inside this tiny space ♪

♪ May sound bad but ain't the case ♪

♪ In the Loud house - ♪ Loud house

- ♪ Duck and dodge and push and shove ♪

♪ That's the way we show our love in the Loud house ♪

- ♪ Loud house

♪ Laundry piles stacked up high ♪

♪ Hand-me-downs that make me cry ♪

♪ Stand in line to take a pee

♪ Never any privacy

♪ Chaos with 11 kids

♪ That's the way it always is ♪

♪ In the Loud house
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