03x18 - Scales of Justice/Crimes of Fashion

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Loud House". Aired: May 2, 2016 - present.*
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Series revolves around the chaotic everyday life of a boy named Lincoln Loud, who is the middle child and only son in a large family of 11 children.
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03x18 - Scales of Justice/Crimes of Fashion

Post by bunniefuu »

- ♪ Crashing through
the crowded halls ♪

♪ Dodging girls
like Ping-Pong balls ♪

♪ Just to reach the bathroom
on time ♪

♪ Leaping over laundry piles

♪ Diapers you can smell
for miles ♪

♪ Guy's got to do
what he can to survive ♪

- ♪ In the Loud house

♪ In the Loud house

- ♪ Duck, dodge, push,
and shove ♪

♪ Is how we show our love

- ♪ In the Loud house,
in the Loud house ♪

- ♪ One boy and ten girls

♪ Wouldn't trade it
for the world ♪

- ♪ Loud Loud Loud

♪ Loud house

- Poo-poo.

[upbeat rock music]

[birds chirping]

[curious music]

- Hey, Mrs. Fishman.

Didn't we talk about
you staying off your feet

until the babies are born?

You should be relaxing--

in your new kelp bed!

Oh, almost forgot--
gotta update my sign.

Let's change this to,
"Fishmans' Pond,


Wait, how many little ones
are you having, again?

Uh, let's just round it off
to 100.

So that makes 102.

Royal Woods is a great place
for big families.

You guys are gonna
be really happy here.

[brakes squealing]

[nefarious music]

What's your problem, pal?

- Beat it, kid.
This land got sold

to "The Mustard Warehouse."

They're building
a new store here.

I got orders
to fill in this pond today.

- You can't do that!

This is the Fishmans' home!

- Look, if they got a problem,
they can call a lawyer.

- They can't use the phone.

- [laughing]
Aww, come on, kid.

No one cares
about a couple of fish.

Put 'em in a t*nk or something.

- If I move the parents,
I'd have to move their eggs,

and they could die.

- What can I tell ya, kid?

There's plenty of other fish
in the sea.

Now move.

[dramatic music]

- Wait, buddy!
Your shoe's untied!

- Huh?
Oh, yeah.

- Hops, bolt removal.

- Under, around, and through.

Meet Mr. Bunny Rabbit,
pull, and through.

Oh, for crying into
your pub cheese soup!

I'll deal with this tomorrow.

- Good job, Hops.
That'll buy us a little time

to figure out a plan.

- [burps]

- Hops!
Diesel breath!

[curious music]

- Lana!
Muddy shoes!

- And pants, and shirt,
and hat!

- No time to change,
I've got a crisis on my hands.

The Fishmans are getting
kicked out of their home.

- Have they tried
calling a lawyer?

- They're fish!

And they live in the pond
at Tall Timbers park.

But now some jerks want
to pave paradise and--

- Put up a parking lot?
- No, a "Mustard Warehouse."

- Well, the Mustard Warehouse

probably will have
a parking lot.

- I can't just stand by
and watch this happen.

- Lynn, I think we might have
a little activist on our hands.

- You know, we might be able
to help, hun.

Your mother and I were quite
the activists in our day.

We rallied for a ton
of good causes.

- Equal pay for women,

reduction in carbon emissions.
- The freedom

to wear puka-shell chokers
in the workplace.

You know, all the big stuff.
- Great!

So what do I need to do?
- Well, I think your best bet

would be to draw up a petition.

- Okay, cool!

What's a petition?
- Well, you go door-to-door

collecting as many signatures
as you can.

You'll also need phone numbers,
home addresses, and emails.

- You'll need the signatures
of half of the people in town,

which would about, mm,

- 10,000?

Is that even a real number?

Okay, fine.

And then the construction
will stop?

- No, it'll just be delayed

while they call
a public hearing.

- Now, at the hearing,
there has to be...

[discordant trumpet noises]

- Boy, 10,000 signatures.

This is gonna be a long day.

Hops, we'd better pee
before we go.

- [croaks]

- [screams]

- Cool, where?

- [screaming]

I'm never going
in that bathroom again!

- You know, Hops,
maybe there's an easier way

to save the Fishmans.
- [croaks]

- You're right,
we should still pee anyway.

[curious music]

- [croaking]

[various animal noises]


[suspenseful music]

[engine squealing]

- [roars]

- Cheese and rice!

- Oof!

- [groans]

- [roaring]

- They're never gonna
believe me!

I'm outta here!
- [roaring]

[triumphant music]

- Hey, honey,
come check this out.

They're talking
about your pond.

- Katherine Mulligan
coming to you live

from Tall Timbers park.

I'm here
with the construction worker

who claims to have seen
an alleged swamp monster.

- That's right, Katherine.
Had to be 20 feet tall,

couple hundred pounds,
paws like a bunch of bananas.

See for yourself.

He came at me
with everything he had.

- And is that
when you ran away screaming?

- Wh--
Who told you that?

Was it the monster?
- Uh-huh, uh-huh.

I'm getting word that
in light of this incident,

"The Mustard Warehouse"
has decided

to build its new store
in another location.

- Yeah!

- Looks like
you lucked out, kiddo.

- Even though
you didn't need it,

we're proud you were willing
to put in the effort

with that petition.
- The what now?

Oh, right, the petition.

Yeah, I was so close

to getting
those 10,000 signatures.

- 10,000?

Is that even a real number?

- Apparently.
- Well, I'm just glad

that swamp monster
isn't in our bathroom anymore.

both: That's terrific, sweetie.

- Well, Hops, the Fishmans
are gonna be pretty happy

to see ol' Lans.

Not to boast,
but I did save their--

- Here, monster, monster.

- I need a selfie
with the monster.

- Get your swamp monster tees!

One for $4, three for 15!

- What's going on?
- Katherine Mulligan,

coming to you live
from Tall Timbers park.

It appears
the alleged swamp monster

has turned
this once-sleepy hamlet

into a hotbed
of media attention.

- Oh, you're talking to me.
- Yes, I am.

And can you please move?

Because we need to set up
our broadcasting tent.

- Be careful!

There are delicate fish eggs
over here,

They need peace and quiet.

[helicopter whirring]

How long is this whole media
hot-sauce thing gonna last?

- Until the swamp monster
decides to pack up and leave.

Katherine Mulligan
will be bringing you

all the action, 24/7.

I'm Katherine Mulligan.

- Hmm.

Pack up and leave, you say?

[devious music]

Okay, g*ng.
I feel kind of bad

about scaring all these people,
but we gotta do it

for the Fishmans.

- So, I brought
the ham and cheese.

Did you bring the baguette?
- I'm sorry.

I didn't know what that was,
so I just got bread.

- [roaring]
[both screaming]

[all screaming]
- Swamp monster!

- [screaming]

- Listen up, team,
this is Katherine Mulligan

with breaking news!
- Katherine, we know your name.

- The swamp monster
has been spotted

in Short Shrub Creek.

This is Katherine Mulligan
saying, "Let's get over there!

[dramatic music]

- Anyone wanna give Flip
a lift?

I'll give you a discount
on a tee-shirt!

Six bucks!

- Fish fam!
Great news!

I got those noisy TV people
out of here

so you can raise your babies
in peace!

- This is Katherine Mulligan,
coming to you live

from Short Shrub Creek,
where the swamp monster

has recently relocated.

- Thanks to us.
- [croaks]

- That's bad news
for "The Mustard Warehouse,"

because Short Shrub Creek
was going to be the site

of their new store.
- Wait, it was?

- The good news is,
now that Tall Timbers park

is swamp monster free,
they'll be able

to move back there.

Construction starts tomorrow.

I'm Katherine Mulligan.
- [gasps]

Hops, what have we done?

They're going right back
to the Fishmans!

Oh, Hops,
I should have listened

to Mom and Dad
and done things the right way.

We still have time
before they turn

the Fishmans' home
into mustard.

Maybe we can still do this.

[knocking on door]

Hi, Mr. Grouse!
I'm collecting signatures

to stop "The Mustard Warehouse"

from destroying
the Fishmans' home.

- Uh, did the Fishmans try
calling a lawyer?

- They're fish.

- Well, mustard gives me
the toots, so I'll sign.

- A-thank you.
A-thank you.

A-thank you.
A-thank you.

A-thank you.
A-thank you.

- There you are, honey.

We heard from that reporter

that they're back to paving
your park again.

- I know, I was out trying
to get those 10,000 signatures

to stop them.

- How'd it go?
- Not great.

- I came up
about ten million short.

- I'm really sorry, sweetie,

but you did everything
you could.

- Well, no,
I actually didn't.

I tried to take a shortcut
and made things worse.

And by the time I decided
to do it the right way,

I was too late.

- Well, we're still proud
that you stood up

for what you believed in.

- Yeah, but that doesn't
do much for the Fishmans.

They're still going
to lose their home.


- Wait a proverbial
ding-dang moment.

- Lisa, if you tell me
to call a lawyer,

I'm going to--
- No, no, no.

You don't need a lawyer
or signatures.

The Fishmans, as you
so charmingly refer to them,

are actually
Acipenser Fulvenscens.

Street name: lake sturgeon.

- The Fishmans are doctors?
- Ugh.

Not "surgeon," Leni,

Which are endangered,
and therefore protected.

- Wait, are you saying--

- That nobody can touch
their habitat.

It's a Federal law.
- Yes!

- As you may recall,
in 1973 Congress passed...

[discordant trumpet noises]

Luna, I'm trying
to speak, here.

- See that, Fishmans?

You are now
federally protected,

which means no one
can mess with your home.

Fish babies!
Aunt Lana and Uncle Hops

are here to babysit!

You guys enjoy yourselves.

A-thank you.

- Are you sure
this is a good idea?

- Oh, Leni, come on.

from the news said there hasn't

been a swamp monster sighting
in days!

- Okay, I guess.


- [spitting]

[both shrieking]

[Leni screaming, groaning]

[dramatic musical flair]

[upbeat jazz music]

[dramatic music]

- "Well, Ace,
we've narrowed down

"the suspects to...

"'The Card Shark,'
'Snake Eyes,'

"and 'The Old Maid,
but which one made off

"with the golden die?"

- "It's as clear
as the mustache

"on your face, Jack!

"Only one of these villains
could have done the deed--

"and that is..."

My money's
on "The Card Shark."

- Same.
The guy never blinks.

You just can't trust him.

Okay, let's see.

Boom! Nailed it!

We just solved our fifth case
in a row.

We're on a hot streak!

[door opens]

- [sniffling, whining]

- Hey, Leni.

How was work?
- [sobbing]

- What happened?

I thought things
were going great at the store.

- They were!

Until this afternoon.

Your receipt's in the bag,
along with some samples

of our new scent:
"Sugar Cookie Sunshine."

[whimsical music]

That skirt would look great
on you.

And it also makes
a cute poncho!

- [gasps]
You just changed my life!

- [clears throat]
Uh, Leni?

- Hi, Mrs. Carmichael!

How's the monthly
inventory going?

- Not great.

Several scarves
have gone missing.

Can you come with me?
- Are we going

on a scavenger hunt?

There was no scavenger hunt.

She thinks I stole the scarves!

- What?
Why would she think that?

- They were all
from my department,

and they all went missing
in the month

that I've worked there,
so she said

she had to let me go.

And I said, "Go where?"

And she said,
"That means you're fired!"


- That is so unfair.

Leni would never
steal anything.

- This is worse than the time
Crazy 8 was falsely accused

of stacking the deck.

If only there was someone

who could help
clear Leni's name.

- You mean like us?

- Lincoln, I know we have these
amazingly accurate uniforms,

but we're just
11-year-old boys.

- 11-year-old boys
who just solved

their fifth case in a row.

We're ready
to deal out some justice.

- Wow,
you just sounded like Ace.

If I had hair on my arms,
it would be standing up.

[heroic music]

So cute for fall.

Jack to Ace:
No suspects sighted

by the mini-backpacks, over.

- Copy, no suspects by the--

- Cool costume.
I'm playing superheroes, too!

Wanna see my hideout?
- Ah!

Actually, this isn't a costume,
it's a uniform.

And I'm not playing,
I'm investigating.

Where are your parents?

- My mom's too busy
to play, too.

- Ace!

Suspect spotted
by the scarves,

and you won't believe
who it is.

- Sorry, kid,
gotta follow this lead.

[rousing jazz noir music]

It can't be her.

She lent me
her safety goggles in gym.

It's totally her.
Come on!

- Oh, I know I'm gonna
get in trouble but...

all: Hold it right there!

- Gabby, you already have
a closet full of scarves.

- Mom, please!

Just let me buy it!

I have a gift card.
- Your aunt gave you that

for a sensible pair of shoes.

Now put that scarf back.

Clyde? Lincoln?

What are you doing here?
- [whistling]

- Oh, you know,
just shopping for some--

- Training bras?

- [yelps]

- Ugh.
Do you have any idea

how hard these things are
to put back on hangers?

- Uh, sorry.
We'll clean it up.

- I'll just gather
these, uh, items.

My crime eye!

[jazz flair]

Okay, so we'll be
more careful next time.

No one's a suspect unless
they're extremely suspicious.

- Like, say, a senior
in the junior's department?


We know she's done
some hard time in mall jail.

- Maybe she's just here
to buy a gift

for her parole officer.

- Then why is she going
into the fitting room?

- [gasps]
You're right.

She's probably going in there

so she can stash the scarf
in her bag.

- Let's get her!
- Wait!

We can't just barge
into a fitting room.

- Dang it, you're right.

We need a way to stop her
on the way out.

Oh, I've got it.
- Spike strip!

- Let's see her try
to scoot over these.

- [laughs]

They'll have to start
calling her "Stops."

[horn honking]
[wheels whirring]

- Make way!
Mama's late for a toga party.

- Uh oh, I think
we messed up again.

- Mrs. Stops, scoot!
I mean--

Mrs. Scoot, stop!

- Here's your 20 bucks,
I don't need a receipt.

[horn honking]
[both cry out]

- Whoa!

[tires squealing]

My "b"!
Put it on my tab!

- Seriously?
You two again?

- Sorry, we'll clean this up.

[dramatic jazz music]

- Get out!

- Okay, so we're 0 for 2,
but I'm sure Ace and Jack

have made a few
false accusations

in their careers.
- Totally.

Remember that lawsuit
they had to settle

with "The Bluffer"?

- We just have
to be more careful

not to jump to conclusions.
- Right.

And if we see someone walking
quickly away from the store

clutching a bag
with blue fabric

sticking out of it.
- Exactly.

- Wait, what?

[both gasp]
both: Fiona!

- It makes perfect sense.

That's why she threw us
out of the store--

she didn't want us
on her trail.

- Come on, Ace.
Let's go deal with this joker.

- Wait.
We need one more player

at the table.

[both holler]
- You're back!

And you brought
your sidekick!

- Uh, excuse me?

We're partners.

- Can we all
play superheroes now?

- Sorry, we can't.

We're about to crack a case.

- Aww...

- There she is!

Mrs. Carmichael?

We can prove that Leni
didn't steal those scarves.

- Uh, who are you?

- Clearly, we're detectives.

- Here are five cases
we've previously cracked.

- Please just come with us.
There's not much time!

- [slurping]

- Stop right there, Fiona!

- Open the trunk.
- What? Why?

I--I'm not doing that.
- I think you better.

- Okay, you caught me.


- Mrs. Carmichael,
I think you'll find

this bag contains
at least one blue--

both: Dress?

- Yep.
I bought this at Stader's

after my shift.
Sorry, Mrs. C.

I know we're not supposed
to shop at our competitors,

but it was such a good deal.

- Well, I can't say
that I approve, bu--

Wow, they are giving this away.

Do they have it in a 12?

- [clears throat]
Um, Fiona?

We're really sorry
for accusing you.

- These things sometimes happen
in detective work.

You're bound to play
a few bad hands

before you win the jackpot.

- Whatever.
I'm leaving now.

[tires squealing]

- Well, ma'am,
we've made a mistake.

But don't worry,
we're not giving up

until we find
the real shoplifter.

- It would really help
if we could have access

to your private employee files
and customer mailing list.

- [sighs]
Look, I appreciate

what you're trying to do
for Leni,

but I don't need two kids
in costumes

disrupting my store.

Now, please, just stay out.

- Give us another chance!

Ace and Jack can't rest

until they've done found
some justice!

[car honking]

I feel terrible, Clyde.

We failed Leni,
and now she'll never

get her job back.

- I just don't know
how we got it so wrong.

Is it possible
reading comic books

doesn't make you
a good detective?

- I guess it's possible.

Maybe we really are
just two kids in costumes.

- You're right.

That wasn't a good idea.

- [whimpering]

Oh, hey you guys.

Don't mind me, I'm just looking
for stuff to fold.

I really miss it.

Oh, can I fold this?

- You can have it.

I'm done wearing capes.

- Well, it doesn't have
to be a cape.

You could wear it
as a scarf, too.

- Wait,
did you just say "scarf"?

- You're right.
What was I thinking?

Wrong season, Leni.

How about a beach cover-up?
- No, no, "scarf!"

Clyde, that's it!

If a cape can be a scarf--

- Then a scarf can be a cape.

- I think I know
who the culprit is.

- So do I.

- Leni, can I have that back?

We have a crime to solve.

- At the beach?

- Okay, let's split up.

You look
in the accessories section,

I'll cover the shoes.
- Ahem.

I thought I told you
to stay out of my store.

- Don't worry, ma'am,
we'll be gone in a minute.

We just need to talk
to your son.

- My son?
- [grunts]

- You're back!
Your mustache is crooked.

- Hey!
Any chance you still want

to play superheroes?
- Yeah!

I'll show you my hideout!

- Hideout?
What hideout?

- I think we all
should go see it.

Especially you,
Mrs. Carmichael.

- Ugh, fine.

But if you boys
are wasting my time again,

I will have you banned
from the mall

until you're 18.
- No more fro-yo?

- No more comic book store?

- You'd better be right,

The stakes are high.

[suspenseful music]

- So here's my hideout.

Let me just

put in the password.

[beeping noises]

- [gasps]
The scarves!

- Mom, they're superhero capes.

- [sighs]

I had it all wrong.

Thank you, boys.

- No problem, ma'am.

I guess you could say
justice was in the cards.

[triumphant music]

[mellow music]

- [sighs]

Cute top!

And did you know
you can also wear it

as a pencil skirt?

- Oh, Leni,
I can't apologize enough

for accusing you
of stealing those scarves.

Is there any way
I can make it up to you?

- Hmm...

Are there any sweaters
I can fold?

Hey, you guys!

Thank you so much
for getting my job back.

I've been telling everyone
at the mall

what totes amazing detectives
you are.

- We know!
We just got a new case

at the pet store.
- A chameleon's gone missing.

They think.
He's really hard to see,

so it's possible
he's just in his cage.

- Well, if anyone
can solve the case,

it's Blake Saucy
and One-Arm-Joe.

- Eh, close enough.

Ready to deal out some justice?

[thrilling jazz music]

- [grunts]

- Seriously?

- ♪ Cramped inside
this tiny space ♪

♪ May sound bad
but ain't the case ♪

♪ In the Loud house
- ♪ Loud house

- ♪ Duck and dodge
and push and shove ♪

♪ That's the way we show
our love in the Loud house ♪

- ♪ Loud house

♪ Laundry piles
stacked up high ♪

♪ Hand-me-downs
that make me cry ♪

♪ Stand in line
to take a pee ♪

♪ Never any privacy

♪ Chaos with 11 kids

♪ That's the way
it always is ♪

♪ In the Loud house
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